
asian male from Manchester

Man in Manchester, North West, UK   Tick

Joined: over a year ago
Last on: 4 weeks ago



19 Saturday Dec 2020 - Pinned to the Top

Today I got a message from someone who attempted to read my profile and said they got confused lol

I replied and thought my reply would help anyone else feeling the same so here it is:

"ok allow me to explain hopefully this will help haha

So I joined here 6 years ago, after a few days I figured out how this site works and decided ok ill just share myself into my profile.... so the initial update the very first was created.

Subsequently each time I had something to say or add I did.

When you read hopefully you'll realise that its all there, my wit, my charm, my sense of humour and basically yeah my personality all there in those words.

Rather than be a boring profile I wanted to show that I make an effort and here is the personality to come with the sex and the rest of it as im not here being an average guy seeking an average thing....im here for fun sure but im also here for something else something that I havent revealed but hinted at in my profile...see if you can figure it out as you read.

So go ahead, maybe scroll to the very bottom first and read from the earliest to the latest update perhaps that will help you better."

- so there you have it, if you feel confused then scroll to the very bottom and start to read from the earliest. Nobody else has said they were confused but I thought my reply was good enough to pin to the top here - enjoy :)



19 Saturday December 2020 - The Prodigal Son Returns

I am back!

I was stuck over in Europe for over 5months and finally managed to get a flight back in this pandemic.

Im self-isolating in a room so play time wont be any time soon but ill now have a laugh replying to all the messages built up.

Heard about a swing party happening today in Manchester so looks like covid hasnt reached everyone's ears or privates.

Stay Safe!


13 August 2020 - The Great Pandemic of 2019/2020 and beyond

So I suddenly had an urge to update my profile once again.

Some of you that are regulars to my profile have been waiting for an update and those of you that are new will be a little confused as to what all this about. lol

So if you're new to my profile, basically its not like others on here, its a test but its also a fun transparent way for you to know me without knowing me as such lol

If youre my type you'll enjoy what you read and if you are not you wont be swept away by words and style and im all about style ;)

So on with the update...

My last update was me being stuck in the UK on lockdown for many months, I then had to hop on a plane once again and fly out to covid europe. Wasnt fun I tell ya lol

Its been hectic ever since but ive managed to pop on here and there and have some cool folks i've chatted to in this time.

Its now sunny, super hot and horny weather here maybe thats why I got inspired to write hmmm not sure but anyway enough about me.... get reading my update while I enjoy the sun here and tell me more about you ;) i'll be waiting x


14th March 2020 - The Covid-19 Update

If you're new to my profile I suggest you grab yourself a cup of tea and some biscuits... you have been warned lol

So it's all about the Cornavirus bass about the bass no worries lol or as its known in the sexy germs circuit Covid-19.

Having been aware of this pandemic taking over in mid to end January I've been flying back and forth continuously to stock up on all the essentials before as I predicted the frantic shopping began.

Luckily were all stocked up here for the next foreseeable weeks if not months and protecting the elderly around me was the primary reason.

I'm on a self imposed lockdown and have been since I returned back so officially the self isolating lockdown started again on 4th March prior to this it was 1st January.

I wont be flying for the next month atleast which means more time with you yes you lovely lady reading this right now. *whispers: I see you* lol

So if you're in lockdown then go on put your feet up, grab a drink and enjoy the read of my profile below.

Clues are thrown amongst what I write as to why I'm really here on this site as well as information for you the observant reader to know more about me.

Afterall there isnt many other ways you can gauge a man on here if not through the aura he projects and hopefully if you're tuned into my frequency you'll be glowing in my radiated aura by the end for sure.

The profile will only allow you to progress on if youre like me and that's why it's written as it has been.... nothing was by chance ;)

So if you love adventure and want to change the course of your life then read on and be ready to be taken on a magical ride as you go through the key hole

*cue music* lol


26th February 2020

Thats right this is my first update of 2020 so a very Happy Nude Year to you all lol

Its also my first update in a very long time - just over 8 months it seems since my last update.

So many of you have been kind in complimenting my profile suggesting I write a blog or book (haha im sure I could write a better more risque version of Harry Potter lol) and have asked why I havent updated in a long while or when will I.

So here I am to firstly answer these.

I didnt update and hadnt updated my profile due to not feeling the need to. The profile below has everything anyone needs to know about me both from what I say, how I say it to also what I say between the lines. Its all there you just have to be on my wavelength to read it.

I also didnt update because I didnt feel the inspiration to. I didnt want to repeat anything I had written before and the profile after all is here to show me, highlight anything new and offer a greater insight to me and my world and thoughts as is possible from a written profile.

I get so bored reading short profiles on here that repeat the obvious and long profiles that seem to rant about how this site doesnt always offer the best in humankind lol my profile i hope does neither.

As those of you will know this profile is also a "test".

Its not something I reveal nor make obvious (todays the first time ive even openly said its a test) as then what kind of a test will it be right lol but its a test for those that choose to read the profile firstly and then get it....understand it.....enjoy it and appreciate it.

Those that dont read wont know what the test really was and those that dont get it well wont be on level with me as yes I can be picky and choose to be.

so that being the case, why now the inspiration to update the profile?

well I had a rant today probably the first in over 6 years since I first joined this site and that rant was in the forums. Once that cathartic release began I was glad to find myself chatting to someone that was both relaxed and chilled out as I but also seemed to share the same values as me and that was whilst my attention was on other browser tabs dealing with work related emails and other such research. So to have gotten my attention soley through conversation when im multi-tasking, well this speaks volumes to me.

Due to this I felt ok time I updated my profile (and also on the forum after my rant a MALE, yes a hetero male read my profile, chuckled, complimented it and said time for an update, ok so he didnt say it so simply but it worked).

so here I am the next update in the saga that is the Rise of Me ;) lol - pun intended.

So since June 2019 what has been happening with me, well the travels have continued.

Travelling across the world has become a tiresome burden at times. Its not as luxurious as one would believe thats for sure and ive been frequenting back home to UK soil so many times that updating here would have been too much overkill.

What has changed however is whilst im returning back to the UK so often and cant wait to return Harry & Megan have decided the UK life isnt for them and gone off to make their billions if the Times Rich List Journalist is to be believed lol - im in the wrong job I should bag my self a gay royal, anyone royals here happy to come out the closet?

I guess most if gay are probably so far in the closet that their still having adventures in Narnia hahaha

Since January ive been back in the UK, travelled twice in between for short trips and now yes back in the UK, only to be lambasted with the agony the world is calling Cov-19, Coronavirus to its friends.

We're all in this pandemic together. Sure they havent said its a pandemic officially but come on who are they kidding its obvious by now its spreading faster than lube on a sex craved nuns ass lol

The pandemic has put me at a dilemma since travelling is what I seem to do more than swinging hahaha but i have to go where no man has gone before and face the final frontier (for all you trekkies out there) lol

Anyway ill be out of the country soon and so wish me the best of health.

Another thing that has changed is that im growing hair. No not the pubes, dont worry I keep them healthy and clean and can cater for all tastes and requests lol but I have been growing stubble and now a beard. Its making me look different yet sexier in a different way ive been told so boom guys grow the beards!! it works! lol

So this is my update for now, not the usual funny satire on my everyday worldly life but enough to whet your appetite.

If you enjoyed it up to here leave a review, subscribe, leave a comment, hit the like button, turn on notifications for all daily updates and give me a 5 star rating hahaha - and then go on turn the pages and continue the read.... you never know we might end up clicking like the 2 that sang "The Never Ending Story" on Stranger Things s3 ;) lol


15th January 2020

A virus from the Coronavirus family is getting out of control in China in a place called Wuhan.

It seems we know less at the moment but its clear to me that this will become a pandemic of epic proportions.

I advice all start stocking up on supplies and getting ready for quarantine and self isolation.

I normally make my profile humourous jovial and fun however I'm putting this out there should anyway read it.

I'll ignore this post as I'm still abroad flying and leave it here as a warning and continue with my profile later as normal.


21st June 2019

Today was the summer solstice. On the news they spent time highlighting the fact many went to Stonehenge to see the sunrise (something I saw with them in the comfort of my own home lol)

The purpose of this update was to make 1 crucial addition in my Fab Log stardate 696969 - that today the bloody rain actually stopped haha!!

It was sunny hot and glorious! Since the day I flew back all I saw was miserable rain rain rain and today I felt well fab lol

My stay in the UK has been pleasant. I was to fly out today but delayed my departure for another few days.

In this time I have been on fab quite a bit more than normal both replying to messages or browsing at the forums which I don't usually do but someone I'm chatting to made me curious about the forums again and to question their validity as such.

I see the same people are there the ones that seem to dwell in the deep earthy burrows of Forum-mere lol

That aside I hope the sunshine remains.

For anyone reaching this point and wondering where is all the sex talk and where is the information about AsianManc...then I'm sure you're new to my updates lol

Have a read down my profile. The updates service a particular role and also act as a challenge to any fair maiden here who wishes to be bold enough to venture down my profile in the hope I am indeed her Bollywood summer knight in shiny kurtha Kameez armour lol


11th June 2019

Back on UK soil once again.

Whereas my travels has me basking in the horny rays of a sunny hot Mediterranean climate I find my self returning to perplexed conundrum disguised as sunny Manchester lol

The rain no I meant the flood that's falling from the heavens has surprised me.

I guess the clouds are getting more sex than me haha


16th May 2019 - Update

Flew out today this time to Europe. Weather was so much better in the UK but hoping things will look up.

Learnt alot whilst back in the UK but biggest lesson was that in my 5+ years on fab, nothing had changed haha.

Apologies for all the late replies. I try and will always try to get back to you all so get naked and bare with me ;)

Oh and for those new to my profile who are reading this won't realise but these profile updates are written in a particular way...continue to read... you won't be disappointed Lol Enjoy!


26th April 2019 - Update

Just returned back to the UK again. Shortest trip I've done yet I think but I last longer I promise lol

27th - Saw Avengers Endgame. If I don't write it here and seal it in this Annal (pun intended) for eternity then I'll never be able to look back and share this grand orgy with anyone lol. - Epic Movie!


21st April 2019 - Update

Just a quick one. Flown out again to Europe for a quick stop.

Weather not as hot as UK. Shame missed the Easter Burn.


16th April 2019 - Update

Time has certainly flown so quickly. I returned back from my holiday in the sun and returned to a dreary UK. Lol

I wasn't able to log on here so I'm sending new mail and replying to those waiting so please bare with me as usual lol xx


4th April 2019 - Update

So I'm flying out again guys...in a few hours time.

Somewhere hot, with beaches and nice atmosphere to chill and relax.

I'll try and log on while away to reply to you all so please do bare with me - Thanks x


25th March 2019 - Update

I'm finally back in the UK :)

After 3months away I returned to rose garlands, fanfare, trumpeters and journalists....oops dreaming out loud lol

My travels for the past 3 months have taken me far and wide (wanna know more...hit the red button on your remote lol)

Even though I'm back in already planning another trip out...this time to the land of sun sand and sea... any guesses?

If you're on my Snapchat feel free to share in my adventures and if you're not on it then come on break the ice and get to know me. Lol

For all of you new to my profile well I've been here for many years and as you will read on you will realise I'm more than just a 1 eyed willy (profile pic isn't a catfish haha)


8th January 2019 - Update *coming soon* (as requested by a fair few of you).

Happy Nude Year Everybody xx


5th October 2018 - Update

So as some of you will know I came back to the UK for a short 2 week hiatus. I'll be travelling again from tomorrow and decided an update was warranted.

Will be back soon.


8th September 2018 - Update

So it's happened again. I got on a plane and flew all the way away from the UK.

Funny story is that I got to the airport in time but security took the piss. I even had priority fast lane pass to get through all the paupers lol but no they made all us special people wait in a slower line.

After that guess what happened? No not that guess again. No wrong again come on people guess. Ah forget it I'll just tell you so I went through security ok, no hassle at all but my laptop didn't hahaha

They held it back which meant they held me back for 20mins. I ended up chatting to other 'criminals' there waiting like me and asked them "what on earth could my laptop have done?" Hahaha

After the 20mins later they told me "oh it moved whilst being scanned so just needs to be passed through again". Forget the NHS what the heck is going on with airports these days huh. Surely it didn't take 20mins to just repeat the scan.

Yup racial profiling I call it. Lol just messing my laptops a silver apple doubt they have issues with silver haha

Anyway by the time the laptop got through unhed the gate was closing. I had to walk to the very very last gate... just my luck and over the tannoy Tracey from isle 8 was harpering on about how the gate was closing... we all got it loud and clear thanks Tracey. Clean up in isle 8 lol

So by now if you've read this far and quite honestly I don't see why you wouldn't unless you're a boring sod lol then you must be or rather should be wondering "Hey Sam/Sameer how did you get to fly away again if the gate was closed?"

Ah my dear Watson now we're talking so basically I told the gate staff for the airline that I'm an experienced swinger with fabswingers and they let me enter (pun intended) without any need for protection (pun again) or id (get it?lol)

Got on the plane and was an orgy of folk ready to have a ride haha ok I'll stop basically the truth is they were waiting for me to board as they could see on their manifest that I had checked my luggage in but was not around.

Luckily got on the plane, moved the woman that was in my reserved seating who ended up next to me and took a deep sign of relief.

Now after a crazy 5am flight I'm over in sunny Europe in my apartment in my bed ready to knock out for a few hours even though it's 12.48pm UK time.

So enjoy the rest of my profile if you dare and I'll chat to you soon if you message me :)


28th July 2018 - Update

I'm finally back on home turf.

Surprised with the weather but here's to global warming cheers! Lol

I've been flattered by the compliments on my profile and was told I should write a blog or a novel (latter pops up more frequently) so if you have any ideas do let me know lol

Other than that I plan to enjoy the summer and take things easy after an eventful year so grab yourself a cuppa maybe a biscuit or 2 and enjoy my profile.

If you read you may enjoy it and if you don't you may never know just what kinda Man I really am muhahaha ;)


30th May 2018 - Update

Time for another of my famous updates.

I returned back to Europe a few nights ago and I'm back to my travels for the next couple of months it seems.

The weather here is sunny bright and warm. It hopefully remains this way so that I can top up or rather get a new tan...Ive had this one all my life lol

As per usual, my busy schedule means that my replies may be somewhat slow at times, though I do try to reply somewhat punctually, and to all, even those that arent serious and make me laugh at their attempts to turn me round the bend or push me out the closet lol

Someone seems to have stolen my PG Tips, but im sure 1 of you will have a walnut cake for me to share right ;) lol


5th May 2018 Update -

I am back from my travels. I landed a few nights ago and I'm back for a week or so before flying back out again.

The weather abroad is amazing and here it's struggling as usual lol

For those of you new to my profile do not read just a few sentences and presume my profile is just minor updates and that you know me.

If you put the effort to read you'll eventually see I'm more than just a typical sex hungry beast as many are in this zoo.

So enjoy and I suggest you grab a cuppa first ;) lol x


2nd March 2018 Update -

Not had a chance to update my profile in a long while lol

Im back on my travels abroad and tend to come on and off as and when I can so dont be afraid, have a read if you dare and get in touch. I will reply....eventually x


21st December 2017 Update -

So I'm finally back for Christmas and boy oh boy have I missed the UK.

Will be bobbing in and out as usual.

If you're new to my profile and like challenges then read my profile to the end and get in touch muhaha lol


4th October 2017 Update -

Havent been on since my last update ; still travelling.

Logged on and stayed for 5 quick mins, and returned to add to my diary here lol


28th August 2017 Update -

Had fun in the UK and back out travelling again.

The weather here is far better than it was back home...warmer sunnier and sexier ;)

I'll be on and off as usual so will try to reply as I can and will always reply to all as usual.

I may be late or delayed in replying but replying is always achieved lol

If you're new to my profile then continue reading to learn more about me and my personality:)


21st August 2017 Update -

UK weather has been rain rain and more rain so far with some spots of sunshine and warmth so pretty much like the experience of most guys on fab lol


10th July 2017 Update -

Back on home soil finally.

Weather was awesome during my travels but now sadly the British weather is just as volatile as a brexiter wanting now to remain the seconds after the voting lol

My slow replies are not me ignoring you so bear with me y'all.


20th February 2017 Update -

Hardly have time to come on, with all the travelling etc.

So not ignoring your messages etc, just will reply as soon as I can, when I can :)


6th November 2016 Update -

Yes I'm still travelling.

Yes the fun profile is below; you have to dig deeper to get to the juicy fun part.

Yes the profile is getting longer... isn't that the idea ;) lol

And yes that "Yes" is a word that makes everything fun and easy lol


30th June 2016 Update -

Still travelling.

So many women hide themselves but demand a face pic. Hypocritical or unfair but uncool.

If you can't speak on the phone at first (even anonymously) before even swapping face pics then you must have issues.

Simply put read my profile and you'll see I'm laid back, fun and funny and cool but also discreet.

Don't make demands without backing it up with a fair usage policy lmao ;)

Ps: yes I am a D & M. I just don't advertise it here for obvious reasons. If you understand what this means and know what a contract is then you know we're both true to this and so get in touch.


3rd May 2015 Update -

I haven't been regularly on due to work commitments and travelling. I bounce in an out to chat to old friends and to break the ice with new people.

Yes I don't meet everyone I chat to or that chats to me - it's very much about mental attraction too and hope this answers those that have wondered where I have been hiding lol

Enjoy the rest of the read below :)


6th July 2015 Update -

Some have actually asked me why I wrote so much in my profile. It's obvious that I make an effort in my profile because I make an effort in bed and life.

If you cannot read a profile then what kinda sex will you be offering?

That's my take on it - ;)


********** 02/11/2014- New Profile **********

Will any of you really be reading all of this, hmmm I wonder - well if you do then enjoy ;)

Its not always easy to write about oneself well unless its me lol so where do i start from....

...I know, well it all started on, no wait thats not a good place to start erm how about that time in Vegas nope not good either i guess I will just start from 4 weeks ago then lol

I joined this site 4 weeks ago, in that time I have learnt some things and so this will be reflected in the words that you are reading and about to read now muhahaha

I am Sam, a british educated fun chilled out guy, unless of course I get angry then "hulk smash" lol just joking im pretty laid back to be honest

According to the people on here I am both witty, understanding, genuine and funny as well as considerate aye yi yi you get the idea lol

I am here because I am single, if I wasnt then it would depend on who I was dating as I do not cheat so yes I have morals for myself

Being single doesnt mean im open for all to enjoy my time, im sorry but i only get 24hrs in a day and unless you make me feel special i cant let you eat all of me now can i lol

I am open minded and on here that means sexually and so I do not judge you nor say no to anything until I have assessed it for myself, if i want to do it ill do it if not ill send you a memo lol

Im heterosexual, for those of you that were born under the starsign "thickasus" that means I only find women attractive, due to this I would like to speak to women and im happy to speak to couples too.

Im not looking for 1 night stands, as i usually expect to sit and sleep too lol no seriously I have to have some level of rapport and connection with you. That doesnt mean if you're a "slut" (as some women on here call themselves) that I wont talk to you but if you expect me to just run over (or you to run over to me), meet and then disappear then to me unless you are gorgeous it wont happen, I have standards and those that chat to me and want to talk will have a better chance - I sometimes spray lynx on myself so be ready to fight off others i tell ya lol

I rather find those that like to talk and become friends. NSA is definately on the table and if we click and seek more then i wont be afraid of that.

If you are married and cheating then that doesnt matter as long as you are able to justify it to yourself not to me. If you are a couple and both want to get to know me then i would appreciate that as its important I get on with you both and can have a laugh

I want my women and like my women to be....well....WOMEN! lol There are so many guys on here pretending to be women or couples and im like really, does that even work for you? haha

If you are a guy and message me (and believe me so many of you have) then unless you have a proposition for me that is worth considering I will have to say no

I reply to ALL messages, im not rude nor am i egotistical to simply say "I have so many messages that I must delete you" - if you are rude however im not the guy for you

I do not drink smoke or do drugs, you can but if you choose to be pissed or smell of a roaring camp fire then i wont be the skewer to spit roast you tonight lol

I workout with a calculator 5 times a week, sometimes 6 if i feel fully rested and at other times do cardio with a remote control, HIIT for those gym geeks amongst you lol

I love lots of things, from smiling and laughing to songs and musicals, to movies and books and so like to think of myself as an all-rounder but i aint into Marmite i think

Im highly educated and as such seek discretion unless we end up dating lol I have no interest in claiming ticks for my little black book though now its an ipad lol im just here to meet those on my level that enjoy my sense of humour and all things sexy. I also have no interest in piling up a list of verifications. Some profiles on here have over 30 and to be honest thats cool but its kinda off putting - its like me saying "hey wanna use my toothbrush after me", knowing that you had over 30 others in your mouth too lmao ofcourse if we click ill become your 31st ;)

Unless we click mentally i wont find you attractive. I know weird right but ive been surrounded by attractive people all my life and to me every woman of every race colour creed can be hot if we click, if we dont click well then your beauty wont really matter to me - does this mean im in touch with my feminine side?lol

Sexually i love oral, i love foreplay.Receiving is always good but i love giving and nothing better than oral sex. Sex itself is nice but its the icing on the cake, but i do have stamina so if you need me to keep going just give me a magazine while i pump away lol

I enjoy kissing and if we can be friends with benefits then its great

I dont say NO to anything so if you have a kink or fetish then run it by me - i have some but you have to ask me to find those out ......oh who am i kidding ive got loads, did i mention im sexually open minded ;) lol

Oh yes i almost forgot, if you ask me for my FACEPIC then you HAVENT read this profile have you - what part of DISCRETE was too discrete for you? lol ofcourse there has to be some chemisty sure but i wont be throwing my facepic to you in a hurry

If you ask me for a facepic and YOU DONT HAVE ONE / or dont have one for me to view then thats just dumb and you will look really odd to me. I am straightforward so even though you want to fuck me and are hot, dont be unfair cos its just wrong

The pics I do have up are enough for you to know if im your type or not in that department

If you send me a friend request to see my pics, but we havent ever chatted or you dont have any pics, then what are you doing? hahaha

If you have read this far and liked what you read then send me a message and make the subject of your mail: "SPICY"

Thanks for reading now send me that message - you know you want to ;)





*** You do HAVE permission from me to use any of my profile or pictures in any form both current and future. You absolutely have permission, god yeah! (just quote me, reference me and give me credit will ya!) lol

If you have or do, it will be considered a fucking compliment of my privacy and will be subject to lots of sexual action I bloody hope.

Seriously if you want to use me in a laboratory experiment with other ahem female participants, be it a blind-fold- double study or a place-my-cebo in your Bunsen burner kind, im there. If you want to statistically verify the findings with a Z or T test, forget it just ask me to cough and statistically measure away lmao

(I suggest the rest of you post this notice - but only if you have a sense of humour lol)***


My First Profile - simply short and sweet:

Single asian male looking for girls and couples. Open minded so open to suggestions.


Sunday 7th June 2015 - 2.19am update




46 years old, Straight

5'8"  173cm
Non smoker
Don't drink
No tattoos
No piercings

Looking For

Aged from 18 to 99
Will meet smokers


Cannot accommodate
Can travel


Watersports, Voyeurism, Threesomes, SM, Separate Room Swapping, Same Room Swapping, Safe Sex, Role Play, Rimming, Oral, Making Videos, Group Sex, Gangbangs, DP, Cuckolding, Blindfolds, Anal

Register to see images

Verified Genuine Profile

*REEPALESTINE (33), Man on 19 August 2019 by Meeting in person:
Top lad. Met in a GB and this guy annihilated pussy like it was nothing. Don't pass him up he's sure to give you girls a good time.

*anary_song (32), Woman on 10 January 2019 by Webcam:
Video chatted with this lovely guy after speaking left and right. Very witty, and knows how to keep you on your toes. Very interesting and gentlemanly!

*ose Red (33), Woman on 4 August 2017 by Webcam:
Woo hoo its hot in here! ?? seen the amazing Sam on cam. All male, all delicious and suductive. His voice alone can make a woman tremble. Don't believe me? Get him to whisper your name as you look into his eyes and decide for yourself. Very polite, but definitely a bad boy! don't be a stranger Sam, I want you. Xxx

*ub sister slut wanted (38), Woman on 13 December 2016 by Webcam:
I saw this guy on cam for the first time today and had a lovely general chat. He gave me some great ideas on how to find what im looking for and i cant wait to put them into practice! Xx
