
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swinging Club Discussion > Discriminatory club prices

Discriminatory club prices

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By *efree OP   Man  over a year ago

North Staffs

Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering."

We suspect in theory they probably are although as far as we aware this has not been challenged using the legal system.

In the unlikely event this was upheld, clubs would more than likely increase membership prices for single women and couples, rather than dropping the price for single males.

This was seen recently with the car insurance issue.

Not sure people will be queuing up to drag this through the courts though.....

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 01/03/13 12:12:10]

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


I think any private club, of any sort, can charge what they like to who ever they want when they want for what they want as long as people are prepared to pay it. It's simple supply & demand. Also clubs have to make money.

We all know why single blokes tend to be charged more entry/membership its to regulate the numbers & deter idiots making it more comfortable for couples/single women. There are other reasons to but I guess they are the main ones.

But not all clubs do it & a lot of clubs have non membership days, socials etc.

As for taking it to the courts, yeah that just we need swingers & clubs being dragged through the courts & media, undercover journos etc.

People would stop going I know we would.

Clubs and swingers won't thank you for it.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


We all know why single blokes tend to be charged more entry/membership its to regulate the numbers & deter idiots "

If this is true it definitely isn't working. My experience of swingers clubs suggests to me that idiots have money too and that they aren't in short supply.

The only way to regulate numbers and deter idiots is to not let them in.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Pricing is unfair. But if they hiked prices up, we'd stop going. Assuming others would take a similar view then fems and couples wouldn't go then club is left with single men lol. Then club shuts down. Then we all wonder what went wrong and hint down the OP

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just wonder if females were being charged more than males whether this would be acceptable.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I spoke to a club owner of this and his stance was that he would be forced to simply only allow couples and people on a "guest list" which would consist of single girls. If legislation came in.

It is unfair but it just about works at the moment. I see why it keeps the casual male off the street out but it does nothing to stop the idiots as in simple terms idiots have money too.

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


Oh good god the lack of common sense displayed on these forums is just insane at times.

Clubs are a business and a business needs to make money to survive, even if its a non profit it needs to cover renovations, rent, council tax, rates, licenses, staff etc etc

Now I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but, single men make up around 75% of the population of a swinging site and outside of that in the greater "swinging" world the ratio will not be much less.

The core critical fact is single guys are where the "money" is to bring them in you NEED the women and the couples (hence the reduced rates for those), if men are willing to pay the price then thats what they are going to get charged, its fairly simple economics.

Instead of railing against the clubs do it against the men willing to pay because if you all decided to stop paying what you see as an unfair rate then the clubs would be forced to reduce it to survive, but we all know that wont happen.

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 01/03/13 12:41:48]

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


guys you can this odd perception of "limiting" the single guys by upping the cost out of your heads now.

Its a cost thing a money making thing and single guys are the "money makers".

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By *teveanddebsCouple  over a year ago


"Just wonder if females were being charged more than males whether this would be acceptable."

It would if clubs were full of single females with only a few males in sight

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By *iss_tressWoman  over a year ago


"Oh good god the lack of common sense displayed on these forums is just insane at times.


If you don't mind, I'm going to copy this to add to the posts that seem to be appearing of late!

Nothing further to add really!

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 01/03/13 12:44:16]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Just wonder if females were being charged more than males whether this would be acceptable."
. You would have a club full of men.

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago



We all know why single blokes tend to be charged more entry/membership its to regulate the numbers & deter idiots

If this is true it definitely isn't working. My experience of swingers clubs suggests to me that idiots have money too and that they aren't in short supply.

The only way to regulate numbers and deter idiots is to not let them in. "

I was just giving an example of why they do it. The bottom line is to make money of course and with the large numbers of blokes it's simple market forces supply and demand. This is about unfair/differential in pricing. I was making no judgement on when whether it works to regulate numbers & not statement on whether I agree with it. Of course some idiots have money & vice versa.

Of course to regulate numbers & deter idiots is not to let them in in the first place. But this is about prices.

(And yes if there was too many single men in a club, no offence, we wouldn't go, so if there is a string of men wanting in then they are going to get charged a premium rate at peak times. There are times where men are charged less when the demand is higher for them ie greedy girls or when there is a social etc etc.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"I think any private club, of any sort, can charge what they like to who ever they want when they want for what they want as long as people are prepared to pay it. It's simple supply & demand. Also clubs have to make money.

We all know why single blokes tend to be charged more entry/membership its to regulate the numbers & deter idiots making it more comfortable for couples/single women. There are other reasons to but I guess they are the main ones.

But not all clubs do it & a lot of clubs have non membership days, socials etc.

As for taking it to the courts, yeah that just we need swingers & clubs being dragged through the courts & media, undercover journos etc.

People would stop going I know we would.

Clubs and swingers won't thank you for it.


in short yes!

swinging clubs are not by definition private clubs as they are open to everyone.

the Equality Act legislation brought in in October 2010 clearly defines what constitutes private clubs form others and what you're looking at in reality is more than 25 members.

you cannot discriminate between the sexes on pricing although you can offer a reduced cost but only for a specified time period to encourage people to come to your club.

its available online. the problem is that clubs know only to well that the likely hood of someone going to their local auth/trading standards to complain because of the nature of the club is sadly unlikely...so the will continue to allegedly flout this piece of legislation until the day someone grows some balls and says enough is enough..

just wonder if they would be fined retrospectively to the date of the legislation as pleading ignorance is not a defense as we all know.

my feeling is that they continue to do it because they know they can and they have a captive audience who despite allegedly being robbed blind and being discriminated against don't want to risk their membership, so I'll continue to pay until someone else says sod it!

they do need to get their houses in order because it will happen..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think we are all intelligent to know WHY clubs do it, but I believe the OP question was "is it legal" under the laws of discrimination. Can you charge someone more for the same product simply due to their gender? I am not an expert on the law so can not presume to offer an opinion...

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By *efree OP   Man  over a year ago

North Staffs

So a single guy with money is less likely to be an idiot and a nuisance?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

For those who go to clubs are you really saying the only idiots are single blokes?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering."

It probably is illegal, on grounds of sexual discrimination, but please don't try to get things changed, as there are too few women in clubs as it is

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Oh good god the lack of common sense displayed on these forums is just insane at times.

Clubs are a business and a business needs to make money to survive, even if its a non profit it needs to cover renovations, rent, council tax, rates, licenses, staff etc etc

Now I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but, single men make up around 75% of the population of a swinging site and outside of that in the greater "swinging" world the ratio will not be much less.

The core critical fact is single guys are where the "money" is to bring them in you NEED the women and the couples (hence the reduced rates for those), if men are willing to pay the price then thats what they are going to get charged, its fairly simple economics.

Instead of railing against the clubs do it against the men willing to pay because if you all decided to stop paying what you see as an unfair rate then the clubs would be forced to reduce it to survive, but we all know that wont happen.


yay! lets all boycott with banners our local clubs for discrimination! great idea! love the examples being given of market forces dictating discrimination and people actively agreeing with it..

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"I spoke to a club owner of this and his stance was that he would be forced to simply only allow couples and people on a "guest list" which would consist of single girls. If legislation came in.

It is unfair but it just about works at the moment. I see why it keeps the casual male off the street out but it does nothing to stop the idiots as in simple terms idiots have money too.


if legislation came in? have another word with them its been here since 2010

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


We have travelled the length and breath of the country and been to numerous clubs and have given an answer that club owners have categorically stated to us in several venues ie single guys are the money makers.

Yet you're all still going on about someone elses supposition/faux point that its being used to keep "idiots out"

what the hell

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago



If you don't mind, I'm going to copy this to add to the posts that seem to be appearing of late!

Nothing further to add really! "

Feel free, I am honestly concerned that some of the posters here are allowed to have sex by law, its scary.

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By *arl828Man  over a year ago

warrington, Cheshire

Here's something to think about then, what if 2 men got a couples membership between them?

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering.

It probably is illegal, on grounds of sexual discrimination, but please don't try to get things changed, as there are too few women in clubs as it is "

as long as I'm alright jack!

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


"Here's something to think about then, what if 2 men got a couples membership between them? "

not allowed as far as im aware.

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By *arl828Man  over a year ago

warrington, Cheshire

"Here's something to think about then, what if 2 men got a couples membership between them?

not allowed as far as im aware.


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By *unknSoulCouple  over a year ago


Simple really. Male female or couples. Choose the club you want to go to, find out how much your going to be charged for entry and if your happy to pay that price go. If not dont go. Happy days x

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago




Well its not or single guys would just abuse and circumvent the "couples only" nights.

I know the caveat to this is gay/bisexual male couples but I dont know what happens here I assume its one rule for all as what are you going to do ? test if they really are a couple and are gay/bisexual before they come in

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If the law was change it would just either close the club or the owners would make them couples only private clubs with a closed membership and that is legal

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Here's something to think about then, what if 2 men got a couples membership between them?

not allowed as far as im aware.


That'd probably be liable to legal challenge, private club or not.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"If the law was change it would just either close the club or the owners would make them couples only private clubs with a closed membership and that is legal "

more info please...

you need to check out the legislation before assuming your comments to be correct

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By *corcherMan  over a year ago


Equality legislation makes it illegal to differentiate based on gender. For comparison what if it was £10 for whites £30 for non–whites? That would quite rightly cause an outrage.

A subtle difference is lower pricing for couples & females attracts those people rather than higher pricing to deter men. You could possibly skirt the law by offering discount vouchers to certain people at your discretion.

Perhaps they could advertise on Groupon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering."

swingers live in an open minded world closed to the outside ,like it or not, pls dont bring polical correctness in here pls nobody needs it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Equality legislation makes it illegal to differentiate based on gender. For comparison what if it was £10 for whites £30 for non–whites? That would quite rightly cause an outrage.

A subtle difference is lower pricing for couples & females attracts those people rather than higher pricing to deter men. You could possibly skirt the law by offering discount vouchers to certain people at your discretion.

Perhaps they could advertise on Groupon "

The Sex Discrimination Act of October 1st 2010 states:

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the PUBLIC, to treat women less favourably than men (and vice versa). This applies even if the goods, facilities or services are provided free of charge. Examples of the goods, facilities and services covered are:

access to and use of the facilities in PUBLIC places such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs, recreation centres, etc

financial facilities provided by banks, credit card companies, stores, insurance companies, building societies, local authorities, etc

facilities for education, eg for various kinds of professional or vocational training, or certain adult education classes (regular education in schools and universities etc is mostly dealt with under the education sections of the Sex Discrimination Act)

any public transport facilities, or travel or transport facilities offered by private companies or travel agents, and

any of the services offered by local authorities.

So, service providers cannot advertise discriminatory facilities or services on offer to women and men. For example, it would be unlawful for a nightclub to offer free admission to women while men have to pay.


Swingers Clubs are PRIVATE venue's and the above legislation does not apply.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Equality legislation makes it illegal to differentiate based on gender. For comparison what if it was £10 for whites £30 for non–whites? That would quite rightly cause an outrage.

A subtle difference is lower pricing for couples & females attracts those people rather than higher pricing to deter men. You could possibly skirt the law by offering discount vouchers to certain people at your discretion.

Perhaps they could advertise on Groupon

The Sex Discrimination Act of October 1st 2010 states:

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the PUBLIC, to treat women less favourably than men (and vice versa). This applies even if the goods, facilities or services are provided free of charge. Examples of the goods, facilities and services covered are:

access to and use of the facilities in PUBLIC places such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs, recreation centres, etc

financial facilities provided by banks, credit card companies, stores, insurance companies, building societies, local authorities, etc

facilities for education, eg for various kinds of professional or vocational training, or certain adult education classes (regular education in schools and universities etc is mostly dealt with under the education sections of the Sex Discrimination Act)

any public transport facilities, or travel or transport facilities offered by private companies or travel agents, and

any of the services offered by local authorities.

So, service providers cannot advertise discriminatory facilities or services on offer to women and men. For example, it would be unlawful for a nightclub to offer free admission to women while men have to pay.


Swingers Clubs are PRIVATE venue's and the above legislation does not apply."

Private members’ clubs

When services are provided to you by a private members’ club of which you are a member, the club is not bound by the Sex Discrimination Act as a service provider and can lawfully discriminate on grounds of gender. However, private clubs must still obey the Sex Discrimination Act in the way they treat their employees.

The rules and practices of private members' clubs have over the years resulted in many complaints of discrimination. The main issue has been the different classes of membership that are open to one sex only.


A golf club restricts 'full membership' to men. Only full members have the right to set the rules of the club and have full access to the club. 'Associate membership' is restricted to women and has reduced rights and limited access to the club. As long as the club is genuinely private, this would be lawful.

A private members’ club is one that genuinely selects its members on personal grounds, rather than, for example, accepting as a member anyone who pays the membership fee.

When a club offers services to the public – for example, hiring out rooms for functions – it does have to obey the Sex Discrimination Act, and must provide this service without discriminating unfairly on the grounds of gender.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Equality legislation makes it illegal to differentiate based on gender. For comparison what if it was £10 for whites £30 for non–whites? That would quite rightly cause an outrage.

A subtle difference is lower pricing for couples & females attracts those people rather than higher pricing to deter men. You could possibly skirt the law by offering discount vouchers to certain people at your discretion.

Perhaps they could advertise on Groupon

The Sex Discrimination Act of October 1st 2010 states:

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the PUBLIC, to treat women less favourably than men (and vice versa). This applies even if the goods, facilities or services are provided free of charge. Examples of the goods, facilities and services covered are:

access to and use of the facilities in PUBLIC places such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs, recreation centres, etc

financial facilities provided by banks, credit card companies, stores, insurance companies, building societies, local authorities, etc

facilities for education, eg for various kinds of professional or vocational training, or certain adult education classes (regular education in schools and universities etc is mostly dealt with under the education sections of the Sex Discrimination Act)

any public transport facilities, or travel or transport facilities offered by private companies or travel agents, and

any of the services offered by local authorities.

So, service providers cannot advertise discriminatory facilities or services on offer to women and men. For example, it would be unlawful for a nightclub to offer free admission to women while men have to pay.


Swingers Clubs are PRIVATE venue's and the above legislation does not apply.

Private members’ clubs

When services are provided to you by a private members’ club of which you are a member, the club is not bound by the Sex Discrimination Act as a service provider and can lawfully discriminate on grounds of gender. However, private clubs must still obey the Sex Discrimination Act in the way they treat their employees.

The rules and practices of private members' clubs have over the years resulted in many complaints of discrimination. The main issue has been the different classes of membership that are open to one sex only.


A golf club restricts 'full membership' to men. Only full members have the right to set the rules of the club and have full access to the club. 'Associate membership' is restricted to women and has reduced rights and limited access to the club. As long as the club is genuinely private, this would be lawful.

A private members’ club is one that genuinely selects its members on personal grounds, rather than, for example, accepting as a member anyone who pays the membership fee.

When a club offers services to the public – for example, hiring out rooms for functions – it does have to obey the Sex Discrimination Act, and must provide this service without discriminating unfairly on the grounds of gender.



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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Equality legislation makes it illegal to differentiate based on gender. For comparison what if it was £10 for whites £30 for non–whites? That would quite rightly cause an outrage.

A subtle difference is lower pricing for couples & females attracts those people rather than higher pricing to deter men. You could possibly skirt the law by offering discount vouchers to certain people at your discretion.

Perhaps they could advertise on Groupon

The Sex Discrimination Act of October 1st 2010 states:

The Sex Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the PUBLIC, to treat women less favourably than men (and vice versa). This applies even if the goods, facilities or services are provided free of charge. Examples of the goods, facilities and services covered are:

access to and use of the facilities in PUBLIC places such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs, recreation centres, etc

financial facilities provided by banks, credit card companies, stores, insurance companies, building societies, local authorities, etc

facilities for education, eg for various kinds of professional or vocational training, or certain adult education classes (regular education in schools and universities etc is mostly dealt with under the education sections of the Sex Discrimination Act)

any public transport facilities, or travel or transport facilities offered by private companies or travel agents, and

any of the services offered by local authorities.

So, service providers cannot advertise discriminatory facilities or services on offer to women and men. For example, it would be unlawful for a nightclub to offer free admission to women while men have to pay.


Swingers Clubs are PRIVATE venue's and the above legislation does not apply.

Private members’ clubs

When services are provided to you by a private members’ club of which you are a member, the club is not bound by the Sex Discrimination Act as a service provider and can lawfully discriminate on grounds of gender. However, private clubs must still obey the Sex Discrimination Act in the way they treat their employees.

The rules and practices of private members' clubs have over the years resulted in many complaints of discrimination. The main issue has been the different classes of membership that are open to one sex only.


A golf club restricts 'full membership' to men. Only full members have the right to set the rules of the club and have full access to the club. 'Associate membership' is restricted to women and has reduced rights and limited access to the club. As long as the club is genuinely private, this would be lawful.

A private members’ club is one that genuinely selects its members on personal grounds, rather than, for example, accepting as a member anyone who pays the membership fee.

When a club offers services to the public – for example, hiring out rooms for functions – it does have to obey the Sex Discrimination Act, and must provide this service without discriminating unfairly on the grounds of gender.



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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering."

no that are not breakin the law.....

they are allowed to under the "positive discrimination" section, where they are allowed to do it if they can show if certain groups would be under-represented otherwise...

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

and we have this arguement all the time... and the people who say it is never listen to the actual wording of the law....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I haven't read the full thread but what I hold to be eternally true is this...something is only worth what you are prepared to pay for it...if you're prepared to pay for the service you receive whether it is good value for money then go right ahead...if you're not then don't-it's as simple as that to me...discrination or not...

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

the protected status's in the act are....

disability, gender realignment, Pregnancy and Maternity, race, religion, Sex and Sexual Orientation.....

doesn't say anything about marital status though..... therefore if you go as a "couple" and consider yourself to be a "couple", then that isn't covered....

so they can charge couples differently then they can singles.......

so from what I read, Technically you can't differently charge single guys and single fems......if the numbers going were the same if the price were the same.. HOWEVER, under the act you are Allowed to positively discriminate for groups of people that are "under represented" as long as you can show that such measures are useful for redress the balances....

so all they would have to do is raise single women prices for a few weeks.... when they get no single women going... drop back down the price!

Couples (MM),Couples (MF) and Couples (FF)

However in Clubs CAN still have different rules attached to the different types (so before two single guys decide to test the "couple" thing.... I wouldn't be surprised if they put in a "stay together play together" clause to make people think twice about it......)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

could it then be said its breaking the law by only allowing couple/fem nights

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"could it then be said its breaking the law by only allowing couple/fem nights"

Probably not but it might fall foul of the definition of 'couple'.

Remember the boarding house owner who got fined for denying accomodation to a two-male gay couple?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Just wonder if females were being charged more than males whether this would be acceptable.. You would have a club full of men."

I think its are called the blue oyster bar (police academy)

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By *leasureDomeMan  over a year ago

all over the place

Its a novel idea i know, but how about the clubs decide there break even point on numbers .add more for profit.

Then charge the same price for every one

regardless of single ,couple ,or male or female .

Re the mix -simple one man allowed in to one female.its easily tracked on the membership scheme who is in the club - or should be !!

Oh if it was a perfect world eh.

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By *corcherMan  over a year ago


Since most clubs specifically say no membership needed, they are not by definition a private members club, so wouldn't be able to use that defense.

It's moot anyway, since someone would first have to make an official complaint & then get it upheld in court. Most guys just want the sex.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

isnt your other thread basically about the same thing op, and in answer to your question no they are not breaking the law and the pricing system works, simple thing is if you dont want to/cant afford to go then dont.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To the o p if you think it illegal then report it if not why keep different threads going.

I have not been to or intend going to a club partly through cost yes i think unfair to have different prices however it does not bother me enough to fret about it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Some things in life a re not fair. I would rather pay more and have a balance of couples single males and females than have a club full of single males.

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By *efree OP   Man  over a year ago

North Staffs

My other thread isn't the same thing at all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well it is really as your on about prices,discriminating,breaking laws in both also if you do a forum search you will find other threads on the same subject as these 2 and people have added there thoughts you may just get your answer from one of them.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


It is illegal, and also should they attempt to charge those with gender reassignment a fee that is discriminatory to them. One club even proudly advertised that they would check genitals, which was a red rag to a bull, when I learned of it.

As a female, I expect equal and fair pricing and dislike anyone being charged such that they are displaced and discriminated against.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It is not illegal. The clubs are using a Defence contained in the Equality Act known as the "objective justification" defence also known as "a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim".

They will say that women are under-represented in the clubs and men are over-represented and that their legitimate aim is to have an equal balance of men and women in the club which is what their customers want.

The proportionate means of achieving this is to offer a cheaper entry price for women.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Think its way to cheap for single blokes, there should be at least a 50% increase.

The single men will still pay there would be no worry of that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It is illegal, and also should they attempt to charge those with gender reassignment a fee that is discriminatory to them. One club even proudly advertised that they would check genitals, which was a red rag to a bull, when I learned of it.

As a female, I expect equal and fair pricing and dislike anyone being charged such that they are displaced and discriminated against."

it is not illegal that is the fact and the simple thing is no amount of moaning, whining and trying to come up with things is going to make it illegal, the simple choice is if you dont want to pay the membership and entry fee then dont go and leave the rest that enjoy going and are willing to pay the fees to keep going, no one is forcing you to go.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Until there is sufficient case law (that is, relevent court judgements, post the Equality Act of 2010) it will remain an open question whether clubs, vanilla and otherwise, are breaking the law when they charge different prices for different genders.

That's the boring truth. Now, can we get back to talking about who's got the best arse?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

answer is in supply and demand .

Like any business they charge what they think people will pay thats life i am affraid

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering.

no that are not breakin the law.....

they are allowed to under the "positive discrimination" section, where they are allowed to do it if they can show if certain groups would be under-represented otherwise..."

Positive descrimination is allowed for a time driven period eg

A 3 - 6 month reduction if charges reverting to full price there after

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"It is not illegal. The clubs are using a Defence contained in the Equality Act known as the "objective justification" defence also known as "a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim".

They will say that women are under-represented in the clubs and men are over-represented and that their legitimate aim is to have an equal balance of men and women in the club which is what their customers want.

The proportionate means of achieving this is to offer a cheaper entry price for women."

The same argument was used by nightclubs/bars and they cannot now offer reduced rates.

Many swingers clubs open or have social nights when any one can attend therefor you are offering your services to members of the public.

Private clubs as some like to think they are also cannot differentiate on the grounds of sex.

They can however redress an imbalance in genders by:

Reduction of charges for a time driven period ie 3, 6 months but the fees must return to the normal charges. This is positive discrimination.

You can no longer be charged a lesser or greater cost for car insurance based on gender as an example.

It comes down to people wanting to make as much as they can out of a captive audience who probably aren't always thinking with their brains, and never will where sex is concerned.

The argument it's to entice more single ladies (I've even been told by an owner that its also because single men aren't honest about being single! Well that works 2 ways) that I cannot remember going to any club and thinking hmmm there seems to be an equal number of single girls as men tonight!

Taking it to the next level that must mean on a couples night when single ladies are aloud that men are then out numbered?

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By *amdenfunMan  over a year ago


This is a bit unfair to the poster isn't it: he knows why the clubs charge different prices, but was interested, from an academic perspective, whether in theory it's legal (whether fair or not). He didn't sound like he was complaining. And he's received some well-informed answers, implying that it's illegal in theory but will probably continue.

As to the proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim response - doesn't that defence only apply to "indirect discrimination"? i.e. if people with large breasts were allowed in for less, the argument could be made that that indirectly benefits women relative to men. But if it is direct discrimination, I don't think one can make that argument.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"answer is in supply and demand .

Like any business they charge what they think people will pay thats life i am affraid"

No excuse, 5 live today reported that the speed advisory lights and cameras on certain motorways since around 2009 - dec 2012 have not been correctly 'configured' according to the road signage rules, Warwickshire and west mids police have not been perusing convictions in the last 12 months because they felt the law was un safe.

This means that those convicted of speeding offences in those roads with this style of signs could possibly have their conviction quashed and fines reimbursed etc

However, some listeners called, texted saying you new the speed and therefor you're guilty. Well the rules/signs have to be correct and this is 'strictly' enforced and therefor if the signs are incorrect you have not broken the law.

Strictly is the key word. It's even being suggested that the signs have an unbroken red circle around the advised speed and digital signs lights cannot make an unbroken circle.

The rules are also there to prevent anyone putting up their own signs are fining you what they like. These rules are there for everyone's protection.

Business need to be creative in their thinking if they want to make money and survive and not just choose what they think is the easiest and possibly/aledgedly illegal option.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"It is illegal, and also should they attempt to charge those with gender reassignment a fee that is discriminatory to them. One club even proudly advertised that they would check genitals, which was a red rag to a bull, when I learned of it.

As a female, I expect equal and fair pricing and dislike anyone being charged such that they are displaced and discriminated against.

it is not illegal that is the fact and the simple thing is no amount of moaning, whining and trying to come up with things is going to make it illegal, the simple choice is if you dont want to pay the membership and entry fee then dont go and leave the rest that enjoy going and are willing to pay the fees to keep going, no one is forcing you to go."

Moaning? Interesting response! Was it just moaning that stopped race discrimination, votes for women, equal pay for women, sex discrimination. The right for women to be recognised in inheritance.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Some things in life a re not fair. I would rather pay more and have a balance of couples single males and females than have a club full of single males."

What's a balance in your opinion

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By *athnBobCouple  over a year ago


I really do hope hope that no one ever tries to enforce it through a court .... for the single guys sake.

The only clubs that will be left open to single guys are the clubs that employ ladies to be there. All the others will revert to couples only or simply close down.

Where cost is involved there is not a single case (except wages) where female/male equality is enforced that anybody has gained anything.

OAP bus passes- Females now get their bus pass at 65 the same as the men instead of 60

Car insurance-Females now pay the same as men where they used to pay less.

The simple fact is that no matter how much people ague the point, at the end of the day, the single guys are NOT going to get in for same price that single females currently pay. Best case scenario is that single females will be charged £40 and will stop going. Worst case is that singles will be banned from clubs.

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

We've been down this road before.

This is what we posted only last week on a similar thread.

"I suppose the clubs are between a rock and a hard place on this one. They could make the prices equal but that would increase the number of single guys which could (and probably would) reduce the number of couples. As someone else said earlier in the thread, which single guy wants to go to a club to stand there complaining to other single guys that there are no couples?

The other alternative would be to restrict the number of singles on the night, but how would they administer it? It wouldn't be nice driving 50 miles to go to a club and find out you are number 11 when the limit is 10, or to turn up and be told "sorry you are not good looking enough"

Also the club has to pay its bills and yes make a few quid as well, so equal price with a numbers limit on singles would almost certainly push up the price for everyone.

The current way isn't perfect, and we can understand why some are unhappy with it, but we think it's about as good as it gets"

We would only add that if anyone thinks this is exclusive to the UK and that the EU is different. Think again.

We go to clubs in Germany, Holland, France, and Spain, and while the difference varies from country to country and even club to club, there is still a difference. An extreme (but not unique) example is: One club we go to in Germany is 10 euro for a single lady, 75 euro for a couple, and an eye watering 130 euro for a single guy.

Maybe one day someone will test this in court either in the UK or EU wide, but that will be a very sad day for swingers who like to go to clubs, single guys included.

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

"I really do hope hope that no one ever tries to enforce it through a court .... for the single guys sake.

The only clubs that will be left open to single guys are the clubs that employ ladies to be there. All the others will revert to couples only or simply close down.

Where cost is involved there is not a single case (except wages) where female/male equality is enforced that anybody has gained anything.

OAP bus passes- Females now get their bus pass at 65 the same as the men instead of 60

Car insurance-Females now pay the same as men where they used to pay less.

The simple fact is that no matter how much people ague the point, at the end of the day, the single guys are NOT going to get in for same price that single females currently pay. Best case scenario is that single females will be charged £40 and will stop going. Worst case is that singles will be banned from clubs. "

Very well put. 100% agree.

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By *acnShellCouple  over a year ago


Think these two guys from Stoke must drink together and bemoan their lot. Can I just point out, they probably wouldn't be able to join many swing clubs on the basis of age either, clubs around us are on a drive for good looking "young" singles, and that would rule them both out. Maybe its time to stop trying to kill clubs off and take up dogging!

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

" clubs around us are on a drive for good looking "young" singles, and that would rule them both out. "

Hope I'm never single again, on that basis I would be well and truly bolloxed

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By *acnShellCouple  over a year ago


Forgetting the legalities for a second, lets look at the options a club might have.

Currently they charge say £0 for a female, and get 5 a night in, £25 a couple and get 20 in, and £45 a guy, and get 20 in. A good balance, and revenue of around £1,400 for the night.

Option 2 to be legal: Single Ladies £10, and they'd get 2 of the 5 previous in due to the price increase. Couples stays the same at £25, but due to the next point, only 10 of the 20 will turn up. Guys charged £10 each, 200 of them arrive. Revenue is up to £2,000 plus, but ratio is now 12 pussies to 210 cocks, thats 17.5 men per lady and the club would last a month max.

Option 3, different price. Ladies charged £45, 1 would come, couples still £25, you'd get back the 20 from before. Guys £45 and you'd get the 20 again. Only difference here in increasing the charge to equal for ladies, is you get slightly less ladies. 4 times £35 cash prize to the best costumes for the night as judged by the club owner, and you'd get 4 single ladies back in as well.

Best solution, put prices up across the board by 200% but make them equal as per the OP's suggestion. Then give out prizes. We'd be there to watch the ladies win.

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By *iss_tressWoman  over a year ago


"Think these two guys from Stoke must drink together and bemoan their lot. Can I just point out, they probably wouldn't be able to join many swing clubs on the basis of age either, clubs around us are on a drive for good looking "young" singles, and that would rule them both out. Maybe its time to stop trying to kill clubs off and take up dogging!"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

keep pricing the same, they are not breaking any laws and it works fine as it is, simple answer is if you dont like it and dont want to pay then dont go.

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By *ormerWelshcouple2020Man  over a year ago


It's very simple for us. We wouldn't go if the prices were hiked up for couples. We also wouldn't go if the club was full of single men , not because we have anything against them, but we aren't looking for them.


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By *eordiesCouple  over a year ago


The simplest of points, unless couples and single females start a campaign in favour of reducing prices for single guys it is not going to happen.

J & S

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

Ouch, someone from above list has just hinted Trading Standards might be knocking in an email to us.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ouch, someone from above list has just hinted Trading Standards might be knocking in an email to us. "

That would be very sad indeed.

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By *atasha_DavidCouple  over a year ago


"Ouch, someone from above list has just hinted Trading Standards might be knocking in an email to us. "

Bet they don't


Trading Standards have no responsibility for enforcing sex discrimination law. The only complaint against you they might consider would be one of deceptive pricing. As long as you have been clear and consistent in your pricing there would be no case to answer.

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By *ushandkittyCouple  over a year ago


Next people will to to complaining to zoos, safari parks and the like, moaning how children pay a cheaper price than adults!!!!

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Ouch, someone from above list has just hinted Trading Standards might be knocking in an email to us.

Bet they don't


Trading Standards have no responsibility for enforcing sex discrimination law. The only complaint against you they might consider would be one of deceptive pricing. As long as you have been clear and consistent in your pricing there would be no case to answer. "

Agreed. The Equality and Human Rights Commission are the folks who deal with treating one gender differently from another.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering."

im sure if they was breaking the law they wouldn't be allowed to do it

Club go thro many checks, by the council, police etc if they was breaking any laws in anyway they would be closed down

So im guessing no this isn't breaking any law

As private members clubs they can charge what they like, its different to a public club where anyone can go in

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Are swinging clubs breaking the law by not charging the same rates for males and females?

I know why they do it, but was just wondering.

im sure if they was breaking the law they wouldn't be allowed to do it

Club go thro many checks, by the council, police etc if they was breaking any laws in anyway they would be closed down

So im guessing no this isn't breaking any law

As private members clubs they can charge what they like, its different to a public club where anyone can go in"

I suspect clubs continue to get away with this because nobody has complained formally about it. That's probably because of the adverse publicity it'd bring down on the head of the complainant.

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By *ormerWelshcouple2020Man  over a year ago


Frankly, the only reason anyone would bring such a case is because they have a grudge?

Do they think that clubs would survive ?

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Frankly, the only reason anyone would bring such a case is because they have a grudge?

Do they think that clubs would survive ? "

You only have to read the profiles and check the posts to see that 'having a grudge' isn't that uncommon in swinging circles.

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By *ormerWelshcouple2020Man  over a year ago



It's a shame but that's life I suppose

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By *teveanddebsCouple  over a year ago


"Next people will to to complaining to zoos, safari parks and the like, moaning how children pay a cheaper price than adults!!!! "

OMG blatant agism

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By *athnBobCouple  over a year ago


"Ouch, someone from above list has just hinted Trading Standards might be knocking in an email to us.

That would be very sad indeed. "

Not to mention bloody stupid

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By *adchickCouple  over a year ago


Clubs charge the same for everyone who uses their facilities.

However, because single men are the majority they get no discount. The clubs offer a discount for couples and a massive discount to single females. Single females are under represented in the swinging club scene.

It's called positive action and not discriminatory in any way

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Although I don't have a problem with what clubs charge as I wont go to one that rips off single guys, I thought I would post some facts about the issue of pricing.

Firstly as far as i can tell most if not all of the clubs are in fact proprietary clubs and not actual members clubs. If they were true members clubs they would need to have proper membership criteria and a full two week period between becoming a member and being able to attend.

Next on the list is the myth that as a members club they are exempt from The Equality Act 2010. They aren't and as a quote from the act states:

"It is now unlawful for a private club or other association with 25 or more members to discriminate against, harass or victimise an existing or potential member. A club cannot refuse membership, or grant membership on less favourable terms (such as by applying different conditions or fees) because the person has a protected characteristic – disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation."

The argument that clubs charge the same and discount females and couples as an act of Positive Action is misleading as a club could plead this case but only for a limited amount of time, maximum 6months but normally 30days, before they would have to put the prices up again in order to prove that the numbers would fall !

As i said before I haven't got a problem with clubs charging different prices because i am not forced to attend and i wont go to clubs that rip you off on a Friday night for £60 lol

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/03/13 00:36:59]

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/03/13 16:37:15]

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"It is not illegal. The clubs are using a Defence contained in the Equality Act known as the "objective justification" defence also known as "a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim".

They will say that women are under-represented in the clubs and men are over-represented and that their legitimate aim is to have an equal balance of men and women in the club which is what their customers want.

The proportionate means of achieving this is to offer a cheaper entry price for women."

this is known as positive action and whilst they can offer a reduced fee/charge it is time driven and has to revert back to the normal/usual charge from then on, a reduction for up to 6 months..

Members and associates

It is unlawful for a private club or other association

to discriminate against, harass or victimise an existing

or potential member or an associate. (An associate

is someone who is not a member but who has

some or all of the rights of a member because they

are a member of an affiliated private club.) A club

cannot refuse membership, or grant membership

on less favourable terms (such as by applying

different conditions or fees) because the person

has a protected characteristic – disability, gender

reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion

or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

What has changed?

Previous legislation outlawed discrimination by

associations against existing or potential members

and associates because of race, disability and sexual

orientation. The Act extends this protection to

gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity,

religion or belief and sex

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ok so go ahead and make your complaint and force clubs to change their pricing structures to please the whinging single males out there. But then when the clubs are just full of said whinging single males and no females, stand back and congratulate yourself on a job well done!

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Ok so go ahead and make your complaint and force clubs to change their pricing structures to please the whinging single males out there. But then when the clubs are just full of said whinging single males and no females, stand back and congratulate yourself on a job well done! "

I'd have thought anyone chosing to go down that road would already be aware that's the likely outcome (and that the club would close) and be quite content.

I may have said this above but I suspect the only thing stopping this from having happened already, assuming it hasn't, is the fear of personal exposure.

I believe folks in Glasgow seeking a similar outcome have merely resorted to anonymous complaints to the local community council, city councillors and police about matters such as parking or the proximity to a school or church.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Of course they'll remain anonymous! That kind of whinging 'oh woe is me' person never has the guts to stand up and have the courage to admit what they've done! The world is full of them unfortunately

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

"Ok so go ahead and make your complaint and force clubs to change their pricing structures to please the whinging single males out there. But then when the clubs are just full of said whinging single males and no females, stand back and congratulate yourself on a job well done! "

That is exactly what they will do. It's a bit like the old union leaders in the 70's ( and a few still around today) saying we want a pay rise when the company is struggling to survive then congratulating themselves on standing by their principles as they sign on the dole. I've always said that turkeys don't vote for Christmas, but after reading some of the posts on this thread I am beginning to wonder.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Supply and damd. Simple. Loads of single guys will pay the money. We do. Its fact.

Part and parcel of the world we are part of. And to be fair id sooner pay the door fee than go out on a saturday night to town with loads of d*unken idiots around. Money well spent if you ask me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

so the outcome is that these moaning single men would rather the clubs close by complaining about prices than have an excellant club scene with excellant facilities where many people enjoy many happy fun filled nights.

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"so the outcome is that these moaning single men would rather the clubs close by complaining about prices than have an excellant club scene with excellant facilities where many people enjoy many happy fun filled nights."

And of course it will be done in the spirit of 'fairness' and 'equality'. Instead of concentrating their ire on true instances of inequality happening every day.

Someone did make an interesting point earlier though - these places can't be being run without trading standards and local councils knowledge. And if they are OK with the prices then it must be because there is nothing illegal happening.

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

Maybe they should take it to the European court of yuman rights. Free sex as a fundamental yuman right, win the case, make the government pay for it, and could even get comp-en-say-shun.

Dafter things have happened

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Ok so go ahead and make your complaint and force clubs to change their pricing structures to please the whinging single males out there. But then when the clubs are just full of said whinging single males and no females, stand back and congratulate yourself on a job well done! "

From a whinging female? lol good job your sisters whinged to get you the vote, equal pay........

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By *acnShellCouple  over a year ago


Can the 99% of us that think this is stupid just block the wally and ignore him? If he wants to go public with a solicitor in tow, then thats his lookout and he does non of us any favours. Maybe voting with our feet, as you ladies did so well in the past, might show him how much support he actually has. The ladies got the vote because 50%+ of the relevent population was on their side. Think you'll find your politically correct statement and sentiment, has no backing from the single ladies, couples, and majority of single men who use the clubs!

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago



From a whinging female? lol good job your sisters whinged to get you the vote, equal pay........"

Yup the suffrage movement is equatable to entry price for a swinging club, well done you just won the internet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

think someone needs to grow up a bit mr, maybe this site is to grown up for you, get someone to collect your toys and put them back in the pram.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"Of course they'll remain anonymous! That kind of whinging 'oh woe is me' person never has the guts to stand up and have the courage to admit what they've done! The world is full of them unfortunately "

So when clubs had to change because of smoking rules how many closed? I bet plenty were pissed off though because they think their personal rights were being infringed on! Never mind the health of all the others who don't smoke and who want to have fun are told "if you don't like it don't go" well clubs have had to comply haven't they.. Why don't they all sell booze? Wonder how many have wheel chair access? Or would you object to that too?

So we can expect you to stand up and say leave the charges alone and here's my name and address for the petition.

Way to many as usual are more than happy when its in the favour.

Something tells me someone was pissed off when their car insurance was no longer cheaper.

Stacks of businesses, communities, countries have had to adapt to changes that involve equality and yes there are those that still object.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"think someone needs to grow up a bit mr, maybe this site is to grown up for you, get someone to collect your toys and put them back in the pram."

Ha ha ha! Good to see that when peeps know they've lost an argument they revert to using childish remarks! lol ha ha ha!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

lost an argument lol, we will still go to our local club at the weekend pay the entry and have a fantastic night somewhere that isnt breaking any laws, you on the other hand have lost big style in more ways than one, you have just alienated yourself from a large proportion of potential meets on here aswell as proving you really do need to grow up.

make a choice pal go along to a club pay the entry money and have a fantastic night, or choose not to go and try somehow rebuild a reputation on here, but please dont invent things to try spoil others fun, now that really is childish.

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 13/03/13 15:52:21]

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


The inherent problem with the pricing of the clubs comes down to a few factors.

One, swinging is over run by "single" men (yes oddly having a wife means you're not single). I would say the overall ratio would be something like 75%. Secondly clubs need to make money to keep functioning, if you take A and B then the simple thing is, keep costs high for single men will stop your average club turning into something that resembles a chipolata factory.

To enforce anything like sense and balance clubs need to enforce "positive" discrimination, if thats limiting the number of single guys or gouging them for cost then so be it.

If you enforced equalisation of the figures then quite simply most single females would stop going or clubs would just BAN single men or highly limit their numbers (both of which they can legally do), wile offsetting that by finding legal ways to discount females and couples. Nothing would change apart from the icing on the cake, its easy to get round the laws with minimal effort.

What this argument comes down to in its essences is the same one anyone who spends a few hours on the forums has seen a million times before, the sense of entitlement MOST single men have (not all).

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


" ...........

Someone did make an interesting point earlier though - these places can't be being run without trading standards and local councils knowledge. And if they are OK with the prices then it must be because there is nothing illegal happening."

That 'logic' isn't quite what it seems. It has zilch to do with Trading Standards (even where such departments still exist).

The local authority is a different matter and here in Scotland the attitude varies considerably from one local authority to another.

Local authorities base their decisions on what to licence on the basis of their perception of local attitudes + their understanding of what actually happens within the premises being licensed. Needless to say their knowledge of what goes on is often somewhat lacking.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

me and jjohn have this arguement every single time this topic comes up... where he use to say it was illegal and I use to point out it was legal... and back it up with the law bit...

at least he isn't saying it isn't illegal anymore.... thats a move

we all know 2 thing would happen...

clubs would go couples only... stay within law.... shoot single people in foot..

clubs would change everyone one the same... first single women the few that go down probably wouldn't... then a lot of couples wouldn't go.. because the balance would be different....

so unless you like greedy girls nights... but again on most of those couples are charges a cheaper rate... and then some single guy would probably moan about that.....

so less of them would go ... and then less guys would go.....

sounds like a solid business plan to me...

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


" .........

we all know 2 thing would happen...

clubs would go couples only... stay within law.... shoot single people in foot..


That's pose questions as to what exactly constitutes a 'couple'.

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By *athnBobCouple  over a year ago



Put this in a nutshell for you

The price single guys pay will NOT come down.

Best case scenario for single guys is that single women will have to pay the same as you.

Worst case single guys are banned or the club closes (same result)

There can only be negative effects from any attempt to involve the authorities.

Look what happened when men objected to women getting cheaper car insurance or when men objected to women getting their OAP bus pass 5 years earlier. Women lost out and men gained nothing. I suppose you can say it is fairer but women lost out to make it so.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To be honest I go to clubs and have no issues with being charged more than a cple or fem. it is all a matter of keeping the money coming in and keeping the clubs going

Most clubs do a cpls and fems only night or nights so if they don't want attention from men then they don't have to have it..

I would say that it's not men that are charged more but cpls and fems that are discounted as without them the men would not go..

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


" ........

There can only be negative effects from any attempt to involve the authorities.

.................. "

That's the crux of the matter.

As I said above, the 'authorities' don't have much of a notion of what goes on in these places or, where they do, they prefer not to have their noses rubbed in it.

If someone kicked up a stink about any aspect of clubs, it would open a huge can of worms.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"To be honest I go to clubs and have no issues with being charged more than a cple or fem. it is all a matter of keeping the money coming in and keeping the clubs going

Most clubs do a cpls and fems only night or nights so if they don't want attention from men then they don't have to have it..

I would say that it's not men that are charged more but cpls and fems that are discounted as without them the men would not go..


well said

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By *john121Man  over a year ago


"lost an argument lol, we will still go to our local club at the weekend pay the entry and have a fantastic night somewhere that isnt breaking any laws, you on the other hand have lost big style in more ways than one, you have just alienated yourself from a large proportion of potential meets on here aswell as proving you really do need to grow up.

make a choice pal go along to a club pay the entry money and have a fantastic night, or choose not to go and try somehow rebuild a reputation on here, but please dont invent things to try spoil others fun, now that really is childish."

You see this is where your attitude falls over, I do go to clubs and pay the door charge.

However, it doesn't mean I have to agree with it, especially when there IS legislation against it.

It really doesn't matter how much you try to insult with childish reterick. The legislation is there and it's been copied and pasted by others and once again I'll paste it so you no longer remain ignorant if the facts.

You can mumble all you like about how single women would stop going and how clubs would close because its cods wallop!

I really find it difficult to believe although I have my doubts that you're someone who believes that you as an individual have the right to be treated the same as others because your comments are baffling.

So here it is again and it's taken from the government site, which sadly I cannot show the link as its against site rules to do so:

Members and associates

It is unlawful for a private club or other association to discriminate against, harass or victimise an existing or potential member or an associate. (An associate is someone who is not a member but who has some or all of the rights of a member because they are a member of an affiliated private club.) A club cannot refuse membership, or grant membership on less favourable terms (such as by applying different conditions or fees) because the person

has a protected characteristic – disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

What has changed?

Previous legislation outlawed discrimination by associations against existing or potential members and associates because of race, disability and sexual orientation.The Act extends this protection to gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sex.

Now you can either choose to read or go to the site and see for yourself it's up to you.

I'd like to think that most people can see the sense and reasoning behind what is written and can see that at some it will happen.

Blackpool Connections is a club which is starting to go in the right direction:

Prices for the daytime are £12 for the guys, £17 a couple and £5 for females and £5 for tgirls

Nightime prices for Thursday are £20 for a guy, £20 for couples and £5 for females and £5 tgirls

Saturday prices are £25 for a guy, £25 for couples and £5 for females .

Look them up on here.

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By *john121Man  over a year ago



Put this in a nutshell for you

The price single guys pay will NOT come down.

Best case scenario for single guys is that single women will have to pay the same as you.

Worst case single guys are banned or the club closes (same result)

There can only be negative effects from any attempt to involve the authorities.

Look what happened when men objected to women getting cheaper car insurance or when men objected to women getting their OAP bus pass 5 years earlier. Women lost out and men gained nothing. I suppose you can say it is fairer but women lost out to make it so. "

Answer me this do you believe you are any less of a person or have any lesser rights than to the person next to you or below or above in this thread.

Should you be charged more or less for any service based on soley on your gender?

Car insurance is an obvious example.

If you answer yes to these, well there you go....

I do go to clubs I do pay the charges, doesn't mean I have to agree though does it, especially if it shouldn't be happening.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Put this in a nutshell for you

The price single guys pay will NOT come down.

Best case scenario for single guys is that single women will have to pay the same as you.

Worst case single guys are banned or the club closes (same result)

There can only be negative effects from any attempt to involve the authorities.

Look what happened when men objected to women getting cheaper car insurance or when men objected to women getting their OAP bus pass 5 years earlier. Women lost out and men gained nothing. I suppose you can say it is fairer but women lost out to make it so.

Answer me this do you believe you are any less of a person or have any lesser rights than to the person next to you or below or above in this thread.

Should you be charged more or less for any service based on soley on your gender?

Car insurance is an obvious example.

If you answer yes to these, well there you go....

I do go to clubs I do pay the charges, doesn't mean I have to agree though does it, especially if it shouldn't be happening.


If you feel that strongly why do you continue to go and pay these inequitable charges?

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By *john121Man  over a year ago



Put this in a nutshell for you

The price single guys pay will NOT come down.

Best case scenario for single guys is that single women will have to pay the same as you.

Worst case single guys are banned or the club closes (same result)

There can only be negative effects from any attempt to involve the authorities.

Look what happened when men objected to women getting cheaper car insurance or when men objected to women getting their OAP bus pass 5 years earlier. Women lost out and men gained nothing. I suppose you can say it is fairer but women lost out to make it so.

Answer me this do you believe you are any less of a person or have any lesser rights than to the person next to you or below or above in this thread.

Should you be charged more or less for any service based on soley on your gender?

Car insurance is an obvious example.

If you answer yes to these, well there you go....

I do go to clubs I do pay the charges, doesn't mean I have to agree though does it, especially if it shouldn't be happening.

If you feel that strongly why do you continue to go and pay these inequitable charges?"

I have to have car insurance to drive legally on the road. Do I believe I should pay more for it based on my gender what do you think? and guess what the laws have changed.

Why do you think I go to a club? For the ambiance and the chance of getting together with like minded people...although I'll never eat the bar/finger food, I'm sure it's delicious but rarely have I seen anyone using hand sanitizer!!! lol and these same peeps play! Cough! Splutter!!

I don't go every night, week or month; just as and when the mood takes.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well why dont you just totally outlaw yourself from anyone who enjoys the club scene and push on with your claim that laws are been broke, and inevitably when a club is closed or single women and couples stop going so theres only men there which will then close down, you can stand there and say i did this but i didnt think it would happen.

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


" .............

Answer me this do you believe you are any less of a person or have any lesser rights than to the person next to you or below or above in this thread.

Should you be charged more or less for any service based on soley on your gender?


I thought, correct me if I'm wrong, that club charges had nothing to with any 'service' offered or sought. That would be verging on illegality.

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