| I am leaving an OK review as I feel my 1st experience may not have been a true representation of the club and I would need to try it again to determine my decision.
The reasons for my review are as follows:
Nice staff, easy enough entry, varied facilities, large wet area, large variety of people so not too clicky like some clubs can be however, distinct lack of sex and more socialising/show ponying perhaps as it was a party night a member of staff told me a sunday is better for actual action so I may try then.
Negatives: only 2 toilets for a club of that size/capacity meaning excessive waits or trapsing over multiple levels to get to the toilet, lack of tour (again fair given it was a party night and chocka but would have been preferred) strange smokers van? Surely a marquee/canopy would be a nicer aesthetic than a beat up sprinter? Tiny small doors to get into private rooms, beinf a chunky girl i struggled. Distinct working girls present openly discussing business and charging men (several cpls and people I chatted with saw and heard the same so it cannot be disputed) Lastly hygiene but this is moreso due to people in attendance!(the aforementioned working girls) Leaving used condoms on the bed and floor and not wiping down a wipeable bed of bodily fluids is just nasty! Use a bin/disinfectant wipe as the club provides them!!
All in all meh. Not my favourite, not my least favourite but will defo try again in future on another night.
Date: 25 September 2022