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NYC .... Manhatton
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
NYC has gotten pretty crappy lately under this progressive Mayor . Traffic is awfull homeless are everywhere the city smells like an overflowing urinal . Garbage is piling up the subways are in disarray . I'd think about someplace else . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"NYC has gotten pretty crappy lately under this progressive Mayor . Traffic is awfull homeless are everywhere the city smells like an overflowing urinal . Garbage is piling up the subways are in disarray . I'd think about someplace else . "
Whenever I go home to NYC it seems the same as always. Though, I've heard about the subways going to shit - you can hardly blame that on Deblasio - what infrastructure funding did Bloomberg supply during his three terms in office that led to this mess? Ppffft.
OP, if you want to move to NYC then spell the name of the borough right and have shit loads of money for rent and you'll have a great time.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Mayor "big bird"turned NYC into a shit hole. Look at how many cops hsve been killed since he became Mayor."
Mayor big bird? Well, with argumentation skills like that how could I even disagree? It can't be a bigger shit hole than New Jersey already is, surely?
OP, on second thought, avoid NYC. I wouldn't want the people on this thread as neighbours. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I blame the homeless and dirty streets on deBlasio but you're right about the other things . When you come back to NYC I'd like to meet you guys for a drink you're a hot couple |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I blame the homeless and dirty streets on deBlasio but you're right about the other things . When you come back to NYC I'd like to meet you guys for a drink you're a hot couple"
But homeless people have always been on the streets of NYC. Giuliani and Bloomberg just hid them away by putting them in jail. Not only did that make it a crime to be homeless, but it did so at the tax-payers' expense. Other than putting them in jail, how could we possibly deal with the issue of homelessness? I'd be up for ideas - seriously. Especially concidering over half are veterans with mental health issues. Let's get the homeless off the streets of NYC, but don't raise taxes to pay for it because people may eat you alive if you do!
And I go back home all the time - it's no more or less dirty than it's always been. Maybe having a democratic mayor makes it all feel dirtier to you  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Marc I have lived and worked in NYC for 20 year it's definetaly dirtier and there are people layed out on every street . I blame gov Cuomo and deBlasio for this as well as the disaster with the trains . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Marc I have lived and worked in NYC for 20 year it's definetaly dirtier and there are people layed out on every street . I blame gov Cuomo and deBlasio for this as well as the disaster with the trains . "
This is Courtney. And I was born in Brooklyn and lived and worked there until I was 26....so you're not pulling the experience card on me.
It's not dirtier. And as I said, homelessnes has always been a problem. Not to mention we've been in a recession for a decade in a city with one of the highest income gaps in the country. It's too transparent that you're choosing democrats to blame for it all - whether that be Cuomo at the state level or Deblasio at the city level. How about we just jump to the federal level and blame the republicans for the issue of veterans being homeless....or does that not fit your narrative? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
How can you not say it's not dirtier it's disgusting and by the way I'm a veteran and most homeless are not veterans a few may be but most are people with mental problems . Your just another closed minded liberal who doesn't see what's going on in the real world even my liberal friends agree this guy has brought NYC back to the dangerous 80s |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Because Obama has been president for the last 8 years "
Right. So you're fine blaming previous administrations as long as they were democrats. That's exactly what I thoughts you'd say. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"And I don't have a narrative I'm just stating facts and I know what I see and everyone else around me sees and is complaining aboutc"
You have a narrative, same as anyone else who can only blame one political party for the problems in our society. It's the close-minded conservative narrative. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"How can you not say it's not dirtier it's disgusting and by the way I'm a veteran and most homeless are not veterans a few may be but most are people with mental problems . Your just another closed minded liberal who doesn't see what's going on in the real world even my liberal friends agree this guy has brought NYC back to the dangerous 80s "
You know what? I researched it, because I was stating my veterans numbers by memory, and you're right - most aren't veterans. But that's only because Deblasio has implemented a program that has reduced veteran homelessness in NYC by 45% since it's high under Mayor Bloomberg. I'm not sure how that fits into your conservative narrative.
I don't see that NYC is any dirtier than it's always been. As for homelessness, my contention is that that is based on two factors (1) a prolonged recession which caused more financial problems and a bigger income gap (for which both parties can be blamed) and (2) just because homeless people are no longer being thrown in jail for being homeless (a practice favored by republican mayors, most notably Giuliani). Republicans are fine with homelessness and poverty it seems, as long and it's not them and they can't see it. It's sad.
As I said previously, offer a solution to the problem. Offer one that doesn't just consist of throwing homeless people in jail. Let's hear your ideas. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The homeless were not thrown in jail for just being homeless. They were thrown in jail because they committed crimes.There is a sense of lawlessness in Nyc. The garbage sits for days without pickup graffiti is everwhere the city smells overwhelmingly of urine. People are openly pissing in the street I see it every day so I don't know what your reading but its not whats going on in nyc . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
my solution to homelessness is more mental health programs that really help them not just throwing them back on the street when they are brough in. Do you know it no longer a crime to urinate in the street or to jump a turnstile. City hall has just dismissed over 700,000 criminal warrants . This mayor is empowering criminals . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
my solution to homelessness is more mental health programs that really help them not just throwing them back on the street when they are brough in. Do you know it no longer a crime to urinate in the street or to jump a turnstile. City hall has just dismissed over 700,000 criminal warrants . This mayor is empowering criminals . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"The homeless were not thrown in jail for just being homeless. They were thrown in jail because they committed crimes.There is a sense of lawlessness in Nyc. The garbage sits for days without pickup graffiti is everwhere the city smells overwhelmingly of urine. People are openly pissing in the street I see it every day so I don't know what your reading but its not whats going on in nyc ."
Garbage pickup is the same as always. NYC always had graffiti. Urine has been the scent of NYC for ages. Like I said, none of this is new. It's always the same when I go back home. I think conservatives just notice it more when the mayor is a democrat.
It's not a matter of what I'm reading. It's a matter of experience and fact. As for my reference to a decrease in veteran homeless rates you can read this from the New York Times (you can find similar stories in conservative papers if you'd like to do your own research):
And here's a quote from the article: "The executive director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, which coordinates the federal response on the issue, said in a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio this week that the city had “effectively” ended chronic homelessness among veterans."
Giuliani has bragged about "chasing" homeless people away during his mayorship and only backtracked on it when chastised by Deblasio. He arrested the homeless because they were homeless. Very seldom were they arrested for anything more than loitering, which is technically a crime, but only in the same sense as homelessness itself is a crime. The republican track record on homelesness in NYC is atrocious and littered with uncaring practices. It's shameful.
As I said, any rise in homelessness in NYC, like the problems with the subway system, are the result of a decade of financial strain after the stock market collapsed and the fault of BOTH parties failing to care enough about the most vulnerable in a city of an ever widening income gap.
And please, show me evidence that supports your claim that it's no longer illegal to jump the turnstile in the subway. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"my solution to homelessness is more mental health programs that really help them not just throwing them back on the street when they are brough in. "
I completely agree with you on this. Would you be ok with an increase in taxes to pay for it? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
sure the taxes in nyc are relatively low but I live in new jersey but ive lived in nyc most of my life the garbage sat on our block last week for 5 days rats are everywhere I see it everyday , you may read things but I see it for a fact its the worst ive seen it for 20 years and by the way Bloomberg wasn't a real republican |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"sure the taxes in nyc are relatively low but I live in new jersey but ive lived in nyc most of my life the garbage sat on our block last week for 5 days rats are everywhere I see it everyday , you may read things but I see it for a fact its the worst ive seen it for 20 years and by the way Bloomberg wasn't a real republican"
He was a republican. He ran on the ticket and was supported by the party.
My whole family still lives in NYC. Garbage is picked up on the days that are alotted to any given area (I know because I put my mother's trash out for her when I'm there). Don't put your trash out 5 days early and you'll be fine. And again, rats have always been in NYC.
None of your statements are convincing and you provide no evidence. I've already asked you for evidence that it's no longer illegal to jump the turnstile, which was another unverified claim of yours. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"sure the taxes in nyc are relatively low but I live in new jersey but ive lived in nyc most of my life the garbage sat on our block last week for 5 days rats are everywhere I see it everyday , you may read things but I see it for a fact its the worst ive seen it for 20 years and by the way Bloomberg wasn't a real republican"
Btw, this is a serious question, if you currently live in New Jersey how can you describe your gabrage not being picked up in NYC last week? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
where are you getting your information by the way Bloomberg jumped to the independent party ive already proven you wrong on your homless veterans claim and i will prove you wrong on every other claim you make if mor nyers used this forum theyt would tell you just what im telling you there was never graffiti in midtown manhattan now its even on macys im telling you the city is going to shit get your head out of the sand and see for yourself |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
starting in September it will no longer be a criminal offense to jump a turnstile the manhattan da has done this to cut down on overcrowding in court and to cut back on the arrest of undocumented aliens
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"where are you getting your information by the way Bloomberg jumped to the independent party ive already proven you wrong on your homless veterans claim and i will prove you wrong on every other claim you make if mor nyers used this forum theyt would tell you just what im telling you there was never graffiti in midtown manhattan now its even on macys im telling you the city is going to shit get your head out of the sand and see for yourself"
You didn't prove me wrong on veterans. I looked it up myself and even provided proof that Deblasio brought homeless veterans numbers lower than they were during their previous high - which directly contradicts your claims about honelessnes in general.
Bloomberg became an independent, yes, but that was after being a member of the Republican party for his first two election victories. You can't erase a majority of his record as a republican just because he switched for his final run.
I believe you're the person with his head in the sand. You see everything as being the fault of the democrats even when it doesn't make sense. Graffiti and dirt in NYC is nothing new, as I keep telling you. I wish you'd see this stuff when it happens generally and not just when you don't like who is in office. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"starting in September it will no longer be a criminal offense to jump a turnstile the manhattan da has done this to cut down on overcrowding in court and to cut back on the arrest of undocumented aliens
And I looked this up myself as well since you appear to be incapable of giving evidence.
You need to learn the difference between saying something is no longer a crime and saying it won't be prosecuted as a criminal offense.
Jumping a turnstile is still a crime in NYC. However, because of cases unnecessarily bogging down the court system, the DA has reached an agreement whereby jumping a turnstile will no longer be a criminal offense. Instead, it will be treated with a civil penalty (as most low-level non-violent crimes are, btw). In other words, it's still illegal and can be punishable by either a fine or community service, but it won't result in a court appearance and a criminal record. Seems reasonable when you read the logic behind it. Maybe you should read up on it more - and while you're reading up on it take a look at the difference between saying something is a crime and saying something is a criminal offense because I think you could use a little education there. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Mi am a registered democratc so i don't know why your fixated on Democrats and republicans I don't care who is in office I'm just telling you NYC is going down the tubes . Next you will be saying that the shale of Affairs in Chicago is Trumps fault .deBlasio did nothing to help veterans he despises the military and the police . He ran on an anti police forum where do you get your facts . And. When did you ever see graffiti on a store like Macy's in herald square |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Mi am a registered democratc so i don't know why your fixated on Democrats and republicans I don't care who is in office I'm just telling you NYC is going down the tubes . Next you will be saying that the shale of Affairs in Chicago is Trumps fault .deBlasio did nothing to help veterans he despises the military and the police . He ran on an anti police forum where do you get your facts . And. When did you ever see graffiti on a store like Macy's in herald square "
It doesn't matter how you're registered - so far on this thread you've placed blame on Deblasio, Cuomo, and Obama while half-heartedly defending Giuliani. Your sentiments are clearly conservative, regardless of what party you claim to be registered with.
Your argumentation in this thread is indicative of what is wrong with the state of political discourse in America today. You refuse to accept the evidence placed before you (as with the article I cited about Deblasio's record on veteran homelessness); you are at least partially ignorant of the very things you complain about (as evidenced by your lack of understanding regarding who makes crimes and who enforces them - the difference between what it means for something to be illegal vs. how a district attorney decides to legally enforce that statute); and you appear to be completely unwilling to divorce your perception from reality (as shown by your continually mentioning your awareness of garbage, graffiti, and urine as if these things weren't always a fact of life in NYC).
I won't discuss the complexity of police-community relations with someone who has thus far shown no real ability to appreciate nuance. Deblasio has never run an anti-police campaign. He has tried to recognize the deep divisions that exist in NYC between the police force and the community at large and that attempt at bridging the communities is seen by people like yourself as being anti-police. It's people like you, who can't take into account other views and opinions in order to recognize a more nuanced situation that will allow police/community relations to continue to deteriorate in NYC. I have NYC police officers in my family. However, I also have a father who was beaten up by cops in a clear case of police brutality (yes it went to court and yes the cop was found guilty). I can see both sides of this issue for what it is. Rhetoric like yours, accusing the mayor of being anti-police is unnecessarily inflammatory and serves no real purpose. It doesn't heal communities that have been injured by police and it doesn't help police who feel vulnerable to the violence they have to deal with on a daily basis.
NYC, as I've said throughout the thread, is much the same as it always has been. Yes, it has been to with hard times, as I've also already said. But I refuse to let people drop half-truths into such a discussion just to fuel their own agenda. Deblasio, Cuomo, and Obama are not to blame for everything wrong in life. Much of the policies that fueled the current state of affairs were put in place by people like Giuliani, Bloomberg, Bush, and others. As I've said, a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum are to blame. Refusing to accept that will only perpetuate the dichotomy that now makes American politics almost completely impotent.
And since you're interested in whatever anti-police forum you're talking about, you may also be interested in the forum run by NYC police officers for NYC police officers called Thee Rant. It is notorious for spouting racial hatred, bigotry, and even for naming specific people who cops don't like and asking for other cops to keep an eye out for them and give them a hard time. The last I checked you had to be a police officer to post on the forum, but there have been plenty of stories about it throughout the years in the press. Like I said, it's all about understanding that there's two sides to every story - nuance is the key.
Here's a few articles to read if you'd like to educate yourself:
Business Insider: "An NYPD message board lit up with racist comments after the shooting of an unarmed black man in South Carolina"
The Daily News: "NYPD members 'place bets' predicting J'Ouvert 'shootings' and 'stabbings' in racist cop message board"
Pro Publica: "Racist Posts on NY Cop Blog Raise Ire at Time of Tension" |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I hated Giuliani you are a typical liberal.deblasio openly ran on an anti police agenda im telling you what I actualy see in the city and you quote newspaper articles . I know 2 friends of mine who are police officers and they tell me the nypd fudges the numbers and crime is way up. Im sure the cops didn't kick your fathers ass for no reason he probably was like you and didn't listen to what he was told to do |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"most people in NYC hold de Blasio responsible for the cold blooded assignation of 3 police officers but you wont read that in the papers ."
That's because it isn't true. You don't speak for "most people in NYC." I'm sure some people do hold him responsible, but not most. And those people are wrong.
I won't even go into the number of unarmed people the NYPD have killed in the last few years alone. There are videos of some of those murders available on YouTube for you.
As I said, it's a nuanced and complex community divide between the NYPD and the people of NYC. Step out of your bubble. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I hated Giuliani you are a typical liberal.deblasio openly ran on an anti police agenda im telling you what I actualy see in the city and you quote newspaper articles . I know 2 friends of mine who are police officers and they tell me the nypd fudges the numbers and crime is way up. Im sure the cops didn't kick your fathers ass for no reason he probably was like you and didn't listen to what he was told to do "
You get biased information from your friends in the police force and tell me that your experience is worth more than reporting that is based on publicly available information. Sure. Very persuasive.
And as for my father, you have no idea what happened. I already said the cop who beat him was found guilty of police brutality (among other things such as false imprisonment and perjury). Police officers aren't gods - they can be wrong and they can act inappropriately. The same as the public they serve can be wrong and act inappropriately.
You are too transparent in your ignorance, your bias, and your unwillingness to see reality for what it is. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
and you are a clueless liberal who only knows what they read in the papers get out in the real world and see for yourself I don't know your father but in all my years I have never had any interactions with any police except for the discussions with my friends im sure he escalated the situation . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"if you are anything like your father I can understand why he got his butt kicked"
Great debating skills. You showed your true colors in the end. I suppose rational debate is beyond you. Have a good day. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
you started the downhill slide by calling me ignorant your just a typical liberal you only have your own opinion and everyone else is wrong, the post started by someone asking for advice about manhattan I told him what I see first hand everyday you say im wrong and tell him about articles you read in the paper theres no sense carrying this on any longer you don't listen go read some more newspapers |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"you started the downhill slide by calling me ignorant your just a typical liberal you only have your own opinion and everyone else is wrong, the post started by someone asking for advice about manhattan I told him what I see first hand everyday you say im wrong and tell him about articles you read in the paper theres no sense carrying this on any longer you don't listen go read some more newspapers"
You are ignorant - as I explained earlier in the thread. You also, apparently, are violent, and an apologist for criminal activity (so long as it is done by a cop).
You expressed your views and I disagreed. I have first hand experience of NYC as well, as I've explained.
But instead of continuing a debate you excused police brutality and then basically said I would deserve it myself. Absolutely appalling.
You aren't worth my time. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
you started the downhill slide by calling me ignorant your just a typical liberal you only have your own opinion and everyone else is wrong, the post started by someone asking for advice about manhattan I told him what I see first hand everyday you say im wrong and tell him about articles you read in the paper theres no sense carrying this on any longer you don't listen go read some more newspapers |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"you started the downhill slide by calling me ignorant your just a typical liberal you only have your own opinion and everyone else is wrong, the post started by someone asking for advice about manhattan I told him what I see first hand everyday you say im wrong and tell him about articles you read in the paper theres no sense carrying this on any longer you don't listen go read some more newspapers"
As I said, you are ignorant. You don't even know that something is still illegal if its prosecuted as a civil offense.
You are ignorant and violent. If you don't want to continue the debate its within your power to stop. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
your a typical liberal ive proven you wrong in every argument but you change the words around it is no longer criminal to jump a turnstile its a civil offense im very non violent as I box in the ring so my agressions are all taken out there you are not willing to listen to anyones opinion but you started the name calling but yet say im violent im sorry your father got his ass kicked but im sure he did something to deserve it , |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"your a typical liberal ive proven you wrong in every argument but you change the words around it is no longer criminal to jump a turnstile its a civil offense im very non violent as I box in the ring so my agressions are all taken out there you are not willing to listen to anyones opinion but you started the name calling but yet say im violent im sorry your father got his ass kicked but im sure he did something to deserve it ,"
You said it was no longer a crime. That was wrong. It is still a crime. It is being treated by prosecutors as a civil offense. Again ignorance.
I can tell it really bothers you that I called you ignorant, but really its within your power to change your ignorance.
And I don't really care what you think about my father, but you insinuating that this conversation is grounds for police violence against me (as evidenced when you said you could see why my father would be beat up if he was anything like me) was beyond reasonableness. The fact that you can't see that you let your own anger get the better of you is worrying. And its indicative of someone who forgives violent and illegal behavior. |
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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago
Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum |
"On a different note, I'm visiting NY for the first time later this year. Really looking forward to it. "
I visited in June. It was fantastic (and very clean, so not sure why there are people saying otherwise). |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
A civil offense is not a crime it's less than a parking ticket and they don't even have to appear in court . Your father must have been a violent man if the police had to use force against him I wish I could post pictures here so I could show you the dirty streets and the homeless and the graffity on my block that just started appearing within the last 2 years I don't care how many articles you read it's happening and we who live in NYC all see it first hand |
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By *ark7 OP Man
over a year ago
Ireland |
Jezz ... that escalated quickly
Anyway, going on Saturday for a couple of months. Looking forward to it and getting out of the 45 degrees here in Dubai.
Any NY'ers on here feel free to say hi.
Cheers |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"A civil offense is not a crime it's less than a parking ticket and they don't even have to appear in court . Your father must have been a violent man if the police had to use force against him I wish I could post pictures here so I could show you the dirty streets and the homeless and the graffity on my block that just started appearing within the last 2 years I don't care how many articles you read it's happening and we who live in NYC all see it first hand "
No. "Crime" can include both criminal and civil offenses. You should have said de-criminalize. Instead, you said this:
"Do you know it no longer a crime to urinate in the street or to jump a turnstile. City hall has just dismissed over 700,000 criminal warrants . This mayor is empowering criminals ."
You were insinuating that these people are running free, without punishment, and that NYC is this lawless place. So, you were either ignorant of the fact that people are still being punished civilly for the crime (and criminally if they don't follow through on the civil punishment, or you were purposely misrepresenting the facts. Pathetic.
Then again, you're the same individual who excuses police brutality, which is very much a criminal offense. So, you are either ignorant that its a criminal offense or, in your language, you're "empowering criminals." |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"A civil offense is not a crime it's less than a parking ticket and they don't even have to appear in court . Your father must have been a violent man if the police had to use force against him I wish I could post pictures here so I could show you the dirty streets and the homeless and the graffity on my block that just started appearing within the last 2 years I don't care how many articles you read it's happening and we who live in NYC all see it first hand
No. "Crime" can include both criminal and civil offenses. You should have said de-criminalize. Instead, you said this:
Do you know it no longer a crime to urinate in the street or to jump a turnstile. City hall has just dismissed over 700,000 criminal warrants . This mayor is empowering criminals .
You were insinuating that these people are running free, without punishment, and that NYC is this lawless place. So, you were either ignorant of the fact that people are still being punished civilly for the crime (and criminally if they don't follow through on the civil punishment, or you were purposely misrepresenting the facts. Pathetic.
Then again, you're the same individual who excuses police brutality, which is very much a criminal offense. So, you are either ignorant that its a criminal offense or, in your language, you're "empowering criminals." "
And I'll be more clear by what I mean when I say it is still a crime, regardless of whether its being prosecuted as a civil offense:
Jumping a turnstile is a misdemeanor in NYC. It is in the New York Consolidated Laws, Penal Code, PEN section 165.15 and labeled "Theft of Services"
The DA does not have the power to decide what is labeled as criminal activity and what is not. The Penal code is determined by the legislature (so not even the mayor). All the DA can do is determine how the prosecutors office handles cases. So, as I said earlier, fare evasion/jumping a turnstile is still a crime in NYC. However, it is being punished as a civil offense because it is a petty crime that is clogging up the court dockets unnecessarily. If people do no fulfill their civil punishments then they will not have the charge of fare evasion dropped and will be treated criminally.
All you needed to do to learn that is to read the article I gave you earlier in the thread. Instead you wished to willfully remain ignorant and provide misleading information on a public forum. Good job. |
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