| The last Wicked of 2022 and what a night it was, Sent love to Ollie who was off ill, and tonight i was the usual lovely Hostess, but tonight i was promoted from Scrubber to Barmaid and had so much fun, thank you to those that helped me with my scrubbing duties while i was being a very sexy, flirty fun Barmaid. "Smiles" it was a fun night, the club looked amazing with the Christmas decs, they worked hard, and also the new screen in the lounge/bar area with new events coming up and of course yours truly. I feel like a Celebrity now on TV lots of play going on and lots of chatting all very friendly, nice to meet newbies always. Thank you to everyone who was patient waiting at the bar but I'm learning, hold on I'm coming, I'm coming, Oooh not said that for a very long time. nice getting pictures taken with guests and videos on the photo booth, a great party atmosphere. love you all who attended, if I don't see you again until the next wicked have a great Christmas and see you soon. next event is Kinky, BDSM Night, of course you know me dress and heels sorted for this one. Thank you everyone xx
Date: 4 December 2022