| Went to xtasia for the first time on the weekend. The Mrs and I had considered several other establishments in a process that was meticulous in its execution. I am sure there was even some form of spreadsheet ranking system on the go at one point! In the end it was the proximity to a large Primark and a premier Inn that swung it for xtasia! Never thought I would say it, but thank god for Primark! We inadvertently stumbled upon our new home. It was the Mrs' first visit to a club, she was very nervous the first night there (Friday) The wonderful staff did their upmost to put her at ease. Saturday night was a whole new ball game. The staff continued to be amazing, the regulars proved as welcoming as could be possible and the atmosphere vastly improved on the Friday night. We were very pleasantly surprised to find xtasia so accommodating to our kinks and fetishes, with plenty of equipment and spaces. It would be nice to have the cross moved from the main area into one of the dungeon spaces, but I am knit picking there. Just to hammer the point home, I can't speak highly enough of the staff, to a person they are fantastic and did quite literally go miles out of their way to make our time there fantastic! I have been to many clubs over many years, none as welcoming and well run as xtasia.
Date: 1 June 2022