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What is your earliest memory ?

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


I don't know if it's a case the older you get, the less earlier back you can remember, but what is the earliest memory you can remember ?


I vividly remember being 5 or 6 and laying on the grass in the garden, looking up at the fluffy clouds (There's a song there).


I do remember wondering if my parents were my real parents, and I had a profound feeling they were not. I remember this memory like it was yesterday. Looking back it seems such a strange thought for a 5 year old to have had. I learned later the feeling was justified.


I also felt "disconnected" from everything. I had other profound thoughts too which shaped my worldview, but perhaps too deep and complex to go in to here.

So that's mine. What about yours ?

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By *inky_couple2020Couple 30 weeks ago

North West

I have a very vague memory of being in the garden with the lovely old lady who used to look after me in my home village. She lived with her brother in a tiny cottage across from us. The cottage was untouched from the 19th century, with a coal fired range in the front room. Welsh speakers, little/no English.

I can't have been more than about 4.

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

Being locked out of our maisonette and my 4 year old brother dropping / smashing the full milk bottle

... The smell /sensation of Hendon

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By *aizyWoman 30 weeks ago

west midlands

When I was three, my dad who was a biker bought me my first crash helmet, he had had it customised so it looked like a Chips crash helmet from the old tv show, with my name under the badge, I loved it, I wore it everywhere including to bed!

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By *naswingdressWoman 30 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

Being with my grandmother and talking to my mother on the phone about why my mum was in hospital. I was four

I also have an image in my mind's eye that only makes sense reconstructed after the fact - night vision from the first Gulf War. Again, about four. My felt sense of the image is "weird flashing lights"

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By *icecouple561Couple 30 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

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By *elisandre300Woman 30 weeks ago


I was 4 and visiting my cousin in hospital.

David Prowse was visiting the children’s ward as the green cross code man and I remember being terrified because he was so tall so I hid under my cousins bed. David saw me under there and bent down to say hello and I screamed in his face.

Years later I learnt he also played Darth Vader… and I’m still embarrassed by it

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By *ucka39Man 30 weeks ago


Not long after being born still in hospital and a name tag being put around my ankle

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By *till gameMan 30 weeks ago


Think I would have been 3-4 yrs

At one of my grandparents house, my grandpa had been a telephone engineer and had a collection of old phones and at the time the new fangled trim phone , remember playing with them all the time

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By *till gameMan 30 weeks ago


"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor."

Was your brother ok though ? 😀

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By *iberius61Man 30 weeks ago


I remember some instances of nursery, so I'd be 3 or 4. Not a lot, just odd things, playing in a sandpit, getting pushed over by another boy, I still remember his name strangely. When we got picked up sitting in the classroom and our names getting called out to go home.

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By *icecouple561Couple 30 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

Was your brother ok though ? 😀"

yes I don't think he landed on the floor

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By *till gameMan 30 weeks ago


"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

Was your brother ok though ? 😀

yes I don't think he landed on the floor"

Phew 👍

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By *icecouple561Couple 30 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

Was your brother ok though ? 😀

yes I don't think he landed on the floor

Phew 👍"

This was 65 years ago, he's over it

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By *till gameMan 30 weeks ago


"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

Was your brother ok though ? 😀

yes I don't think he landed on the floor

Phew 👍

This was 65 years ago, he's over it "

And you went arse over tit 😀

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By *ngel-ishandtheswingersCouple 30 weeks ago


I remember losing my favourite toy fire engine in a sandpit in a park in Hackney Downs

I'd gone with my grandmother and aunt. My parents owned a shop so I spent a lot of time with them

I went back every weekend looking for it. I would have been about 5

I still think about it whenever I drive past (which is every couple of years)

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By *inky_couple2020Couple 30 weeks ago

North West

"Being with my grandmother and talking to my mother on the phone about why my mum was in hospital. I was four

I also have an image in my mind's eye that only makes sense reconstructed after the fact - night vision from the first Gulf War. Again, about four. My felt sense of the image is "weird flashing lights""

Yes I remember seeing the first Gulf War on the TV, and we would have been almost exactly the same age

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

Being trapped behind bars. Must have been in my cot

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


So many fascinating replies so far, thank you for those who have taken part already.


Isn't it interesting to note that the majority of memories seen to be around the age of 4 (on average). Sure, a few "outliers" but 4 seems to be the magic number so far.


I wonder if that dovetails in to known research by child psychologists, and is accepted as a commonly mentioned age ?


And why 4 ? What is significant about that age in the developing brain ? Greater awareness perhaps ? A slightly more externally looking perception ?


I've love to hear more from those practiced/learned in this arena as to reasons why.

And for psychologists who study older adults, why would the brain hang on to storage of those ancient memories ? I mean, brain storage is valuable right ? And finite I assume ?

I remember lots of things after 5 or 6, but sometimes wonder, why I remember. Clearly the brain thinks it's important, even if I don't.

Oh what a rabbit hole this goes down !

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By *929Man 30 weeks ago


I have very vague memories of being a toddler on those reigns that were common back then running but not getting very far with my mam holding me back on the other end that’s the earliest I can remember

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By *sh1987Man 30 weeks ago


Having my first ever wank over the woman who worked in the shop I done my paper round for... 20 years later fucking her in pub toilets, behind walls. She was well classy lol

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By *izzy.miss.lizzyCouple 30 weeks ago


I must have been about 3 or 4

I was splashing in rainey puddles in my little red wellies.

Ive always loved the feel of wet skin


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By *erfHerder74Man 30 weeks ago


I remember being wrapped up so tight and hot I couldn’t move my arms as a baby and everything was so loud.

My next memory I was 3 and on a toy digger truck and the houses in the scheme were still being built ( parents house).

Next was the day before I started primary school, hot sunny day, rolling down a hill with my friends who were girls, making daisy chains and eating a vampire ice lolly.

I keep memories of almost everything

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By *amantha_JadeWoman 30 weeks ago

I can remember being perhaps four or five and a trolley being wheeled into the classroom to give us those little glass bottles of milk with the foil lid… and I remember being kept in at break time and looking out the window at the rain, whilst trying not to burn myself on the old cast iron radiators.

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By *nightsoftheCoffeeTableCouple 30 weeks ago


It's a strange one I remember being sat on my great nans knee crying, however she'd passed so it can't have been right.

I also remember being at Hull fair and dropping my toffee apple through the stairs on the helta skelta, probably around 4/5yo.


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By *ell GwynnWoman 30 weeks ago

North Yorkshire

Being 2 or 3 and standing in a field with a few sheep with my parents and grandparents. The tup (that's ram for you southern folk) took exception to my presence, charged, and bowled me over. It was a sunny day, and I was wearing navy blue dungarees with little red flowers on. The feeling of shock and surprise is still very vivid. I don't remember it hurting though.

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By *ingleGent45Man 30 weeks ago


Walking into a pub in the middle of the night in Kent I must have been very young maybe 3-4 I'd escaped the house but I can't remember how nor do I remember the long walk down the road through an alley down a long flight of stairs to a main road which I don't remember crossing either I just remember 2 steps onto the pavement and seeing a giant brown door so I went through it into a pub lol and everything was giant the bar stools where huge the bar itself was like 3 times the height of myself loads of giant people looking at me I don't remember any audio at all and then it fades out and I remember getting put in the back of a police car and the policeman in the passengers seat turned and extended a pack of candy cigarettes out to me he opened them and I took one and don't really remember anything after that.

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By *oontzMan 30 weeks ago


Yesterday when I put out the bin!

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By *ealMissShadyWoman 30 weeks ago

St Albans/ North Welsh Borders

I remember my birth. I remember black and the shock of bright light and coldness, it was like being underwater....and blurry faces all looking at me and hearing voices which again sounded like I was underwater...It was noisy. And the window, I remember the window on the wall.

I later learning I was born smiling and my Dad was singing that song 'she was born with a smile on her face' in the delivery room.

A later memory I remember sitting in the pushchair and being wheeled out, god knows where we were going, I just remember watching the world as we went

I can remember going to the seaside, I was in my Dad's arms as he was standing in the sea, a huge wave came and knocked us over...I just remember a huge slap and being wet. I remember laughing and wanting to do it again

A bit older, my Nain having a new fandangled toastie maker and I remember sitting in the living room while her and Mum faffed with it, it made thr best cheese toasties though, tomato soup and a cheese toastie was a thing every time I went to Nain and Taids It's still my comfort food now

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By *929Man 30 weeks ago


"I can remember being perhaps four or five and a trolley being wheeled into the classroom to give us those little glass bottles of milk with the foil lid… and I remember being kept in at break time and looking out the window at the rain, whilst trying not to burn myself on the old cast iron radiators. "

Our school had those radiators too giant antique looking things. Maybe they just looked so big due to being so young I don’t know

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By *icecouple561Couple 30 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I have two memories one from very young, I was laying on the floor at my grandparents house and a huge animal walked across in front of me, I realise now it was their cat. I think I was between 12 and 18 months old.

Then when I was two I was sitting one end of the pram and my baby brother the other in the kitchen at home and it tipped up, spilling me on the floor.

Was your brother ok though ? 😀

yes I don't think he landed on the floor

Phew 👍

This was 65 years ago, he's over it

And you went arse over tit 😀"

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By *iberius61Man 30 weeks ago


"...And for psychologists who study older adults, why would the brain hang on to storage of those ancient memories ? I mean, brain storage is valuable right ? And finite I assume"

From a biological perspective, not a psychological one: the brain's capacity has been estimated to be in the region of 2.5 petabytes. However the interesting thing is in how it's used. You've probably heard that it's not like a computer disc, it's not 1s and 0s. Memory is actually stored in the connections between neurons, not the neurons themselves. As we get older and the brain gets 'full', connections get 're-used'. So effectively you have two memories stored in the 'same place'. This probably why people often confuse events from the past. E.g. you remember going somewhere, but think it was with George in a Civic, when it was actually with Fred in a Golf.

To be honest, human memory is pretty poor really if you examine it. But we evolved on the African plains running own antelope. We didn't really need to remember which colour car we went to Scarborough in

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By *amantha_JadeWoman 30 weeks ago

"I can remember being perhaps four or five and a trolley being wheeled into the classroom to give us those little glass bottles of milk with the foil lid… and I remember being kept in at break time and looking out the window at the rain, whilst trying not to burn myself on the old cast iron radiators.

Our school had those radiators too giant antique looking things. Maybe they just looked so big due to being so young I don’t know "

They were huge weren’t they! Pretty sure I whacked my head off them once or twice lol

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

Tufty Club. Not sure whether it was a national thing, but a giant squirrel taught us all about road safety. Pierre the Clown also came to talk about cleaning teeth. I remember being give an apple by him.

I've been told this was when I'd just turned 4

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

I have a few contenders for my earliest. Though I'm pretty sure the one I have of being breastfed under my mums blouse in church is the earliest.

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By *elix SightedMan 30 weeks ago

Cloud 8

"Walking into a pub in the middle of the night in Kent I must have been very young maybe 3-4 I'd escaped the house but I can't remember how nor do I remember the long walk down the road through an alley down a long flight of stairs to a main road which I don't remember crossing either I just remember 2 steps onto the pavement and seeing a giant brown door so I went through it into a pub lol and everything was giant the bar stools where huge the bar itself was like 3 times the height of myself loads of giant people looking at me I don't remember any audio at all and then it fades out and I remember getting put in the back of a police car and the policeman in the passengers seat turned and extended a pack of candy cigarettes out to me he opened them and I took one and don't really remember anything after that. "

Apart from the fact you woke up and your botty was sore.

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


"I remember my birth. I remember black and the shock of bright light and coldness, it was like being underwater....and blurry faces all looking at me and hearing voices which again sounded like I was underwater...It was noisy. And the window, I remember the window on the wall.

I later learning I was born smiling and my Dad was singing that song 'she was born with a smile on her face' in the delivery room.

A later memory I remember sitting in the pushchair and being wheeled out, god knows where we were going, I just remember watching the world as we went

I can remember going to the seaside, I was in my Dad's arms as he was standing in the sea, a huge wave came and knocked us over...I just remember a huge slap and being wet. I remember laughing and wanting to do it again

A bit older, my Nain having a new fandangled toastie maker and I remember sitting in the living room while her and Mum faffed with it, it made thr best cheese toasties though, tomato soup and a cheese toastie was a thing every time I went to Nain and Taids It's still my comfort food now "

That's some seriously impressive recall ability.

Thank you for sharing those lovely memories about your Nain and Taids (I've not heard those terms before), and of course the cheese toasties.

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

I am not opening that box tonight lol

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


"...And for psychologists who study older adults, why would the brain hang on to storage of those ancient memories ? I mean, brain storage is valuable right ? And finite I assume

From a biological perspective, not a psychological one: the brain's capacity has been estimated to be in the region of 2.5 petabytes. However the interesting thing is in how it's used. You've probably heard that it's not like a computer disc, it's not 1s and 0s. Memory is actually stored in the connections between neurons, not the neurons themselves. As we get older and the brain gets 'full', connections get 're-used'. So effectively you have two memories stored in the 'same place'. This probably why people often confuse events from the past. E.g. you remember going somewhere, but think it was with George in a Civic, when it was actually with Fred in a Golf.

To be honest, human memory is pretty poor really if you examine it. But we evolved on the African plains running own antelope. We didn't really need to remember which colour car we went to Scarborough in "

Thank you for some in-depth info which I found fascinating and thought-provoking.


So if "memory" is "stored" in the connections between neurons, eg, synapses, and not in a format we would understand (binary 1's and 0's), what format is it stored in then ?


And if that particular synpase is full, in whatever way, does a new memory have to "find space" elsewhere to be stored, which would seem logical, as if it could not we would stop learning altogether.


This is now in very deep neuroscience territory indeed ! Thank you for your contribution.

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


"I am not opening that box tonight lol"

Very wise and sorry if any triggering was involved.

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

Beavers probs about 5 and getting kicked out because I nicked a taz bar hahah

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

"I am not opening that box tonight lol

Very wise and sorry if any triggering was involved. "

Absolutely no need to apologise all love here

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By *inky_couple2020Couple 30 weeks ago

North West

"...And for psychologists who study older adults, why would the brain hang on to storage of those ancient memories ? I mean, brain storage is valuable right ? And finite I assume

From a biological perspective, not a psychological one: the brain's capacity has been estimated to be in the region of 2.5 petabytes. However the interesting thing is in how it's used. You've probably heard that it's not like a computer disc, it's not 1s and 0s. Memory is actually stored in the connections between neurons, not the neurons themselves. As we get older and the brain gets 'full', connections get 're-used'. So effectively you have two memories stored in the 'same place'. This probably why people often confuse events from the past. E.g. you remember going somewhere, but think it was with George in a Civic, when it was actually with Fred in a Golf.

To be honest, human memory is pretty poor really if you examine it. But we evolved on the African plains running own antelope. We didn't really need to remember which colour car we went to Scarborough in

Thank you for some in-depth info which I found fascinating and thought-provoking.


So if "memory" is "stored" in the connections between neurons, eg, synapses, and not in a format we would understand (binary 1's and 0's), what format is it stored in then ?


And if that particular synpase is full, in whatever way, does a new memory have to "find space" elsewhere to be stored, which would seem logical, as if it could not we would stop learning altogether.


This is now in very deep neuroscience territory indeed ! Thank you for your contribution."

A synapse is not something that can be filled. It's simply a junction between nerves. The "storage" capacity of the brain cannot be compared to digital data. References to petabyte equivalents are just for comparison, like telling us how many elephants' weight something is equivalent to, or how many houses talk something is. The things being measured are probably not elephants or houses.

The brain's "storage" is in electrochemical form and honestly, we're not entirely sure how memories are stored, though we're making strides.

Here's an interesting bit of research:

Zheng J. et al. Neurons detect cognitive boundaries to structure episodic memories in humans. Nature Neuroscience. March 7, 2022

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By *nnCeeWoman 30 weeks ago

East of Eden, West of Hell

"I can remember being perhaps four or five and a trolley being wheeled into the classroom to give us those little glass bottles of milk with the foil lid… and I remember being kept in at break time and looking out the window at the rain, whilst trying not to burn myself on the old cast iron radiators.

Our school had those radiators too giant antique looking things. Maybe they just looked so big due to being so young I don’t know

They were huge weren’t they! Pretty sure I whacked my head off them once or twice lol "

I remember being in the first year at school and warming my feet up on the radiators in my classroom, but being told to stop else I'd get chilblains. I was just 5.

I also remember sucking my thumb after using the modelling clay that was made from paper and having the threads stuck in my mouth.

I also remember being on holiday when I was 4: I remember the cupboard doors in the apartment and going for fresh rolls in the morning, and trying to find my Dad when he'd disappeared snorkeling for hours and falling gover on the really dusty gravel.

I also have vague memories of being at playgroup, so when I was 3 or 4.

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


"...And for psychologists who study older adults, why would the brain hang on to storage of those ancient memories ? I mean, brain storage is valuable right ? And finite I assume

From a biological perspective, not a psychological one: the brain's capacity has been estimated to be in the region of 2.5 petabytes. However the interesting thing is in how it's used. You've probably heard that it's not like a computer disc, it's not 1s and 0s. Memory is actually stored in the connections between neurons, not the neurons themselves. As we get older and the brain gets 'full', connections get 're-used'. So effectively you have two memories stored in the 'same place'. This probably why people often confuse events from the past. E.g. you remember going somewhere, but think it was with George in a Civic, when it was actually with Fred in a Golf.

To be honest, human memory is pretty poor really if you examine it. But we evolved on the African plains running own antelope. We didn't really need to remember which colour car we went to Scarborough in

Thank you for some in-depth info which I found fascinating and thought-provoking.


So if "memory" is "stored" in the connections between neurons, eg, synapses, and not in a format we would understand (binary 1's and 0's), what format is it stored in then ?


And if that particular synpase is full, in whatever way, does a new memory have to "find space" elsewhere to be stored, which would seem logical, as if it could not we would stop learning altogether.


This is now in very deep neuroscience territory indeed ! Thank you for your contribution.

A synapse is not something that can be filled. It's simply a junction between nerves. The "storage" capacity of the brain cannot be compared to digital data. References to petabyte equivalents are just for comparison, like telling us how many elephants' weight something is equivalent to, or how many houses talk something is. The things being measured are probably not elephants or houses.

The brain's "storage" is in electrochemical form and honestly, we're not entirely sure how memories are stored, though we're making strides.

Here's an interesting bit of research:

Zheng J. et al. Neurons detect cognitive boundaries to structure episodic memories in humans. Nature Neuroscience. March 7, 2022"

Thank you for that reference. I'll be able to access it tomorrow when Mrs DS hops online to do her thing

Thank you as well for helping my understanding about synapses not storing anything, in the sense of memories at least.

They are manifestly stored "somewhere", and that is deeply intriguing. I am start to suspect that that "somewhere" is all over the place, and not just in the hippocampus, for example. The hippocampus just "executes" the command to go and retrieve the memories, does it not ? Much like a PC CPU goes to retrieve storage from a storage device ?

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By *ripfillMan 30 weeks ago

Paris, New York, Hong Kong and Havant

My earliest memory backed up with a photo was at age of three being thrown into a swimming pool in Lancaster

I remember still the fear but still here to tell the tale

( parents - this in my view is not a good idea )

The term sink or swim was very apt 😬

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By *oubleswing2019 OP   Man 30 weeks ago


"My earliest memory backed up with a photo was at age of three being thrown into a swimming pool in Lancaster

I remember still the fear but still here to tell the tale

( parents - this in my view is not a good idea )

The term sink or swim was very apt 😬"

You had a parent that did that too, huh ? Mine let out the air of a rubber ring I wore when I swam. It slowly deflated over the course of an hour or so, after I had done several laps of a very large lake.

When I noticed and panicked (I was only 9), my father said to me "That happened over an hour ago. You've been swimming fine without it".

I did wonder why he accompanied me for a whole hour whilst I went round and round the lake.

Flipping sneaky sausage. I forgave him but I understand how kids can have trust issues sometimes.

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By *ripfillMan 30 weeks ago

Paris, New York, Hong Kong and Havant

"My earliest memory backed up with a photo was at age of three being thrown into a swimming pool in Lancaster

I remember still the fear but still here to tell the tale

( parents - this in my view is not a good idea )

The term sink or swim was very apt 😬

You had a parent that did that too, huh ? Mine let out the air of a rubber ring I wore when I swam. It slowly deflated over the course of an hour or so, after I had done several laps of a very large lake.

When I noticed and panicked (I was only 9), my father said to me "That happened over an hour ago. You've been swimming fine without it".

I did wonder why he accompanied me for a whole hour whilst I went round and round the lake.

Flipping sneaky sausage. I forgave him but I understand how kids can have trust issues sometimes."

Well done !! - 👍

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By *rsPricklePantsWoman 30 weeks ago

Room 237 at The Overlook Hotel, Suffolk

Falling down the stairs at the age of 3 while drinking from a sippy cup, I ended up in a pile at the bottom

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By *unfun29Man 30 weeks ago


Following my dad around with a toy bubble lawn mower whistle he cut the grass

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By *ealMissShadyWoman 30 weeks ago

St Albans/ North Welsh Borders

"I remember my birth. I remember black and the shock of bright light and coldness, it was like being underwater....and blurry faces all looking at me and hearing voices which again sounded like I was underwater...It was noisy. And the window, I remember the window on the wall.

I later learning I was born smiling and my Dad was singing that song 'she was born with a smile on her face' in the delivery room.

A later memory I remember sitting in the pushchair and being wheeled out, god knows where we were going, I just remember watching the world as we went

I can remember going to the seaside, I was in my Dad's arms as he was standing in the sea, a huge wave came and knocked us over...I just remember a huge slap and being wet. I remember laughing and wanting to do it again

A bit older, my Nain having a new fandangled toastie maker and I remember sitting in the living room while her and Mum faffed with it, it made thr best cheese toasties though, tomato soup and a cheese toastie was a thing every time I went to Nain and Taids It's still my comfort food now

That's some seriously impressive recall ability.

Thank you for sharing those lovely memories about your Nain and Taids (I've not heard those terms before), and of course the cheese toasties."

Thank you. I remember lots of stuff as a baby, it's rare to remember events prior to the age of two so I'm very lucky

Nain and Taid is Welsh for Nan and Grandad....I am Welsh speaking and my Nain would ignore me if I spoke to her in English

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By *ingleGent45Man 30 weeks ago


"Walking into a pub in the middle of the night in Kent I must have been very young maybe 3-4 I'd escaped the house but I can't remember how nor do I remember the long walk down the road through an alley down a long flight of stairs to a main road which I don't remember crossing either I just remember 2 steps onto the pavement and seeing a giant brown door so I went through it into a pub lol and everything was giant the bar stools where huge the bar itself was like 3 times the height of myself loads of giant people looking at me I don't remember any audio at all and then it fades out and I remember getting put in the back of a police car and the policeman in the passengers seat turned and extended a pack of candy cigarettes out to me he opened them and I took one and don't really remember anything after that.

Apart from the fact you woke up and your botty was sore."

Hahaha quite possibly exactly that lol

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By *ingleGent45Man 30 weeks ago


Great thread by the way incredible memories all of you, makes a fun read. x

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By *ools and the brainCouple 30 weeks ago

couple, us we him her.

Building a model of a Saturn 5 rocket at the dinning room table.

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By *ivemealadybonerWoman 30 weeks ago


Not sure of my age but think I was around 5, I woke up in my bed, looking at a yellow wall and walking downstairs and people were there, obviously my family and they all knew me, sounds weird but if was like that was the day I started to exist lol.

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By *obyn GravesTV/TS 30 weeks ago

1127 walnut avenue

I'm thinking watching..the moon landing on tv in 1969 ..I have a vivid

Memory of my father waking me up to see it...I can't really remember anything before then..

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By *arkus1812Man 30 weeks ago

Finedon ,

My first ever Banana,

The year was 1945, I had just turned 5,The war was coming to an end and large group of American Servicemen were billited close to where we lived,They provided us kids with sweets and chocolate. One day a huge coloured soldier gave us a bunch of yellow fruit which he told us were Bananas, we had never seen them before and had no idea what to do with them, seeing us struggling about what to do with them he took one off the bunch and peeled it and started eating it, We followed suit and enjoyed the taste. To this day I have vivid memories of these guys,Happy days.

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By *icolerobbieCouple 30 weeks ago


This is a really interesting thread. Would our first memories have a correlation to when we first learned to speak a language. Perhaps any memories before that wouldn’t be remembered as we wouldn’t have the linguistic train of thought to identify and recall them. Unless they were memorised as images and the language to update the memory happened later.

My point is that we think in our native language, so before we’ve learned any language how would we recall a memory?

Just for the record, these are just my rambled thoughts, not any biological expertise!

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By *orningGlory555Man 30 weeks ago


Probably aged 3-4 and playing in the garden with my then best mate in Margate throwing the ball over the fence to each other, and building a scalextric track down the stairs and into the garden.

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

"Being locked out of our maisonette and my 4 year old brother dropping / smashing the full milk bottle

... The smell /sensation of Hendon"

Now what was the smell sensation of Hendon?

Let me know and I will go over to see if it's changed!

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By *avinaTVTV/TS 30 weeks ago

Transsexual Transylvania

The Big Bang!

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By (user no longer on site) 30 weeks ago

"The Big Bang!


Uttering the words "let there be light" and it was so. The first day.

I do not recall you being there Davina

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By *otts-manMan 30 weeks ago

Long Eaton

I remember being about 4, waking up in the middle of the night, and finding that both parents were gone... I woke my 3yr old sister up, and we were both crying hysterically, when my parents walked in the door

Mum had been working at the pub about 5 doors down the road, and Dad had gone to walk her home after her shift finished 😆

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By *rHotNottsMan 30 weeks ago

Dubai & Nottingham

I can remember loafs of events aged between around two and four. Some of the most clear and detailed still -

I can remember getting a really bad ear infection , and a fever, having ear drops and having a dream that I will have for the next 20 plus years whenever I got a high fever. My mum said I was 19 months when I had the ear infection

I can remember coming down the stairs Christmas morning and seeing a tree and presents under it. I described the house and the layout to my mum and she says I was 26 months.

I can remember having sand thrown into my eyes at nursery when I was three by another kid I can still feel the sensation of being blinded & scratches on my eyeballs.

I can remember the drama with my sister being thrown off one of those witches hat rides at the park when I was three.

I can remember burying my brother in the sand up to his neck at the seaside when I was four.

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By *enelope2UWoman 30 weeks ago

Doesn't matter cant block distances

I remember being around 4 and learning how to say bullshit... I only could say bushshit but I do remember being fixated on that word..30+ years later it's still my favourite word as a cynical

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By *ortySwitchMan 30 weeks ago


My earliest memory is watching my grandmother die. I was sat on the bed she was laying in and she passed away while maintaining eye contact. I was not quite four years old.

My next memory is cracking my head against a concrete step a few months later.

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By *atnip make me purrWoman 30 weeks ago


Finding a dead cat in the garage.

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By *ripfillMan 30 weeks ago

Paris, New York, Hong Kong and Havant

"Finding a dead cat in the garage. "

That’s awful … and traumatic

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By *tephanjMan 30 weeks ago


My earliest memory is aged 3 in hospital after having my foreskin removed due to it being too tight and I couldn't wee properly

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By *aughtystaffs60Couple 30 weeks ago


Mines a funny one. It's probably not the first memory but is most vivid one from when I was young.

When I was very small probs 4 or 5 I guess I used to love dinosaur books and one day I decided to go into mum and dad's bedroom to talk about them. Anyway they's forgotten to lock the door and guess what ?. Mum had her very own Brontosaurus neck out and in her hand or mouth or whatever. I didn't spend any more time to watch as I am sure they were as embarrassed as I was.

It looked huge to a little dot like me and I must admit I found very scary LOL.

That is one of my most vivid early memories.

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By *ubikslongswordMan 29 weeks ago


Being in a swimming pool in Portugal and banging my head as I tried to to a headstand into the pool

Don't remember much for a few years after

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By (user no longer on site) 29 weeks ago

Walking to the corner shop with my Grandad to get his morning paper then having a tantrum cause he wouldn’t buy me the Thomas the Tank Engine magazine I’d spotted. Selfish.

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By *avinaTVTV/TS 29 weeks ago

Transsexual Transylvania

"The Big Bang!

Uttering the words "let there be light" and it was so. The first day.

I do not recall you being there Davina "

No, I'm talking about that group sex I had that totally reset my world view...

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By (user no longer on site) 29 weeks ago

"This is a really interesting thread. Would our first memories have a correlation to when we first learned to speak a language. Perhaps any memories before that wouldn’t be remembered as we wouldn’t have the linguistic train of thought to identify and recall them. Unless they were memorised as images and the language to update the memory happened later.

My point is that we think in our native language, so before we’ve learned any language how would we recall a memory?

Just for the record, these are just my rambled thoughts, not any biological expertise!"

I'm not an expert either, but before acquiring language, babies can remember faces, songs and other stimuli.

My dog can't talk either, but he can clearly remember some things.

I'm also interested in the link between early memories and things we have been told, or reminded of by photos. Do we remember the event at age three, or do we remember being reminded of it when we were slightly older?

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman 29 weeks ago

little house on the praire

I remember sitting on my heavily pregnant mums knee choosing names for the baby. I would of been 2 and 1/2 and then my sister being born.

I can still smell the room we had playschool in and lots of things about it and I was 4 then

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By *abtastic Mr FoxMan 29 weeks ago

A den in the Glen

4 years old. Fingers caught in the spokes of a bike.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS 29 weeks ago


Age 2, with family at an event and carried, crying

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