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Chatting on Msn

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Do you use msn to chat to people on here or do you just reply on the messaging system.

Im in two minds about this. I dont often go on Msn, Ive done a full days work, I cant be bothered to sit and talk for hours on end on msn. I am a forum junkie and I enjoy forums, but I can spend whatever time I want on them, I can go whenever I want. OK i know i can do this on msn too but im not overly keen.

My partner has his own business and when in the office he can have his msn on all day. He has chatted to a few people on there when we have arranged meets etc. Im not overly keen though because I feel a little left out. When someone sends a message, if he sees it first he will message back and Ill do the same, but we both have access and we read them either separately if we are on the pc at different times, or together if we are both looking together.

I do trust my guys intuition in relation to meets and the 2 meets we've been on when hes chatted have been extremely successful. Obviously he knows what kind of people we like. But I sometimes feel that things have been said on msn that I have no knowledge about. It could be something stupid but if someone says, oh it was so funny when you told us about etc etc and I dont know the full gist of it all.

Its the same with mobile numbers. My mobile number is for my friends and family, i never give it out to people on meets. My guy has on occasions, and this was from the point of view of where to meet etc, but im not overly happy about it. To me people we play with are not part of our social circle - that sounds awful doesnt it, but we have two separate lives, our respectable professional working lives and our swinging lifestyle. I like to keep it all separate and msn'ing and texting just seems a bit too personal for me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We both use msn and its never together really although its just general chat we don't setup any meets etc. via msn we just do that via email etc.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Set up a different email msn address that you just give out to meets. Get a cheap £10 mobile that you just give out to meets and only turn it on when you need it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We will not use MSN for new contacts on here, we have it and use it for friends and after we have met people but over the years we have never found one couple or single that turned into a meet situation after we have added them to our msn, most (not all) most just want you to add them to msn so they can swap pictures or have mundane conversations or cam, you get a message saying "hi" reply immediately then wait 10 minutes for them to say "how are you today" or have a half decent conversation for 10 minutes then they just disapear for days on end.

We prefer people to contact us when they are in a position to meet in the very near future, we always meet on a "no strings" basis so not a lot to lose by meeting us and it's the only way you really get to know each other.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I prefer to use msn after initial contact only the bloody thing ain't working and hasn't all morning :-/

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Use MSN and Skype for mates and family, not for anything related to swinging, though.

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By *it of fun cplCouple  over a year ago

village between York and Hull

Do not use MSN anymore .. we used to but ended up with 100s of people on there and hardly knew any of them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i use msn a fair bit just do a clear out from time to time and its ok untill its signs it self out

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I prefer not to really. My guy finds it beneficial for him to just have a general chat really. Whilst the messages that are sent to do with meets etc are also sent through the profile on here too, its when we've arranged to meet at Chams that he tends to chat to the other male involved.

He does tend to message them on here too after a chat, as he wants me to know hes chatted etc. He does make me laugh though, cos two blokes talking about sex, well sometimes I dread to think what hes saying. He messaged after a chat once and said, "well like i told you, feebs loves a hard cock to suck on" and I was horrified and said oh my god, what will they think of me, fancy saying that, and he said well its true, you do like sucking on hard cocks - yeah i do, but I wanna try and at least look a tiny bit sweet and innocent lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We like MSN.

We do not mind at all adding couples that have contacted us and we are interested in meeting.

Over a period of time, you get to know more about the couple. We do not pic swap as we have all the pics we need.

Its also great for cancelations as it saves posting a meet today on sometimes.

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By *ensual temptressWoman  over a year ago


i perefer just to mail here rather than have a list of ppl on msn who maybe chat once and never again . its normally the guys who just message once who are the ones that push and push to chat on msn .

what i would say though from your post if your not happy with partner talking on msn arrainging meets ect and giving out your number then this should be boundery set right up frount . either he just messages through here where you can see all the messages or you can take alil more interest and go on msn and look at message history then youd know exactly what was disacussed so surprises or "in " jokes . if you swing together you gotta communicate together

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i much prefer msn. i dont understand why people on here see msn as such a personal thing, and some even get offended or delete your messages when you ask about it.

i just have an msn address which i use for swinging, and one i use for friends etc (just so i can put better pics up on my swinging one )

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


what i would say though from your post if your not happy with partner talking on msn arrainging meets ect and giving out your number then this should be boundery set right up frount . either he just messages through here where you can see all the messages or you can take alil more interest and go on msn and look at message history then youd know exactly what was disacussed so surprises or "in " jokes . if you swing together you gotta communicate together "

**nods head in agreement**

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

I accept people don't want every random contact on msn, but once you're having long strands of messages, it's a lot easier on there and using the mail option on here.

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By *histler21Man  over a year ago


Using MSN and having a long list of friends/acquaintances isn't a problem if you use the Block Contact option.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Lolly wil not meet anyone without an msn chat first she likes to gage what a person is like to chat to to see if theres a spark there, she also likes to see a persons face on cam too. She is also happy to do phone chats. I find that 9 times out of 10 when you get a couples addy you chat endlessly with the male half and never get a chance at chatting with the female half this for me makes meets more like a blind date. Having said that we would both prefer to have a msn chat with any prospective meet rather that just message on here.

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By *ouplefunukCouple  over a year ago

North Bristol

I love MSN to get to know someone a bit first. It generally gives me an idea as to whether we'll click or if we're wasting our time.

Each to their own tho, if it doesn't work for you, don't do it.


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


what i would say though from your post if your not happy with partner talking on msn arrainging meets ect and giving out your number then this should be boundery set right up frount . either he just messages through here where you can see all the messages or you can take alil more interest and go on msn and look at message history then youd know exactly what was disacussed so surprises or "in " jokes . if you swing together you gotta communicate together "

What is it really is that I prefer to chat face to face, I am quite an outgoing person and I dont find that particularly difficult. My guy is quieter than me so he doesnt mind chatting via msn.

He doesnt set up meets via msn (sorry i really didnt make that clear on my initial post did I), the meets are set up via message on here. if someone asks us to meet he will message, and then he asks me to message them too so they have had a chance to talk to the both of us, but if they then give him their msn address, he offers his in return and will add them and talk to them prior to the meet and then he deletes them off there. I just cant see the point in constantly adding and deleting people.

He never gives my telephone number out, he gives his own out on the day before prior to a meet etc, and noone has ever phoned or messaged him, its just for emergencies in case they cant find their way to chams etc. But again after a meet he just deletes it, I cant see the point in it.

He likes me to talk to people if he has spoken to them (a) to verify we are a couple and (b) to ensure that I like them too but I just think if we meet in Chams anyway, its not as if we have to play or have to stay with them all night, its easy to extract yourself out of a situation if you are not comfortable in it.

the 2 meets we have had have been successful and its been ok, and ive been ok, i havent overly felt left out, just that i am aware the two guys have been talking previously and some things are said that i havent had knowledge about, its almost like the guys have already bonded and i have to catch up to their level, which is a good thing in a way. My guy does say to me, log into msn and see if the lady is on from that couple so you can chat, but im tired after a days work and i dont want him or them to think im being miserable or anything, just ill click with them on the night if its right. The communication together is absolutely spot on, you're right.

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By *ensual temptressWoman  over a year ago


ahh ok makes lil more sense now ! well if msn not ur thing(like me !) what about talking to both parties on phone if u like more personal touch ?(just you or both you and partner ,what ever your comfortable with ).

if not comfortable with that then make effort to read the msn history to bring you up to speed. yes i know time consuming but only get from this what you put in to it . and if makes you even more at ease then isnt it worth that effort in long run?

you and partner seem to have thiungs pretty much sussed to discuss with him as well how you feel and see if theres other things you can do to help. but above all just enjoy ur fun hun xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We really, really dislike MSN. We'd much rather talk on the phone.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Can I just say, and this is totally not related to msn at all, but i love your shoes in your avatar - so much that I looked at your profile and wow loving your outfits and poses - wonderful

right back on track then after that little perv lol

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By *edangel_2013Woman  over a year ago


If the unknown of the conversation is an issue, ask him to record the conversations, msn does this automatically, if you check the box, then you can read them after.

I record all my msn conversations, after a nasty incident involving a wanking man, and his 4 year old niece being in the same room.

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By *nbetweenersCouple  over a year ago

high wycombe

I use msn to chat with 'internet' friends only and I keep my list of contacts lean (just the same as my friends list on here). If we've not chatted for a while then you're removed.

I also enter everyone with names, site names and usually their location e.g. Sam - Devils Angel - high wycombe. That way I know who it is, I never forget their real name and I know whether it's someone local or whether there's travelling involved

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i prefer not to for the same reason as you, work all day and dont want to, plus if im on here or another website, its difficult to chat on msn at the same time, plus i always seem to get the impression from those i chat to/or want to chat on msn, that i shouldnt be doing anything else so really i cant be bothered. Its not set to log in automatically and im leaving it that way. Lets not forget those that want to msn at 6.30am sad idiots as if ive got the time!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i much prefer msn. i dont understand why people on here see msn as such a personal thing, and some even get offended or delete your messages when you ask about it.

i just have an msn address which i use for swinging, and one i use for friends etc (just so i can put better pics up on my swinging one )"

see my comment below, just cant be bothered, i delete peoples messages with emails only if they are not within my criteria ie if a 20 yr old in Liverpool

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have 2 separate accounts on MSN, one for normal contacts, and one for play time fun.

I would always chat to potential meets on MSNs or phone prior to meeting in person to see if we click first.

If I do not click with someone on MSN or phone, then it is unlikely I would click with them in person.

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