Few interesting points on here and a great number of points. 100% agree that glasgows sandyford clinic is difficult to book with.
But getting into some of the points…
Someone mentioned that if you’re always using condoms you shouldn’t need to get checked.
First is a lot of the data that’s used for STI’s is actually from the 70s, and some of it not all that reliable. Some data suggests that even small traces of infection can pass from fluid to fingers, to condom and beyond.
The upshot is, get tested. Condoms are only 98% to 99% safe for up to 10minutes.
Plus a nunber of people don’t use condoms or dental dams for oral. So even if you penetrate with a condoms, if you exchange any kind of fluids, from kissing, oral or beyond, better to be safe and get tested.
Also if you’re using condoms for more than 10 minutes, safety of 98-99% drops significantly in some studies.
And even changing over condoms, there’s risk of fluid transfer.
Beyond the facts and figures, someone said about chalmers / lothians clinic. They are great, still not easy to get through to and only take calls between 9-1 I believe. They also only book about a week in advance.
But, bonus is they use the passcode and DOB log in, so if you need to show a partner you are clear, great!
However, bad news is no NHS clinic ‘tests for everything’. For example Trichomoniasis is typically not tested for, and it’s estimated that as many as 80% of people have oral herpes.
The sad reality is overlock down people got out of testing, and the figures post-Covid has shown a massive spike in STIs in Scotland.
However, ignoring the doom and gloom for a moment. Chalmers and most other council regions do post service, even if you’re further afield, and they do numerous clinics in east and West Lothian through chalmers.
There’s more I can go on about, but the upshot is even being careful, changing condoms, using dental dams, etc testing regularly should be a given. The data being used is old, crap, and was mostly focused on what is referred to as ‘MSM’. (Please note, this is the professional term used and not one I agree with) but men who have sex with men.
The data is skewed, and even today, the focus with monkey pox is focused on ‘MSM’. So if you or your partner even soft swing, better to be safe and get tested just to be on the safe side.
Anyway sorry for the long reply, but if it helps encourage people to get tested, then fantastic