| As a single male who was there last Friday, I would like to add to the comments by lovelycouple83 below… I understand totally what they are saying. Xtasia is a great club, with wonderful staff and facilities, but as a single guy I did feel uncomfortable finding myself part of the a large group who follow couples to the downstairs playroom and then loiter outside trying to see what’s going on and hoping to be invited to join. Some couples clearly do like to have an audience, though, and the only times I have been invited to play and join a couple or group on their room has been by doing this… I appreciate though other couples who prefer privacy must find it very annoying.
I have found it very difficult to engage couples in conversation in the bar, disco area etc though because of the noise of the music and I have difficulty hearing what’s bring said. I have found that even on singles nights, few couples seem interested in engaging with single guys… many just want to play with each other or with other couples.
I also agree with the dress code comments. When I joined it was emphasised that In the club people should dress smartly, and I hsve tried to do that. Many of the single guys though have been in T-shirts, trainers etc, which has surprised me. I wore smart jeans last Friday whereas previously I had worn smarter trousers and felt overdressed in comparison with most of the other single guys there…
Date: 20 April 2022