By *ogirlabc OP Woman
over a year ago
chesterfield |
Mick and i had then been dogging together a few times and progressed from me flashing to letting them have a quick feel but we were still relative newcomers. One night mick was on shifts and we'd been a bit tetchy recently, just the normal thing, nothing serious, but had left for work in a bad mood. Was just settling down about 8 ish to watch tv when suddenly a nervous tingling ran through me, i felt physically sick with nerves for a moment.."OMG, should i go out?"
For some reason in our own home i became a bag of nerves and started to pace about. I couldnt go, could i?. Where to i thought! Not where mick and i went, the other place were i started was maybe a bit far, but id no reason to worry about time. The next thing i knew i was sat on the end of the bed changed in to the loose casual clothes i usually wore..just go for a drive i told myself thats all, nothing else. Just drive round for a sneaky look then straight home again, no harm done. I convinced myself that once in the car i wouldnt drive all the way there anyway.
Once driving i cant believe how many times i thought about turning right round and going home..id taken a bottle of water with me and needed sips because my mouth was so dry with apprehension. I knew the way but every lane or secluded area i went past i wondered what if thats a better place, but just kept driving, felt like totally in auto pilot. Eventually i turned up the little side road that led past the carpark and drove more slowly , after a few minutes the carpark entrance was on my left and i passed it slowly. It was dark and not at all easy to see in, but i thought i could see the reflection of maybe one or two cars at the far end of the carpark. I continued to drive past but sped up and eventually reached the main road at the other end of the lane. Thats it i thought turn back round, quick look if any cars there then home quickly!
Not for the first time that night i felt physically sick when slowing right down at the carpark entrance but i slowly turned right into it and gradually drove foward. Sure enough there were two cars parked there at the far end but not at the side of each other, my headlights briefly lighting up the cars as i passed, both had single occupants who seemed to look away as i passed. I felt in complete robot mode and just parked up away from them and reversed to the bollards, it felt so quiet with the engine off. Sat there for a while, felt like forever, but nothing happening. The headlights lit up the lane as a third car approached, i had the normal thoughts, will it drive straight past?..no it obviously slowed and turned into the carpark slowly passing the other cars and then mine. The headlights lit up my car and i automatically put my head down to shield my face, it continued the slow drive then parked nesr the other two and stopped . Once again everything was dark and quiet.
Suddenly the sidelights of the third car came on and it started a slow drive back round the carpark passing my car almost at snails pace, it wasnt as bright but instinctively i turned away. The car then pulled up just away from me but now on the same side and a lot closer. Omg i thought i really should go, but i couldnt. Everything was back in darkness and quiet but only briefly. The car which was closer put on the interior light and a brief glance showed a solitary dogger sat there, even avoiding his look i felt so self concious even though he probably couldnt see much of me. The light went off, but then one of the other cars started the slow drive round, this time with headlights on lighting up my car as he passed and then parking the other side of the first car. Both interior lights then came on and then off again, and lord knew why but i did the same. It wasnt on long but enough to send out that obvious signal. I turned it off again and just sat there, almost immediately the doors opened and two figures started the usual slow meander back and forth. I was still fully clothed and sat in total darkness again which made it easier to see the two figures getting closer. Suddenly a brief flash of light from the other end of the carpark gave away the third dogger getting out of his car, a few moments later all three were stood nervously close by but everything in total darkness again. I just felt like i wanted a big hole to appear and swallow me up, but that sort of adds to it, you know you should drive away but you just cant!
I put on the interior light again which at first obscurred the view outside and sat there motionless, then the three doggers were right at the window peering in but not too brazenly. My skirt was over my knees but not revealing too much and although i had no bra on the top wasnt tight. I just slipped my arms out of the straps and sat there with the top still covering my boobs but now sat lower on my chest. There were one or two hand movements in pockets but everyone remained covered.
I opened my window very slightly but not far enough to allow hands in, there was a sort of muffled hello,from outside and a very nervy reply of, hi, from me. "are you ok luv" one asked "not really" i replied with a very nervous laugh met with a few laughs from them. It was quiet for just a few seconds then i loweder the window a bit more. "Ok to feel" one asked i muttered ok and put the window down a little more, quickly two hands came in , one right on my thigh and the other over my top, that sudden rush took the feeling of apprehension right away, the hand on my thigh was now rubbing right at the top with fingers rubbing over my pussy, the other dogger now had his hand inside my top and it quickly fell away revealing my boobs, this then encouraged a third hand in to grope my breasts. I dont what it is but the words..fucking hell and wow.. from them is such a boost!
The dogger playing with my pussy was finding it difficult because of the steering wheel and me being sat up. I reclined the seat right back and opened both the front and back windows fully, the hands suddenly spaced out and were now pulling at my clothes. I lifted my bum slightly and my skirt was pulled right up fully exposing my pussy, even though it had been felt briefly with Mick there before it had never been on full show like this before and fingers were quickly being pushed in and out, another set rubbing my clit. My top was fully pulled down and one dogger was feeling my breasts. He asked if he could suck them, i said yes but he struggled to through the open back window, he said he couldnt reach, so i just clicked the door handle , right away he put his mouth on my boobs one hand down his jogging bottoms. The front door then opened and hands were all over my pussy, i felt like i was completely covered with hands, it was electric.
The dogger at the back had now dropped his joggersand was wanking , i held his balls as he playedthe two at the front were now exposed as well and i leant foward to wank one, i was sort of sliding foward and one dogger was rubbing himself on my thighs getting further and further up all the time, he was wanking on my thigh so close to my pussy. I pulled myself back up the seat and once again fingers were blush.gif pushing in and out. I could feel myself getting close, and remember saying someting like i wont be long, this increased the intensity of the fingers and hands, i started to play with the dogger at the back door very soon he was saying ..im cumming, im cumming.. And i felt the warmness run down my fingers and hand. The fingers were really pumping now and the two other doggers were groping my nipples as well and i just felt myself cum in waves, one dogger couldnt stop himself either and i remember saying , not in car but some did land on the seat and my thigh. The third dogger was now st the back door just looking and cumming onto the floor..then that was that! I sheepishly put seat back up and got some wet wipes, the dogger who had hit the seat actually wiped the seat which for some strange reason i found rather sweet! The doggers got them selves decent and apart from a couple of quick feels at my boobs again that was it over. They made there way to their cars and i quickly righted my clothes and drove away. At home i actually nearly forgot about the wipes but thankfully didnt and cleared them up.. |