| A great night at Flirts, which is separate to Xtasia, but part of the same swinging complex. We visited Wednesday evening for Couples/Females only and had a great night and atmosphere.
We’ve always loved the old school pubs with a pool table - would love a dartboard - hint ;-) and so much character, and Flirts Bar delivers on this. Difference being that we’re with likeminded people, and can be relaxed without offending and also naughty options to explore.
We’d definitely recommend Flirts on a Wednesday for newbies as it offers them the perfect opportunity to be in a relaxed no pressure atmosphere where they can meet likeminded people and get an insight to the scene and get a tour of club Xtasia (to prep them for the weekend).
With Pammy heading up the bar and looking after everyone, we feel right at home (think ‘Cheers’ on steroids).
Anyone reading that’s new to the scene, we’ll certainly be there most Wednesdays and more than happy to meet up and share our experiences and anecdotes to prepare you for what this wonderful lifestyle offers.
Thanks again to Paul and Flirt. An exciting year ahead!
Jordan and Lizzie xx
Date: 14 January 2022