| We've visted this club on a number of ocasions, probably about 30 in all in the last 4 years.
It was and still is, despite some changes of management over that time, one of the best in the country.
Sometimes we have gone and played with others, sometimes not and its been more social but its never been crap.
Some nights have been busier than others, but we've NEVER been when there has been less than 60 people. We've been mainly on Saturdays, but attended two photoshoot Thursdays, two Free Fridays and one Sunday. We've taken numerous friends there over the years, guys, single girls, and couples and they have all wanted to go back.
The club can always be better, as any club can, and Liberty Elite probably has more scope (And space) for this than any other club in the country. We understand theming the accomodation is next on the list (You might have to pay more for the one with the sling and the cage)
It has always appealed to a broad range of people across the scene, both in types and ages. Those more mature like the furnishings, decor and class of the place, while some of the younger generation like the music and dressing up, some people love all of the above.
The club has made considerable improvements, even since our last full review (scroll down) and we know they plan to continue this. There are a number of good clubs in this region of the country, and its made all the owners work that bit harder for their business, Liberty is no exception.
As the owners stated, they're happy to listen to and take on board any criticism and address it if possible, they are after all a business that cares about their client base. If you don't believe that, then perhaps its just not the type of club for you. We've raised things with them over the years and they are nearly always taken on board.
It's a superb first choice for anyone of any age looking for their first club, especially new couples who want a strictly couples only (Saturday) enviroment as well as one of the few clubs that compares to some of the smaller well run venues in mainland Europe. Liberty has always been more chosy about its single men list for Fridays, that is not a bad thing. If your not bothered about personal hygiene and conversation, then there's plenty of choices for you at any given night at Rios.
If you haven't been there yet you should, try and book a room in advance, but remember, for all the clubs on the scene, January and February, are the worst months of the year.
If you want the busiest night possible, call ahead and ask the club to recommend you a date to visit. They will steer you towards their best date. Any night is only as good as the people that go, and no club has control over this, but Liberty has always been one of the most consistent for us both in numbers and nice people.
It is one of the best in the UK, in many people's view, it is the best.
Date: 19 February 2013