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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Witnessed something similar in local petrol station, young lad looking to buy fags got his age challenged(FP he did look underage) and because of this plus the fact he didn't have any ID on him just launched into the most foul and abusive language I've ever seen.

Myself and another few customers managed to calm situation- the poor guy behind counter was close to tears

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By *reshcplCouple  over a year ago


Wouldn't say the norm in Cardiff as its a very multi racial city. Think that drink makes people say thing they usually wouldn't. Rugby matches do bring out many people (not everyone) who don't usually drink as much in a short space of time and can end up aggressive. Think situations like that should be handed over to the police, as any racial slure shouldn't be tolerated. As for the Cardiff taxi drivers, I don't know how they do it!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This isn't an area specific problem, Cardiff would have had lots of twats visiting from all over.

It really is pathetic we still live in a day and age where racism exists, but then again, we live in a day and age where it's hot for two females to fuck but two guys is gross.

Racism/homophobia and anything else is a result of very bad parenting, media and 9/10 some fucking idiot who can't handle his booze, likely the same type that gets offended and complain when females knock them back on here so they just call them sluts and so on.

Don't put yourself at risk next time lovely, should have just recorded him and called the police.

It's the only way he'd learn a lesson (that or getting smashed by the guy he started on)

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By *sprey6Man  over a year ago


Good for you for having the balls to say that his behaviour was unacceptable. Not many do these days. X

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By *aydee65Man  over a year ago

Near Merthyr

Thats why I don't do Cardiff on match day any more. Used to be rugby fans who would fill the pubs with humour and songs. Yes we used to drink shed loads but it was mainly about the rugby. Now its full of piss heads and the rugby is way down their list of priorities.

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By *ophiasChoiceWoman  over a year ago

ystrad mynach

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad "

Hats off to you, I would've reacted the same. We should not tolerate such behaviour. I'm horrified that no one came to your defence though. That guy is a douche!

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By *elsh n wildCouple  over a year ago

Cardiff area

I would have punched his lights out (her) poor taxi driver just trying to earn a living

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The world just saddens me people just care how they look in front of others never polite aggressive and rude

I love Cardiff as a city and probably one of the better ones to go out in shame on the people out that night to walk past and let such a shameful thing happen and more over shame on the men that walked by and let a lady do something about it

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By *vrragemaleMan  over a year ago


Disgusting x end of day we all bleed the same colour no matter what colour skin we are .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That's fucking disgusting! Good on you for saying something when it seems no one else seemed to care. X

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad "

First can I say I admire your courage in standing up to racists and bullies and I applaud your sense of community it's a lovely trait to have these days.

Can I also say that what a dangerous and silly thing to do..., for whatever reason and why society as changed God only knows but it has and in a day and age of people attacking war veterans, pensioners and even beating up children there was a strong chance this excuse if a human who you were arguing with could have been carrying a weapon, knife. Bat or even a bottle of acid.

Please remember this in future your intentions are commendable but please beware of the basic fact that there are some head the balls out the that should avoided at all costs xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Thats why I don't do Cardiff on match day any more. Used to be rugby fans who would fill the pubs with humour and songs. Yes we used to drink shed loads but it was mainly about the rugby. Now its full of piss heads and the rugby is way down their list of priorities."

I have to agree with this regarding the rugby aspect. I hadn't been to a 6 nations game since I was a teenager and the atmosphere it completely different to what it was 15 years ago.

The people sitting behind me spent most of the game moaning and whinging about football. The genuine, passionate rugby fans seem to be few and far between now. I will be watching it at home from now on and sticking to the Ospreys for live games

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people."

But never put yourself in a position where you can learn if a twat is a women beater too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thats why I don't do Cardiff on match day any more. Used to be rugby fans who would fill the pubs with humour and songs. Yes we used to drink shed loads but it was mainly about the rugby. Now its full of piss heads and the rugby is way down their list of priorities.

I have to agree with this regarding the rugby aspect. I hadn't been to a 6 nations game since I was a teenager and the atmosphere it completely different to what it was 15 years ago.

The people sitting behind me spent most of the game moaning and whinging about football. The genuine, passionate rugby fans seem to be few and far between now. I will be watching it at home from now on and sticking to the Ospreys for live games "

This is the reason I don't go to internationals now, seems to be people only go now just to say I was there

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well I'm not sure which is worse to be honest

The fact no one else spoke up for the taxi driver

Or the fact he shoved you and no one helped

Drinking seems to being out the worst in people sadly

Glad your ok mate x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good on you beaut, stand up for your convictions x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people."

I totally agree with you 100% but you have to also think of your own personal safety as I say these people are cowards and would not think twice of attacking a woman and I know you could give as good as you gets but these day you never know

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Well I'm not sure which is worse to be honest

The fact no one else spoke up for the taxi driver

Or the fact he shoved you and no one helped

Drinking seems to being out the worst in people sadly

Glad your ok mate x


It wasn't a full on shove

Actually I think I may have given him a bit of a nudge first because he was in my face and he just retaliated

I didn't move much though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well I'm not sure which is worse to be honest

The fact no one else spoke up for the taxi driver

Or the fact he shoved you and no one helped

Drinking seems to being out the worst in people sadly

Glad your ok mate x

It wasn't a full on shove

Actually I think I may have given him a bit of a nudge first because he was in my face and he just retaliated

I didn't move much though "

Your mad but to be honest I'd have done the same good on you x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Thats why I don't do Cardiff on match day any more. Used to be rugby fans who would fill the pubs with humour and songs. Yes we used to drink shed loads but it was mainly about the rugby. Now its full of piss heads and the rugby is way down their list of priorities.

I have to agree with this regarding the rugby aspect. I hadn't been to a 6 nations game since I was a teenager and the atmosphere it completely different to what it was 15 years ago.

The people sitting behind me spent most of the game moaning and whinging about football. The genuine, passionate rugby fans seem to be few and far between now. I will be watching it at home from now on and sticking to the Ospreys for live games

This is the reason I don't go to internationals now, seems to be people only go now just to say I was there"

I have to say I agree with you.

First time for everything lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I stopped going when a women sat in front of us said 'we trying to watch the rugby, Wales vs all blacks- Wales r playing in red aren't they'

Safe to say we were lost for words

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I stopped going when a women sat in front of us said 'we trying to watch the rugby, Wales vs all blacks- Wales r playing in red aren't they'

Safe to say we were lost for words"

This is why I cannot even stand going out to the pub to watch it anymore

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people."

miss p your a very lovely person and what you did was a natural reaction indeed

But I've been on the receiving end of trying to stick up for someone and got the worst end of it by ending up with six stiches to my chin and losing 5 teeth

And looking bk could've been far worse

So the only reason I'm saying this us keep away from anyone like this and phone the police

Because you and your family could pay the price for a prick like this xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I stopped going when a women sat in front of us said 'we trying to watch the rugby, Wales vs all blacks- Wales r playing in red aren't they'

Safe to say we were lost for words"

Ah the pissed-up, glittery-cowboy hat-wearing morons that descend en masse. Embarrassing.

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By *ax-BangingMan  over a year ago


"I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people.

miss p your a very lovely person and what you did was a natural reaction indeed

But I've been on the receiving end of trying to stick up for someone and got the worst end of it by ending up with six stiches to my chin and losing 5 teeth

And looking bk could've been far worse

So the only reason I'm saying this us keep away from anyone like this and phone the police

Because you and your family could pay the price for a prick like this xxxxx"

Snap while i admire your bravery MissP69,This also happen to me while coming to the rescue of someone else. And i still bare the scare's to prove it, were i was almost kicked to death by a group of blokes head stamped on and used like a football,I Lost 12 teeth and was scarred for life. It was lucky i got a hard head i guess because i was lucky it didn't kill me please be careful sweetie, Would i do it again yes probably.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad "

Do you know good for you lady for standing up for what's right although you really should have thought of your own safety but it's a shame not everyone is like you then perhaps these bigoted prejudiced people wouldn't be publicly behaving like that

I am very much like yourself and most probably would have done the same but sadly most people prefer to turn a blind eye and walk-on by

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad

Do you know good for you lady for standing up for what's right although you really should have thought of your own safety but it's a shame not everyone is like you then perhaps these bigoted prejudiced people wouldn't be publicly behaving like that

I am very much like yourself and most probably would have done the same but sadly most people prefer to turn a blind eye and walk-on by "

I think the majority only turn a blind rye because today its not just fighting I was hit by a steel bar

That they went to find just not safe to intervene

I'd walk away now sadly because of my bad experience and lost teeth and scar xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad "

fair play hun some people wil jus sit back and let them be vile..I'd of smack the little shit bein called a paki is not a fave word of mine...but racism is everywhere even on here ffs

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By *onny-n-clydeCouple  over a year ago


Last year on a night out in Bristol an Asian taxi driver refused to take my son and his partner because they were gay. When my daughter got angry the taxi driver called the police over and accused my daughter of being racist! I have brought my children up not to be bigoted towards any race religion or sexual preference but unfortunately there are bigots out there in every walk of life. Very sad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As each generation goes by we get more tolerance I watch my son and race doesn't mean a thing to him I prob was racist when I was younger but as I got older and met British Asians etc I realised they were no diff to me cut them their blood is red insult them it hurts them just like me

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By *ost SockMan  over a year ago

West Wales and Cardiff

"I stopped going when a women sat in front of us said 'we trying to watch the rugby, Wales vs all blacks- Wales r playing in red aren't they'

Safe to say we were lost for words

Ah the pissed-up, glittery-cowboy hat-wearing morons that descend en masse. Embarrassing. "

Yeah, I'm another one in this camp now unfortunately. I'll never go again and I've worked out I've seen Wales live 83 times. I used to get excited about it weeks before. Now I'll watch it in the pub and leave my mates to go.

I'm actually embarrased to be Welsh on international days now. The vast majority of people are clueless about the sport.

All this "I'm so passionate about rugby nonsense". No you're not, you watch Wales games only and spend most if them getting beers from the bar and waving at the big screen.

Last night I walked into town and the first thing I heard was a gang of lads singing that odious turban song, that's vile to English and Sikh people. Nice.

I will say though - it wasn't perfect years ago too. I saw some pretty bad behaviour in the ground at times - I remember Wales fans ripping up a French flag on the old West terrace.

Miss P - Cardiff has it's faults, but it's generally been a multi-cultural, tolerant city. Think things have divided a little with the rise of extremist Islam. but it's still good in that respect.

Taxi drivers must put up with a lot though. They seem almost relieved when someone is polite and chatty to them.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I have to say after last night I won't be in a rush to attend another one

The atmosphere has gone completely

I will be sticking to regional and occasional local club rugby for my live fix from now on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I stopped going when a women sat in front of us said 'we trying to watch the rugby, Wales vs all blacks- Wales r playing in red aren't they'

Safe to say we were lost for words

Ah the pissed-up, glittery-cowboy hat-wearing morons that descend en masse. Embarrassing. "

Actually was the other end of scale an elderly couple born with silver spoons in their mouths.

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By *mstillere2Man  over a year ago


Although it was awesome you stood upto this knuckledragger please be careful in future but its nice to see a thread like this and not see racists, islamaphobes, homophobes etc have jumped on board trying to defend the knuckledraggers actions GOD I MISS LIVING IN WALES

ps next month London mass demo to stand up to racsism etc 19th i think love to all

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By *eepndarkMan  over a year ago


"I was brought up to challenge what I think is wrong and it was just a natural reaction. I think that to stand by and say nothing makes you almost as bad as the culprit tbh.

The only 2 things I hate in life are racists and homophobics. Vile disgusting people."

Brave but don't do it again . The is a moron and you need to stay fit and well. So no getting into tussles. Cardiff cab drivers have think skin and an "equaliser: by the driver side door :-

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By *thwalescplCouple  over a year ago


Best thing to do in this situation is film the moron, get a good pic of his face, great evidence for the Police.

I have to say I'm the same as the OP, I would have got stuck in and dragged the pillock off, no-one deserves that sort of abuse.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

you say ashamed to be welsh, the actions of one welsh person shouldn't make you ashamed of the nation - a bit far don't you think

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"you say ashamed to be welsh, the actions of one welsh person shouldn't make you ashamed of the nation - a bit far don't you think"

Ok....I was ashamed that a fellow countryman was behaving so disgustingly whilst wearing our country's jersey

Better for you??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

not really

just because someone has a welsh shirt on, or is in Wales, still makes them an individual and not a representative of the country, its a welsh small community way of thinking that's all, but there are scum bags in wales just as in any other country, no need to affiliate them to the pride you feel in the country which has been built up over centuries

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ok then

Thankyou for telling me what I should/shouldn't think/post

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ha ha take your telling off and go sit in the corner missp

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Ha ha take your telling off and go sit in the corner missp


Sorry Lush

My mistake for thinking I could feel/think/say what I wanted to

I stand corrected

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Im saying you have every right to be upset; just don't think you have to be ashamed of your nationality because of a d*unk guy on rugby day - fair enough if we were nuking some countries etc, but its not really the same

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

You've made your point

I will think/feel whatever I like

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ok shall we fuck now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The fact that you stood up against this moral wrong and put yourself in harms way to do so shows an amazing character xx

Having been on the wrong end of it many times in my life I've learnt that not all people who make racist remarks are actually racist... Sounds crazy I know... but most times it's just the easiest way to offend a person. so stupid people try to use it as a weapon

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By *azz_JazzCouple  over a year ago


I think this is an interesting post MissP, wonderful that you felt compelled to try and stop the taxi driver being abused! However they are sods some of them because they will refuse to take people (in particular the Asian drivers) if they don't deem the fare to be worth their while. Colleagues at work in particular single girls are having to lie when they get in the cab that their destination is further otherwise the drivers refused to take them! They then say if I have changed my mind can you drop me down the bay! My second point with regards to unpleasantness is 'Some Welsh' people's comments on England and English people! After a Wales game last year during the World Cup I went into a local pub and went to order a drink only to hear the lad proudly wearing a Wales shirt say 'oh fucking great and English bloke, I fucking well hate the English' so was this rugby banter or out and out xenophobia? When I asked him what nationality it said he was on his passport he told me to fuck off and he wasn't going to answer it that he was Welsh! So bear in mind Wales play England soon I bet my bile duct the Welsh forum will be full of anti English statements!

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By *aydee65Man  over a year ago

Near Merthyr

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By *aydee65Man  over a year ago

Near Merthyr

If someone had told me 20 years ago that I'd watchthe games at home I'd have laughed at them because I wouldn't miss a game either out or at the match. Now the pubs are full of dickheads shouting random shit at the TV without any clue of the game. Winds me up a treat.

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By *elshman52Man  over a year ago

North Wales

"I have just got home from Cardiff after going to the rugby and afterwards I witnessed what was probably the worst public display of racism I have ever seen in my life.

Some youngish bloke in a Welsh jersey screaming disgusting abuse at an asian taxi driver in the middle of Cardiff because for whatever reason he wouldn't take him in his taxi. Calling him a dirty stinking p**ki c*nt and telling him to fuck off back to his own country. Not much bothers me but I lost my rag completely and went beserk and ended in a bit of a scuffle as he took exception to me telling him what I thought and gave me a bit of a shove. I have never been so ashamed to be Welsh in my entire life. And not one other single person on the street said a fucking word, except for one guy who said "good for you love" or words to that effect after. I don't know if this is the norm for Cardiff and I really really hope it isn't. So so sad "

Rugby is generally trouble free however there are still some idiots out there. What really pisses me off is that if this was a football related incident it would have been front page news.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I think this is an interesting post MissP, wonderful that you felt compelled to try and stop the taxi driver being abused! However they are sods some of them because they will refuse to take people (in particular the Asian drivers) if they don't deem the fare to be worth their while. Colleagues at work in particular single girls are having to lie when they get in the cab that their destination is further otherwise the drivers refused to take them! They then say if I have changed my mind can you drop me down the bay! My second point with regards to unpleasantness is 'Some Welsh' people's comments on England and English people! After a Wales game last year during the World Cup I went into a local pub and went to order a drink only to hear the lad proudly wearing a Wales shirt say 'oh fucking great and English bloke, I fucking well hate the English' so was this rugby banter or out and out xenophobia? When I asked him what nationality it said he was on his passport he told me to fuck off and he wasn't going to answer it that he was Welsh! So bear in mind Wales play England soon I bet my bile duct the Welsh forum will be full of anti English statements!


I have been on the receiving end of many anti welsh comments from English fans over the years. So we take as much as we dish out if not more. And I think most people of most nationalities on here know how to draw the line between rugby banter and xenophobia. Or at least I would hope so

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By *ost SockMan  over a year ago

West Wales and Cardiff

Yeah, I really can't remember anything more than lighthearted banter around Wales v England games over the years I've been on here.

While I find the behaviour in the stadium and around Cardiff increasingly annoying, I've been on the end of it from England fans too - we've both got our twunts.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good on you, I don't think Cardiff is bad they could be from somewhere els, however say no racism.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not all taxi drivers in Cardiff are legal i live near city centre centre in well known rd and you would be suprised how many taxi drivers dont know where it is and ask for directions

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Keep up the good work MissP. Take no shit off no one at anytime.

Life is too short to put up with any shit.

Tell them to jog on and move on.

Good for you girl!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well done....this happens way too much...something similar happened tonight.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Rugby fans are unfortunately not the same. Agree that challengibg the behaviour is the best way

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