Love piss fun. Used to meet up with a girl for sex, one night we were having phone sex, and she invited herself over, and I said only if she was wearing the knickers she was wanking in. She took the phone into the toilet, I asked her to piss her knickers, she kindly obliged, she then got a taxi to mine wearing her wet knickers, let herself in, and came into the bedroom, stood above me on the bed, I could see right up her skirt as she looked down at me, lowered her arse and pussy onto my face,smothering me in her warm piss and cum filled knickers, she smelled wonderful, started to ride my face, as she groaned in pleasure soaking me in piss, letting more piss free over my face. I love it. I showered her all over later with my piss, from her pussy over her belly and breasts to her face opening her mouth for me to aim,as she lay on the bed, we fucked like mad, so erotic, then it was her turn, she stood over me and asked me where I want her to piss....
She pissed on my cock, belly chest, splashing back, then she knelt over my face, I opened my mouth, and she pissed in my mouth as I swallowed, it over flowed over my face, time and again forcing it aggressively on my face, as it frothed up in my mouth. I was soaked, the bed was soaking wet, but when she finished on me, she then guided my wet cock into her pussy, so easy with our pissy lubricant. She rode me hard on that pissy bed. Screwed each other all day on the bed, in the humidity of perfume, aftershave, sex, cum and steamy piss.
In short,yes, love it, especially after that sesh.