| Visited Purple Mamba on Friday night. Nominal fee entry virtually plus the hot weather meant the biggest turnout for an event i have seen there so far. I tend to go only sporadically to PM, but its the only midlands club i attend. I have found the manners, banter and etiquette of most people there very good and on that night also.
Lovely nubile young lady in there that night who came and thanked the guys in the cinema room afterwards for a great time earlier in the night. Top Marks!
Leaving handbags and trousers in a room is not unusual and most far minded people would accept that securing them is more important than say socks but its still your property.
If you enter a room with items in there in a limited capacity venue and stay there for 2 hours. A knock on the door a couple of times just for the sake of well-being and welfare from staff should always be welcome. I have been at clubs with far far larger capacity than PM and 30 - 45 minutes is the maximum room time with notices on the door so other people, usually couples mostly get access also but it is very very easy to miss out. A bit of self policing and social awareness can help, particularly on a budget night which is a management discretion to the patrons, also makes for a fairer night for everyone.
Date: 8 July 2018