By *lighty1Woman
over a year ago
You Dont Need to Know, right now |
OP, yes, I entered this scene on my own. Of course, as a single woman, a lot of my experiences will be different from those of a single man. However, you evidently have some of the same concerns that I did.
As regards the attitudes of friends, only you can guess, based on how open-minded you think they are. Ironically, this is one area where women have more problems than men, as the old out-dated double standards still apply, especially in the older generation. I would try to avoid telling your granny, if I were you, but your mates will probably say 'good on ya'
Swinging isn't illegal, so it would be wrong of an employer to 'judge' you for it. That said, I would avoid telling colleagues about your sex life, as it's not really an appropriate subject for discussion at work. You can try to minimise the chance of an inadvertent 'outing' as a swinger, by keeping any face-pics private or in 'friends only'. But if you are 'outed' at work, your employer can't fire you for it. What you do in your own time is your own business. NB don't use a company car for alfresco fun or the stationery cupboard for meets
There are some liars on here. However, liars won't get far (no-one is gonna have sex with someone who doesn't look like their pics, for example). The worst thing that can happen is you meet someone in a pub or coffee bar, and just don't fancy them. But you can chat politely for 20 mins, and at the end of the day 'no means no' - this applies to men as well as women.
There are timewasters on Fab - personally I've never been 'hooked' by one, as I read profiles/verifications and chat for a long time, before agreeing to a (social-only) first meet. If you're looking for women/couples, talking on the fone (including to the lady) is also a good idea, as is using the chat rooms, and asking someone to put their cam on, if you have any suspicions that they may be men 'in disguise' as women.
As regards accommodating, I always insist on a social-only meet in a public place, to start with. If I 'click' with a man (and him with me) I will suggest a second meet, and I will invite them to my home or go to theirs. I did once use a hotel (we split the bill), but I would only do that if there was a good reason for not going to either of our homes (e.g. if I was away on business, people with small children at home etc). A 'single' man who wouldn't invite me to his home would set alarm bells ringing ... I would suspect that he actually has a wife at home.
I hope this long answer helps, especially since I'm a woman not a guy. But basically, use your common sense, treat others with the courtesy and respect that you would expect from them, and you won't go far wrong.
PS You might also like to consider swingers clubs and socials, as they are a good way to meet like-minded people, to get you started. See Fab's 'clubs' tab for clubs in your area, and Fab's Forums for details of upcoming socials.
Good luck! |