In this country, Liaisons, Chameleons, Partners, Cupids, A&G, Heaven on Earth, Townhouse, Infusion, La Chambre, Club 101, Selecta, Adam and Eves, Atlantis, Eureka, Silverleigh are all still open.
Clubs that have now closed, we've been to Toga Toga, Silks, Utopia, Club Manchester, Xanadu, Glyntreg, Garden of Eden, Hamshaws and probably some we've forgotten.
In Holland, Sameplace, Fun4Two, Fata Morgana, Showboat, Le Baron A6, Paradise.
In our opinion:
Best premises - Fun4Two
Best sessions - Sameplace and Liaisons when it still had the darkroom
Busiest club in this Country - Chameleons
Favourite - Liaisons - we started swinging there and still find it the friendliest club
Worst club - it's closed |