By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
On a work day, wake up about 11 ish,lie in bed for another hour or so wishing I was still sleeping. Eventually stumble to the kitchen for coffee,sit staring blankly into the cup until it goes cold,drink it,make another,,,,repeat until two hours before work time,,,then loo,wash,shower,get dressed and do make up and hair,,,all simultaneously,,then realise I have an hour left for the ten minute drive to work so,,make another coffee and sit staring blankly into that until I realise I now have five minutes to do the ten minute drive to work and I haven't made a sandwich and my teeth need brushing again because of all the coffee I've d*unk and now I need another wee as well.
It's bloomin' hectic chez moi on a work day.
On non work days I just stay in bed.