Quantum physics is the study of the behaviour of physical phenomena at the very smallest scales of size. The name refers to the concept that when looking at the very small, many of the properties of the universe that we normally think of as being continuously variable, are actually quantised ie. have discrete steps of size rather than being able to be divided infinitely.
The concept of atoms has been around for so long that we are now used to the idea that matter is not infinitely divisible into ever smaller pieces. Eg. if I have a piece of iron, I can cut it in two and have two pieces that are smaller but both are still made of iron. I can keep cutting it smaller and still have pieces of iron, but we are familiar with the idea that ultimately the pieces cannot go smaller that individual atoms of iron, that there are a finite number of atoms of iron within any given lump of iron. With a good enough microscope we could separate the lump atom by atom, and count how many atoms we have. But if we try to cut an atom of iron in half, it is no longer an atom of iron, instead it is a selection of sub-atomic particles none of which is iron.
So matter is not a continuously divisible substance, it basically comes in very very tiny "lumps".
However there are other phenomena which our common sense tells us should be continuously divisible and never reach a smallest step, but quantum theory indicates otherwise. One example would be momentum, which is the mass of an object multiplied by the speed which it is moving at. To non-physicists, momentum is not necessarimustly a familiar measurement, however speed is. And we think of speed as being continuously adjustable - that eg. between stopped and 1 mile per hour, there must be a literally infinite number of possible speeds. However slow something is moving, it could always be slowed down a bit more without actually being forced to stop.
So if we think of a single atom of iron, or smaller still, a single sub-atomic particle that we have taken from an atom, it feels as if it should be able to be stopped or to move quickly, or to move slowly, with increments of speed as small as we like. The other alternative is that there is some specific slowest speed, call it 1 mini per second, where a mini is some really tiny distance. And that our sub-atomic particle can be either stopped ie. moving at 0 mps, or at 1 mps, or at 2 mps, or at 3 mps, or at any whole number multiple of mps. But it cannot move at half an mps.
But hang on, how can that work? If our particle is moving at 1 mps, and we speed it up so that it goes at 2 mps, surely there must be some moment when it is at an in-between speed? How does it get to 2 mps without going through 1 and a bit mps, 1 and a bigger bit mps, 1 and a half, just less than 2, and finally 2? Quantum theory tells us that no, there are no in-between speeds. For a particle of a fixed mass, the momentum, and hence the speed, comes in quantised intervals - minimal step sizes. When the particle speeds up it is moving at exactly 1 mps at one moment, and at exactly 2 mps the next moment, with no in-between. The particle "quantum jumps" from the speed of 1 to the speed of 2.
And that basically is quantum physics! From this simple concept of "quantised" phenomena arises all the complexity and strangeness that we now label as "quantum". Actually using quantum physics for anything usually involves a lot of very very complicated mathematics, and some of the conclusions that are derived from this mathematics can seem very counter-intuitive. However quantum physics is one of the most accurate and perfectly tested branches of science. There are some areas around the edges of it where the mathematics becomes too complicated to actually be computed, but in all the places where the numbers can be calculated, they are proved to be absolutely spot on. One specific piece of evidence that shows how accurate quantum physics is, is the very existence of the device that you are using to read this forum post! The transistors inside the microprocessor at the heart of your phone or computer could only be designed with the aid of quantum physics calculations. The materials in the screen you read these words on were made using quantum physics. The chemicals comprising modern plastics are designed using quantum physics!
Ultimately, Fabswingers can only exist because of quantum physics being correct! Fab IS quantum! ![](/icons/s/biggrin.gif) |