| This place needs a makeover!!! Is not my first review on Rio’s but is my first bad one .
Been here again on Sunday ,, we’ve been told from the door that back facilities are closed so we cannot play. ( the reason was whispered around that police was there investigating an INCIDENT* that happened 2 days before) I am using the word incident because I am not allowed by the site to use the actual word...
We thought we will enjoy the rest of the facilities anyway but ,as always ,ratio of men to women is very very high, one steam room was closed another one too cold and the only one hot remaining was taken over by some ladies who spread themselves all over just to keep it occupied . When we insisted that we want in , those ladies acted like we were bothering them and started to talk really loud . Saunas were over crowded, jacuzzis as well and when you finally find a spot you find also some hands attached to your bum straight away. People don’t respect when you ask them not to touch under water and by continuing that they force you to leave .
I think this place needs a strong management with very clear rules for everyone including members of staff. And also a proper definition of what this place really is ... Naturist Spa , Naturist swingers Spa or Anything and Everything as it is now ...
At least we should know from the start .
Every time I go back I find this place more and more degraded . To bad because has a lot of potential to be a great facility.
Probably I will not go back anytime soon.
Date: 17 December 2019