Remember late 90's early 2000's pretty much every female I met with had a landing strip or at the least trimmed but never fully smooth.
I found that way more sexier than smooth, as a male I used to be smooth most of the time and females would tell me they preferred groomed / trim as opposed to smooth on a guy. |
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"I like the way I am"
I like trimmed (like your photos show) - it’s quite nice putting your hands inside her knickers and feeling the rarity of the soft trimmed hair.
I also think it looks nicer in pics. |
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"I don’t seem to be able to achieve full bush so smooth is the way for me…..…perhaps it’s because grass doesn’t grow on a busy street lol x"
That's probably the best answer I've seen on a forum post in a while😂 |
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"Nah fuck that, smooth all the way for me. Who the hell wants to walk about with a hairy bush? This isn’t the 70’s ffs!"
Haha!! Says someone with a hairy face . Who cares where you have hair. Hair is timeless and natural. Do what's comfortable. I get that people shave and get that people don't shave.  |
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'Smooth or natural'?
One of those questions like 'spit or swallow' or 'anal or not'?
I always just let the lady concerned decide, respect her choice, and enjoy the moment we're sharing...
Pick your battles wisely?  |
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"Thank you everyone. I'm very body conscious and this gives me a real big boost . I'm a natural woman and proud . "
You have absolutely no need to be body conscious, your body is absolutely perfect!real womans body x |
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"Nah fuck that, smooth all the way for me. Who the hell wants to walk about with a hairy bush? This isn’t the 70’s ffs!
Haha!! Says someone with a hairy face . Who cares where you have hair. Hair is timeless and natural. Do what's comfortable. I get that people shave and get that people don't shave. "
Epic response and so true, younger guys are cutting about smooth bodies but with a face full of fuzz, hair on a woman whether pubic or armpit is feminine natural and beautiful |
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"Full bush for me… I have never understood why guys want their women to look pre - pubescent !! I personally think that’s a bit dodgy !!! Xx" nothing dodgy about it at all I mr love giving Mrs oral and I love licking every part of it inside and out . It wouldn’t be a nice experience for me if it was covered in hair
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Its baffling to me how some people equate the preference of a lack of body hair to "dodgy" ,the fact that the mind goes there that's what's dodgy !
For me I like smooth on others and myself , also like trimmed on men.For me it more so what's appealing to me and what i'd want to put my mouth too ..
Rightly or wrongly i equate a full pubice on a man or woman to dirty ,like how i look at a zztop beard and wonder how many dinners lurk in it .
Each to their own but its not for me , doesn't mean im dodgy just means if i don't want to put my mouth their then its not for me ! |
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"Its baffling to me how some people equate the preference of a lack of body hair to "dodgy" ,the fact that the mind goes there that's what's dodgy !
For me I like smooth on others and myself , also like trimmed on men.For me it more so what's appealing to me and what i'd want to put my mouth too ..
Rightly or wrongly i equate a full pubice on a man or woman to dirty ,like how i look at a zztop beard and wonder how many dinners lurk in it .
Each to their own but its not for me , doesn't mean im dodgy just means if i don't want to put my mouth their then its not for me ! "
100% agree here x |
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By *hyme2020Woman 4 weeks ago
Glasgow Scotland |
Some of these comments about how it’s dodgy if people like shaved are weird to me. It’s nothing to do with wanting someone to look “young” and I think that suggestion is a bit sick. The same way I don’t like kissing someone with a massive full beard, I don’t want my face on a massive bush of pubic hair and really hairy balls and asshole. I wouldn’t want someone to dive in amongst a bush looking for my clit either. I used to be trimmed when I was married. Since actually getting a sex life since I’m single again, I keep mine short until I know I’m meeting someone then I shave it off so I feel nice and fresh. I also think it feels so much better being smooth or really short at period time too. Feels so much cleaner.
For men I prefer it to be trimmed or shaved. Both feel good but I’m not a fan of the natural look.
If a man told me to grow a bush because he liked it, I wouldn’t because I don’t like it. It would be the same for me if my partner asked me to shave and I didn’t want to. My body and my choice but I then can’t complain if he doesn’t want to give me oral because of it. Just as well we are all different and like different things. |
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"Every time I shave or use hair remover I want to get rid of more.
Legs, balls and chest so far.
Tempted to go further round than the balls next.
" I’d happily get rid of my chest and belly hair but Mrs likes it |
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Each to there own and if one person weather that person is male or female enjoys have pubic hair on there genitals then that’s there own Personall choice I won’t judge anyone for it on a Personall not I shave my pubes every day in the shower My pubes are always smooth I feel if they grow back in it tends to itch and is also quite unhygienic for me As in hot weather the genitals sweat more than other parts of the body |
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"I like the way I am
I like trimmed (like your photos show) - it’s quite nice putting your hands inside her knickers and feeling the rarity of the soft trimmed hair.
I also think it looks nicer in pics.
" i also like the way you are. Your stunning xxx |
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