"having read the post in question, after being baffled by this thread, i can only say that they're obviously taking metaphorically about the common ups and downs that might occur in a swinging relationship/ at a club/ on a meet, rather than talking about being locked in rooms etc.
some of these common traps might be - jealousy? preference differences? reluctance? yes i think your right , After i read the mail i did think traps but not like you say ... but you could be right , swinging traps."
Hi all,
It was our comment that sparked this off.
Just to clarify - yes, I was talking about the emotional traps that has been summed up quite nicely above.
Although it feels like an age - checking back, our first ever meet was only in May, so I'd still say we're relatively new, especially when you add up the "swinging hours"
We are still learning and although like most people you discuss your boundaries, your likes and dislikes you can't always account for every eventuality - sometimes you cant just stop what you're doing and have a meeting about it - so you just do what you think is the right thing by yourself and your partner.
I dont' want to go into the details too much as the first thing we did was forget we were in a swinging club - sounds daft? I know, but we were both a lot more tired than we realised, and stupidly, when Kate made a comment, I acted as I would have if she'd said that infront of some mates in a normal club. Hands up - it was daft thing to do, but wheras normally as I'd have thought a bit more, I just blurted it out. On any other night, had Kate not been so tired she'd have just laughed off my response too - at which poitn I'd have laughed realising what a t1t I'd been. So just for the record that is a public apology.
We did soon come to the realisation that we were being daft, and set about enjoying the rest of our evening, however fell into another situation at the end of the night, again, mainly because of our inexperience.
We got chatting to another couple and went into a public room and were having fun, however halfway through a couple we already new came in and started playing next to us - 1 thing led to another, hands started wandering and after a while both found ourselves seperated - albeit next to each other, it was now very much I was playing with 1 couple and Kate with the other....
For us, we only play together, and neither of us had that intention of ending up like that but we suddenly foudn ourselves "seperated". Obviously its our naievety that allowed that situation to develop, and it shoudlnt' have but it felt very unconfortable for us both and so we ended it, but by that stage for the first time since we started this, we'd felt uncomfortable with a situation.
By this stage we'd had enough and called it a night.
We just made some mistakes - nobodys fault, but soemthing that we've learnt from, so for that we're thankful.
They say experience is the knowledge gained right after you needed it.
We now feel a bit more experienced
For the record, Chams is, as ever a fantastic place with an amazing staff and client base.
There has never been any questions in there about safety or feeling safe.
Sorry for sparkign off this thread, but also thanks for those who've emailed us concerned - just goes to show, we do get somethings right, and seem to be in good company here!
Thanks all, and hope that makes a bit more sense now.