By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"can anyone tell me why people are so rude especially couples and single females,"
Your opening line takes a very hard swipe at the very people you are trying to reach. Bad move.
"not all i hasten to add,iam a single guy very polite and always send polite messages,"
Aw gee, I just knew that you'd big yourself up in the very next line. Cheesh!
"in a lot of cases people cant even be bothered to reply ,even if it is no thanks then at least you know,"
..and that's because a lot of cases, single guys can't be bothered to read!
"i understand there volume of messages is higher but it only takes less than a minute to reply,"
250x1 minute... do the math... Daily!
"and also they in a lot of cases say,your message didnt really grab my attention,"
You are competing against literally HUNDREDS of guys, so if your message doesn't say "Hey, I'm so much better than all the rest" then guess what... it won't grab the reader's attention, will it?
"well iam sorry but an initial message is very brief and i understand why guys do that as they are sick of there messages just being deleted without reply so therefore a lot of them just put a brief message now,"
So in essence you are saying, 'single guys get fed up being rejected so frequently that they become lazy and stop persevering by sending one-line or very brief messages.' - gets me reaching for the delete button without a moment's hesitation. Everytime.
"is it because there are so many guys and few women that the women think they dont need to make an effort,"
No it isn't. It's because the women can pick and choose who they want to meet and unlike men, women tend to want to have more than a nice 6-pack to fondle - a man must appeal to women in so many different ways. But I've never met a woman in swinging who HASN'T made an effort to look nice, dress sexily, and show me why I wanted to meet her in the first place.
"possibly so,more and more guys are getting fed up and i understand why common courtesy costs nothing does it,"
Nope, it doesn't. Patience is a virtue too.
"i reply to all my messages even if iam not interested but sometimes when you actually talk to someone who sends a brief message you find out so much about them and you realise that you have loads in common,"
You need to realise that not everyone you want, wants you, and you don't want everyone that wants you. It's all about mutual attraction and if the spark isn't there then no amount of 'getting to know someone' is going to ignite it.
"to delete someones message without really talking to them is very harsh as who knows what they might have to offer they certainly cant tell you in an initial message,so all i will say is ladies ,couples dont be so quick to judge and delete,"
Harsh is a harsh word to use to describe someone who simply doesn't have the time, inclination or requirement to answer every message they receive. It's down to the individual and a no-reply is their way of saying 'no thanks'.
"o and yes you can send a facepic aswell you know,we have to find you attractive aswell,its a two way street you know."
That sounds argumentative to me. Like you are saying: "Oi! where's me face pic, I sent you one!"
Who says they have to send you one. If you sent them one and they didn't like the look of you then what purpose would it serve for them to reply with a photo. You aren't going to play with them anyway so why make a fuss about it? |