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Dr who

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By *asterR and slut maya OP   Man  over a year ago





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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

What a load of shit

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By *weetsmellingtreatsWoman  over a year ago


Just had the misfortune whilst visiting relative and it reminded me of why I’ve never watched such drivel since the 70’s when it was compulsory viewing of my brother

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman  over a year ago

all loved up

It was great.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It was shoddily done and half hearted.

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By *rsMistyPeaksWoman  over a year ago


I loved it

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By *itty9899Man  over a year ago

Craggy Island

Better then Whittaker and Chinballs but I shall keep judging untill after the last Tennet special.

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By *reat me rightWoman  over a year ago


Loved it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Terrible with an overgrown Furby

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By *asterR and slut maya OP   Man  over a year ago


Interesting 50/50 so far

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By *IG G77Man  over a year ago


"Loved it"
I'll be your Dr xxx

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham




Poor and a huge disappointment. Woke, poor story, just bad

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

I think David Tenant WAS a great doctor but didn't think much to it this evening.

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"I think David Tenant WAS a great doctor but didn't think much to it this evening. "

Only so much you can do with a piss poor script

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By *usurrusCouple  over a year ago

North West.

Why are the aliens still so rubbish. Humans on stilts in rubber..... It's probably big on fet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It was shite

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By *rauntonbananaMan  over a year ago


Utter rubbish.. the music was so loud and disjointed with no break it… i repeat utter rubbish and not what I pay my tv licence for..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well I for one celebrate non-binaryness saving the world (but obviously a male-presenting Doctor just wouldn’t understand)


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Getting desperate when they are lifting charachters out from comic strip characters . Meep the Beep was in Doctor Who Magazine with Forth Doctor and one of the yearbooks with 6th Doctor

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"Well I for one celebrate non-binaryness saving the world (but obviously a male-presenting Doctor just wouldn’t understand)

6/10 "

That's up to you but I suspect the majority will disagree and that will be reflected in the viewing figures. I may be wrong but I very much doubt it. Russell T saved it all those years ago, not this time in my opinion

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By *ensualMan  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 25/11/23 21:02:23]

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By *aitonelMan  over a year ago


Standard filler episode level. Not worthy of being a special but was decent enough. Was never going to be the same quality as Blink, The Time of Angels etc

Was a setup episode mostly.

Doesn't really matter how good or bad the story ended up, some people were going to hate it regardless simply due to the content of the story. Plenty of cringe worthy moments and stories from previous episode (Davies and Moffat eras included).

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By *carlet SeductionWoman  over a year ago


I liked it for the light entertainment programme it was and for David Tennant

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By *ensualMan  over a year ago


A couple of hours before the opening titles ran, by coincidence I had been reading Requim Knight written by Pat Mills. So as an old 2000AD die hard fan, I was pleased to see the story was taken from one written by Pat Mills and David Gibbons, staples of quite dark 2000AD.

I enjoyed what I saw, and I thought it was great fun.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well I for one celebrate non-binaryness saving the world (but obviously a male-presenting Doctor just wouldn’t understand)


That's up to you but I suspect the majority will disagree and that will be reflected in the viewing figures. I may be wrong but I very much doubt it. Russell T saved it all those years ago, not this time in my opinion "

You say that, but at least the little furry alien told us its chosen pronouns in case anyone misgendered it. Progress!

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By *r_PinkMan  over a year ago

london stratford

After the crap storylines and confusion of the last Doctor Who, this was much more enjoyable and I can not wait to see the next episode.

David Tenants Dr is one of my favs.

So yes. I enjoyed

a sterling 10 outta 10 from me

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By *KTim61Man  over a year ago


Jon Pertwee was my fave Dr.who. that's when I stopped watching it, but I heard David Tennant done a great job

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"Well I for one celebrate non-binaryness saving the world (but obviously a male-presenting Doctor just wouldn’t understand)


That's up to you but I suspect the majority will disagree and that will be reflected in the viewing figures. I may be wrong but I very much doubt it. Russell T saved it all those years ago, not this time in my opinion

You say that, but at least the little furry alien told us its chosen pronouns in case anyone misgendered it. Progress! "


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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"A couple of hours before the opening titles ran, by coincidence I had been reading Requim Knight written by Pat Mills. So as an old 2000AD die hard fan, I was pleased to see the story was taken from one written by Pat Mills and David Gibbons, staples of quite dark 2000AD.

I enjoyed what I saw, and I thought it was great fun. "

I saw the name and wondered if it was the pat mills of 2000ad fame. Don't recall any of his stories being as shite though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Loved it.

It felt like proper Who.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!"

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it"

Such a brave little soldier x

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

Such a brave little soldier x"

Such a woke little star

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By *ensualMan  over a year ago


"A couple of hours before the opening titles ran, by coincidence I had been reading Requim Knight written by Pat Mills. So as an old 2000AD die hard fan, I was pleased to see the story was taken from one written by Pat Mills and David Gibbons, staples of quite dark 2000AD.

I enjoyed what I saw, and I thought it was great fun.

I saw the name and wondered if it was the pat mills of 2000ad fame. Don't recall any of his stories being as shite though "


1980 AD! In Yorkshire, the authorities have dismissed reports that an Unidentified Flying Object was seen plummeting towards the ground… moments before the explosion that destroyed the Blackcastle Steel Mills. After all, Blackcastle is the last place on Earth aliens would ever want to visit…

Local teenagers Sharon and Fudge know better. ’Cos they’ve found an actual space alien hiding in the allotments. He’s their alien. Their secret. And his name is… The Meep.

He’s not the only alien in Blackcastle, though. His pursuers, the terrible Wrarth Warriors, are on his trail, along with their unwitting accomplice: The Doctor!

Based on the Doctor Who Weekly comic strips written by Pat Mills and John Wagner, with art by Dave Gibbons

Added note Sharon was to be the first POC companion of the Dr in print or film, so the story has a history of inclusively.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

Such a brave little soldier x

Such a woke little star"



UK /w??k/ US /wo?k/

aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.

The world is always changing, you can either cry because it’s not the past, or you can realise the world is no longer yours and belongs to a new generation. A woke generation.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

It was great. Margoyles sounded like she was having a great time

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


I'm more against, I expected better . I like Catherine Tate. It's probably made for kids, not me though.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't think I've watched it since Tom Baker...wasn't great then..

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"I'm more against, I expected better . I like Catherine Tate. It's probably made for kids, not me though. "

Exactly this, it’s a children’s programme, it’s not made for middle aged folk. Like everyone who cry arsed about the Star Wars prequels, us old folk need to realise it’s not our show anymore.

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By *agondaMan  over a year ago



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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

Such a brave little soldier x

Such a woke little star



UK /w??k/ US /wo?k/

aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.

The world is always changing, you can either cry because it’s not the past, or you can realise the world is no longer yours and belongs to a new generation. A woke generation.


Lol a minority

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By *mateur100Man  over a year ago

nr faversham

"I'm more against, I expected better . I like Catherine Tate. It's probably made for kids, not me though.

Exactly this, it’s a children’s programme, it’s not made for middle aged folk. Like everyone who cry arsed about the Star Wars prequels, us old folk need to realise it’s not our show anymore."

A kids programme that wants to touch on adult themes! FFS

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When did the sonic screwdriver have the ability to ‘draw’ a shield? That could have been handy in the past

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

The Town by The Cross

Dr. Who should be watched for the genre that it is. Anyone expecting a slick sci fi would be bitterly disappointed.

Dr. Who appeals on so many levels. It appeals to all ages and appeals as it is quintessentially British with all the idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of a seaside post card.

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I didn't think I was going to but they pulled out so many stops ! I preferred the Meep in evil form. Far too sickly sweet to survive in pet form. Only Dr Who could have red bug eyed humanoid gimps with the manners and accents of a jolly good old tally ho! and get away with it.

It isn't easy tying up loose ends to start a series. They managed it well enough.

I've put the date in my diary for next week !

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By *orny-DJMan  over a year ago


I enjoyed it

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By *asycouple1971Couple  over a year ago


Liked it. Was fun.

Didnt like the last Dr.

Great to have DT back for abit.

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By *elvet RopeMan  over a year ago

by the big field

Of course it is, Its been shite for years

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By *agneto.Man  over a year ago


It was alright. I was expecting better. The woke elements did feel a bit forced.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I enjoyed it.

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By *dmundwilsonMan  over a year ago


Lost interest when amy pond was do e. Boiled my blood in the bezt wayMs Gillan!

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

The Town by The Cross

"It was alright. I was expecting better. The woke elements did feel a bit forced. "

I thought that, at those points it felt more like a lesson in gender than a sci fi series.

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By *eart31Couple  over a year ago


I’ve not managed to watch it yet gutted that it’s been poorly received I was buzzing to watch it

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

Such a brave little soldier x

Such a woke little star



UK /w??k/ US /wo?k/

aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.

The world is always changing, you can either cry because it’s not the past, or you can realise the world is no longer yours and belongs to a new generation. A woke generation.

Lol a minority "

And that’s why this is an argument you’ve already lost, it’s nothing to the teens or f today that someone is non binary, just as it was nothing to teens that someone was gay when I was growing up. The world has moved on, just like it always does, and each generation is more accepting of difference than the last.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A couple of hours before the opening titles ran, by coincidence I had been reading Requim Knight written by Pat Mills. So as an old 2000AD die hard fan, I was pleased to see the story was taken from one written by Pat Mills and David Gibbons, staples of quite dark 2000AD.

I enjoyed what I saw, and I thought it was great fun.

I saw the name and wondered if it was the pat mills of 2000ad fame. Don't recall any of his stories being as shite though "

His character not his story, that was written by the overrated Russell T Davis who yet again used one if his shows to force his political views on the rest of us.

Davis is a mediocre writer at best. All of the great stories since 2005 were written by others, his stories are always a convoluted mess, as was thus one.

Shame they seem to have squandered the 60th anniversary with such a dud first episode.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"I'm more against, I expected better . I like Catherine Tate. It's probably made for kids, not me though.

Exactly this, it’s a children’s programme, it’s not made for middle aged folk. Like everyone who cry arsed about the Star Wars prequels, us old folk need to realise it’s not our show anymore.

A kids programme that wants to touch on adult themes! FFS "

Use of pronouns and being non binary aren’t adult themes, go into any secondary school these days and you will find loads of kids who are gay, bi, non binary etc. it’s just how the world is.

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By *0ng0 furyMan  over a year ago



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By *jb1ABCMan  over a year ago


Thought it was ok it could have lost the woke pronoun bit for me but otherwise it was pretty enjoyable

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By *g and funnyCouple  over a year ago


"I'm more against, I expected better . I like Catherine Tate. It's probably made for kids, not me though.

Exactly this, it’s a children’s programme, it’s not made for middle aged folk. Like everyone who cry arsed about the Star Wars prequels, us old folk need to realise it’s not our show anymore.

A kids programme that wants to touch on adult themes! FFS "

Some of the best kids programs, TV and Films, touch on adult themes, below is a comment I wrote a few months ago on DoG in response to someone saying how can a kids film deal with adult issues, seems pertinent to your comment.

"Kids films can be just as effective as adult dramas and deal with issues.

Want a film about feeling old, past your prime and being replaced by a younger generation - Toy Story.

How about the loss of a loved one and learning to re embrace happiness and joy in the world - Up.

I'd also dare you to find a better love story than the first 10 minutes of Up which deals with emotions that goes from childhood infatuation, to romance, to heart break of not having kids, to acceptance then loss of a loved one.

It's really easy to compare child's films to adult dramas, just because they are films aimed at kids doesn't make them less worthy of consideration and respect."

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By *tephanjMan  over a year ago


I only watched half of it. It was very amateurish, and David Tennant was my favourite doc

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By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

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By *eliusMan  over a year ago


Watched it .. mixed feelings, did not pick up on the trans thing at all, thought the dialogue alluding to it was muffled and pretty weak. Bit confused how a ‘she mustn’t remember or she’ll die’ shock horror is dealt with in simple throw away ‘we are women so can handle it’ blah, blah … liked the interaction but feel the pairing and return of a familiar face is purely to re engage an audience after the failings (not her fault) of Dr Jodie. Overall amused but confused.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far."

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

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By *itty9899Man  over a year ago

Craggy Island

Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long. "

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

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By *G LanaTV/TS  over a year ago


It was always bound to get a pounding from the staunch popularists given the well know stances of Russell T Davies and David Tenant on inclusion so why not go out and play to this to get the series at least talked about. Was it a bit heavy handed in this, probably. Was it one of the great stories, no I don't think so, but rairly are the first in a series as they are always spend ling too much time laying out the foundations for later episodes. But I still found it a rarity of something worth watching on the BBC on a Saturday as it is normally a huge heap of lowest common denominator, celebrity laiden pap which I find a total turn off.

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By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like."

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

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By *g and funnyCouple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far."

Star Trek has always been political and woke, anyone who's a real fan of any Trek show knows this, for anyone to claim otherwise is nonsense

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By *itty9899Man  over a year ago

Craggy Island

"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?"

Because it not character it boring. The story arch the journey the Character goes on "not who scissoring who" like Wandavision she held a town against their well and wasn't punished for it she was let go by a Wahman

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans."

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?"

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Star Trek has always been political and woke, anyone who's a real fan of any Trek show knows this, for anyone to claim otherwise is nonsense"

Star Trek is way ahead of Disney in pushing the so called ‘woke agenda’ or being a decent human being as it’s also known. Gene Roddenberry was very much the bleeding heart liberal, and Star Trek portrayed post capitalist society on earth.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience."

I’m still confused to why the existence of lesbians in a fictional universe is such an issue for you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?"

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should."

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Use of pronouns and being non binary aren’t adult themes, go into any secondary school these days and you will find loads of kids who are gay, bi, non binary etc. it’s just how the world is."

Loads of kids heavily manipulated by influencers and outside pressure more like (I say this from family experience with a ND child). How many of these kids (not all granted as many truly are gay, bi etc and I’ve zero issue with that)will stop at some point and say ‘oh, hang on…’ Growing up kids were more concerned about the latest trainers, Bikes, music etc and barely have sexual identity a second thought. As kids I’m sure we all had moments of question, moments of doubt, moments of exploration and moments of insecurity. We all want to belong. These kids all want to belong. Doesn’t mean they all are. Social media and gesture politik has a lot to answer for. Look at Scotland to see how lobbying has backfired spectacularly. A mental health epidemic waiting to happen (and no, I’m not saying being gay/ bi/ trans is a mental illness). R

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience.

I’m still confused to why the existence of lesbians in a fictional universe is such an issue for you."

That isn't an issue at all for me have you seen flesh gordon?

The issue is for me is investing my time and money supporting a franchise for that franchise to decide that the characters i have invested in, are changed according to an idea or promotion of other ideas not really associated with the character or formate of the franchise.

And the final insult is the target audience do not support it (exception being Barbie which was well supported), so it flops ruining a franchise and my investment.

So all I am saying here is if Dr Who has gone woke and American fans turn away the its goodbye Dr.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *agneto.Man  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it."

Playing devil's advocate I guess it could be that middle aged white men are not really looked upon very well in woke productions and they've pushed the star of his own franchise to the side in favour of a Mary Sue. I mean it used to be referred to as the Skywalker saga. Personally I think this could have been easily remedied just by making her Luke's daughter. Fans would have then totally bought into her Jedi powers. But that's what happens when you make a trilogy with no idea of where the trilogy is actually going to go and hire three different people to plan each one without an overall blueprint.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it."

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I managed about 5 minutes but Nell and the kids enjoyed it.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience.

I’m still confused to why the existence of lesbians in a fictional universe is such an issue for you.

That isn't an issue at all for me have you seen flesh gordon?

The issue is for me is investing my time and money supporting a franchise for that franchise to decide that the characters i have invested in, are changed according to an idea or promotion of other ideas not really associated with the character or formate of the franchise.

And the final insult is the target audience do not support it (exception being Barbie which was well supported), so it flops ruining a franchise and my investment.

So all I am saying here is if Dr Who has gone woke and American fans turn away the its goodbye Dr.


Surely the thing about Dr Who is that they change all the time? It’s always been a progressive show, it’s anti colonialist to its heart and has more often than not had an anti-capitalist leaning, as well as being as inclusive to different races and sexualities.

Now can you tell me how Luke Skywalker’s character arc is ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars "

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

Playing devil's advocate I guess it could be that middle aged white men are not really looked upon very well in woke productions and they've pushed the star of his own franchise to the side in favour of a Mary Sue. I mean it used to be referred to as the Skywalker saga. Personally I think this could have been easily remedied just by making her Luke's daughter. Fans would have then totally bought into her Jedi powers. But that's what happens when you make a trilogy with no idea of where the trilogy is actually going to go and hire three different people to plan each one without an overall blueprint. "

And it is these middle-aged white men who pay their cash to see the movie, but it doesn't end there, there is the books, toys, podcasts, comics, cartoons, clothes, models the list is long that supports the franchise that these men pay for.

Pushing them to the side kills a franchise because the new target audience shows no support.

Why am I bothered Dr Who is a British staple like it or not for it to go woke to satisfy American audiences is a dangerous move right now it could end the longest running franchise.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like."

Says the person who knows me so well, I am a massive geek a follower of popular culture Dr Who is not my favourite franchise but I see how big it is and the many followers it has.

Hence I wouldn't want to see it ruined due to wokeness, the strength of your franchise supports the strength of mine.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like.

Says the person who knows me so well, I am a massive geek a follower of popular culture Dr Who is not my favourite franchise but I see how big it is and the many followers it has.

Hence I wouldn't want to see it ruined due to wokeness, the strength of your franchise supports the strength of mine."

The Skywalker character arc you describe is not ‘woke’ though, it’s poor writing. You do understand what woke is, don’t you?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like.

Says the person who knows me so well, I am a massive geek a follower of popular culture Dr Who is not my favourite franchise but I see how big it is and the many followers it has.

Hence I wouldn't want to see it ruined due to wokeness, the strength of your franchise supports the strength of mine.

The Skywalker character arc you describe is not ‘woke’ though, it’s poor writing. You do understand what woke is, don’t you?"

Yes woke is like watching Dr Who or Star Wars.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like.

Says the person who knows me so well, I am a massive geek a follower of popular culture Dr Who is not my favourite franchise but I see how big it is and the many followers it has.

Hence I wouldn't want to see it ruined due to wokeness, the strength of your franchise supports the strength of mine.

The Skywalker character arc you describe is not ‘woke’ though, it’s poor writing. You do understand what woke is, don’t you?"

Why SW fans considered Lukes story to be woke is due to him the main character being replaced by a women there I said it, that why Lukes story arc is considered woke

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Shame to hear about the Dr being not so good, even more sorry to hear it was w8ke.

Dr Who is not my favourite franchise and I have yet to see yesterdays episode, for me as a Si-Fi fan is Dr Who isn't really is-fi more fiction with a splash of science.

Kinda like soft porn version of science fiction.

If Dr Who has gone woke then they need to look at Star Wars, Star Trek and DC Comics all their fans have turned their backs on these Francises due to the woke element that has been insisted upon.

If you James Bond fans are wondering were is Bond, well Bond is hiding until the woke dust settles and it is ok for men to be men again on film.

I hear that Marvel are now rewriting the scripts for the upcoming Blade and Fantastic Four movies to de-woke the scripts.

There is a saying in the film industry "Go woke, get broke" for context please read about Marvel latest flop The Marvals 700 million or so dollars to produce expected to make over a billion dollars, but flopped and brought in a fraction of that thus far.

Not really a fan of DC or Marvel (except Wandavision, which was excellent) but I’m interested in how you think Star Wars has gone ‘woke’.

Also, the phrase “go woke, go broke” is not from the film industry, it’s from right wing communities who attempt to engineer boycotts of products they don’t like.

Well they use it in the film industry as well, there is an article in variety Titled Go woke get broke referring to Disneys recent films including the great remake of willow now taken off Disney+ due to blacklash from fans of the original.

As for Star Wars I will just say Luke Skywalker what happened to him.

Also the force is now female ref Kathleen Kennedy, that turned away fans in their millions world wide, the excellent Mando look what happened to him, Mando went from saving Star Wars to again putting the franchise into danger.

So yeh get woke go broke is the correct term, for any industry that wants to push an idea no fans want to hear well most fans.

Could you tell me how what happened to Luke Skywalker is woke? And also, how many series of The Mandalorian has Kathleen Kennedy been in charge for?

Well if your interested you should look for yourself really.

Mark Hamill warned fans in interviews for the movie it is on YouTube go look

Kath Ken is in charge of lucasfilm so is in charge of all the productions that Lucas film and series is producing at this time.

It is easy searched put yourself to the test and not me.

If you like Dr Who great support it as a fan should.

So Kathleen Kennedy has been in charge of The Mandalorian for all of its series, the ones you like and the ones you don’t. So it going ‘woke’ doesn’t seem to be down to her Introduction?

Watch South Park they ripped her a new one last week really took the mick out of her.

Kath Ken is the person Star Wars fans blame for the failure of Star Wars franchise "get a chick and make her gay" is quoted as her

The great Jon Favreau was the creator of Mando, but he has now left due to decisions made by Kath Ken,.

I’m asking you how Luke Skywalker’s character arc has anything to do with being ‘aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality’? Not what Mark Hammill thought of it.

It is the destruction of Luke Skywalker and how they made him a weak and conflicted Character who needed saving and eventually killed off, to be replaced by Ray that is the problem for fans if you want to know then YouTube midnights edge/Star Wars

That’s not ‘woke’ though, it’s just poor writing. You seem to use the word ‘woke’ for anything you don’t like.

Says the person who knows me so well, I am a massive geek a follower of popular culture Dr Who is not my favourite franchise but I see how big it is and the many followers it has.

Hence I wouldn't want to see it ruined due to wokeness, the strength of your franchise supports the strength of mine.

The Skywalker character arc you describe is not ‘woke’ though, it’s poor writing. You do understand what woke is, don’t you?

Why SW fans considered Lukes story to be woke is due to him the main character being replaced by a women there I said it, that why Lukes story arc is considered woke"

1) some Star Wars fans, I’m a Star Wars fan and I don’t consider it to be in any way woke.

2) the main character of sequel films being a woman is not woke, women are more than 50% of the population.

Sadly there is a group of middle aged men who just don’t seem to be able to accept the world isn’t like it was when they were young.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The best Dr reincarnation would be … Daniel Craig .. femke janson ..Helen McClory Tom hardy or cillian Murphy… make the doctor more darker and sinister with sense of humour .. aka ecclestone and tennet it’s been at its best when proper actors have led it imo… now it’s all formula and bland. … Disney may create their own but may destroy others ..

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By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

If you're concerned something is 'woke' you're rather missing the point

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By *ake_or_deathMan  over a year ago


The episode is getting a lot of love online (including from me). Dr Who has been the equivalent of woke since 1963. It's first story is about how destructive individualism is compared to working together. The second is about the need to fight fascism and the dangers of the nuclear bomb. In the early 1970s the show's most frequent writer was a communist and the producer was a Buddhist who wrote a story about the risks of pollution and artificial intelligence. The show frequently dealt with racism and misogyny (not always totally successfully it must be admitted). It has *always* had a Liberal slant, to the extent that the handful of right-wing stories stick out like sore thumbs.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Anyway, back on topic. Come on this is a fuck site!

Catherine Tates tits.

Eh? Eh?


( . Y . )

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anyway, back on topic. Come on this is a fuck site!

Catherine Tates tits.

Eh? Eh?


( . Y . )"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"The episode is getting a lot of love online (including from me). Dr Who has been the equivalent of woke since 1963. It's first story is about how destructive individualism is compared to working together. The second is about the need to fight fascism and the dangers of the nuclear bomb. In the early 1970s the show's most frequent writer was a communist and the producer was a Buddhist who wrote a story about the risks of pollution and artificial intelligence. The show frequently dealt with racism and misogyny (not always totally successfully it must be admitted). It has *always* had a Liberal slant, to the extent that the handful of right-wing stories stick out like sore thumbs.



The same as my is-fi pleasure was woke from its creation but never referred to as that because the word didn't exist back in the 60's.

What I hear from the movie press is that the ERG will never fund films that do not have some element of this agenda included in there movies.

Hence why there is a lot of promotion for alternative views, but I think that is for another thread.

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By *ooBulMan  over a year ago

Missin’ Yo’ Kissin’

Fell asleep 1/2 way through.... Will have to watch elsewhere.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *osco78Man  over a year ago


I really enjoyed it

Which is amazing as I loathe Catherine Tate with a passion

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rhugesMan  over a year ago


Thought it was quite fun ,but fed up with the wokeness that wasin it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ools and the brainCouple  over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

Tried watching, found it boring turned off.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ddie1966Man  over a year ago

Paper Town Central, Essex.

Just watched it.

Not exactly enamoured by it.

So that's where out license money goes eh?


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *om and JennieCouple  over a year ago

Chams or Socials

I watched a bit for the 1st time ever (that I can remember) & think they’re all off their heads!!! Not enough dr u gs in the world to make me watch it again

J x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I enjoyed both episodes. Wish David Tennant was back for a proper season. He’s brilliant as The Doctor.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

The second one was fun, too. Both Tennant and Tate must have had a great time as actors playing those roles

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


We've enjoyed both of the new episodes. Love having David Tennant back.

I don't get the complaints about it being woke... Dr Who, along with a lot of sci-fi, has always been woke.


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By *ehindHerEyesCouple  over a year ago


Loved having David and Catherine back, I loved their partnership. Bittersweet though seeing Bernard Cribbins, tugged on the heart strings

Tinder x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Utter drivel. The world is waking up to this progressive bollox and realising that it is just that, bollox.

"It was excellent, particularly enjoyed it being brought into the 21st century with the use of pronouns. It will annoy all the right people, as Dr Who always has, with its progressive nature.

The Meep was enjoyably cute, and the Dr/Donna relationship has always been my favourite in Dr Who. Could it have been better? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

Couldn't disagree more and not afraid to say it

Such a brave little soldier x

Such a woke little star



UK /w??k/ US /wo?k/

aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality.

The world is always changing, you can either cry because it’s not the past, or you can realise the world is no longer yours and belongs to a new generation. A woke generation.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Haven’t watched it for years and when I hear such utter cack such as Davros not being in his half Dalek because it associates a wheelchair user with evil I’m glad I don’t. Woke BS at its finest

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dr Who didn't really get my attention this episode. It just bored me and got turned off.

I have a weird relationship with Dr Who. I really enjoy some of the stories like Bad Wolf or Amy and Rory. But the rest I find unbearable.

Personally I think they have made the common error of putting out too many series over too short a space of time. IE they ran out of ideas so pump out crap.

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By *andyfloss2000Woman  over a year ago


Really enjoyed it was very good x

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By *hief_Of_AlwaysMan  over a year ago

The last house on the left…

"I enjoyed both episodes. Wish David Tennant was back for a proper season. He’s brilliant as The Doctor. "

I’d like to see a whole season with Paul McGann

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *a LunaWoman  over a year ago

South Wales

"I enjoyed both episodes. Wish David Tennant was back for a proper season. He’s brilliant as The Doctor.

I’d like to see a whole season with Paul McGann"

Blimey! I forgot he was in it!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"I enjoyed both episodes. Wish David Tennant was back for a proper season. He’s brilliant as The Doctor.

I’d like to see a whole season with Paul McGann

Blimey! I forgot he was in it! "

I watch the Paul magian episode the other day on iplayer, part of the Whouniverse, good watch.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ehindHerEyesCouple  over a year ago


"I enjoyed both episodes. Wish David Tennant was back for a proper season. He’s brilliant as The Doctor.

I’d like to see a whole season with Paul McGann"

I thought it was nice touch they included him in the last episodes of jodies season, a lot of people forget he played the Doctor


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By *r_PinkMan  over a year ago

london stratford

I am a fan, enjoyed it,

you should remember, it is a kids program.

Take it with a pinch of salt AND if its not for you, just switch over.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This week's episode was better, though could have done without RTD going full on troll mode and having a non-white actor play Sir Isaac Newton. The guy can't help himself, he's always got to throw something in to detract from the story. But then considering his storytelling is not that good perhaps distracting people is a good thing.

It was great to see the legend that was Bernard Cribbins one last time (RTD says that was his one and only scene filmed) and hope next week's big episode (alleged multi-Doctor and the Toymaker) tops the anniversary episodes off.

All in all I preferred the one episode 50th anniversary.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


"Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats."

With Ncuti we might just get that gay black Dr Who ??

I'm looking forward to finding out how he portrays the part.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

It's amazing how many people who don't even watch the show are outraged about it being progressive.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's amazing how many people who don't even watch the show are outraged about it being progressive.


How is portraying an actual historical figure as having a different ethnic heritage progressive?

Having a female Dr is progressive, having a black Dr is progressive.

And don't roll out the argument doing the rounds about Jesus always being portrayed as white, so You can't complain when Newton is portrayed and Indian. There is a massive difference, Newton is an actual historical figure who lived, Jesus is a fairy tale character who was made up by white Catholic monks when the wrote the bible.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.


There was no point from a story telling perspective to have that in there. That whole scene could have been cut and it wouldn't have done anything to the episode.

RTD included it for the very same reason he includes a lot of stuff, because he wants to poke the hornets nest and troll everyone.

It was tiring when he did it years ago, it's tiring now.

Just write a bloody good story.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

"Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats."

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

"Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.

Mr DD"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inacolada3Couple  over a year ago


Its always been cheep, cheesy and crap, thats what made it good.

Back in the 70s you could see the cardboard walls moving x

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.

Mr DD"

The term ‘gammon’ refers to a bigot whose face turns pink when angry, why would you find it offensive?

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By *ingu and The ApeCouple  over a year ago

The Igloo

Ape here. First watched the show when Tom Baker was the doctor. It was created (believe it or not) to be educational as well as entertaining. I agree it’s cheesy but I like it. I say like it, but I am getting very close to walking away from it. I do not agree with changing the ethnicity of historic figures to be “woke”. Show historic events, fine, but there’s no need to change who or what a certain person fundamentally was. Sir Isaac newton was a white male, show him as such. I’m sure if historic figures of other races were played but someone of a different ethnicity, or someone of the opposite sex, certain people would be up in arms. I don’t care if the doctor is male, female, black, white, Asian, straight, gay, bi, inside out, back to front, upside down or drinks oat milk. Make the program entertaining.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

"It's amazing how many people who don't even watch the show are outraged about it being progressive.

How is portraying an actual historical figure as having a different ethnic heritage progressive?


In the past, it has always been white guys playing other ethnicities, such as in the Talons of Weng Chiang. Now we've got people of colour playing a few white folk.

Why does it matter to you?

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By *hunky ChefMan  over a year ago



Sorry about my generation.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

From the Cambridge Disctionary. You might want to research your posts a bit more before posting

C ] UK informal offensive plural gammon

an offensive word for someone whose opinions are very right-wing (= supporting the political right), used mainly about white men who are middle-aged (= from about 45 to 60 years old):

"So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.


The term ‘gammon’ refers to a bigot whose face turns pink when angry, why would you find it offensive?"

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

Was it scary?

It's not Dr Who for me if I'm not holding my breath or hiding behind a cushion.

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By *entlemanrogueMan  over a year ago


Not a who fan at all. i watched it a couple of times as a kid, with Mccoy, i watched some with Eccleston and one or two with Capaldi.

i feel they are quite childish and fairly boring.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"From the Cambridge Disctionary. You might want to research your posts a bit more before posting

C ] UK informal offensive plural gammon

an offensive word for someone whose opinions are very right-wing (= supporting the political right), used mainly about white men who are middle-aged (= from about 45 to 60 years old):

So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.


The term ‘gammon’ refers to a bigot whose face turns pink when angry, why would you find it offensive?"

Is it my fault racist old men are such snowflakes?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You keep digging pal and show the world what kinda person you really are

"From the Cambridge Disctionary. You might want to research your posts a bit more before posting

C ] UK informal offensive plural gammon

an offensive word for someone whose opinions are very right-wing (= supporting the political right), used mainly about white men who are middle-aged (= from about 45 to 60 years old):

So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.


The term ‘gammon’ refers to a bigot whose face turns pink when angry, why would you find it offensive?

Is it my fault racist old men are such snowflakes?"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"You keep digging pal and show the world what kinda person you really are

From the Cambridge Disctionary. You might want to research your posts a bit more before posting

C ] UK informal offensive plural gammon

an offensive word for someone whose opinions are very right-wing (= supporting the political right), used mainly about white men who are middle-aged (= from about 45 to 60 years old):

So explain the offensive term ‘gammon’ that you’ve used then?

Wow such hatred and bile towards middle age white people. Seems a default to all your posts.

Loved it, the Isaac Newton bit was particularly good, got all the “I’m not racist but…” types frothing, predictably.

Catherine Tate is my favourite companion and Tennant my favourite doctor (of the modern times, nobody beats Tom Baker) so it was a bit of an open goal as far as I’m concerned but it was reasonably clever, and well acted. So a thumbs up from me.

Looking forward to a gay black doctor, so all the gammons can get all homoerotic about things been forced down their throats.

I didn’t mention middle aged white people, well apart from Tate and Tennant, and I said how much I like them.


The term ‘gammon’ refers to a bigot whose face turns pink when angry, why would you find it offensive?

Is it my fault racist old men are such snowflakes?"

Sure thing toots x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's amazing how many people who don't even watch the show are outraged about it being progressive.

How is portraying an actual historical figure as having a different ethnic heritage progressive?

In the past, it has always been white guys playing other ethnicities, such as in the Talons of Weng Chiang. Now we've got people of colour playing a few white folk.

Why does it matter to you?"

Wait a minute, your argument is that a white actor was used to play a 51st century criminal masquerading as a Chinese god...two totally fictitious characters...so because of that Sir Isaac Newton, a real life historical figure, should be played by someone non-white as recompense.

If Dr Who was meant to be educational and informative then surely it should be historically accurate across the board.

Or are you Ok if they'd used a white actress to play Rosa Parks? I mean if we're not being educational or informative then every real life historical character is up for grabs.

How far are you happy for them to go? A Vietnamese Diana Spenser, an Indian Winston Churchill, how about an aboriginal Pope John Paul II. Because using your framework these choices are perfectly acceptable.

But, I will go back to my point made above. Why was Sir Isaac Newton even in the opening scene? It doesn't matter if he's white, black, pink, polkadot, what reason other than RTDs sad little insistence of including something in everything he writes that will cause a shitstorm.

Remove that opening scene and the episode plays out exactly the same, it has no impact on what happens or the outcome at all.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wasn’t aware of the Isaac Newton thing but I find that hilarious.

I love science and read all about its history for pleasure. Newton it seems was not just an incredible mind but a bit unstable. He was awkward, paranoid and didn’t really have friends. Which can be deduced from his own writings.

However he is also believed to be a woman hating bigot who admired cruelty. This is not proven and the records suggest maybe. Also it’s not an abnormal attitude for the time he lived in. If true though it would suggest he was a racist and that’s why I think it’s funny.

Weird one for me Newton. To all intensive purposes he was one of the beginnings in the World of physics. He was the mind that Albert Einstein admired more than any other. He is one of my hero’s. But I don’t think I’d enjoy a conversation with him the way I would one with Einstein or Rosalind Franklin (She’s worth looking up, fine example of the female not being recorded in history for her work and a great choice for a Dr Who episode)

I must now watch this episode and see for myself the new more diverse Newton.

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By *tevi00Man  over a year ago


Can't help but feel like the two specials we've seen are just filler for the actual 60th special next week.

At least the 50th special brought in multiple Doctors and covered the history of the show with Easter eggs etc

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By *tevi00Man  over a year ago


These have just been " here's stuff I wrote 15 years ago and never got to make. Let's modernise them and call them anniversary specials"

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By *asterR and slut maya OP   Man  over a year ago


This week was just as bad.

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By *entBarryUKMan  over a year ago


I like the idea, but the execution was a bit pants.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I like the idea, but the execution was a bit pants."

My thoughts are similar. I was enjoying it up until the two squidgy demons turned up. Finished the episode but enjoyed the taster of the next one better than I did this one.

The Newton bit I quite liked in terms of the story. The portrayal of Newton (character not colour) wasn’t to my taste at all. Clearly no research done or creative license at play. His colour I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t seen this thread, think everyone’s talking about nothing regarding that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Another bad episode

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By *reat me rightWoman  over a year ago


"I think David Tenant WAS a great doctor but didn't think much to it this evening.

Only so much you can do with a piss poor script "

Davies is the god of writing for Who, Chibnall was shite

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well said totally agree. Stop trying to change history just to grab a few woke points. It’s boring and tedious

"It's amazing how many people who don't even watch the show are outraged about it being progressive.

How is portraying an actual historical figure as having a different ethnic heritage progressive?

In the past, it has always been white guys playing other ethnicities, such as in the Talons of Weng Chiang. Now we've got people of colour playing a few white folk.

Why does it matter to you?

Wait a minute, your argument is that a white actor was used to play a 51st century criminal masquerading as a Chinese god...two totally fictitious characters...so because of that Sir Isaac Newton, a real life historical figure, should be played by someone non-white as recompense.

If Dr Who was meant to be educational and informative then surely it should be historically accurate across the board.

Or are you Ok if they'd used a white actress to play Rosa Parks? I mean if we're not being educational or informative then every real life historical character is up for grabs.

How far are you happy for them to go? A Vietnamese Diana Spenser, an Indian Winston Churchill, how about an aboriginal Pope John Paul II. Because using your framework these choices are perfectly acceptable.

But, I will go back to my point made above. Why was Sir Isaac Newton even in the opening scene? It doesn't matter if he's white, black, pink, polkadot, what reason other than RTDs sad little insistence of including something in everything he writes that will cause a shitstorm.

Remove that opening scene and the episode plays out exactly the same, it has no impact on what happens or the outcome at all. "

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By *wlmanMan  over a year ago




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By *ingu and The ApeCouple  over a year ago

The Igloo

Enjoyed the third special. NPH was funny and menacing, Tennant was chaotic, Tate funny, teasers aplenty and no wokeness really.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Looks like RTD has hedged his bets. If 15 is not getting the ratings, he has Tennant and his TARDIS waiting in the wings to swoop in and save the day

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By *iltsTSgirlTV/TS  over a year ago


I called it with my friends for months they would let tennsnt either become human and go with family or just split into two timelords and take a holiday as such

As poster says above. Gives them option to bring back an older tenant down the line if they need to

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


Really enjoyed it, essentially ’attack of the gammons!’. The new doctor looks fun, and keeping Tennant and Tate around as a break glass option is an interesting idea, as well as a lovely ending to their story.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

It was wonderful.

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By *rhugesMan  over a year ago


Yes but why have Isaac Newton played by a black actor , it's like Mahamad Alie being played by a white actor ,there as no reason for it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Typical BBC. Token black /asian/oriental/gay in the hope of keeping people happy and unoffended. To quote a film the name of which I cannot remember. " I'm a token black man, of course I'm going to die first." Amazon recently caused upset by casting a black woman in a part that was historically white. Nothing racist about it. But caused hell on.

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By *itty9899Man  over a year ago

Craggy Island

Token pandering shite. All RTD did was copy and paste most of his own stories together. The toymaker NPH was under used best thing in it and defeated by a game of catch.

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By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

Doctor Who can be anyone or thing, he could regenerate into something none of us recognise, that's why he is called Who.

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By *JandCMCouple  over a year ago


Dr who has gone really down hill since Matt Smith left.

One person who would have made a great, if not the best Dr would have been Brian Blessed

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By * and M lookingCouple  over a year ago


Is rubbish, has been for decades, sorry.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Woke garbage

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By *ablo minibar123Woman  over a year ago


"Well I for one celebrate non-binaryness saving the world (but obviously a male-presenting Doctor just wouldn’t understand)


That's up to you but I suspect the majority will disagree and that will be reflected in the viewing figures. I may be wrong but I very much doubt it. Russell T saved it all those years ago, not this time in my opinion

You say that, but at least the little furry alien told us its chosen pronouns in case anyone misgendered it. Progress! "

I thought that bit was adorable to be fair. Some people made official complaints about it though

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By *J_OuizziCouple  over a year ago


I quite enjoyed the first two episodes, even though it only took Catherine Tate about two lines of dialogue before she started shouting.

Loved that they were able to use the Mills/Gibbon story for the Meep - a nice nod to the past.

Wild Blue Yonder was well played and had some funny moments.

Not seen the Giggle yet, but looking forward to it and the Christmas special.

As an aside from the actual show, it's interesting to see how it flushes out the sort of people who you wouldn't want to share a bus with never mind have sex with them.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"I quite enjoyed the first two episodes, even though it only took Catherine Tate about two lines of dialogue before she started shouting.

Loved that they were able to use the Mills/Gibbon story for the Meep - a nice nod to the past.

Wild Blue Yonder was well played and had some funny moments.

Not seen the Giggle yet, but looking forward to it and the Christmas special.

As an aside from the actual show, it's interesting to see how it flushes out the sort of people who you wouldn't want to share a bus with never mind have sex with them."

Pretty sure there’s a dividing line of left/liberal/remainer/likes this Dr Who, and right/conservative/brexiter/doesn’t like this Dr Who.

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By *cottish guy 555Man  over a year ago


"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience.

I’m still confused to why the existence of lesbians in a fictional universe is such an issue for you."

Wait, what? Lesbians are real?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *enSiskoMan  over a year ago

Cestus 3

"Have you not watch Ahsoka or any recent Star Wars. (Lesbians in Space)

Disney 2023 film slate has had 5 films go into the top 10 biggest flops. The looney lifts can keep it they'll be out jobs before long.

Like I said, not really interested in Marvel and the like, and so what if there are lesbians in fictional space universes, why do s that a problem?

Quote from South Park last week "put a female init and make her gay"

This years flops





We await aqua-man .

these films have not been supported by the target audience women, Tv's trans so has lead to their demise at the box office.

Dr Who went woke last Dr and it flopped due to lack of support from the target audience.

I’m still confused to why the existence of lesbians in a fictional universe is such an issue for you.

Wait, what? Lesbians are real? "

Yes they are real well that's what I am told.

Lesbians in space is not an issue for me.

The issue is that people will not watch their favourite programmes if they are turned in to something different or the post is changed to fit a new narrative.

So with my franchise Star Trek it wasn't wokeness that has stalled it, it is greed they changed certain aspects of the show the viewers rebelled and just stopped supporting it, hence the movies being planned were cancelled no more trek at the cinema, and the amount of trek shows reduced.

Star Wars are going the same,

D,.C, Marvel all going woke to broke.

And by the views on this thread The Dr looks to be going the same way.

Which is a shame.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


Well tonight’s episode was an absolute banger. Love the new gay as fuck doctor, cannot wait for the new series to start.

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By *aitonelMan  over a year ago


"I quite enjoyed the first two episodes, even though it only took Catherine Tate about two lines of dialogue before she started shouting.

Loved that they were able to use the Mills/Gibbon story for the Meep - a nice nod to the past.

Wild Blue Yonder was well played and had some funny moments.

Not seen the Giggle yet, but looking forward to it and the Christmas special.

As an aside from the actual show, it's interesting to see how it flushes out the sort of people who you wouldn't want to share a bus with never mind have sex with them.

Pretty sure there’s a dividing line of left/liberal/remainer/likes this Dr Who, and right/conservative/brexiter/doesn’t like this Dr Who."


Maybe not (though it is obviously a huge part of it)

I'm not a fan of the past 2 The Dr plus current.

Capaldi I was on the fence about, but overall I struggled.

I am however a "don't give a fuck, I like what I like" attitude when it comes to going against the majority or what I "should" like.

My favourite Dr (in order modern only)

Matt Smith

David Tennant

John Hurt


Didn't like the rest much (writing played it's part)

Matt Smith (I enjoyed the episodes and plots)

Close 2nd (very close) Tennant.

Wasn't a major fan of Eccleston, but he brought it back so was sort of the baseline for modern.

Companions in order

River and Wilf (they count!)

Donna and Amy (with their respective Dr)

Martha - highly underrated, and had a tough time following on from "beloved" Rose. Just as Matt did following on from DT.

Rose - Simply didn't like Rose at all really, best part of Rose was her mum!

For me, if Ncuti cant/doesn't bother to pull off the old man in an awkward young man's body then it won't work for me and I won't enjoy it. I've not watched Xmas special yet, but vibes from trailer didn't give me hope. Yet I do like Ncuti as an actor, great in Sex Ed.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Tonight's episode CGI goblins ruined it...I fear the collaboration with Disney.

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By *stwo2023Couple  over a year ago


"Tonight's episode CGI goblins ruined it...I fear the collaboration with Disney."

I did like Ncuti and getting to know him as the Dr but I agree the goblins were a bit shit.

Also had a labyrinth vibe to it and I did like the singing bit

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By *otoBlue69Man  over a year ago


It's Xmas. It was one for the kids. Noo-ne can argue that Millie Gibson isn't the Dr's hottest companion ever.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple  over a year ago


"It's Xmas. It was one for the kids. Noo-ne can argue that Millie Gibson isn't the Dr's hottest companion ever."

It’s Dr Who, the whole thing is for the kids!

Also Karen Gillan is easily the hottest companion.

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By *aitonelMan  over a year ago


"It's Xmas. It was one for the kids. Noo-ne can argue that Millie Gibson isn't the Dr's hottest companion ever.

It’s Dr Who, the whole thing is for the kids!

Also Karen Gillan is easily the hottest companion."

Kids? No. Family? Yes. There is a huge difference. Episodes like but not limited to Blink, Midnight, or storylines like River Song's are definitely not aimed towards kids.

Ah hottest is subjective and depends on how you view it. Again, Freeman Agyeman gets underrated and unfairly lost amongst the others.

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By *reat me rightWoman  over a year ago


Loved the dynamic between Tennant and Piper. Loathed Agyeman. Loved The Ponds. Never got Clara.

Favourite companion would be a tough call between Rose and Amy.

Favourite Dr would be even closer between Tennant and Smith - although I have to say (even with the Disney influence today) I already love Ncuti.

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By *earmegrowlMan  over a year ago


Mrs Wells (Anita dobson) moans about the blue box and that Abdul put it there, but at the end she takes to the camera saying have you not seen a tardis before, is that lazy writing?


The doctor left a mom an ill nan and a baby in a flat that's in danger of collapse and then runs off with the daughter I.e kid nap for all the mom knows lol

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By *aitonelMan  over a year ago


"Mrs Wells (Anita dobson) moans about the blue box and that Abdul put it there, but at the end she takes to the camera saying have you not seen a tardis before, is that lazy writing?


The doctor left a mom an ill nan and a baby in a flat that's in danger of collapse and then runs off with the daughter I.e kid nap for all the mom knows lol "

Time travel! It's a big ball of wibbley wobbley timey wimey... Stuff.

Expect that to potentially mean something, either not who she seems or The Dr changed something.

As for the crack... That's what the Dr does, he saves the day. He does very little about the fallout.

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By *lynJMan  over a year ago


"Mrs Wells (Anita dobson) moans about the blue box and that Abdul put it there, but at the end she takes to the camera saying have you not seen a tardis before, is that lazy writing?


The doctor left a mom an ill nan and a baby in a flat that's in danger of collapse and then runs off with the daughter I.e kid nap for all the mom knows lol "

I thought Anita Dobson's character was called Mrs Flood.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Mrs Wells (Anita dobson) moans about the blue box and that Abdul put it there, but at the end she takes to the camera saying have you not seen a tardis before, is that lazy writing?


She's clearly Rubys real mum.



The doctor left a mom an ill nan and a baby in a flat that's in danger of collapse and then runs off with the daughter I.e kid nap for all the mom knows lol "

Time travel, he could be gone with her for years and then return a second after he left.

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By *ameslowe73Man  over a year ago


Spent most of the episode admiring millie in that outfit of hers yum yum

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


Never ever watched Dr Who, when we got a first telly was the time of the Daleks I caught a glimpse of them and has left me terrified ever since.

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By *annSummersMan  over a year ago


Agree with the comments about Dobson’s character, very conflicting in her acceptance of the Tardis at the end.

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