| Thank you to everyone who attended the Saturday party . As the manager of Cupid's and all the rest of our first class dedicated team we all appreciate all the very kind word , reviews and help that we receive from all of our brilliant customers . Speaking for the whole team , it's not just a job we all feel that we have made some great new friends . When customers walk in we are treated like old friends and it makes doing our job a very pleasurable time . We listen to all the advice and do our best to achieve what the customers want . Best job in the world surrounded with some of the sexiest ppl and when we are at the end of the shift , there isn't a better feeling than listening to how much of a good time ppl have had ! Don't get me wrong I , we will never get it totally right ever time . But we can only try to . Won't be long before the club is finished and we have our relaunch . Thanks again and see you all soon . Col,Cait and all the rest of the Cupid's team . PS , I would like to thank all my dedicated team you all do a great job and luv you all . X
Date: 28 May 2012