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Preparing for a meet...

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


So my question to you all is how do you prepare for a meet... i mean once the basic chat n social and you are satisfied this is someone you want to spend time with...

I ask because I make choices in order to prepare days in advance... Then get let down on the night... So I guess those people don't prepare...just wondering how others approach a prearranged meet...

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"So my question to you all is how do you prepare for a meet... i mean once the basic chat n social and you are satisfied this is someone you want to spend time with...

I ask because I make choices in order to prepare days in advance... Then get let down on the night... So I guess those people don't prepare...just wondering how others approach a prearranged meet...


Scarcely believable. Who'd turn down a meet with you in the Capital...

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


You didn't answer my question lol

He didn't turn it down.. been talking months while we have both been busy we said on Sunday we were both free tonight and when I messaged yesterday he said he'd been busy at work. So replied today and he says he didn't think we had made arrangements...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So my question to you all is how do you prepare for a meet... i mean once the basic chat n social and you are satisfied this is someone you want to spend time with...

I ask because I make choices in order to prepare days in advance... Then get let down on the night... So I guess those people don't prepare...just wondering how others approach a prearranged meet...


I don't prepare and now I tend to arrange meets last minute so therefore I don't have alter other plans just for strangers off the internet.

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


Good tactic Mrs Robinson

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

I treat any meet from here the same as I would treat a night out drinking with mates. I get home, get ready, go out. If it's cancelled, then no harm no foul.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Prepare? Do u mean like have a shower?

I only arrange on the day

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By *radleywigginsMan  over a year ago


"You didn't answer my question lol

He didn't turn it down.. been talking months while we have both been busy we said on Sunday we were both free tonight and when I messaged yesterday he said he'd been busy at work. So replied today and he says he didn't think we had made arrangements...


Scarcely believable. Who'd make other plans rather than meet you in the Capital...

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


Haha no I dont mean shower that's standard lol I mean shaving so you REALLY smooth, moisturising. Sunbeds, eating low carb so your not bloated... picking our ur favourite undies... Deciding what to wear

Now I think I'm in a minority

But I treat each fuck as a one off even if it might develop into Fbuddies.. so ... I prepare lol

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"Haha no I dont mean shower that's standard lol I mean shaving so you REALLY smooth, moisturising. Sunbeds, eating low carb so your not bloated... picking our ur favourite undies... Deciding what to wear

Now I think I'm in a minority

But I treat each fuck as a one off even if it might develop into Fbuddies.. so ... I prepare lol"

You're not the only one who prepares like that. I've seen others say similar. But do all that for a couple of drinks? Nope.

If I'm meeting for a shag I'll shower and shave, and make sure I have nice undies, but I won't change my diet. that's a step too far, and they wouldn't notice anyway.

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


It's not really changing my diet lol... Its a reason not to eat SHIT for a few days though lol

N as i said not for a few drinks I meant for a full 'meet'

But I think this thread has answered my question lol

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By *angria_girlukWoman  over a year ago


not sure about changing my diet, but I have multiple things to juggle/schedule so it is a big deal when I arrange a meet.

so yeah, shower & moisturise, nails, shaving and sexy underwear.

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By *oxy_minxWoman  over a year ago

Scotland - Aberdeen

I'm not a spontaneous person, so yes, I do like/need to plan any meets, I wish I could change but it is not in my nature

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hi ..it seems there are a lot of time wasters on here..i have been talking to a couple and a single guy for a few months and only having my first meet tonight..it seems ok at the momement..we talk on phone too,,very relazxed

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


"I wish I could change but it is not in my nature "

This could open the whole nature nurture debate haha.

But i can relate. Everyone says they don't want to sleep with half of Fab... But im not lying when I say it lol

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By *ELLONS AND CREAMWoman  over a year ago

stourbridge area

Tip .... never eat beans or sprouts the day before .....

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


"Tip .... never eat beans or sprouts the day before ....."

Boom!!! Exactly

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Haha no I dont mean shower that's standard lol I mean shaving so you REALLY smooth, moisturising. Sunbeds, eating low carb so your not bloated... picking our ur favourite undies... Deciding what to wear

Now I think I'm in a minority

But I treat each fuck as a one off even if it might develop into Fbuddies.. so ... I prepare lol"

With you on that

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Speak on the phone asap and fix watertight plans that include prior communication on the day of the meet.

Review how you've done things, after a series of failures. Common issues are guys fantasizing whilst you're chatting and not being serious about the meet. Or they're married etc and can't meet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wash, trim if needed.

Wear clean underwear

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Shower. Put jeans and other assorted clothes on. Pick up keys and wallet. Leave house. Drive to location. Roll D6 for charisma. Put on charm offensive.

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By *ondonerMan  over a year ago

London / Essex borders

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


I turn up clean.

Don't fall for the media shit that we all have to be perfect and men will only be interested in such perfection. It's bollocks.

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"I wish I could change but it is not in my nature

This could open the whole nature nurture debate haha.

But i can relate. Everyone says they don't want to sleep with half of Fab... But im not lying when I say it lol"

Neither are most of the people that say it, but what's wrong if someone does sleep with half of the people here?

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


Re:If someone appears to have slept with half of Fab..

Nothing wrong that's their thing :D

Just not my type of person. And I feel you have sort of removed this from our original context. this wasn't supposed to generate an arguement rather acknowledge there are different types of people... Different types of meets... Different ways people get ready... Form knowledge of one another

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By *onforming_deviant OP   Woman  over a year ago


"I turn up clean.

Don't fall for the media shit that we all have to be perfect and men will only be interested in such perfection. It's bollocks. "

I do love this though.

Just to assure you, I do everything for myself and my own confidence :D

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By *irty130Couple  over a year ago

Bristol Area

"Tip .... never eat beans or sprouts the day before ....."

I remember one thread on here where a woman said it took her SIX WEEKS to prepare for a meet, since she wanted to eat all the right things to make sure she tasted sweet enough(!).

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Tip .... never eat beans or sprouts the day before .....

I remember one thread on here where a woman said it took her SIX WEEKS to prepare for a meet, since she wanted to eat all the right things to make sure she tasted sweet enough(!). "

Fucking neurotic, if you ask me. Wouldn't want to meet anyone who kept me waiting for longer than a few days.

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By *sGivesWoodWoman  over a year ago


We find spontaneous meets on the day are better than pre-arranged ones as with these we are often let down last minute

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet. "

Leave in conditioner? Fuck that mate! It's only sex!

Does that mean you're gonna start preparing for Manchester next weekend?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I never make assumptions. If someone asks if I'm free Sunday and I say yes, I don't assume we are meeting unless a time and place have been agreed and a see you Sunday has been received. If they don't keep in touch in the days before Sunday I will message Saturday to make sure it's still on for tomorrow, then again on the day. If I don't hear back I don't get ready. That has happened to me once.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet. "

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave.

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By *callycatMan  over a year ago

Mid Wales

...at the slightest hint of a meet ...I redecorate the bedrooms, change the beds, vacuum and dust, cut fresh flowers, long soak in the bath, shave and trim, choose carefully what to wear, get the coffee machine ready, chill the champagne......and fuck all happens.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Leave in conditioner? Fuck that mate! It's only sex!

Does that mean you're gonna start preparing for Manchester next weekend? "

Yep! Leave in conditioner and all!

Watch how long you have to wait for me to straighten my hair before we go out

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I never make assumptions. If someone asks if I'm free Sunday and I say yes, I don't assume we are meeting unless a time and place have been agreed and a see you Sunday has been received. If they don't keep in touch in the days before Sunday I will message Saturday to make sure it's still on for tomorrow, then again on the day. If I don't hear back I don't get ready. That has happened to me once. "

Happened to me too. I don't give people my time beforehand now unless I see they're super-commited to the meet, chasing me for times etc.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Leave in conditioner? Fuck that mate! It's only sex!

Does that mean you're gonna start preparing for Manchester next weekend?

Yep! Leave in conditioner and all!

Watch how long you have to wait for me to straighten my hair before we go out "

Oh cripes! Haha.

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave. "

Even less for me!

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

I shower, wash my hair and generally groom so about an hour and a half if you include the time it takes to dry my hair.

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By *ollipop77Couple  over a year ago

Sunny Manchester

I don't prepare for meets. I prepare for going to a club and have a great social and if there is a spark with someone we meet we have fun!

Much simpler and less stressful.


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By *callycatMan  over a year ago

Mid Wales

"...at the slightest hint of a meet ...I redecorate the bedrooms, change the beds, vacuum and dust, cut fresh flowers, long soak in the bath, shave and trim, choose carefully what to wear, get the coffee machine ready, chill the champagne......and fuck all happens. "

I even allow potential meets to choose the colour scheme ...I think I am trying too hard maybe?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There are so many timewasters on here it's best not to get too exited too many days before as often best laid plans don't come to fruition.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My meets are usually planned well ahead and I always prepare well. I'm always freshly shaved in all the right places, I choose my sexy clothing and toys carefully and have them hidden in a bag in my car boot. I then pick my outfit that I'm going to wear to arrive at the meet in. I've sometimes got changed on the way to a meet so I can look really nice in a special dress, instead of the everyday clothes I've had to leave my house in.

So yes, I do put in a lot of effort, and it's always appreciated

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By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


My first meet is always a social. I don't dress up for Fab or do anything else out of the ordinary.

I don't leave my house until I know they are on their way.

No text and I don't leave the house

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By *ebedee2009Man  over a year ago

South Croydon

Shower, give bollocks a good scratch whilst doing so thus manicuring at the same time...blowtorch the stubble, ear and nose hairs (Top Tip-best not to inhale), spash of Brut and off we go.

I do get meets, honest!

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By *uzy444Woman  over a year ago

in the suffolk countryside

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave. "

neither do i and i'm not a man, i do my hair and nails and i can have a set of matching underwear clean and available...i arrange my meets but at the most it takes me an afternoon to do everything..including a cycle of the washing machine....days?? sounds weird to me...what if you meet two in a week, are you preparing for the second meet, while on the first???

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I don't prepare for meets. I prepare for going to a club and have a great social and if there is a spark with someone we meet we have fun!

Much simpler and less stressful.




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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave.

Even less for me!"

I basically just shower.

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave.

Even less for me!

I basically just shower."

Me too. The clean clothes are default.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I hate timewasters, it makes us guys look bad. Especially those actual genuine people who are willing to meet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I shower, trim the pubes and shave the balls. Brush my teeth and take mints if the journey might take a while. And I always make sure I have protection ahead of time... nothing worse than the last minute search for a supermarket/chemist!!

And a little flirty texting in the run up to the meet never goes amiss

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave.

Even less for me!

I basically just shower.

Me too. The clean clothes are default."

Meh... I get a fair few days wear out of a pair of jeans...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Avoid overpowering foods from the day before. Have a shower and a shave. Have nice matching undies and dress looked out in advance. But most importantly, have a backup plan had a few people cancel at short notice so always have something else lined up. Not necessarily a meet but going to a club, or even catching up with friends. Of course, they've been told in advance I might not know if I'm available til last minute. But it means regardless of how the night works out, the chance of a babysitter has been put to good use

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Avoid overpowering foods from the day before. Have a shower and a shave. Have nice matching undies and dress looked out in advance. But most importantly, have a backup plan had a few people cancel at short notice so always have something else lined up. Not necessarily a meet but going to a club, or even catching up with friends. Of course, they've been told in advance I might not know if I'm available til last minute. But it means regardless of how the night works out, the chance of a babysitter has been put to good use "

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

"Tip .... never eat beans or sprouts the day before .....

I remember one thread on here where a woman said it took her SIX WEEKS to prepare for a meet, since she wanted to eat all the right things to make sure she tasted sweet enough(!).

Fucking neurotic, if you ask me. Wouldn't want to meet anyone who kept me waiting for longer than a few days."

And heres to you ...mrs Robinson.

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

"I take a few hours to get ready. I'll usually also put leave-in conditioner in my hair a few days before to make it softer on the day of the meet. I'll spend time picking out clothes, straightening my hair takes about 2 hours....yeah it's a process to get ready for a meet.

It kills me when people say they're free on Saturday then when you try to set up a meet they say they'll let you know later if they're free...I need to know a few days in advance if I need to start planning for a meet.

Men don't understand that prep for sex isn't just shit, shower and shave.

Even less for me!

I basically just shower.

Me too. The clean clothes are default.

Meh... I get a fair few days wear out of a pair of jeans..."


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By *rontier PsychiatristMan  over a year ago


I have a sort of a check list that I go through a couple of hours before the meet. I try to focus on other stuff between arranging and getting ready. Not worth getting worked up days before in case it don't pan out.


Obtain me time to prepare, No kids, No distractions

Prepare clothing

Pack contraception, equipment required and tooth brush if leaving house.

Hair shaving/trimming/grooming as required.

Clean teeth thoroughly and mouth wash.


Dry thoroughly

Select fragrance and apply

Put on clothes

Check the check list

Admirer my self in the mirror briefly

MOST IMPORTANTLY leave my every day cares/worries and the grind of everyday life at the door as I leave.

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By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


"I hate timewasters, it makes us guys look bad. Especially those actual genuine people who are willing to meet. "

How does it, if you're the sort who turns up then you look better than them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So my question to you all is how do you prepare for a meet... i mean once the basic chat n social and you are satisfied this is someone you want to spend time with...

I ask because I make choices in order to prepare days in advance... Then get let down on the night... So I guess those people don't prepare...just wondering how others approach a prearranged meet...


Splash on the "Sex Panther by Odeon" (couldn't resist an Achorman quote) and head on out

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By *emplarWarriorMan  over a year ago


I start my prep atleast 2 weeks before hand

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