FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swingers Chat > this site and the men on here
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"TLDR" I scrolled part looking for a summary - found it, thanks! | |||
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"I joined thinking it would be easy to get sex, and I was right. " My line of thinking too... ![]() | |||
"Why do half the single men dont get anywhere on here I can you why? Frist is they think it s easy sex everyone at drop of hat will drop thier knickers and will fuck them but guess what It dont work lkie that What the fail to understand that everynone is at diffrent levels of this from just looking to not sure to very full on Everyone has there reasions for being on the site and in swining world Some dont swing some are just living thier life styles they on the sence. what the swinging would give them a place where by they can do that No there are so many myiths about swining lkie everyone at it with every one they meet cant be done for many reasions Like folk have work have family main stream freinds and communtity commitments and the like Most folk who want to do this have to find time which for most folk isnt easy as for fucking eveything that moves I lkie to know how it can be done with what most us have to do on every day base now the main stream press will love to make it look lkie we all slappers that isnt the case far from it most are chosey who they go with for one thing no one wants STD Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper a good half of single men on here message a woman wrong with out even reading her pfile in full frist and wonder why they get no where LIke I say cos of small number of folk who are giving the life systle a real bad name and making life hard for everyone Its about respect and friendship and fun along the way as well swinging isnt about useng folk and makeing someone feel cheap for that matter its very mush the opposie now men if you want to know more message me subject swinging world I will try and anwer questions " Sorry that was very hard to read... ![]() | |||
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"I joined thinking it would be easy to get sex, and I was right. My line of thinking too... ![]() Alright you lot no need to rub it in. ![]() | |||
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"Sadly there are ana awful lot of sheer idiots on here who mess it up for the good guys (Of which I consider myself one - but I would say that wouldn't I..?) There needs to be some sort of yellow/red card system to let people know those who are abusive, don't turn up etc. " The good guys have it easier due to the bad guys. Women aren't daft. How would a yellow/red card be moderated. Say I reported you for not turning up for a meet even though we'd never arranged one. | |||
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"Why do half the single men dont get anywhere on here I can you why? Frist is they think it s easy sex everyone at drop of hat will drop thier knickers and will fuck them but guess what It dont work lkie that What the fail to understand that everynone is at diffrent levels of this from just looking to not sure to very full on Everyone has there reasions for being on the site and in swining world Some dont swing some are just living thier life styles they on the sence. what the swinging would give them a place where by they can do that No there are so many myiths about swining lkie everyone at it with every one they meet cant be done for many reasions Like folk have work have family main stream freinds and communtity commitments and the like Most folk who want to do this have to find time which for most folk isnt easy as for fucking eveything that moves I lkie to know how it can be done with what most us have to do on every day base now the main stream press will love to make it look lkie we all slappers that isnt the case far from it most are chosey who they go with for one thing no one wants STD Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper a good half of single men on here message a woman wrong with out even reading her pfile in full frist and wonder why they get no where LIke I say cos of small number of folk who are giving the life systle a real bad name and making life hard for everyone Its about respect and friendship and fun along the way as well swinging isnt about useng folk and makeing someone feel cheap for that matter its very mush the opposie now men if you want to know more message me subject swinging world I will try and anwer questions Sorry that was very hard to read... ![]() What she said ![]() | |||
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"How about going back to your ivory tower and proof reading what you’ve written Op and they moan about men’s messages on here. " Ow that’s touchy | |||
"How about going back to your ivory tower and proof reading what you’ve written Op and they moan about men’s messages on here. Ow that’s touchy " Think you mean touché | |||
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"How about going back to your ivory tower and proof reading what you’ve written Op and they moan about men’s messages on here. Ow that’s touchy Think you mean touché " Er no but could be bilingual suppose | |||
"No one likes this! It was unreadable. Are you very d*unk or actually trying to type with your penis?" It's unlikely the lady was typing with her penis. She's also said she's dyslexic. Yes, it's a hard read. But it is readable and understandable. | |||
"yes it easy but yes we have lot of choice of men but really are there cos of of what I have found cos half the men I have to say have wrong mind set and no respect" Tbh I find you pretty lacking in respect yourself op - towards women who may wish to meet more often than you do! I’ve no real desire to see derogatory terms like ‘slapper’ used to describe women on here! ![]() | |||
"How about going back to your ivory tower and proof reading what you’ve written Op and they moan about men’s messages on here. Ow that’s touchy Think you mean touché Er no but could be bilingual suppose " Fablingual, it’s the same as bilingual but just won’t admit it and is in denial. | |||
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"yes it easy but yes we have lot of choice of men but really are there cos of of what I have found cos half the men I have to say have wrong mind set and no respect Tbh I find you pretty lacking in respect yourself op - towards women who may wish to meet more often than you do! I’ve no real desire to see derogatory terms like ‘slapper’ used to describe women on here! ![]() ![]() | |||
"yes it easy but yes we have lot of choice of men but really are there cos of of what I have found cos half the men I have to say have wrong mind set and no respect" By wrong mind set you mean your mind set? That women are slappers for merting men or the wrong mind set that the other ladies and yourself has that this site was a source of easy sex? | |||
"I'm good thanks. Fab works perfectly to suit my needs. I can't go wrong if I'm not actively seeking meets can I?" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"its not all men I said and where did i say about women beingin slappers I said some folk are acting like slappers didnt men or women for that matter if you know about some of the messages that women on her get you understand what I wrote and why I wont it" To be fair, I think people are just trying to understand your OP as it's not so clear. I have dyslexia too, try to read and re-read your posts before posting OP ![]() | |||
"its not all men I said and where did i say about women beingin slappers I said some folk are acting like slappers didnt men or women for that matter if you know about some of the messages that women on her get you understand what I wrote and why I wont it" What do you mean by "acting like slappers"? | |||
"Wow ive never seen a post so offensive to single men and single women ![]() ![]() I got accused of being a slapper because I was “putting it about” having threesomes with Mr and other women, all four of them (at the time ![]() | |||
"Wow ive never seen a post so offensive to single men and single women ![]() ![]() I was just wondering what the OP thinks a slapper is. | |||
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"Wow ive never seen a post so offensive to single men and single women ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"I joined thinking it would be easy to get sex, and I was right. " Nothing special about that even could get sex off a man ![]() | |||
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"I love what you put in my thread as your rigth what every you do at times you cant win I didnt say that women are slappers what i said was some folk are acting lkie slappers and making it hrad for everyone. Now some men on here think we just drop our knickers just lkie that and have the wrong idea of what swining is about its aboout freindship respect and fun along the way not about using poeple as sex workers and that is what soem single men how we should be treard" Shouldn’t it be about educating the men then, and not being derogatory about other women? So what if they want to have sex with lots of people? If you don’t want to respond just block and delete. You will always have chancers trying their luck or being disrespectful, but by saying people are behaving like slappers is generalisation and every bit as offensive as the men propositioning you in a manner you don’t like. I’m afraid that by doing so, you have tainted your own standpoint. I do hope that you do get treated with more respect, as should everyone on here- including the women you choose to vilify, blame and make scapegoats for the ignorance of some men x | |||
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"I see where OP is coming from. I’m under no illusion about what this site is about. " Which is?... | |||
"its not all men I said and where did i say about women beingin slappers " "Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper" There. Right there. | |||
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"I joined thinking it would be easy to get sex, and I was right. " This ![]() ![]() | |||
"No one likes this! It was unreadable. Are you very d*unk or actually trying to type with your penis?" The OP is clearly dyslexic. | |||
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"Ok can someone please help your American brother out? I’m completely lost..... can someone give me the cliff notes of the original post? Can someone please explain what a slapper is?" Slapper = whore/ho/prostitute Basically means someone who sleeps around. | |||
"Ok can someone please help your American brother out? I’m completely lost..... can someone give me the cliff notes of the original post? Can someone please explain what a slapper is? Slapper = whore/ho/prostitute Basically means someone who sleeps around." Thank you | |||
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"I see where OP is coming from. I’m under no illusion about what this site is about. Which is?... " How people operate on this site. It’s true, too many false expectations of what swinging is, and the is so much BS on here, it’s worst Than Facebook | |||
"I see where OP is coming from. I’m under no illusion about what this site is about. Which is?... How people operate on this site. It’s true, too many false expectations of what swinging is, and the is so much BS on here, it’s worst Than Facebook" It is not the site. It is the users. We are all different, shock horror. | |||
"I joined thinking it would be easy to get sex, and I was right. My line of thinking too... ![]() ![]() Good point! Stop reading the forum- start putting yourselves about a bit (lot!) more. We need you single women on here to up your game and give us guys a chance. So, if you have on average one meet a week, make it ten! | |||
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"One thing that doesn't help the ladies is that probably only a poss 10% of guys on here look like or are built like "Mr Perfect." This leaves the rest of us 90% scrabbling about for poss meets. I think ladies have an unrealistic idea of what's on offer and don't want to give an inch on their idilic meet, not that they should but it doesn't help matters. I have read many profiles, poss sent hundreds of polite messages to people that share similar traits and interests over the years with the resulting probably 6-10 meets, with singles ladies and couples. Not all guys are courteous or polite it has to be said, but it's no guarantee to success either !" The discourteous guys don’t help you guys who are trying, I know you shouldn’t tar everyone with same brush. Maybe after a while of stupidity something has to stand out to get there | |||
"One thing that doesn't help the ladies is that probably only a poss 10% of guys on here look like or are built like "Mr Perfect." This leaves the rest of us 90% scrabbling about for poss meets. I think ladies have an unrealistic idea of what's on offer and don't want to give an inch on their idilic meet, not that they should but it doesn't help matters. I have read many profiles, poss sent hundreds of polite messages to people that share similar traits and interests over the years with the resulting probably 6-10 meets, with singles ladies and couples. Not all guys are courteous or polite it has to be said, but it's no guarantee to success either !" I don’t like this attitude, and it’s prevelant on here - The attitude that says if a person is having trouble getting meets, then it’s everyone else’s fault. It couldn’t possibly be that the person struggling needs to make some adjustments? And I’m not aiming this at your personally, quoted guy. | |||
"Sadly there are ana awful lot of sheer idiots on here who mess it up for the good guys (Of which I consider myself one - but I would say that wouldn't I..?) There needs to be some sort of yellow/red card system to let people know those who are abusive, don't turn up etc. " There is. Use notes facility on profiles and block and report. | |||
"The spelling mistakes in the OP offended me more than anyone on here ever has" She's already stated she's dyslexic. Did you not read the whole thread? | |||
"One thing that doesn't help the ladies is that probably only a poss 10% of guys on here look like or are built like "Mr Perfect." This leaves the rest of us 90% scrabbling about for poss meets. I think ladies have an unrealistic idea of what's on offer and don't want to give an inch on their idilic meet, not that they should but it doesn't help matters. I have read many profiles, poss sent hundreds of polite messages to people that share similar traits and interests over the years with the resulting probably 6-10 meets, with singles ladies and couples. Not all guys are courteous or polite it has to be said, but it's no guarantee to success either ! I don’t like this attitude, and it’s prevelant on here - The attitude that says if a person is having trouble getting meets, then it’s everyone else’s fault. It couldn’t possibly be that the person struggling needs to make some adjustments? And I’m not aiming this at your personally, quoted guy. " No worries- not taken personally ![]() | |||
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"I see where OP is coming from. I’m under no illusion about what this site is about. Which is?... How people operate on this site. It’s true, too many false expectations of what swinging is, and the is so much BS on here, it’s worst Than Facebook It is not the site. It is the users. We are all different, shock horror." And the users are the site, see how circular this argument gets? If you got beef with OP then take it up with them. Not my fault OP is making sense. | |||
"Women who enjoy sex with lots of different men aren't slappers. There are a lot of reasons single guys don't get as many meets as they would like. One of the main ones is that there are lots more men than women on the site." First i never said women are slappers I said folk who act lkie slappers that the issue not having sex how to done and how it played out. As the main stream think we all at it with everyone we meet and it isnt the case. A good lot of single men on the swinign sence think at click of thier fingers we fuck them. its only a small number of poeple who are makinh it hrad for everyone the main stream press pick up on thier behaviourtar us all with the same brush. That what im getting at. an awful lot of single men come on here with wrong idea what swining is about cos of what the main stream say about our life style. I never said once about women beingin slapper folk as whole acting like them | |||
"Women who enjoy sex with lots of different men aren't slappers. There are a lot of reasons single guys don't get as many meets as they would like. One of the main ones is that there are lots more men than women on the site. First i never said women are slappers I said folk who act lkie slappers that the issue not having sex how to done and how it played out. As the main stream think we all at it with everyone we meet and it isnt the case. A good lot of single men on the swinign sence think at click of thier fingers we fuck them. its only a small number of poeple who are makinh it hrad for everyone the main stream press pick up on thier behaviourtar us all with the same brush. That what im getting at. an awful lot of single men come on here with wrong idea what swining is about cos of what the main stream say about our life style. I never said once about women beingin slapper folk as whole acting like them" Please stop using the phrase slappers. You have no proof that the men who act with such little respect have met women off here who behave in a way that you deem unacceptable. The blame is not women who enjoy sex on a more regular basis than you, but men chancing their luck. Even if they have met women with lots of verifications, so what!! To anyone mainstream every single one of us women- yourself included- are “slappers”, so why would you deem it acceptable to bring such derogatory and judgemental terminology to a place where we are supposed to be free from such things. You don’t have to agree with their choices, and you’re right to get annoyed with ignorant and disrespectful people, but you’re being disrespectful now as well. You are judging and being rude about other women. Ignore and block the idiots. You meet, you have fun, keep it at that, and meet who appeals and ignore who don’t xx | |||
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"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() I think you are being harsh, clearly OP is dyslexic and you cannot understand her argument clearly enough. Based on her verifications OP is highly respected by the people she has met. So her observations do have merit. it’s refreshing to see a female perspective on the world of fab | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() You mentioned her dyslexia, not me. You’re accusing me of something unfounded. That is your judgement, and incorrect! This is also a woman’s perspective! I find stating that men behave a certain way and justify doing it because of women acting like slappers offensive. The op is using derogatory words to describe other women. Not once have I mentioned her in terms of being respected or not, I haven’t looked at her profile, but am commenting, as a woman, on her post on here. So I shall reiterate- she is using derogatory terms to refer to other woman and how she deems their behaviour to reflect upon others. Perhaps now you can see what I am trying to say. Her argument encompasses blame on other women for the lack of understanding and respect that some men show on here. That is what is I find offensive. | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() The op discusses women in her opening post, refers to dropping knickers, refers to “we” when saying how men speak to women. I’m afraid we will have to beg to differ about what we find offensive or not. To me, the term slapper, in whatever context it is used, is offensive | |||
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"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() There are far worse words I have heard, indeed many I have been called. Just because the OP hasn’t got the vocabulary range you may have, you victimise her. I think you are being the aggressive one, not OP. OP talks about respect, you have blown OP’s original argument out of context to support your hidden agenda. Not good and not right at all. | |||
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"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() You are so off base! You know nothing about me. There is no agenda! Simply a reaction to an offensive word. I am not the only one offended, yet you have chose to focus on me. I will not justify myself to you, as you have no rights to know my life, and why you are so wrong, and to prove that would be discussing my private life. So as I’ve said, we will beg to differ. | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() We have to, I feel your being disrespectful and aggressive to OP, by trying to brow beat people you consider intellectually inferior. Your private life is your own, I did not ask for your life story. | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() You have been beyond offensive in what you have just accused me of! Please stop with the personal attacks as you know nothing about me. So we will differ | |||
"TLDR" This.. | |||
"Why do half the single men dont get anywhere on here I can you why? Frist is they think it s easy sex everyone at drop of hat will drop thier knickers and will fuck them but guess what It dont work lkie that What the fail to understand that everynone is at diffrent levels of this from just looking to not sure to very full on Everyone has there reasions for being on the site and in swining world Some dont swing some are just living thier life styles they on the sence. what the swinging would give them a place where by they can do that No there are so many myiths about swining lkie everyone at it with every one they meet cant be done for many reasions Like folk have work have family main stream freinds and communtity commitments and the like Most folk who want to do this have to find time which for most folk isnt easy as for fucking eveything that moves I lkie to know how it can be done with what most us have to do on every day base now the main stream press will love to make it look lkie we all slappers that isnt the case far from it most are chosey who they go with for one thing no one wants STD Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper a good half of single men on here message a woman wrong with out even reading her pfile in full frist and wonder why they get no where LIke I say cos of small number of folk who are giving the life systle a real bad name and making life hard for everyone Its about respect and friendship and fun along the way as well swinging isnt about useng folk and makeing someone feel cheap for that matter its very mush the opposie now men if you want to know more message me subject swinging world I will try and anwer questions " As with people with long profiles, I given up reading half way through. Now back to the torso thread | |||
"Why do half the single men dont get anywhere on here I can you why? Frist is they think it s easy sex everyone at drop of hat will drop thier knickers and will fuck them but guess what It dont work lkie that What the fail to understand that everynone is at diffrent levels of this from just looking to not sure to very full on Everyone has there reasions for being on the site and in swining world Some dont swing some are just living thier life styles they on the sence. what the swinging would give them a place where by they can do that No there are so many myiths about swining lkie everyone at it with every one they meet cant be done for many reasions Like folk have work have family main stream freinds and communtity commitments and the like Most folk who want to do this have to find time which for most folk isnt easy as for fucking eveything that moves I lkie to know how it can be done with what most us have to do on every day base now the main stream press will love to make it look lkie we all slappers that isnt the case far from it most are chosey who they go with for one thing no one wants STD Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper a good half of single men on here message a woman wrong with out even reading her pfile in full frist and wonder why they get no where LIke I say cos of small number of folk who are giving the life systle a real bad name and making life hard for everyone Its about respect and friendship and fun along the way as well swinging isnt about useng folk and makeing someone feel cheap for that matter its very mush the opposie now men if you want to know more message me subject swinging world I will try and anwer questions Sorry that was very hard to read... ![]() Yes I definitely agree with you ![]() | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() It how you are conveying yourself, I feel now I am being victimised here by your personal onslaught on me! Agree definitively that we differ, so differ we be! | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() All these frustrated vibes zapping about... You need a fuck | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() Haha, I’m on countdown for when Mr is home! xx | |||
"No one is saying you’re wrong about idiots making it difficult on here btw, just taking umbridge with the fact that you are using derogatory terms for other women. The men who act with no respect are 100% to blame!! They are immature and no doubt blame women for their behaviour, and sadly this had led you to doing the same. You may not be calling all women slappers, but saying some act like slappers is offensive ![]() Got that covered, thanks for the offer, but I am quite happy with the way things are ![]() | |||
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"I do ok on here... hardwork at times but very rewarding with some great repeat meets " Same here. ![]() | |||
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"The spelling mistakes in the OP offended me more than anyone on here ever has" Who fixes your car and boiler probably someone who can't spell but you most likely don't get my point ![]() | |||
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"I agree with that - the ratio of women to men is vast. But. Obviously approach and physical attraction play a role, too ?? " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"Why do half the single men dont get anywhere on here I can you why? Frist is they think it s easy sex everyone at drop of hat will drop thier knickers and will fuck them but guess what It dont work lkie that What the fail to understand that everynone is at diffrent levels of this from just looking to not sure to very full on Everyone has there reasions for being on the site and in swining world Some dont swing some are just living thier life styles they on the sence. what the swinging would give them a place where by they can do that No there are so many myiths about swining lkie everyone at it with every one they meet cant be done for many reasions Like folk have work have family main stream freinds and communtity commitments and the like Most folk who want to do this have to find time which for most folk isnt easy as for fucking eveything that moves I lkie to know how it can be done with what most us have to do on every day base now the main stream press will love to make it look lkie we all slappers that isnt the case far from it most are chosey who they go with for one thing no one wants STD Now by saying that there are small number who will fuck anything that moves cos of that men talk think we at that level and that they in the end find out is wrong Now cos of small number who goign about this as slapper a good half of single men on here message a woman wrong with out even reading her pfile in full frist and wonder why they get no where LIke I say cos of small number of folk who are giving the life systle a real bad name and making life hard for everyone Its about respect and friendship and fun along the way as well swinging isnt about useng folk and makeing someone feel cheap for that matter its very mush the opposie now men if you want to know more message me subject swinging world I will try and anwer questions Sorry that was very hard to read... ![]() The lady may be a little dyslexic, but I understand what she is saying and yes men out number women 20 to 1 , so we can't all be lucky . But we smile and chat away , and then head to pof ??? ![]() | |||