| We've started going relatively recently, and there seem to have been some changes for the better made.Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are naturist only, which is good, because there are a significant percentage of people who go in swimsuits - this led Z to feel rather uncomfortable at first, because she was the only nude woman the first night we went, rather than the swimsuit brigade. Also, you can join as a naturist couple, which is a lot cheaper. They're trying to cut down on the working girls, and you no longer have to get keys for the private rooms, nor are there cameras.On non-couples nights, there are a lot of single guys, but we haven't been subjected to anybody more pushy than chatting to us slightly longer than we'd have necessarily chosen to. Other than that, nobody's tried to make a move, or make any unwelcome advances.There's a nice age-range there too - we're in our mid/late twenties, and we haven't felt too young compared to the others.Also, the facilities are pretty good - if you don't want to play, the jacuzzi's, sauna's and steamrooms are all nice ways to spend time.When we've gone on couples nights, we've always had fun.
Date: 27 April 2008