FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Remembrance Day
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"I watch from afar. I’ve never paraded, but my fallen comrades are never far from my thoughts. Not just on one day a year. I love my country but at times I have found patriotism to appear a one way street." Agreed, soldiers remember our fallen everyday, ten public once a year. Still, I wouldn’t miss it. | |||
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"I watch from afar. I’ve never paraded, but my fallen comrades are never far from my thoughts. Not just on one day a year. I love my country but at times I have found patriotism to appear a one way street." This sums it up for both of us, happened to be near the ceremony yesterday so we both stood and paid our respects for those we served with no longer here and those still are who suffer.. Used to get up to the garden of remembrance at Westminster when we lived down south but today we will observe and reflect away from our local organised parade .. | |||
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"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. " What ??? You are pro concentration camps ? | |||
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"I think that for some, sadly, armistice day has become a celebration of the military and patriotism. For me it is a reminder of the tragedy and sacrifice that people of all nations have suffered because rich people have sent poor people to war. Mr DD" Agreed. There's come to be significant divergence of what we're celebrating, I feel. There are some things I don't want to lend my support to, even though I absolutely commemorate. That's why I do it privately. | |||
"Will be at our local service today! LEST WE FORGET. just wished everyone done their part and stood together." Everyone excluding the gay community you mean? | |||
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"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?")" The word sacred isn't just related to religion. It can also mean "regarded with great respect and reverence", which I think sums up what the "idiot MP" or PM probably meant. | |||
"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?") The word sacred isn't just related to religion. It can also mean "regarded with great respect and reverence", which I think sums up what the "idiot MP" or PM probably meant." I consider Remembrance Day sacred. I also consider that many, increasingly, defile it. | |||
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"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?") The word sacred isn't just related to religion. It can also mean "regarded with great respect and reverence", which I think sums up what the "idiot MP" or PM probably meant." sacred adjective connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. "sacred rites" Similar: holy hallowed blessed blest consecrated sanctified dedicated venerated revered Opposite: unconsecrated cursed religious rather than secular. "sacred music" Similar: religious spiritual devotional church churchly ecclesiastical Opposite: secular profane (of writing or text) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion. "a sacred Hindu text" | |||
"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?") The word sacred isn't just related to religion. It can also mean "regarded with great respect and reverence", which I think sums up what the "idiot MP" or PM probably meant. sacred adjective connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. "sacred rites" Similar: holy hallowed blessed blest consecrated sanctified dedicated venerated revered Opposite: unconsecrated cursed religious rather than secular. "sacred music" Similar: religious spiritual devotional church churchly ecclesiastical Opposite: secular profane (of writing or text) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion. "a sacred Hindu text"" This is a very unskilled use of a dictionary. The thing that needs to be remembered is that similar words indicate relation, and that words have a variety of interconnected meanings, which often shift over time. To say that "sacred" and "ecclesiastical" are the same is to say that I'm the same person as my cousin. Or maybe "dedicated" is the same as sacred. "Susie studies hard. She is sacred to her commitment to get into Oxford" | |||
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"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?") The word sacred isn't just related to religion. It can also mean "regarded with great respect and reverence", which I think sums up what the "idiot MP" or PM probably meant. sacred adjective connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. "sacred rites" Similar: holy hallowed blessed blest consecrated sanctified dedicated venerated revered Opposite: unconsecrated cursed religious rather than secular. "sacred music" Similar: religious spiritual devotional church churchly ecclesiastical Opposite: secular profane (of writing or text) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion. "a sacred Hindu text"" You seem to have missed the rest of the definition, so I have added it here for you. "regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual. "cows are sacred and the eating of beef is taboo" regarded as too valuable to be interfered with; sacrosanct. "a profit-oriented public to whom nothing is sacred" Note the use of the words group and individual. | |||
" You seem to have missed the rest of the definition, so I have added it here for you. "regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual. "cows are sacred and the eating of beef is taboo" regarded as too valuable to be interfered with; sacrosanct. "a profit-oriented public to whom nothing is sacred" Note the use of the words group and individual." and that too. words have lots of meanings! I woke up this morning Someone bust a vein shouting at me for being woke | |||
" You seem to have missed the rest of the definition, so I have added it here for you. "regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual. "cows are sacred and the eating of beef is taboo" regarded as too valuable to be interfered with; sacrosanct. "a profit-oriented public to whom nothing is sacred" Note the use of the words group and individual. and that too. words have lots of meanings! I woke up this morning Someone bust a vein shouting at me for being woke" ![]() | |||
"Just had a thought. Wonder how many of the fallen have died on home soil. " Probably thousands,those returned home and died of wounds later.There are twenty eight Canadians in our local cemetery from ww1 who died in a hotel used as a hospital,plus the English guys. | |||
"I’m going to play devils advocate…… Why is it my patriotic duty? I hope you have a good day and the rain stays away. " It isn't your patriotic duty, obviously you don't have to do anything at all. But on this day it's good to reflect and remember that many young people gave up their youth, their health and in many cases their lives to protect the freedom and liberty we have today. Both those who served in the military and the civilians who lived and suffered through it. It's also a good day to reflect on how shitty war is and to why we continue to glorify it and continue to make it (especially today in Ukraine and the Middle East), especially considering that it's always politicians who start it and it's left to ordinary people to suffer. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. What ??? You are pro concentration camps ? Only on Sundays. " This is disgustingly insensitive. I have stronger words but they are not printable. | |||
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"We will remember them. God save the king!" I’m sure the king and the fallen appreciate the sentiment if not the cock pic next to them ![]() | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. " ![]() | |||
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"We watch the parade at the Cenotaph every year up till the minor royals and 'idiot' hypocrite politicians 'paying' their respects with wreaths they all claim back on exes, scum " I wanted to know why Plaid Cymru didn't have a representative and had "clubbed together" with the SNP to buy a wreath! | |||
"Lest we forget. But we do forget. Most of the front row at the Cenotaph in London today are utter cunts of the first order, who spread hatred and discord purely for the purpose of keeping themselves in positions where they can steal from the poor and give to the rich (mainly themselves). They lie and lie and lie. They use poppies and patriotism as a mask while sticking the jackboot to those who have given their all for this country - whether that was on the battlefield, or down the pits, or handling hazardous materials while making munitions, or in any number of dirty and dangerous peacetime occupations that are utterly necessary to keep the country running and the people alive. I do not disrespect in any way the vast majority who are silent at War Memorials up and down the country today, or those who may use other ways at other times to acknowledge and thank the fallen, the damaged, the lost. But the ones who speak hate then turn out for the tv cameras and pretend patriotism, the ones who compete for wearing the largest most visible poppy - they turn my stomach. Lest we forget." ![]() | |||
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"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. " You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect. | |||
"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect." If you post on a public forum then you are opening the subject up to people who may disagree with you. We are remembering the people who have fought and lost their lives for our right to disagree and openly express contrary opinions, I’m not sure telling people they shouldn’t be saying things is the best way to honour the fallen. | |||
"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect. If you post on a public forum then you are opening the subject up to people who may disagree with you. We are remembering the people who have fought and lost their lives for our right to disagree and openly express contrary opinions, I’m not sure telling people they shouldn’t be saying things is the best way to honour the fallen." ![]() | |||
"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time." Absolutely you can, I am. I protested against the war in Afghanistan, I didn't think it was a conflict that could be "won" and I didn't want any of our forces families to lose loved ones there. I have a lot of respect for our armed services (less for the politicians who send them to battle) and I'll remember those who didn't come back or came back different people to when they left. Lest we forget. | |||
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"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect. If you post on a public forum then you are opening the subject up to people who may disagree with you. We are remembering the people who have fought and lost their lives for our right to disagree and openly express contrary opinions, I’m not sure telling people they shouldn’t be saying things is the best way to honour the fallen." I'm not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't say.I never said that,^read.I am comparing thread content.By the way I am well aware what my relatives died for. | |||
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"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect. If you post on a public forum then you are opening the subject up to people who may disagree with you. We are remembering the people who have fought and lost their lives for our right to disagree and openly express contrary opinions, I’m not sure telling people they shouldn’t be saying things is the best way to honour the fallen. I'm not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't say.I never said that,^read.I am comparing thread content.By the way I am well aware what my relatives died for." You’re implying a lack of respect, and that political commentary is inappropriate. At least have the decency to own it. Armistice/remembrance day mean different things to different people, and that they can express those differences is a good thing. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. What ??? You are pro concentration camps ? Only on Sundays. This is disgustingly insensitive. I have stronger words but they are not printable. " To who? To you? | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. ![]() I know right?! | |||
"Oh another angry people get angry thread. " Not me this time! | |||
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"Just had a thought. Wonder how many of the fallen have died on home soil. Probably thousands,those returned home and died of wounds later.There are twenty eight Canadians in our local cemetery from ww1 who died in a hotel used as a hospital,plus the English guys." There are many unseen casualties. Near me is a small WW1 cemetery filled solely with trainee airmen from Australia and New Zealand who died in training. Never even made the war and are buried half a world away from home. I always make a point of laying a wreath there every year. | |||
"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?")" Sacred can just mean: worthy of respect and awe, doesn’t need to have religious significance. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. What ??? You are pro concentration camps ? Only on Sundays. This is disgustingly insensitive. I have stronger words but they are not printable. To who? To you?" A large number of my relatives were murdered at Sobibor and Auschwitz. The words I want to say to your comment would probably see us on a permanent holiday from here, so I'll internalise it and hold my temper. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. What ??? You are pro concentration camps ? Only on Sundays. This is disgustingly insensitive. I have stronger words but they are not printable. To who? To you? A large number of my relatives were murdered at Sobibor and Auschwitz. The words I want to say to your comment would probably see us on a permanent holiday from here, so I'll internalise it and hold my temper. " I’m Jewish, and a veteran… I had family die in WWII also, so are you offended on behalf of me too? How does this work? I didn’t say it to you, or about your relatives, if anybody thinks I was being serious then they deserve to be offended, if people can’t take a joke, not my fault, and if I can not be offended as a Jew and veteran then so can the none Jewish and not veterans amongst us. | |||
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"Crikey, what did I start! I think you can be anti war and pro soldier at the same time. Troops for years joined for travel and adventure, very few for actual war. They fight for their mates, not the policies which sent them wherever they are fighting. I remember my mates everyday but hope that today the rest of the country remembers them with me. You didn't start anything.Some comments are all too predictable.Compare the two UK remembrance threads with The US veterans Day thread.No political comment or condemnation,just remembrance and a little thing called respect. If you post on a public forum then you are opening the subject up to people who may disagree with you. We are remembering the people who have fought and lost their lives for our right to disagree and openly express contrary opinions, I’m not sure telling people they shouldn’t be saying things is the best way to honour the fallen. I'm not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't say.I never said that,^read.I am comparing thread content.By the way I am well aware what my relatives died for. You’re implying a lack of respect, and that political commentary is inappropriate. At least have the decency to own it. Armistice/remembrance day mean different things to different people, and that they can express those differences is a good thing." Then express it in a politics thread with relative title,not a remembrance thread | |||
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" God save the king!" What’s it got to do with him? (My above post was deleted due to bad spelling!). Gbat | |||
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" God save the king! What’s it got to do with him? (My above post was deleted due to bad spelling!). Gbat " He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces and the current sitting monarch. | |||
"Remembrance Day was the day to remember conscripted service personnel and those who gave their lives to defend libery, not those who chose to join up to see the world and earn money. The personnel for whom the day was created have mostly gone, all that is left is something hollow corrupted by the far right as being a 'civic duty'. Mrs" Should we not remember people that have been killed in any other conflict since WWII then? | |||
"He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces and the current sitting monarch. " So can I get this straight. It’s not just about remembering all those who made such great sacrifices, it’s also about current monarchs who hold a notional military title? (It’s been a while since a serving monarch was on a battlefield!) I thought rememberance day was more about remembering, not saving kings who weren’t involved. Clue was in the title I thought! Gbat | |||
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"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?")" Although wars were over religion and still today are over religion. | |||
"He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces and the current sitting monarch. So can I get this straight. It’s not just about remembering all those who made such great sacrifices, it’s also about current monarchs who hold a notional military title? (It’s been a while since a serving monarch was on a battlefield!) I thought rememberance day was more about remembering, not saving kings who weren’t involved. Clue was in the title I thought! Gbat" No, you asked what it has to do with King Charles, he’s the current commander in chief of the armed forces. Remembrance Day services, although being for everybody to remember, are a major thing in the armed forces, the armed forces pledge alliance to the head of the monarchy, irrelevant of him taking part in any world wars or not. | |||
"Why can’t there ever be a remembrance thread on here without some people kicking off. It’s fucking disgusting. No respect. Always happens. " Where’s the fun in that Nora?? You know people aren’t happy unless it’s about them or getting their recycled and repetitive wank points across. “FrEeDoM oF sPeEch” | |||
"Why can’t there ever be a remembrance thread on here without some people kicking off. It’s fucking disgusting. No respect. Always happens. Where’s the fun in that Nora?? You know people aren’t happy unless it’s about them or getting their recycled and repetitive wank points across. “FrEeDoM oF sPeEch”" Exactly. Half of them don’t know what it’s for. It’s for remembering the people who died for this country. That’s it! There isn’t even a debate or argument. You either have respect or you don’t. Simple. Makes me sick, really does. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. " WTF !!!! | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!!" You’re a bit late to the party. | |||
"Some idiot MP, possibly the PM, described it as a 'sacred day'. I think he is getting confused. It's not connected to god or a religious purpose, though having said that, I have been known to go to the church up the road where the war memorial is and stand with them at 11.00 to remember those who sacrificed all for our freedom (and then think "what the hell would they make of this current shambles who are destroying those very freedoms?") Although wars were over religion and still today are over religion. " Wars have never been about religion, they’ve always been about power, religion has always been about power. Mr DD | |||
"He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces and the current sitting monarch. So can I get this straight. It’s not just about remembering all those who made such great sacrifices, it’s also about current monarchs who hold a notional military title? (It’s been a while since a serving monarch was on a battlefield!) I thought rememberance day was more about remembering, not saving kings who weren’t involved. Clue was in the title I thought! Gbat No, you asked what it has to do with King Charles, he’s the current commander in chief of the armed forces. Remembrance Day services, although being for everybody to remember, are a major thing in the armed forces, the armed forces pledge alliance to the head of the monarchy, irrelevant of him taking part in any world wars or not. " My apologies, I obviously wasn’t clear enough. A poster said, “God save the King.” My query was why would we conflate god saving a king with a Remembrance Day service. If you believe in God, shouldn’t you be asking for her help to look after the fallen or even to stop wars. Seems strange to be asking god to save a king when the whole thing is about remembering the fallen in wars. My comment was not about why the king would be involved in such a service. Clearer? Gbat | |||
"He’s the commander in chief of the armed forces and the current sitting monarch. So can I get this straight. It’s not just about remembering all those who made such great sacrifices, it’s also about current monarchs who hold a notional military title? (It’s been a while since a serving monarch was on a battlefield!) I thought rememberance day was more about remembering, not saving kings who weren’t involved. Clue was in the title I thought! Gbat No, you asked what it has to do with King Charles, he’s the current commander in chief of the armed forces. Remembrance Day services, although being for everybody to remember, are a major thing in the armed forces, the armed forces pledge alliance to the head of the monarchy, irrelevant of him taking part in any world wars or not. My apologies, I obviously wasn’t clear enough. A poster said, “God save the King.” My query was why would we conflate god saving a king with a Remembrance Day service. If you believe in God, shouldn’t you be asking for her help to look after the fallen or even to stop wars. Seems strange to be asking god to save a king when the whole thing is about remembering the fallen in wars. My comment was not about why the king would be involved in such a service. Clearer? Gbat " Because he’s the commander in chief of the armed forces. | |||
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"So it's about the current armed forces, including the titular head, not just in remembrance to the fallen? Is that your argument? Gbat " I have no argument, I’m not arguing, you are. ![]() | |||
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"I have no argument, … " ?? Gbat | |||
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"I have no argument, … ?? Gbat " ???? Not Gbat. | |||
"The question marks were supposed to be a thumbs up, sorry! Gbat" ![]() | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. " My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way ![]() ![]() ![]() The soldiers, not the Nazis, just to be clear. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah ok Part of you wishes the germans had won !! Amazing let leave it there eh | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh but to take everything so seriously. What a way to live. Exhilarating. | |||
"Remembrance Day means different things to different people. Everyone has the freedom to participate or not, that is the choice. For those that have served or been part of the forces family, it’s not just one day it’s every day. Nothing unpatriotic in how people choose to mark the day, either alone or as a group. Everyone should respect each other’s choice" | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way ![]() ![]() ![]() You seem to be implying that the military is full of Nazi sympathisers. Anyone wishing the Germans had won is wishing the Third Reich and the regime of its head, had won. It's the very antithesis of what Remembrance Day is about. Black humour is one thing, but I think this is quite another. Yours truly, Mrs KC A leftie, snowflake, woke, no balls, humourless island of tedium and bore. | |||
"Sometimes, when I see people, hear people, talk to people, or read what people have to say on the internet, a little bit of me wishes the Germans had won. WTF !!!! You’re a bit late to the party. My apologies, I didnt know you had to sit at your laptop 24 hours a day just amazed at your earlier post wishing the nazis had won, bet the ex soldiers would be glad to know you feel that way ![]() ![]() ![]() Unfortunately you read that wrong. I was implying to the person in question that I am an ex soldier, as he was hinting that they wouldn’t be happy about my sense of humour. Quite the opposite, I wouldn’t expect him, or you to understand that though to be fair. At no point did I say any soldiers are Nazi sympathisers. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
" I don’t know you, you don’t know me, that’s one thing that will continue to remain. " I don't think it's necessary for you to write this, like you have some deluded view that we'd be sending you a "FAF" message?! Heaven's above. Good evening to you. | |||
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"I was out with my bagpipes " Were you part of a parade? | |||
" I don’t know you, you don’t know me, that’s one thing that will continue to remain. I don't think it's necessary for you to write this, like you have some deluded view that we'd be sending you a "FAF" message?! Heaven's above. Good evening to you. " ![]() | |||
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