
Sexual Adventurers and Erotic Explorers busy making dirty home videos

Couple in Norwich, East Midlands, UK   TickPhoto Verified

Joined: over a year ago
Last on: over a year ago

We have been off the scene for almost a year now due to me having a spinal injury and major surgery last October and still not fully recovered yet sad to say.

Please do not write 'text speak' in emails to me - u and r are letters, not words - it is simply lazy and bad manners when you have a whole keyboard in front of you - messages that consist of one line like "Wazzup" "Hey what's up" or "What u been doin'" from people I don't actually know will not be replied to - life is too short.


If you actually want information about us please read the text below - it is divided into 3 sections - (1)PROFILE: (2)MEETS: (3)F.A.Q. - If not the pictures are at the bottom. :)

If you can't be bothered to read it because it's too long for you then that's ok too - I don't mind - just don't write to me asking questions that are answered below because it is unlikely to generate a positive response.


I am from the UK, genuinely bi (I stopped being 'bi-curious' around puberty) and part of a M/F couple, the other part being Alex who I love dearly. We both are sexual adventurers, at ease with our sexuality and high libedo and we always practice safe sex with all of our various playmates.

How would I describe us ... well subjectively for a start. LOL We like to laugh and be happy ... hence don't watch miserable soap operas but roll around if it's a good comedy show. We both read books (a rareity these days it seems) ... we are both outgoing types, can hold a conversation on more than one level and enjoy 'performing' as it were.

On the 'domestic' side we are now 'dependent child' free ... so all our toys are our own! We are not big drinkers as we are uninhibited enough nor do we use other 'chemicals' but we respect the choices made by others in those areas. Our pet vice is that we smoke ... which is our choice ... we have no problem being considerate about it but we are not apologetic about it either!

I have described us as Sexual Adventurers so what or who are Sexual Adventurers ? Sexual Adventurers are folk for whom one label is just not enough ... they may come from the swing scene, the fetish/BDSM scene, from dogging, exhibitionism, naturism or even be brand new looking for something more than monogamy!

What they have in common is that they are folk who want to explore the wider shores of sexuality that border the vast ocean of sensuality upon which we sail, Sexual Adventurers are hedonists who celebrate their sexuality and libedo rather than repressing it ... and are emotionally far healthier for it.



As you can see I have taken a little time to complete our profile and have posted identifiable pictures of us. I am fully aware that this will result in messages wanting to 'get to know me/us'. In order to save time I will state here and now that I actually read profiles and one line messages from folk who cannot be bothered to create a reasonable profile and load a reasonably sized picture or two (of themselves not ones lifted off the net) will probably be ignored.

Gentlemen, no matter how many times you photograph your penis it only counts as one picture in my book. It only has two poses - hard and soft and I have no interest in soft. If you are too shy to show your face and full body shots then I am really not the girl for you.

I have a very active life and, although my profile may show us as 'online' that is because of the magic of always on broadband - neither of us sit at the 'puter for very long thus don't do chat - it just eats real life time. The same applies to MSN and Yahoo messenger I'm afraid - it is simply a matter of available time - so please do not pester.

I am a friendly and fairly open sort of lass so requests to be added to our friends list are usually successful ... however ... inclusion on the list does not automatically entitle folk to demand my off site email, my phone number, my address etc.

Last but not least -I do not just go out and meet guys or girls or couples alone, Alex always accompanies me ... in part for security reasons (there are crazy people out there y'know) and also to take pictures/video of my adventures. The exhibitionist/video nature of our particular 'thing' means that our games would not suit someone who requires absolute visual anonymity as we cannot guarantee that faces will not appear on video although guys faces are not the main focus of the video.

So, if you are sexually liberated, in reasonable shape, NOT video camera shy, have read the FAQ below, have your own transport (given our location we don't meet guys who don't have their own transport) and are prepared to travel to Norfolk you could get lucky :) If, on the other hand, you are someone who wants full anonymity on the net then you really need to look elsewhere ... I don't care if you are in a relationship or single or have a 'sensitive' job ... if you feel that you must sneak around and not be open about your own sexual adventures then our games really will not suit you!


(3) F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Questions about me (Rudie).

I get a lot of mail - mostly from guys trying to get into my panties. Now, whilst I don't mind receiving reasonably well written messages it does become tiresome cutting and pasting the same replies time after time. I have selected the most frequent questions along with my responses and placed them here. This has a twofold purpose - on the one hand it provides answers to popular questions - on the other it functions as a 'reading test' to let me know if those who write to me have bothered to read my profile.

What is your ethnicity?

Genuine Celt - White Scots - born North 'o the Border - both parents Scots as was their forebears etc.,etc.

Where were you educated?

My education was privately funded by my parents - I was a boarder at one of the better all girls schools in the UK. I then spent a year at a 'finishing school' before going on to University. OK, so I'm a 'posh tart' - get over it. ROFL

What colour are your eyes?


What is the natural colour of your hair?


How long is your hair?

It has been long enough for me to sit on but at the moment has been trimmed to just above my bum.

How tall are you without heels?

Five foot five inches tall.

How much do you weigh?


What is your dress size?

Somewhere between a 10 and a 12 (UK) depending on the cut and time of month.

What is your bra and cup-size?

36 DD

How would you describe your breast size?

Large - I have big tits - it's a visible fact.

Are your breasts natural or enhanced?

All natural - firm but heavy so gravity does have some effect but they do bounce well.

What style do you prefer for your pubic hair?

I am usually shaved completely - I like the 'exposed' feeling it gives me. Occasionally I will grow a 'landing strip' just for variety. I dislike untidy pubic hair - neatly trimmed or shaved is so much more pleasant to go down on !

Do you smoke?


Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

Neither - so far. I have thought about a tattoo for a while but haven't found the right design yet.

The most sensitive part of your anatomy is?

Clit, then nipples with my bumhole a close 3rd!

What is your favourite sexual position?

Has to be doggie with my big bare bottom in the air!

What is your second favourite sexual position?

On my back with my ankles on the guys shoulders!

How often do you masturbate?

At least once a day - mostly several times a day.

What sexual activity do you enjoy the most?

Nothing beats a good fucking.

Do you do anal?

Yes, I actually enjoy it when the mood is on me and experience 'anal' stimulated orgasm. I also enjoy cock sucking, pussy licking, tribbing, d/p and triple/multiple penetration.

Do you bareback?

Only with my life partner. I am a horny sexual adventurer - not a sexual suicide.

When is your libido at its highest?

LOL - when I know I'm being watched of course !

Do you cyber?

No I do not. I find it quite pointless personally. If I wish to masturbate I can construct my own fantasies in my imagination or from my own real life experiences - I do not find it helps to be distracted by typing.

Do you webcam?

Yes, but only in certain circumstances. Not to put too fine a point on it I do paid webcam work from time to time on another site. It allows me to gratify my exhibitionist urges whilst providing me with 'lipstick and undies mad money'.

Will you send me pictures and vids to my email

No - I post them to the web only. If you cannot be arsed to use Google or follow the links given in my profiles that's fine but don't ask me to do the work for you.

At what age did you lose your virginity?

Not telling - for legal reasons ! LOL

Describe the experience (when and where)

It was a summer evening in the dunes at Silver Sands. He showed me his stiff cock and slowly started to rub it. I was mesmerised watching his hand sliding up and down, he moved closer to me so that his cock was only a few inches away from my face. My hand was rubbing my pussy mound over my panties and I was so wet that he thought I had peed myself. He slipped a rubber on, pulled my panties down and tried to push his cock into me but I was too tight. In the end he lay back on the sand and I squatted over him and lowered myself slowly onto his twitching dick. It hurt for a moment but then it was amazing - I dropped forward onto his chest and he began to move his hips slowly sliding his pole in and out of my wet hole. Eventually I came - and came - and came - to the extent that I lost control and peed on his cock and balls but he didn't seem to mind. So, my first experience was mindblowing - and I guess that might be why I love sex so much now !!!

You seem to enjoy a large number of sexual partners - do you have sex with just anybody?

No I don't! Do not confuse a high libedo with uncontrolled promiscuity. My attraction system is just as selective as most other peoples. The key difference is that I have overcome most of my personal repressions and sexual inhibitions thus allowing myself to fulfill my fantasies and desires as the opportunities occur.

So how do I meet you for sex fun?

I get a lot of mail every week from guys wanting to come and have fun with us and it saves a lot of everyones time if we make a few things clear. I am in a relationship and do not meet strangers alone on a 1 to 1 basis for safety reasons so please don't pester. If we invite someone to visit our little fantasy world it is on our terms not theirs. We never meet anyone without seeing proper, clear photographs first (face and body) and knowing a bit about them - after all, there has to be an attraction for things to work and it is useful to know what peoples expectations are before meeting. We are based in Norfolk and although we very occasionally travel most of our video shoots are there. The videos we make at meetings do get published on the net. We cannot guarantee that faces will not appear on video although guys faces are not the main focus of the video - its their risk. (If guys wish to wear shades or fake moustaches that's up to them, but they provide it). All sexual contact is of the 'safer' variety - with condoms. If you are into bareback sex you are not for us.

Does a persons age affect your attraction to them?

No it doesn't - as long as they are of legal age to give informed consent, age is not an issue. Neither is race, creed nor colour issues for me. I tend to find maturity more attractive than 'adolescent enthusiasm', however, physical age is not always an indicator of maturity. I have had glorious times with young guys and some of my most memorable orgasms were with a guy in his late 60's - their common ground was that they were all reasonably physically fit, witty. intelligent and considerate. Predetory or pushy behaviour by either gender is a total turn off for me as is folk who are careless about their appearance

Is physical appearance in sex partners important to you?

Well, the 'politically correct' answer is to say not really - BUT - the fact of the matter is that everyones arousal system is different and operates outside of 'PC' considerations. For example, people who like women with small breasts will not find my big tits particularly attractive - we may relate to each other as friends but will not become sexually intimate. I accept that and do not feel 'rejected'. I do not consider myself a 'body facist' nor do I only get physical with the Ken and Barbie types however, being totally honest, I am not sexually attracted to the significantly overweight - big bellies just don't do it for me.

What sort of men turn you on?

Ones that know the difference between self confidence and self obsession.. I don't like arrogant idiots, whingers or whining types - I do like guys who can make me laugh and who are capable of old fashoned manners (but can be just that little bit crude in bed). Intelligent, well spoken guys who can hold a conversation without resorting to bullshit rate well.

Does penis size matter?

Bloody daft question - of course it does. Sorry if that bruises an ego or two but it is a fact. For what it is worth size is relative, small tight pussies work fine with small cocks - capacious pussies can accomodate large cocks comfortably. On a personal level I find my optimum cock size is around seven and a half inches in length and six inches in girth. Having said that I will say that I have had fun with lengths ranging from five to nine inches - less than five tends to be dissapointing and more than nine can be simply painful if the owner gets too enthusiastic.

What sort of women turn you on?

Mmmm well, wide eyed innocent girlie types are fun when I'm feeling all 'assertive' - big titties do it for me too, as do shapely bottoms. Most of all I suppose the ones who let me know they fancy me are the ones that get my motor running best. I tend to be the more 'active' one when I am with another woman (with a couple of very notable exceptions that I have known for years). Being bisexual I cannot be doing with 'man haters' nor 'evangelical lesbians' - I like cock as much as I like pussy and attempts to 'convert' me to one side or the other will be met with a big "No thank you".

How do you feel about Cross-Dressers, Transvestites and Transexuals?

Well firstly it is a mistake to place all three in the same catagory - they are very different.

We have a regular young pre-op Transexual playmate, a real 'shemale' with 30C cup breasts, smooth slim body, small hands, totally feminine features ... and an 8 inch cock! We have been 'involved' with her since 2004 and it's great fun - she is so totally a girl.

Transvestites come in many 'styles'. I have had fun with some very convincing TVs in my time but that is the key for me to be turned on by it - 'convincing'. For example I have a very good friend who is a transvestite and we shop and meet for coffee but ... he is over 6 foot, built like a rugby prop forward with a voice deeper than the Atlantic. He and I both know sex just is never going to happen with him dressed 'en femme'.

Cross dressers tend to be males that just wear womens undies - no attempt at looking feminine - and I have to be honest - I do not find cross dressers appealing at all. I understand why some guys like to wear pretty undies but the visual effect just kills my libido. Sorry all you X-dressers reading this.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in public?

A difficult question because being an exhibitionist I don't embarrass easily. I once filled my car with petrol only to discover that I had left my purse at home, I felt really foolish however the attendent and I came to a mutually satisfying arrangement so it didn't work out too badly in the end.

What is the most memorable sexual experience you’ve ever had?

The one that springs to mind immediately was a few years ago when I had just got interested in dogging. We had been out to a car park late evening and had absolutly no luck at all - totally deserted. On the way home Alex suggested that we take a look at a picnic area in a country park. We saw some cars but no people so, as it was a fine night decided to have a bonk on a picnic table. Within a very short space of time guys began to appear out of the tree line - watching and wanking. I was really turned on but didn't feel my poor 'lil bum and pussy could cope with them all so I stripped down to heels and hold ups and invited them to wank over my naked body. There were about 23 of them and I was quickly covered in cum and had to travel home dripping. Lovely. I was soooo turned on I nearly crippled poor Alex with my demands that night.

What is the most outrageous thing that you’ve done sexually ?

Another tough one. One of my 'little bits of fun' a while ago was to visit Alex at work for a 'quickie'. One day I arrived at his office and was told he was due back very soon so I sat in his office waiting for him. On his desk was this long, rather phallic glass paperweight. After a bit I started to get bored and the paperweight gave me an idea. I thought it would be a nice surprise if, when he came in, I was naked on his desk with the paperweight stuffed up between my legs. So, I stripped off, got on the desk and started. I suppose I got carried away because I was suddenly aware of voices outside the door - Alex was back and not alone! I rolled off the desk and scrambled into the space underneath (thankfully the desk had a full width front so I could not be seen). Alex and his boss stayed talking in the office for 20 bloody minuits with me naked under his desk with a paperwight between my legs! After his boss had gone I emerged - we laughed - and Alex gave me one of the hardest arse fucks I have ever had - right across the desk!

What is your biggest turn on?

Oh that's easy - I love watching people wanking - guys and girls. Oddly enough not on webcam though.

It has to be real life, up close and personal. There is something very intimate about watching those hand movements getting faster and faster until guys squirt or the flush of orgasm spreads across a girls neck and face - even better if they are watching me too cos I can't help putting my hand in my own knickers when I see someone wanking. I also love to hear 'dirty talk' when I'm being fucked, oh yes, and I actually like the word 'cunt' - well, after all I have so much fun with mine! LOL

What is your favourite sexual fantasy?

I have several favorites depending on my mood.Being blindfolded and slowly stripped before being led naked down a passage onto a stage in a dark auditorium is just one of them. The blindfold is removed and I am naked on a small stage lit by one spotlight. I am mostly blinded by the spotlight but I can see the shapes of people sitting in rows watching me. I assume various lewed and indecent poses allowing everyone watching to see my most intimate bits. No one speaks at first but I can hear them all breathing heavily and I know they are all wanking as they watch me behaving as a total slut. Then the fucking and sucking begins, I am on all fours - I hear a voice say "Spread her arse cheeks" and two pairs of hands pull my bum open, spreading me wide. Another voice tells me "Rub your clit, we want you good and wet before we give your cunt a good fucking". I rub but my tight twat is already dripping in anticipation then I feel the pressure of the first fat knob end against my pussy lips then he thrusts all the way in and starts to fuck me with long rhythmic strokes, balls spanking my clit every time he rams in. Other hands are groping and pulling my big titties as they swing and slap together and the hands on my arse are pulling me wider so that he can get even deeper in. I feel his cock swell inside me then jerk as he pumps his spunk but before I can cum too his cock is withdrawn and a fresh one is stuffed into my hungry slit and off we go again - I lose track of numbers as cock after cock spunks up my fuck hole. A guy slides under me and I begin to straddle fuck him - I feel a pressure on my lil arsehole and 'pop' I have another cock right up my bum - I'm being double fucked, both holes at once. I feel really stuffed full as I feel those two fuckpoles sliding against each other seperated only by my thin inside tissue. A girl crawls backwards towards me, her arse pointing towards my face, she thrusts her mound at me and I start to lick her wet minge, poking my toungue into her hot slot. I feel hot spunk splashing on my back as other guys wank off and squirt us - it runs down my titties and drips from my rock hard nipples. I feel the start of a monster orgasm building and then, with a scream I cum like a camel, nipples on fire, cunt and arse clamping on hard cocks, face pushed hard into a girly arse - and then collapse into a spunk covered heap - well fucked and happy.



Ecclectic tastes from classical to dance/trance via blues. This completely excludes rap.


Essentially comedies, supernatural, some action types and good quality porn with a twist of humour.


Again, highly ecclectic tastes which depends upon my mood. I adore the printed word and always carry my latest read in the car or my bag.

I quite comfortable with most of the classics ... Chaucers 'Canterbury Tales' is a wonderfully bawdy read ... Dickens tends towards the morality message but reads well. Both 'Justine' and 'Juliette' by DeSade I found enjoyable but his 100 Days of Sodom was a trifle too turgid. Reages 'Story of O' I liked but from the point of view of Sir Stephen rather than the hapless O herself.

The writings of both Coward and Wilde have a place on my bookshelves as indeed does Christie. Of the modern authors the one that currently stands out for me is Prachett ... books worthy of re-reading, lightweight but easy reading.


Our top passion is for the outdoor scene and exhibitionism ... group sex and multiple partner experiences however, in 2003 I started organising UK club based parties called 'Rude Revels' for Sexual Adventurers with a much broader remit than simply swinging. I also founded the 'Rude Sisterhood' for sexually adventurous liberated women of all orientations.

We love photography ... Alex and I have a lot of fun with both our still and movie cam so in our spare time we take photos and make our own rude videos which we sometimes put up onto the web ... we are always looking for suitable 'stunt cocks' (or pussies) to join in !!! Fit single guys who don`t mind being on film are welcome to drop us a line for filming ... also gay girls who fancy `starring` in a bit of girl on girl action or bi girls who like both. One essential is that you must have a good sense of humour because we are always falling about in hysterics when filming !!!

If you do decide to write to us please give some reasonable details about yourself and include photographs - we have a plethora of messages from dreamers and timewasters so - no picture and one line of text will not get a reply - and just a picture of your cock is not enough.


Politness and respect for me and my chosen lifestyle. Intelligence ranks pretty high along with long hair, nice eyes and an open smile.

The following points are not mandatory but mentioned simply 'cos they are particular favorites of mine:

Big turn ons specific to guys: Shoulders and tight buns

Big turn ons specific to girls: Big boobies


Ignorant behaviour.

The use of 'text speak' in emails - it is simply lazy and bad manners.

Poor personal hygene and untidy pubic hair.

Pushy people who cannot comprehend the words 'no thanks'

People who don't bother to read profiles.


As a sexual adventurer I believe in challenging taboos and am open to all experiences but am 'totally devoted' to none to the exclusion of others - in other words we are clear on boundaries and seperate our fetish fun from our swing activities. I do have an affinity for leather and when I play BDSM games I am Madam E - most definitely dominant female. Alex is also a dominant if in a D/s setting which allows us to play with both male and female submissives and submissive couples too.


All my adventures are wild - hell if it's not wild what's the point?


53 years old, Bisexual

5'4"  163cm
Don't drink
No tattoos
No piercings


67 years old, Bisexual

5'11"  180cm
Social drinker
Some tattoos
No piercings

Looking For

Men Women TV/TS
Aged from 18 to 48
Will meet smokers


Can accommodate
Cannot travel


Adult Parties, Dogging, DP, Gangbangs, Group Sex, Making Videos, Oral, Role Play, Safe Sex, Swingers Clubs, Taking Photos, Threesomes, Toys, Voyeurism, Webcams

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Verified Genuine Profile

* and P (55), Couple on 8 September 2009 by Meeting in person:
We have known Rudie & Alex on a personal level, as well as at the UKrude Revels and personal meetings, for many years now and we are pleased to have their long standing friendship. They realy do both pull out all the stops to make sure that everyone they meet has an enjoyable and fun time in their company, wether it be at an organised event or a personal meeting, you can always be sure of a great time with them. Rudie oozzzzzzzes sex appeal and Alex is a great flasher in the photographic sense, he realy has got an eye for a great picture. We urge you not to pass up an oppertunity to meet this wonderful couple. Hugs & wet ones to you both. Claire & Pete xxx

*tarlord6969 (51), Man on 30 August 2009 by Meeting in person:
met ukr several years ago and was lucky enough to also co-star in a set of pics on here website at the time! it was my first play/exhibitionist/swinging experience ever and i couldnt have asked for a better intro duction, they are both great people and made me feel very much at ease (as well as massively turned on! ;) great couple and would love to meet them again sometime although they live bloody miles away now! lol

*FM LOVER (40), Man on 12 August 2009 by Meeting in person:
Met this couple at a club for some fun with another guy. Rudie is very sexy dresses to impress and know's how to handle two cocks. Alex is a laid back guy who really should be directing porn professionally. If you ever get the chance to meet them don't miss out on the opportunity.

*evonsdesire (56), Couple on 2 August 2009 by Meeting in person:
I doubt there is anything new we can say that has not already been said about these fantastic and good people. They hold a very special place in our hearts and memories.

*nit69 (47), Man on 10 May 2009 by Meeting in person:
fantastic couple, great company and wonderful afternoon, look forward to the next time!!

*ake007 (49), Man on 17 April 2009 by Meeting in person:
great couple ! enjoy`d every minute! stay safe eye eye x

*ighnbox (61), Couple on 4 December 2008 by Meeting in person:
Alex & Rudie ……..Meeting in person many many timesWe have known these two great people a good few years now & from the moment we meet have both felt at ease & relaxed in there company. They are all ways great fun to be around defiantly NOT shy at all a right pair of exhibitionists.Rudie as her name suggests is of course all ways very very naughty. Rudie has a great personality, fantastic body with perfect boobs, beautiful sexy long hair & as Alex will all so tell you the most amazing lovely round ARSE. She has a fantastic range of toys, sexy gear, outfits & is all ways immaculately presented & up for naughty fun. Alex what a guy great conversation, intelligent, funny, such a laugh, wicked sense of hummer with a smile that beams from ear to ear. Alex is real into the filming & pic side of things & produces amazing stuff. I have learnt so much from him on taking good pics and making good porn films (many other subjects to). He all ways has great ideas for naughty films, fun & pics & is all ways keen to get out there and do it.This pair are not only GREAT naughty fun but also have become very good friendsWe love spending time in there company not only for naughty fun but all so for just going out together for the day or out for a nice meal etc. Hope to see you both real soon Mary & Paul xxxxxxxxxx

*ilthycouple (46), Woman on 15 September 2008 by Meeting in person:
I came from Portugal and Norway to their partie...so you understand how good it is! Alex and Emily are amazing,they have an excellent sense of humor, intelligent...really open minded,Alex is very charm..and Emily...she is hot!!! I love her ass...looks like a black ass! See you in the next partie.

*etillante (66), Woman on 14 September 2008 by Meeting in person:
Have only known Rudie and Alex for a few months, but they are fantastic genuine open people. Their parties are fantastic and they both work their butts off.Rudie is such a laff and Alex is a joy to listen too.Looking forward to seeing you again folks!Party Time!!

*etillante (66), Woman on 23 September 2008 by Meeting in person:
Many thanks Rudie and Alex for another fantastic party evening at Much Bonking.Hey if you want a good night out people you should definately attend one of their parties. Good fun, good people and most importantly good hot sexLooking forward to October, this one sounds really special!!
