So it seems pretty obvious that pampas grass, pineapples and gnomes are not signs of swinging at all but simply poor taste.
However, just for a moment imagine that they were sure fire ways of identifying someone in the neighbourhood who was a swinger, how would that work?
Firstly, why on earth would you advertise the fact to all and sundry? It kind of assumes that swingers are not in the least bit fussy (totally the opposite in my experience) and would shag anyone who crosses their path, which they definitely do not.
Secondly, lets say swingers really are that indiscriminating, and you happen to be of the same persuasion. Do you spot a pineapple in a neighbours window and simply go knock on the door and say 'Hiya, I like a bit of swinging too, would you mind if I had a quick ride on your wife?'
Also, what about the judgemental people who would know what the appropriately placed ornaments or vegetation meant but would use it as a way to be vindictive toward the hapless swinger?
Many people make judgements about swingers as it is, and in today's environment where people shoot their mouths off on the internet about shit that they know nothing of or doesn't concern them, swingers would soon find themselves hounded out of jobs and their homes at the hands of misguided lynch mobs and self appointed moral crusaders.
If it were true, people would go out of their way to ensure they did not have grasses or naff objects in the window, regardless of whether they were swingers or not.
It doesn't make any sense at all that these random objects should denote anything other than what the owner chose to spend their disposable income on.
Now, fair enough there may be situations such as hot-wifing, where a lady might wear an ankle bracelet specifically to attract the attention of those with sharp eyes, but it seems even that is a near mythical practice as far as I can establish from this forum.
Truth is, swingers rarely advertise themselves as such to the wider world. In the old days people used contact magazines to find each other, now we use specialist websites like this.
Truth is, swinging is still basically taboo to most people and viewed with repulsion by many. Its fine to proclaim your sexual orientation and/or gender identity to the world and you'll get little push back but if you added 'oh, and I am a swinger too' to your statement you'd soon find yourself ostracised by a large chunk of the population potentially including family and people you regarded as friends.
Nudists face similar issues. Nudist swingers generally do a very good job of keeping their preferences under wraps! |