| Only just been on Fab long enough to leave a revue so here goes! Having talked about it for ages we finally got the courage up to take our first visit to VA on Friday 3rd September and it exceeded our expectations in every way! We both felt relaxed and comfortable from the minute we arrived with the warm and friendly welcome and clear explanation of how it worked and from that moment on it was an amazing night. It’s just so great being somewhere where everyone knows the score and you are with likeminded people, actually far more relaxing than a normal club! Having initially said we’d just stay in the main club, then maybe take a look out back we ended up playing and fucking together, totally at ease with everything around us and just loving the whole experience. Everyone was super respectful and while one or two offered to join, when we said a polite no thanks it was taken in the right way and we were never made to feel uncomfortable at all. If you have been thinking about it for a while definitely do it, even if it’s not for you you’ll have a great night with fun, relaxed, sexy people and will have had a great experience. If like us it is for you, you’ll have opened your world up to something truly extraordinary!
Date: 10 October 2021