By *b430Man
over a year ago
Tayside |
We know that the Gays are in the "closet" come out of the closet, or are outed from the closet. We know that the Neopagans are in the "broom closet", come out of the broom closet, or are outed from the broom closet.
We need a word!
We, the beautiful promiscuous community, where are we "in"? where do we come out of? where are we outed from?
Think of that poor woman, employed by the ministery of defence, pilloried by the Sun and the Daily Mirror in October (2009) for having posted her pics with 6 different men, pilloried as a national security risk! If she had merely been Gay, she would have raised a finger and said "so what", I'm outed, why on earth should I be a security risk!
I know that the tabloid "gutter" press are the very best at making headlines and by-lines about stuff like this, but they haven't yet. We know that doggers are in "the bushes", come out of the bushes, or are outed from the bushes. Cuckold are perhaps in "the wardrobe" come out of the wardrobe, or are outed from the wardrobe, but what about the pormiscuious community in general, we don't have a word for it!
It is really important we have propper terminology. Perhaps we should have a national compitition for the right word for it.
Remember, even if we are a national minority, we are a bigger minority than the Gay Community, and they have won all sorts of rights that we just don't have.
So lets try and come up with a proper word for it. "
And here he goes again 3rd time lucky eh? lol
I will post again what I did in your first attempt at this thread lol
Firstly why do we need a word for it? I am quite happy to 'come out' of my bedroom, their bedroom or anywhere else with a smile on my face knowing we have just had a great time!
Why is it 'really important we have proper (not propper lol) terminology'? I meet other people, I swing, I have a great time, etc, etc - Is that not good enough terminology?
Seeing as swinging is only an add on to normal life we do all still have all the 'rights' you think we don't
And I thought the 'proper word' for what we do is ermmmmmm Swinging!!!
Just my tuppence worth again |