| My first time at any sort of swingers event, the venue is a lovely, comfortable and clean place to meet like minded people, my nervousness quickly evaporated as I was welcomed by new friends and some I had made online, everyone there were approachable and chatty and there seemed to be a charged feeling in the air, a feeing of excitement and expectancy.
Great food and a well stocked bar, that I was unable to avail myself of due to driving. I know from experience in 'normal' clubs that the smoking area is the best place to meet and chat to people so I spent some time out there with my vape and was accepted and integrated into conversations as if we were all old friends.
After stripping and venturing into the pool, being led back out to play straight away I felt a little overwhelmed and just did my own thing for a while, I observed others doing the same so didn't feel out of place at all. Back in the pool a very sexy tattooed couple fucked right next to me, I even had a leg draped over one of mine for support, it was one of the most erotic things I have experienced, I don't play with them myself but was very happy being a voyer to the awesome sight of the girl being thoroughly in the moment and making some incredible noises. I did play again later and had an incredible time, didn't play as much as I expected but I put it down to first time nerves as everyone there were open to extra players.
In summary, this is an awesome venue with an incredible crowd and I can't recommend it enough, I was even surprised how much the patrons love the social side, so it's not all just about fucking then!
Date: 6 February 2016