| i went there this afternoon to have some spa time, and was relaxing upstairs when i heard one of the staff shouting for one of the female guests to make themselves known. This lady appeared, and was given a real dressing down in front of other guests for several minutes. Her faux-pas? Daring to take a drink of water with her! Seeing as the rules clearly state that you should keep yourself hydrated, and that there are no water facilities other than the lounge area, she did what most people would do, take a drink with her.
Seeing as there is no ventilation in the club whatsoever, you don't need to use the sauna to achieve the same results.
All the staff are eastern european ladies, with no customer facing skills at all. I have seen guests ejected from the club for daring to question one of the rules, and woe betide anyone that falls foul of the owner of the place.
Their rules say that if you are caught infringing a rule, you will be asked to address your behaviour. How can you do that if you aren't given the chance, or are treated like a scolded child. The correct way to have dealt with this would have been to take the lady to one side, and remind her that drinks cannot be taken elsewhere from a health and safety point of view.
On a more serious note, it is flouting health and safety rules to have carpet on stairs where it becomes saturated, and has no chance to dry out, as this is a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bacteria, including dermatitis and even worse, scabies.
If you are going to use the club, you should take the necessary precaution of wearing flip-flops in all wet areas. But wait you say, that is against the rule stating that no SHOES are allowed in any of the main areas. That is indeed true, except flip-flops are not shoes. Go bare footed at your peril. I certainly didn't, even at the chance of incurring the wrath of herr hitler!
Date: 13 January 2016