| After the delights of emptying the village elders nutsack, Ollie was intrigued by the desert of 'Sauce clocharde', a particular delicacy in these parts. Gary also wanted to partake in the local delicacy that would accompany his spotted dick (Chefs Kiss). Scott on the other hand opted out of the Dinner at the hotel as he was looking forward to the Art Exhibition titled 'Explosion at the Yoghurt Factory'.
As our three intrepid adventurers retired for the evening, savouring the evening delaccies dancing on the pallete. Hark, Scott remarked, it reminded him of that time he first met Gary and Ollie in that bar in Bangkok. Misty eyed remembering their act. Things were so simple then when all you needed was two fit guys, half a dozen ping pong balls and some knotted rope off an ocean liner.
"I think I know what we need in the club at Swindon" shouted Scott, woken from his slumbers with a dream, no a vision of how it should be. "Gary, wake up!" Chided Scott, "how much baby batter did Nick produce last year?" Gary fully awake now, fired up his laptop, opened his spreadsheet scrolled down to line 416 and proudly said "18.6 litres!". "18.6 litres?" Remarked Ollie, unsure of where this was going. "What do you do with all this liquid gold Gary?" Remarked Scott "Ummmm, before or after the 'great spunkberg' of 2010?" Questioned Ollie. "After, I hope we have stopped flushing it away, took 27 men to clear that particular blockage" mused Scott.
Just what are Scott's plans for all that juice? Why does Gary keep a spreadsheet? Is Ollie a member of the Yakuza?
Date: 22 May 2023