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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


last thursday night we were having a fantastic time with a few "friends" over and all were very happy, a few cpls, single guys and fems nothing over the top and my hubby tony in wanting to keep up and not miss out decided to take 2 full strength viagra..

friday morning everyone had left and i noticed tony wasnt looking to good and after an hr was alot worse, long story cut short tony had a stroke and was only let out late tuesday evening and im glad to say alot better..

while in hospital he had blood tests and they said he had enough viagra to give an elephant a hardon, so all u studs out there be careful..xxx stella

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By *rusher21Man  over a year ago

rotherham but also walesabergavenny and wolves and loggerheads

not good what was the strength he took

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


100 mil each one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Can you imagine if your playmates hadn't turned up - he'd have had the worst case of tennis elbow ever recorded!

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


lmao...one way of looking at it

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


i think on the whole viagra is completely safe and if careful when using it there isnt a problem, but tony suffers from having a very high blood pressure all the time so taking 2 100mil strength viagra pushed his BP over the top..we were told at the hospital on average a normal BP for a male is 130/70 on arriving at hospital his BP was 250/140...

I think being on the Acute Stroke Unit has stopped him from planning on taking anymore of the little blue pills...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

never use it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well wish him all the best from all of us for a speedy recovery and tell him to keep his pecker up eh? hehehe

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"never use it"

Is that your manly way of saying "hey, us real men don't need viagra!"

If that's all you are going to contribute to the debate then it was a bit of a pontless entree to it wasn't it?

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By *adchickCouple  over a year ago


"last thursday night we were having a fantastic time with a few "friends" over and all were very happy, a few cpls, single guys and fems nothing over the top and my hubby tony in wanting to keep up and not miss out decided to take 2 full strength viagra..

friday morning everyone had left and i noticed tony wasnt looking to good and after an hr was alot worse, long story cut short tony had a stroke and was only let out late tuesday evening and im glad to say alot better..

while in hospital he had blood tests and they said he had enough viagra to give an elephant a hardon, so all u studs out there be careful..xxx stella"

we wish him a speedy recovery

However..... which numpty is giving him FULL strength viagra (full strength are prescription only) and common sense should say that you never take two of any little blue pill.

For the men that need help........ viagra substitute in little packets with liquid in them are alot lower doseage (5 or 10ml I think) and just as effective.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've used Kamagra gel in the past and it's worked fine. The response time is a lot quicker too (10 minutes as opposed to half an hour with the blue Viagra pills). The other benefit of the gel sachets is that you don't get any side effects with them, the pills are known to cause intense headaches.

p.s. If you go down the Kamagra Gel route, stay away from the pineapple ones, they're fookin disgusting!

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By *adchickCouple  over a year ago


"I've used Kamagra gel in the past and it's worked fine. The response time is a lot quicker too (10 minutes as opposed to half an hour with the blue Viagra pills). The other benefit of the gel sachets is that you don't get any side effects with them, the pills are known to cause intense headaches.

p.s. If you go down the Kamagra Gel route, stay away from the pineapple ones, they're fookin disgusting!"

Can you give brand names on here?

See........ I was trying to be discrete again.......

Wishy....... will you stop making me feel like a numpty!!! ppppffffff

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry hon, Viagra is the brand name for Pfizer's sex enhancement drug and Kamagra is someone else's brand for the same purpose. I don't see that there's any conflict by naming them. We are in the 'sex business' so to speak and this is a sex related issue, so I see no need for censorship on this particular issue... if anything, what's happened to Tony shows there is a huge requirement, if not duty, to point out the risks of using products like Viagra or Kamagra unprescribed, especially to people like us who are more sexually focussed in our approach to our leisure activities.

You not a numpty anyways, you just feel like one, which is prolly coz you just woke up and like all women you need an hour or three while your brain comes out of 'hibernation' and whirrs up all the little cogs to get you going properly... hehehe

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By *adchickCouple  over a year ago


"Sorry hon, Viagra is the brand name for Pfizer's sex enhancement drug and Kamagra is someone else's brand for the same purpose. I don't see that there's any conflict by naming them. We are in the 'sex business' so to speak and this is a sex related issue, so I see no need for censorship on this particular issue... if anything, what's happened to Tony shows there is a huge requirement, if not duty, to point out the risks of using products like Viagra or Kamagra unprescribed, especially to people like us who are more sexually focussed in our approach to our leisure activities.

You not a numpty anyways, you just feel like one, which is prolly coz you just woke up and like all women you need an hour or three while your brain comes out of 'hibernation' and whirrs up all the little cogs to get you going properly... hehehe "

Intravenous caffine fix needed before I duel with the gorgeous Mr Wishy......


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I dont normaly use the blue pills either, [thankfully], but I admit to trying them at a party once or twice, and if used correctly they are fine, a 25ml tablet,...or even half of one will do the trick without any side effect, not even the slightest headache


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Whilst having sympathy with the poor guy for having a stroke, one has to question his common sense takking 200mg of viagra when he had a known medical condition ie high blood pressure ....

Bit of a foolish thing to do all said and done

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Tried the gel once at Liberations...

Tasted like toothpaste.. frothed up to a powerful foam.. I looked like a rabid dog on heat slowly diminishing to a guy who can't wipe the toothpaste from his mouth...

Had no effect at all .. apart from all the lights seemed funny

Prefer not to use anything.. but like many get tempted now and then... but use the real thing cut in half lol..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Tried in once for a laugh while playing in a hotel with a freind....OMG, it bloody scared the shit out of me, It lasted all night, I could not cum and I kept knocking ornaments of tables!!!

Never again....well maybe!

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


in answer to the question tonys Dr prescribed the viagra to him and has done for the last 6 months as he is a grade 2 diabetic..being a diabetic grade 1 or 2 u can have them prescribed but i have to add yes he was a prat in taking 2 at once, but with what was going on at the time he said he put it down to the heat of the moment..also i will add after the shock and the hospital stay he hasnt recieved alot of sympathy from me and whats left of his viagra were crushed and placed in the wheelie bin outside and further more ive made an appointment to have a " chat " with his Dr this afternoon... tony was a prat for taking 2, but the Dr was a bigger prat for prescribing them in the first place..xxx stella

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All drugs carry a risk... Doctors usually make any patient aware of those.

Mis-use however isn't down to the doc eh.. Can't see why he was a Pratt?? As you said he's diabetic and must have asked for something.. they don't just hand them out Willy nilly..

Pardon the pun xx

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


he was a prat for reasons according the the consultant on the stroke ward..

1/. the dose prescribed was way to high for any person with a history of high BP, normal dosage is on average 50mil..

2/. anyone with a critical BP or very high BP are not allowed them, and as tonys average BP had been up that point 210/110 he should never have recieved them...

trust me on this it does take 2 to tango and the blame if u can call it that is not just down to the Dr and tony wont be doing it again, it scared him stupid being on a stroke ward seeing what he could have ended up like and also the hassle he recieved from me i know he wont be doing it again....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I bet... would have scared the pants off me too...

Wish him the best regardless.. Poor bloke will never get a stiffy again..

All the best... xx

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


thats the stupid thing about it..he can manage a hardon and does nicely but the fool thought sod it i'll take a viagra and coz it didnt work str8 away he took another, so u can guess what happend when they both kicked in..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Red wish all the best from me...

With you wondering around looking as hot as you do viagra would deffo be needed xxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

it makes you wonder about the viagra, but used properly it can be very effective, you say tony doesnt have problems with a hard on, he must have to asked the dr in the first place. a dr does not give out viagra without looking into a patients history. but these days viagra can be obtained anywhere.

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By *eakcoupleCouple  over a year ago

peak district

wow, that is a cautionary tale! very sorry for you both and hope he recovers fully and quickly. have taken it occasionally at orgies, but only half a tablet a night. i'm not sure i really need it as under those circumstances am normally very turned on anyway! next one we go to will give it a miss.

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago



in answer to ur statement even though i dont think there is a need for me to do so i will inform u of the reason the Dr prescribed viagra...

tony was in one hell of a car crash some 5yrs ago and broke a few bones etc. one of which was his neck, but he was a walking wounded so to speak, but the pills he was taking gave him a problem of keeping an erection so the DR prescribed him viagra, now 5yrs down the road all the bones etc have now healed and all is well but as he is a grade 2 diabetic he is still allowed to obtain viagra..ok i fully admit there are occasions when he does need them simply because when we do play it does seem to get a tad hectic so the odd little blue pill comes in handy...

i think next time im going to keep my mouth shut next time tony has a stroke with me recieving all this hassle... beem me up scotty..lmao..xxx stella

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago



hi my little darling i didnt see u there, hows u i havent heard from u since out last party..will be having another party at the end of march if tony is up to it we'll send u the details... xxx stella

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

golden root is so much better than viagra and they dont make you feel as warm and your heart doesnt feel like its beating as fast,it also in a lot of cases increases the size of a guys manhood too

google it for yourselves and read what it says

vikings used to take it before they went in to battle to get them fired up lol and its herbal so theres no crap in them so much better for you

i tried them and WOW!!!!! my ex noticed a difference in the sex and size and i didnt even tell her i had taken one to find out if there was a difference

they even sell them in males toilets in pub machines now altho they are not as strong so internet is much better

hope my info helps some may already know but this is for the ones who dont

its not a bad thing to take viagras etc as a lot of guys feel tired here and there an need a help sometimes and taking them doesnt mean you cant get a hard on, viagras etc just help to keep it there hehehehe....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

^^^ not according to the feedback on there forums

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Havn't ever tried Viagra or any other pill for that matter, but i sure as hell wouldnt mind experimenting. Is it true that you can go and purchase at the chemist or is this just hearsay?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

when i first started reading this thred i thought omg what an unlucky pair, then i thought what a silly man for taking a large amount of pills with a health problem but thank the nhs for helping you both to recover from this event.

then i heard about the kamaga and i thought u rubbed that in shame im innocent lol

but if it works for some keep going just be careful when taking medication as it can have side effects if not taken correctly but im of now to see if theres something women can take to help with orgasms WATCH out mark

xxx mark and lyn xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

you can get the little pink pills for us ladies, not that they worked for me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

only wanted to try them cos i am intrigued and if guys can have them why cant us women lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"only wanted to try them cos i am intrigued and if guys can have them why cant us women lol"

theres 2 girls live together in the flat above me and they had them on valentines night

they said they were both more horny than usual,and the sex was out of this world and a lil bit more exiting and rude

so they must work for women too

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By *leasureDomeMan  over a year ago

all over the place

"it makes you wonder about the viagra, but used properly it can be very effective, you say tony doesnt have problems with a hard on, he must have to asked the dr in the first place. a dr does not give out viagra without looking into a patients history. but these days viagra can be obtained anywhere."

The Docs are taking mens sexual health more seriously now and it is standard to as a guy if he is dysfunctional if type 2 diabetic ....the thinking is if a guy is sexually active he is more likely to exercise and remain fitter ,,,

Also it has been proven now that viagra has no effect on womens sexuality ...small doses of Testosterone control libido .....and Cialis is a gentler solution to viagra less side effects and one tablet can last for according to hype for 48 hrs ...the reality is around 32 hours ...

glad he made it ok and survived

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Best wishes to hubby....a lesson learnt about judgment in the heat of the moment,Im sure hes not the first and won't be the last to do something like that,glad to hear hes going to be ok xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hope he’s recovering and keeping well

But it does prove one thing, men really do think with their cocks!

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By *eznhannahCouple  over a year ago


there used to be a guy a few years ago who wnet to isis in leeds who used to take ten a night wont give his real name but his nic name was the pistol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Rob took one once just to see what it was like.....never again, the song Sex on fire comes to mind! Was a bit too much for me im afraid, a cock that stays hard,rampant and eager to fuck for 12 hrs straight is not my idea of fun lol

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By *eznhannahCouple  over a year ago


"never use it"

could it be you never had a chance to. why put that who are you impressing, very insensitive,

hope mr t is fighting fit again very soon mrs red hot xx

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By *aughtyNurse999Woman  over a year ago

Fabville !!!

Ok i am going to go into my nursey mode here..

First of all i am sorry to hear what happened hope he recovers well.

Viagra has to be taken with extreme care when someone has a history of Hypertension. some medications taken alongside viagra can cause a dangerous decrease in BP.

I just wish it was not so easy to get hold of it can be dangerous stuff.

And when i read your hubby had taken 2 i almost collapsed myself hehe .Glad he is on the mend though.


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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


i think alot of guys would have acted the same as my very silly hubby did when he has a few females running around in next to nothing, as i said he only took one as he always does and thought he was in for a good night, but when that didnt work as usual he thought he would take another and when they both kicked in it was to late by then..

after a cpl of hrs i noticed he didnt look ok and asked if he was ok his reply was "im fine" so left hime to it.. but what he didnt tell me he had one almighty headache and had already lost the sight in one eye but tony being tony this didnt put him off..

later that night he was slurring his speach (and no he doesnt drink) lol, so i said ok its the hospital for u and the rest is history..

ok i am a bit cheesed off with the Dr prescribing the viagra but if tony had used his common sense and not had his brains in his jeans that night none of this would of happend..so as far as sympathy goes yes tony is recieving it but in a very reduced amount, if he was fit i would have slapped him silly but i can wait..lmao

thanks for all concern from u lovely peeps and he is on the mend slowly but surely...stella..xxxx

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By *leasureDomeMan  over a year ago

all over the place

seriously ask him to get the doc to give him 20mg ciallis if its appropriate and allowable ..its far gentler and it only works when he is stimulated which means he wont be running around with a hard on for 10 hours .1 tab 3 hours before will last about 36 hours sometimes up to 48 hours depending on BMI

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Glad he is alright and on the mend but that was crazy taking 2 100mg tablets.

My GP told me he had someone report having had a heart attack on that strength.

I guess this shows the dangers of misusing prescription drugs.

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By *edhot4blk OP   Couple  over a year ago


he didnt misuse them on purpose i promise u and what he has been thru i dont think he will be touching them again..lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hi Stella....Sorry to hear about Tony..send him my regards...

Just read this thread.... there was no doubt taking two tablets was a bit silly....but Viagra actually lowers the BP does it not...correct me if I am wrong.

As most strokes are certainly caused by high BP......could what happened to Tony not have been caused by a lot of over-exertion that night (and a rampant mojo with two tabs) rather than the chemical effect...

Maybe someone has mentioned that....but when you see the amount of walkers etc that collapse on the hills etc around places like the lake district with heart attacks and stroke-like conditions...all caused by over exertion and increased blood pressure..... and only Kendal mint cake to be seen and no little blue pills!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"last thursday night we were having a fantastic time with a few "friends" over and all were very happy, a few cpls, single guys and fems nothing over the top and my hubby tony in wanting to keep up and not miss out decided to take 2 full strength viagra..

friday morning everyone had left and i noticed tony wasnt looking to good and after an hr was alot worse, long story cut short tony had a stroke and was only let out late tuesday evening and im glad to say alot better..

while in hospital he had blood tests and they said he had enough viagra to give an elephant a hardon, so all u studs out there be careful..xxx stella"

Not a wise move at all... never heard of anyone taking 2 in one go....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"snip... but the Dr was a bigger prat for prescribing them in the first place..xxx stella"

So he never asked the doctor for it then! Doc just said you have high bp and diabetic, best have some Viagra then...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think lesson learnt all round then...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

no matter the rights or wrongs in this case.

We both hope Tony gets well soon and makes a full recovery. Our thoughts are with you.

Tom & Pip xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i think a lot of guys who swing who don't need viagra use it, to most its just a confidance thing or to help them go longer, its very dodgy stuff tho, i know a guy who had a heart attack after using the stuff, he did'nt realise he had any problems with his heart and though he would be ok, could have been a coincidence he had a heart attack the same night he took viagre, could have bene the viagra that set it off, who knows, lucky, like you hubby, he made a full recovery, but to all guys out there be carefull, that extra shag isnt worth your life

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

I have taken a pill every so often but I don't get on with them, so I was pointed in the direction of the gels.... and for me they work better...... like wishy said, the pineapple one is rank!!! mind you the orange one isn't much better!!! lol

I am sure they do a longer lasting pill which is only 20 mg strength, but lasts an enitre weekend, so you can do it more naturally than you can do in a club type situation......

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