FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swingers Chat > Who's responsible?
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"I am one that subscribes to email ping-pong till i feel I "know" you enough to meet you. I will give you my "number" but it is a payg one that I can swap over every few weeks. you meet me in a public place the first time, and there will always be someone who knows where i am, and will have seen your pic, and more often than not there is actually someone IN the place I am meeting you that knows, we will leave separately and you will never give me a lift home. Shoud you subsequently be invited to my house for a second meet, there again will always be someone who will know you are there, and your car registration number will be taken, my back up has a key for my house and can get in at any time. This may seem a bit extreme, but my safety is paramount. I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Fook, I scare myself sometimes!!" It's not at all extreme...and i do believe genuine guys will respect that too. | |||
"Duration of communication is no guarantee of safety… it only puts off the impatient. My reasoning behind this… paedophiles have the patience to groom their victims for months. In fact history proves the most deviant people who commit the most hideous of crimes all have one thing in common…. patience. " perhaps, but i subscribe to what _muma does and never had a bad meet....as i said, there's no 100% safe way of doing it, but there are ways of minimalising risk | |||
"In fact history proves the most deviant people who commit the most hideous of crimes all have one thing in common…. patience. " Or, in the case of Dr Shipman or Beverly Allitt, "patients". | |||
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"A long profile with a password at the end definitely works for me, as it filters out the ones who cannot be bothered or are impatient to read. Applying the appropriate filters so that my profile cannot be viewed unless registered and signed on to FAB, or newbies, means I only get a handful of messages per day if any at all. These allow me to out the undesirables and concentrate on those with real potentials. I do not mind chatting via PMs, MSNs, phone, text messages, exchange photos, until such time when I feel comfortable to meet the person. If the gent is impatient, and does not like ping pong messages, and that I am taking too long to meet etc., then he is free to walk away with no hard feelings. If at any point I get a negative gut feel about a person, I would tell him that I am unlikely to go any further with him. However, if he wishes to continue to chat via PMs then he is welcomed to do so, providing he does not turn into a pest. I have not had any bad experience that scared me or dented my confidence. If a meet was not successful, I would walk away and reflect on what I could have done differently to prevent similar occurrence. No one ever forces me to do anything against my will ever since I was old enough to make my own decisions. I am responsible for my own actions and reactions. If I make a bad decision that results in a mistake or error being made, I shall learn from it pronto! My 2p! ![]() well said! | |||
" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. " Thankyou. | |||
" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Thankyou. " the thread was never gender specific...nor was it solely aimed at singles | |||
"I am one that subscribes to email ping-pong till i feel I "know" you enough to meet you. I will give you my "number" but it is a payg one that I can swap over every few weeks. you meet me in a public place the first time, and there will always be someone who knows where i am, and will have seen your pic, and more often than not there is actually someone IN the place I am meeting you that knows, we will leave separately and you will never give me a lift home. Shoud you subsequently be invited to my house for a second meet, there again will always be someone who will know you are there, and your car registration number will be taken, my back up has a key for my house and can get in at any time. This may seem a bit extreme, but my safety is paramount. I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Fook, I scare myself sometimes!!" ![]() ![]() | |||
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" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Thankyou. the thread was never gender specific...nor was it solely aimed at singles" I totally agree that it should never be gender specific or status specific. Surely if I get speaking to a guy and invite him to my hous, it must be just as scarey. how does he know he is meeting me - I could have set him up with 7 axe murderers (Not that I would, I only know 4 ![]() | |||
" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Thankyou. the thread was never gender specific...nor was it solely aimed at singles I totally agree that it should never be gender specific or status specific. Surely if I get speaking to a guy and invite him to my hous, it must be just as scarey. how does he know he is meeting me - I could have set him up with 7 axe murderers (Not that I would, I only know 4 ![]() that is scary....i'd hate them to know about my kids...totally separate. it's good we're all wiser for it and i hope some folk are getting some tips! | |||
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" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Thankyou. the thread was never gender specific...nor was it solely aimed at singles" I know ![]() | |||
" I would expect any man to take the same precautions cos there are some freaky women out there too. Thankyou. the thread was never gender specific...nor was it solely aimed at singles I know ![]() again, not just to guys, but to all of us!!!! | |||
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" leave the details on an open tab on my pc " I never thought about that, thats a really good idea... | |||
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" But at the end of the day... whether you are a single female, single male, couple, TV/CD, Just take that extra few minutes to think it through and stay safe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Wot she said people. ![]() | |||
"one thing i always do is carry a wide selection of new condoms and insist on using my own. if none of the ones i have are suitable, then nothing happens and i leave. maria" That's sensible. I would also suggest that if you're meeting someone socially for a drink you avoid going to the toilet before you've finished your drink to avoid your drink being spiked. Similarly, if you need to pee and the other person is buying a round then you should ask them to wait until you're back from the toilet before getting the round in. I'm sure some people will think this is extreme, but I know someone who's drink was spiked when she was on a (non-swinging) night out. She didn't realise just how easy it was for someone to put something in her drink until it was too late. | |||
"one thing i always do is carry a wide selection of new condoms and insist on using my own. if none of the ones i have are suitable, then nothing happens and i leave. mariaThat's sensible. I would also suggest that if you're meeting someone socially for a drink you avoid going to the toilet before you've finished your drink to avoid your drink being spiked. Similarly, if you need to pee and the other person is buying a round then you should ask them to wait until you're back from the toilet before getting the round in. I'm sure some people will think this is extreme, but I know someone who's drink was spiked when she was on a (non-swinging) night out. She didn't realise just how easy it was for someone to put something in her drink until it was too late. " maybe i trust people too much.. never really thought about safty.. but then never had a problem.. maybe different if i got myself a stalker but just dont see that happening.. | |||
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"Great thread Dances. Bumping it so the Day Shift can read it too. ![]() Bump... Hands back to the night shift. | |||
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"Do you want to survive or make sure they are caught if you are harmed or worse ?" Survive... But if my instinct is wrong... at least they cant do it to the next poor sod. | |||
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"i was grateful for this bit of extra security recently when i met a guy for a daytime first meet in a bar. (when i meet someone on my own, there are 3 places i like to meet, all of which have multiple exits.) i arrived early and received a text saying he couldnt park so would i join him outside so we could find somewhere else. i said that i was happy to wait for him to park, there is no hurry. he calls a few minutes later saying the same thing, and again another 3 times. when he eventually finds a limited time parking space and meets me at the bar, he doesnt like this place so can we go somewhere else? we had a quick drink, i said that we were not compatible, then i left through the opposite door to him, then blocked him when i got home. i knew i was safe and had taken all precautions, including getting my own drink before he arrived. but i did wonder how many times that ploy had worked on other ladies. especially ones that may have been impressed by what sounded like a rather fancy car! maria" Do women on sites like this really get impressed by flash cars? I would have thought most here aren't that naiive. Maybe that bar, one of your three preferences, to the casual observer who has never been there before, is actually a bit of a shithouse? Situated right next-door to Specsavers on one side, and Netto on the other, maybe he really really didn't feel happy leaving his pride and joy in a carpark to get scraped by Mr Magoo, or nicked by some scrotes who were eyeing him up as he looked for a good parking space. I feel pretty sure that more people have had their car damaged or stolen whilst parked up outside a bar than women being sexually assaulted by a stranger who has spiked their drink after arranging a meet on a Swingers site. Maybe he thought that you were lining him up for a bump on the head and his wallet/keys taken from him, after all, why would you be so keen to be in the one particular venue? Obviously you were amongst friends there; friends he couldn't easily spot watching you; concealed friends, and that immediately would cause alarm, no-one likes being secretly observed, do they? Maybe a person would be less likely to call the police straight away if they had to explain why they were there before they got robbed? How would he explain it to his Mrs? Maybe a villain would have a greater chance of getting away with the loot if they exploit such a situation, after all, for men, where sex is involved, all common sense goes out of the window? It's called a Honey Trap for a very good reason. See how things can develop if you are the suspicious kind? I'm not criticising you, you must absolutely do whatever makes you feel comfortable, your safety is paramount. I'm just saying his behaviour doesn't sound any dodgier than yours... All that said, I agree with all of the people who have said to go with gut instinct. I firmly believe that if you look into someone's eyes and shake their hand, you can tell straight away if there is something not quite right, in which case, leave. | |||
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"Ok, there's a few threads starting that are relating to actions that others have found oppressive, abusive, aggressive or just plain obnoxious. whilst i appreciate we all make mistakes and we all learn as we go along, at what point do we, as adults, start to take responsibility for our actions? why is the blame always one sided and the finger pointed at others? would it be worthwhile a page being set up advising folk how to play and stay safe whilst swinging...and what are your tips to make sure you keep safe? i appreciate it's impossible to be 100% safe without abstinence, so some common sense approaches?" your a breath of fresh air lady xx | |||
" your a breath of fresh air lady xx" thank you kindly x ..and to everyone that contributed to the thread also, picked up tips here that I never considered. and to all that do exercise caution, I'm pleased to see that you realise you can never be too extreme and to all those out there that are genuine, the benefits of this is two-fold and hopefully both parties are having a fun, safe time. | |||