By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
So, I finally have amazing, wonderful and incredible news in my own life with my beautiful wife, and our gruesome twosome is becoming a terrible threesome... So to speak. And that’s soon coming up! Come June, I shall no longer enjoy the likes of sleep, xbox time or even a private life!
And that is totally A OK I couldn't wish for more and am over the moon!
The problem it has however is on our swinging lifestyle. But not in the way you may think it would.
See, the wife would of course be out of action for this. OF COURSE. I made it clear to her that it was her choice what she did and what her cut off period was like, and she accepted and just sat back and relaxed. But she was adamant (Adam Ant?) that it not affect us in big ways. In short, it meant that she got to look at pics, chat, message, flirst, set up new meets and get new friends… Do everything bar play. And I got to do everything, just not involving her in play.
Great terms. I have the most incredible wife, even booking me up hotels so she could go with me to places and stay back watching Eastenders, while I went out to play with people. I couldn’t ask for more!
Or could I...
See, I'm finally seeing things from the other side of the coin. I'm finally seeing the swinging world as the dreaded "single male". I've got profiles set up for m (g_telford), for her (c_telford) and for us together (telfordCouple86). All of which are ran by both of us, although mostly her, because that’s just the way we like to do things (this post was written by me of course, one of the rare few times I've been let off the hook!). So we each have our own profiles, for our own meets. We each have our own verifications, and we each have in our profiles, clear as day, what we are looking for.
But as I said... The single male strikes again. Because now, the wife is out of action, and I am, by all accounts, a "single male". And I'm drowning in a sea of other single males... So now I have this card that allows me to do whatever I want, when I want, and guess what…? It’s only been stamped once. Yeah, the curse of the single male! In fact, I’ve had one couple show interest, and we played recently. Nothing else. Nobody else has really shown that much interest, nobody met me, nothing. I’m the FAB equivalent of a Ford KA parked on the Porsche sale lot. Why the HELL would anybody want me, when there are men on here with ripped toned bodies and look like they stepped right out of Kays catalogue!
I’m finally seeing that the only reason people even bother to contact us, is the wife. And it’s a hard pill to swallow… So to speak. What’s even worse is that we still get about 60-70 messages a day from single men, clearly having not read our couples profile, asking to meet the wife alone and I won’t lie, I think the majority of them need to go back to school, because bugger me the typing is so appalling I can’t even make it out sometimes… But the one things clear. “You’re wife’s hot, I want to smash her/bang her/do her/mop her/clean her/wax her/fondle her/brush her/tickle her etc… Oh and you can go as well if you must.” Seems to be a running theme. “Oh, you’re wife isn’t able to go? Let us know when she’s playing again.” “Oh you’re wife isn’t playing? Yeah, erm,. Message us when she is.” Clearly, I’m seeing a pattern here.
So… Hello fellow single males! Welcome me to the posse of never ending blokes! How do you survive in here! Chuck me a life jacket, because my god is it full of you all, and I’m drowning in a sea of average! Girls and couples, if there is anybody NOT after a Jason Statham lookalike and doesn’t mind a bit of the old average, my pics are always available. I’m not ugly by any stretch, I just can’t rip a phone book in half… Although to be fair, I may be able to, I just haven’t seen one in years… Maybe a Thompsons local? Where was I… Oh yeah… Get in touch! Maybe! Or just wait until Mrs Telford is playing and act like you care about me, which is lovely, and at least makes me feel nice for 11 minutes. How DO you do it single blokes?! It’s hard as nails!
(Just FYI, Mrs Telford will be back to her normal broadcast day very soon, but certain things will take priority of course! We are hoping to be back about late summer, certainly for later in the year!) |