
"You got this Girl" " 2023." 40 years together. "The power of lo

Couple in Durham, North East, UK   Tick

Joined: over a year ago
Last on: over a year ago

Where do I begin.

The beginning.

From the beginning of our swinging years.

The saying goes.

Old fashioned swinging were the good old days. Honest and truthful meets with great respect.

The next paragraph was the beginning of a journey we set out to explore.

Meeting the right people could change your life. All things would be good.

But with great sadness our first journey was cut short. Bobby was taken to soon. Rip. Gentle gentleman. Not a day goes by with memory of the things we got upto. Your passion for wood turning stands proud and hangs on our home.

A guy so passionate about his lady. He showed us confidence. Pleasure. If things had been different outcome. I would have lost my swinging virginity.

In honour and memory.

He belongs in our

profile as true old fashioned swinger.

One of his vericatians he left on our profile.

Gentle gentleman. by Meeting in person

Met again and had an exquisite evening, Honey was adorable in some of her many outfits and she did tease somewhat! It was worth all the teasing and seduction to be able to eat her culinary delights and (still licking my lips) to experience her gentle touch and to let her have her wicked way with me......WOW what a super night!

We again started a fresh journey. Finding things that suited us. One or two came along. But never just right.

Years went by. Guys passed through. Life of swinging began to change.

Bed hoppers. Shag and go. Dishonesty. Disrespectful. Ego. Rude. Used. Piece of meat comes to mind (More on these subjects as I go through the our life as swingers.) The list goes on..

We carried on. Hoping one journey would become more erotic.

When one as a passion. Its respect to enjoy. W

We all have our own passions. Makes each one individual. But with great regrets. Ours wasn't for them who came and went. Music and dance gives me my release. Turns my mind in to naught and nice. The power of music and words turns me on. Then the eye contact gives me more power. Looking deep in the eyes finding the lust and desire to be with the person to carry on the journey.

Not love. That's a total different passion. Which in my life is only one. John is my passion.

We both know that as a connection to us. The most powerful thing a couple as to have. Trust. Talking deep after each meet. Been honest what turned you on. If you can't talk and say how you feel then you not a strong enough as a couple that's when things will come and bite you the butt further down the line. We had a rate meter. Yes it's odd thing. But it worked. 1-10. If the figure was close that we gave then things were good. If to far apart. Then talking is a must. What not to do Is please each other. Tell them what they want to hear.. not Because you will hurt each other. That is heading to not been truthful.

That is a dangerous game. The honesty and trust is what keeps you strong.

Time to carry on..

Eyes is also my connection to been in the moment of swinging or it don't work. 3-5 second hold is the beginning. Just as enter the room down the spiral stairs. Heels, stockings, heart racing. Further down I walk till the eyes connect. One more step. Keeping the eye contact. To be greeted. If not its the end. We all have our desires.

Only that wasn't their thing. As it goes.. They say. Spread, do and go. It's a sex site. Actually its a swingers site. Get it. So not for me. Again not a piece a meat. More on that to come.

We as a couple talk. Finding our fix as you would say. But seems our fix was not theirs. Just straight forward sex. We learnt life as swingers was complicated. Couples we tried. But not all wanted the same. 4 people trying to explore each other. But again all had to be on same page. Many trys many fail.

Reason. They hadn't spoken to each other. Just arranged. Picked up wine and vodka on the way.

Oh a sneeky in the back pocket. (Weed)

Polite warming. Things seem cosy. Night going well. John's first encounter with a lady. Then comes the next bit. Shock horror.

Girls head to bedroom. Told to get stripped. By the male. I like to be in lingerie. Makes me feel good. His request wasn't go to happen. Fun started. Lady seem to be in a daze. Toy play. Hummm. Didn't know one end. Battery end not good. Abandon that. Mean while the guy seem to be acting strange. Baring in mind he nipped out doors. ???. Turns out he taken. Weed. From been a Polite guy. Not bad looking. He has suddenly turned into a animal. Asking me to do as he liked. Nah that's me out thanks. John who admires ladys. Was in Disbelief. He stripped his wife like a piece of meat. He kept say come on touch her. She all yours. The lady wasn't even acknowledging what he was doing. Slapping. Banging her. Shoving his cock in her mouth.

We walked out of the room. Never said a word. Issue. they were staying the night. Not able to drive due to over binging alcohol. She had taken a full bottle of vodka. Tipped with a small amount of orange. All I can say who as the right to abuse our hospitality just to get their fix.

Or his fix.

Rules broken.

Boundaries broken.

We became scared to invite people after this meet. But why should we loose out. We had some great times. They were just strangers passing in the night. That's their way. But not in our swinging life, our home.

Experience are there. Not all is good. Many good time. Fantastic times. If we made love that night ir the very next morning. We got it right. If we used the night in a fantasy world we got it right. We brushed our selves down. Became stronger than ever.

We moved on.

Never judge a book by it cover. We read that wrong.

John. Is gentle. His manor's towards a women is outstanding. Yes he's shy. Yes he admires. But he will never just walk up to a lady/women and touch. He will wait until he asked. Or given a hint it's OK. He would never touch if the hubby or partner would say go on. She wants it. She yours. NOT for him. Again he respects and waits till he's given permission by her.

He's seen enough in swinging couples. On cam. In meets. To know he don't like a lady treat like meat. It makes him in uneasy.

Again we meet another couple who we chatted to for 2 years. Things were brilliant. A full weekend. First play. Girl on girl. Perfect. Again spoken in depth. Both parties. Things going well. John and I limited our drinks. Clear heads. At least we stay in control. Yes we don't mind social drinks. Yet again the bottles became empty. Cans became empty. While John and I still just sticking to our limit. Nerves started to appear. My heart racing. Would this agin spoil the fun.. Achohol will not mask it. It just ends in disaster. And so it did. Licking the lady. Her voice heard. Sarah have you done this before. As I have never felt like this before. Pat on the back for me.

John felt comfortable with her so he goes to take her from behind. Only she didn't accept.

Her Hubby had left the room in a foul mood. The night was over.

Next morning. Things were just normal. Time to ask what was the issue.

Answer. She said you just shove it up and take me. That's what I'm used to guys doing. As for licking that was awesome. Only to find out hubby didn't like Girl on girl. OK. Live with that. Then find out he chooses the guys. She gets d*unk. To have the guy. To please her hubby.

Three months later the split up. As she liked Girl on Girl as its sensual.

We felt we had added to this. This is why we say swinging is a dangerous game.

Females. Ladies,women. Don't do it to please the guy. Do it for you do it to please you. You are not a piece of meat. You are worth more the a diamond. This is why I was always the one in control in all meets. John gave me that. As he admires and love to share his wife. He knows I'm fully in control. Again guys found that weird.

BRB. Take a breath as it turns me off the word swinging.

Who's says swinging is easy. It's complicated. If things go sour in the night. If it cant be resovled by talking soon after. Its will never resolve the future. Don't delay or avoid the talking. It beats up. That's when things get worse. If all parties sit down and talk as soon as there's something wrong. Not just them but everyone then theres a chance it will go right. If not then trust your gutt. Stop. Let go. They just strangers you met.

A QUOTE. from a genuine couple we spoke to in our early years.

If you get it wrong. It be the worst thing you will ever do. If you get it right it be best thing you do. To this day them words are so true.

Don't get me wrong. We have good memories. Some most memorable ones.Many meets we have had and enjoyed learning knew experiences. If we hadn't set on the journey. We would never have memories. Whether good or bad. If you find a stranger and they come back time after time. Then that's a good pick. But also that could turn sour in one word.

Words are powerful.

Swinging is a journey of many emotions. Jealousy is the biggest one you encounter first. Which can take you into the unknown. The mind is powerful. Your gutt is your safe guard. Yet we still continue to explore to experience different situations. Again many we learnt by talking after each meet. Even those who came and went would take a new experience. Who have learnt and never forget. Just like us.

This is not the end

If you take timeout. That's fine. It's safe to do so. It don't mean you weak. It means you need a breath.

It's help you refelect on what as been. To what we could be.

We are at the near end of our swinging life. Due to normal life changes.

Just one more journey to experience.

Our new journey as begun. Which we truly believe is the most experience we shall go through.

There will always be stumbling blocks. Talking is the greatest thing.

If not then don't go there. The experience will be a distant memory.

Take a breath. Reset. But don't give up if you stay focused. If it's meant to be it will be.....

Don't ever do anything just because.. wrong attitude.. Don't do it to please your partner or other half. Wrong thinking. Only do it if you know that the very next moment you won't regret. As that split second will affect you and stay with you as a memory.

REMEMBER. swinging is a fantasy. Porn is a fantasy. It's their to try. If you get a good experience then fine. Take it as a fantasy not reality. It will become reality if you get the right vibe. The buzz. Don't let things cloud your mind. Stay in the zone. Truly it's a dangerous game or a fantastic game. Our memories are mixed on either. Feelings come along. Nerves start to appear. Hornyness creaps on. Then the big one comes in. Bang. "Jealously'. Followed by the power of the mind. Emotion start to appear. It's not all straight forward.

One lesson I learnt. Achohol.. I'm not a big fan of it. It scares me. Personality change. Fun slowly become unsure. Experience of seeing how it clouds the mind. I enjoy a social one. Always stay clear mind. That way you can experience the true life of swinging. Not a cover up. Not letting the next glass mask the nerves. It's a fantasy, not just because you have entered the life of swinging that you have to do what it says on the front of the book. Or sites. Or where ever you came across it.

It's still a fantasy. Until its reality.

Your not weak if its not for you. Its not having to do just so you don't kill the mood. You are just you and only you. No body should think badly. If you suddenly you take the wobbles. Get scared struggle to find yourself if you didn't say Timeout. It's part of the emotional side.

BRB. While I take a breath . A moment. Just never walk a way without saying a safe word. Safe words are most important part of any action you encounter in your fantasy of the swinging world.. the thing that's happens their is you leave every one involved thinking did they do some thing wrong. The the jealousy does a u turn. It sets the mind into over drive. The negatives kicking. Things get mixed up. Take time out. Reset the mind. Things won't feel so bad. Think about it. How could it have been spoken about it. Can it be spoken about. Yes it can. Just not till your mind is clear.

As years passed. We collected our memories. Staying to single guys. Oh and the odd married guys. Honestly excuse sexless marriage. They never worked. Just single guys. Less Achohol. As they were driving back end of night. That made sense.

Some great nights. Mainly socials. With some sensual fun thrown in. If the connection was right.

We soon built up confidence again. Looking forward to meets. So don't let the bad judgment loose what may be.

Our last adventure was round the corner. Many nights chatting. Seemed right up our street.

Our first meet went a dream. Rearranged again in few weeks. The night arrived. John fully trusting the guy. He gave me a date night experience. Yes a night alone with this guy. I trusted him. He never put a foot wrong. Treated me with full respect. Let me lead. So I was comfortable. All went well. Then a sudden end. We call it a night. I'd enjoyed the night. Experience sex. But all did not seem right.

Shocked he went so quick. OK I hadn't excited him. Only he was hard as rock.. ??? OK maybe not made him. horny ??? Only he was rock hard. His passion was there. His lust was their. Mine was same.

He left.

The next morning. John said. I can't help but think. But can I ask if he had cum. Answer No.

Little auckward when I had a good night. Suppose been in the moment it hadn't triggered my thinking.

We talked in depth...

I eventually message him. As was curious why he had left sharp. Why he ahd been rock hard for near 7 hrs. This I knew as I felt him through his jeans.

He seemed shocked I had asked this. No straight answer. Just if you saw me in normal size you wouldn't be pleased and interested. I guess he had played me well and truly. He dropped off with chat. Conclusion. He taken viagra. Not an issue.

We mentioned it our friends in the swinging world. The said he was a player had definitely taken something. I hadn't turned him on. I felt worthless. Again another dishonest person.

As I said no many times. Swinging is a dangerous game. It messes with you mind. It plays tricks on your mind. Mind is powerful.

Nerves will kill it.

Jealousy will send your mind into over drive.

We learned that Swinging is a fantasy. Until it becomes reality. Bobby was reality. Straight forward fun. Honesty.

We never encountered the jealousy. It's just flowed.

One individual we miss.. oh yes Bobby I did get a sex swing which absolutely love. xx

This now finalised our trust in guys. People.

We step back. Found our owns ways to have spice in our sex life. Started to explore in our own pleasures.

We have been together 40 years. Explored.

Thinking one day. Something will come along.

Hoping we can trust again.

"A life of a swingers"

Take a minute now.

If you find this interesting and powerful. Then continue your journey. Stay safe.

If you think this is sad, Pathetic, Stupid and we shouldn't have been here. Then you you haven't got the swinging world right. Its just a fantasy.

Moving on. We shall be the judge of my own minds.

Not for you to think.

This is not the END....

It's just a new chapter. Not fantasy. Reality could be just round the corner. One will never know.

Thanks for reading.

Happy Swinging in the new generation of to day. Swipe and go. Shag and go.

Knotches on bed post.


It's a dangerous game.

It fantasy.

It can be exciting.

It can hurt so bad.

You can laugh. You can cry.

You can walk away. Delete.

You can talk to resolve.

It can mess up your mind.

It can distroy a relationship.

It can kill a marriage.

Think long and hard. You mind set. You love for each other.

Your strength as a couple.

Don't wait to long to talk to all parties. Because that's the biggest killer of swinging.

You mind escalates. You come out thinking

you are weak. The one who killed the the future.

It's time to break away. Leave as stranger. As it will distroy you as a person it's just not Worth it.

Old fashioned swinging is our way.

Sarah & John.

Thank you to those who we have met. Good or bad. It made our swinging experience.

This is the END.......

Let the beginning be a new adventure. My ultimate goal. Is to pursue my dream. Girl on girl. Never give up looking for that. So close to pursuing. I kissed a girl I liked. A spark is lit. Now to see if the flame grows.


58 years old, Bisexual

5'2"  157cm
Non smoker
Social drinker
No tattoos
1 or 2 piercings


59 years old, Straight

6'0"  183cm
Non smoker
Social drinker
No tattoos
No piercings

Looking For

Couples (MF) Couples (FF) Men Women
Aged from 45 to 65
Won't meet smokers


Can accommodate
Cannot travel


Cross-dressing, Oral, Role Play, Safe Sex, Soft Swing, Taking Photos, Threesomes, Toys, Voyeurism, Watersports

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Verified Genuine Profile

*urhamsteve2014 (58), Man on 21 October 2021 by Meeting in person:
I would like to say this is truly a wonderful couple and can’t begin to say how enjoyable the time we spent together was. I was made to feel comfortable in their company immediately, no awkward moments of silence just natural conversation openess and relaxation. We had an amazing evening (how quickly the hours flew by). I only have positive things to say and am truly looking forward to many more enjoyable evenings of fun and exploration together.

*ooley back (56), Man on 20 August 2016 by Meeting in person:
Met this great couple last night and had an amazing night that ended way to soon.It was so refreshing to meet a really genuine couple who put so much effort into an evening , what they have is amazing and I feel most privileged to of wen given the chance to be entertained by the gorgeous Sarah .

*unnyDays (57), Couple on 19 November 2015 by Meeting in person:
Be prepared for the best social of your life.... oh and bring your A game because these two are going to blow your mind on several levels. Watch this space for the next veri because that one is going to be worth reading....See you soon xXx

*rnorth75 (49), Man on 30 September 2015 by Meeting in person:
Very good hosts and would recommend. X

* gentle gentleman (64), Man on 5 August 2012 by Meeting in person:
Met again and had an exquisite evening, Honey was adorable in some of her many outfits and she did tease somewhat! It was worth all the teasing and seduction to be able to eat her culinary delights and (still licking my lips) to experience her gentle touch and to let her have her wicked way with me......WOW what a super night!

* gentle gentleman (64), Man on 28 April 2012 by Meeting in person:
These two are the most genuine couple one could wish to meet. Their hospitality and after dinner entertainment is the best. My evening was simply the best ever, honey is a born tease and what a dancer, she has left me with quite a smile on my face!!! Again.

* gentle gentleman (64), Man on 14 April 2012 by Meeting in person:
What a well matched couple and so friendly and easygoing too. I was put at ease as the door opened and felt like I had known them for ages within no time. Even without the rude bits they are genuine friendly people. And with the rude bits, well do I need to detail it? I will say that Sarah is one sexually confident lady with a perfect bum!

*exy Mike (58), Man on 8 August 2011 by Webcam:
I watched Honeybee on cam the other night and and couldn't take my eyes off her, she was amazing, so sexy and she has she knows how to dance ad shake her body. A lovely lady and a good friend who I hope to meet soon mmmm

*illiam (68), Couple on 5 August 2011 by Webcam:
Have spoken to honeybee for a while now and can verify them as being 100% genuine. Loved watching honey the other night dancing in all her sexy outfits,just waiting for her to come and show me the moves now mmmm xxxx

*awn331 (52), Couple on 1 August 2010 by Meeting in person:
mmmmm were do we start what a meet to remember and to be repeated lol we cant express the fun these two guys are words escape us literally lol they made us feel welcome from the start they are both thoughtful and considerate and bloody horny weekend went to soon for us loved the company but hey we are planning next trip very soon had my first experience with a woman and all i can say is wowwwww mr b your next lol we could never had wished to meet two nicer people and bloody horny ones to. we had horny fun but more importantly we got two great friends heres to more fun in the future anyone one reading this be sure to say hi to these two and if ever you get the chance to meet them dont pass it up you will regret it beautiful people and dear friends mike and dawn xxxxxxxxxxxxx

*awn331 (52), Couple on 13 June 2010 by Webcam:
met this couple on webcam again boy what fun cant wait till we all do it for real this couple are hot horny and most of all lovely trust us they are a pleasure to know xxxx

*awn331 (52), Couple on 7 June 2010 by Webcam:
spoke to this lovely couple on saturday via webcam had so much fun and really enjoyed ourselves they are nice people genuine and down to earth more fun to be we thinks lolol xxxxxx

*awn331 (52), Couple on 30 May 2010 by Webcam:
spoke to this couple last night they are really nice people had a good fun chat together hope to speak again soon xxx time just flew take care till next time both xxxxxx


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