| I have been going to chams Newport since I been in the uk 4yrs I always tell everyone it's a great place with great staff, but last night I gotta be honest I felt singled out,there was a guy at the door never seen him,I had everything membership card,money the only thing I forgot home was the green pass, but I go every Friday since they reopened I went last week I had the green pass and the same girl from last night last week and the Friday before that and the week before seen me she knows me she is always do friendly always sweet but for some reason the young guy was giving us trouble, was it my accent is it because u didn't like the way I looked?? I do think if the girl wasn't waisted at the door and if she was sober while working she would of let us in,but she was to intoxicated to even be able to make her own decisions.the guy just whisperingin her ear like we couldn'thear or see him,he made it so obvious that for some reason unknownto us he didn'tnot like us..im very disappointed as a member I would think chameleons would have a more appreciation for there members especially in hard times like this where pple r still uncertain after an epidemic, we spoke to some members that came out as we where outside waiting for taxi they said , they didn't have to show theres I guess in Newport chameleons if u sound or look not from Uk they treat u like garbage like your membership isn't has important as others, they should keep a log or make copies of green pass so when members like myself forget there green pass as a bussniss you should keep a record make copies instead of treating members like garbage and being rude and waisted atvthe door,I hope my next experience next time won't be as disappointing and I hope the staff would be more appreciative for members and have a better system and treat all members equally xx Mia
Date: 16 October 2021