
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swinging Support and Advice > The one problem with this site!

The one problem with this site!

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


Now i know, before you say anything "Well your profile only has pictures of the miss..." and yes, Currently there is only pictures of the miss but that does not suddenly mean that its justifiable to act in such a disrespectful manner! (You will see what I mean if you read on)

So whats the problem?

We are on a site that allows couples to meet with other members of the public to have sexy fun. We get that single females also meet single males.

But when we go on cam, why is it that the majority of people think the guy in the couple would be totally cool with letting his miss go to their house alone? We constantly get messages about guys wanting the female to meet with them like say i'm selling her... Asking If we let the girl out of the house and such.

Basically guys seem to thing that any female despite being in a couple automatically means that she is on here for another guy/the douche messaging us.

Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."

Another is, guys that don't read the profile... I don't even need to explain this.

Finally, If any other couples get this bullshit please comment below... sorry for my french but its the one thing on this website that pisses me off.

If this post offended you... then you are most likely the ones i'm talking about... Respect goes a long way.

For all the others, thanks for reading my rant and feel free to object or discuss it!

J & S


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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

block and do the searching yourself...

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


We do search for people ourselves, but we still get messages Haha! A lot of guys show respect, and we take the time to reply to every single one, even when we are not interested! So When we are trying to sift through messages and pm's we can't help but get a little annoyed when these handful of "alpha males" message us Haha, plus we like having conversations with people so we don't want to totally block all males from contacting, i don't believe the few people have the power to ruin our socialising experience overall.

J & S


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Don't put your cam on in the chat rooms, get out there and meet real people

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By *issHottieBottieWoman  over a year ago


Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would.

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


Simple look on the profile would give you that answer haha!

J & S


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By *issHottieBottieWoman  over a year ago


"Simple look on the profile would give you that answer haha!

J & S


You're going by the assumption that people read profiles. Especially when they are in chat and watching cams I expect people don't look at profiles much before messaging. I get asked things all the time that the answer would be clear if they read my profile. I just delete the message with no reply.

I gave up getting irate about it ages ago, got me nowhere lol x

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


Getting to that point... I know it can't be helped and i don't expect a resolve, i just needed a good rant, I feel a lot better now Thanks for the input :D We do block and such... But they are breeding!

J & S


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By *rightonsteveMan  over a year ago

Brighton - even Hove!

I always like meeting mf couples cos then we can all have fun in an mmf

So I always make sure I talk to both if I can, after all, I'm likely to be having sex with them both

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago


We have had guys message us, asking what we are up to. When I have replied that I am working nights and Frisky is home with the children, they have said give them our address and they will go round and see to Frisky...

Of course I am going to give out our home address to some random guy so he can visit my wife and children...

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By *andG4moreCouple  over a year ago



Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."


this is 100% true statement we come on here to enhance what we have mrs is no looking for a replacement for me lol well not that I know of lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would. "

If it's a couples profile why be disrespectful?

Surely a guy should take more time to read a profile to see if the couple do play alone as well as together??

This is one of our pet hates too, we also say on our profile that we don't play alone but as soon as they realise it's fem online they are asking to meet behind mr's back so understand where the OP is coming from x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I found this when I played as a couple x male to male talk with me left out x cept for the obvious x

It soon got stopped.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would.

If it's a couples profile why be disrespectful?

Surely a guy should take more time to read a profile to see if the couple do play alone as well as together??

This is one of our pet hates too, we also say on our profile that we don't play alone but as soon as they realise it's fem online they are asking to meet behind mr's back so understand where the OP is coming from x"

It's about respecting who your contacting ?

It seems to me some makes come on site thinking that every woman even in a couple will drop everything for sex with them ?

If they want a single don't ask a couples lady to party alone ?

A couple are here to play as a couple? Unless its on their profile that they play separately !

But that would take the time to read a profile not just look at pictures !

Maybe without reading the profile you can't contact someone might be the way ahead lol ????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would.

If it's a couples profile why be disrespectful?

Surely a guy should take more time to read a profile to see if the couple do play alone as well as together??

This is one of our pet hates too, we also say on our profile that we don't play alone but as soon as they realise it's fem online they are asking to meet behind mr's back so understand where the OP is coming from x

It's about respecting who your contacting ?

It seems to me some makes come on site thinking that every woman even in a couple will drop everything for sex with them ?

If they want a single don't ask a couples lady to party alone ?

A couple are here to play as a couple? Unless its on their profile that they play separately !

But that would take the time to read a profile not just look at pictures !

Maybe without reading the profile you can't contact someone might be the way ahead lol ????


Exactly this

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ive never heard of actual swinging couples cheating(or attempting to) on each other..it just never happens...

insert sarcy face

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" This is one of our pet hates too, we also say on our profile that we don't play alone but as soon as they realise it's fem online they are asking to meet behind mr's back so understand where the OP is coming from x"

Had exactly that this week and this was after the guy had chatted to Lee and seemed quite nice...no wonder singles get a bad reputation but happily they are not all like this...

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By *uckandbunnyCouple  over a year ago

In your bed

So it's not actually a problem with the site, just the people on it.

Welcome to the human race, it's full of people you don't like.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It is very easy to see things from your point of the _iew and say "The ONE problem with this site is"

But another problem is some couples and women also do most of the things you mentioned.

You will always get rude disrespectful people here and in life that's just the way it is.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Stop it is bloody frustrating when you explain to them that you don't play alone , and if we do it is never outside the house like I am either upstairs and vice versa, and bloody cock pics ive seen all shapes and sizes I live with one what makes your special, and that alpha male thing just bullshit.and I am sick of being asked to have affairs with other men,we do be on here as a couple to spice up our sex lives alittle, which is perfectly healthy and I hate when some people get on and give out and question why we are on here and that we musten be happy with each other, and they can give me what I am missing. Just fuck off if I wanted to be single then I wouldn't be ina relationship just for the sake of it. I truly understand your rant their is minerant oover. Keep swinging happy people

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By *ree2play8Man  over a year ago


Hold on you say there is only one problem with this site,

Oh I think I could list you a few more than just one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So it's not actually a problem with the site, just the people on it.

Welcome to the human race, it's full of people you don't like.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Absolutely agree with everything you have said. x

"Now i know, before you say anything "Well your profile only has pictures of the miss..." and yes, Currently there is only pictures of the miss but that does not suddenly mean that its justifiable to act in such a disrespectful manner! (You will see what I mean if you read on)

So whats the problem?

We are on a site that allows couples to meet with other members of the public to have sexy fun. We get that single females also meet single males.

But when we go on cam, why is it that the majority of people think the guy in the couple would be totally cool with letting his miss go to their house alone? We constantly get messages about guys wanting the female to meet with them like say i'm selling her... Asking If we let the girl out of the house and such.

Basically guys seem to thing that any female despite being in a couple automatically means that she is on here for another guy/the douche messaging us.

Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."

Another is, guys that don't read the profile... I don't even need to explain this.

Finally, If any other couples get this bullshit please comment below... sorry for my french but its the one thing on this website that pisses me off.

If this post offended you... then you are most likely the ones i'm talking about... Respect goes a long way.

For all the others, thanks for reading my rant and feel free to object or discuss it!

J & S



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post!

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post! "

She didn't write it. But meh, this ain't a English exam so... I'll live

J & S


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post! "

"you post"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm assuming they want to meet her alone because of the pics of her you have. (only her)? I don't meet couples but if I did I would expect to see the male too.

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By *uckandbunnyCouple  over a year ago

In your bed

"I'm assuming they want to meet her alone because of the pics of her you have. (only her)? I don't meet couples but if I did I would expect to see the male too. "

I don't know you can't please some people.

We block single males, so are immune from this pestering, is it very wide spread???

I'm now tempted to let them email just to get an insight into how crazy some of these people are. Not happy in a relationship, alpha males

these guys must be a real catch...

I get it if you where going in for the fantasy/roleplay of cheating wife, cuckold etc.

But seems to be a little strong for a first contact.

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By *andVCouple  over a year ago


That's why we deleted our profile, and then massively shortened it, because nobody reads them! (mainly aimed at men, but plenty of couples are guilty of the same I've always preferred it when people have longish posts! so you can learn a bit about them and their personalities before deciding if you want to introduce yourselves to them!

It takes 5 minutes tops! But we don't let it get to us, we find it funny most of the time, some of the things people put! Especially the "You've got great tits, how big are they" question we get quite a lot! Always fun when they reply to my response of " Thanks, their not bad, a decent A cup anyway I'd say, what did you think too Vicki's? ;p"

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By *romiscuousNSACouple  over a year ago

Trafford Area

"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would.

If it's a couples profile why be disrespectful?

Surely a guy should take more time to read a profile to see if the couple do play alone as well as together??

This is one of our pet hates too, we also say on our profile that we don't play alone but as soon as they realise it's fem online they are asking to meet behind mr's back so understand where the OP is coming from x

It's about respecting who your contacting ?

It seems to me some makes come on site thinking that every woman even in a couple will drop everything for sex with them ?

If they want a single don't ask a couples lady to party alone ?

A couple are here to play as a couple? Unless its on their profile that they play separately !

But that would take the time to read a profile not just look at pictures !

Maybe without reading the profile you can't contact someone might be the way ahead lol ????

Exactly this "

We second this!

And as said previously if those single blokes want to to sleep with my wife behind my back then there lucky to just receive a block. We will change our profile if we ever decide to meet alone but until that time...go find a single fem you vultures!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post!

"you post""

I stand corrected...although it was more a typo than a grammatical error!

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By *moSexGeeks OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post!

"you post"

I stand corrected...although it was more a typo than a grammatical error!"

I love this guy, he's great, but seriously, if you are going to be a grammar nazi, remember to make sure your posts are perfect. for example, your last post... there is a space after an ellipsis!

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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

Hey don't let things get you down, its just cyberspace.

Just try to ignore and move on, things like this happen wherever you will go.

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By *aucepot PairCouple  over a year ago


Absolute spot on post, We're a couple end of, Put COUPLE who come as a couple in capital's if I could would underline it, Still get blokes askin for single meets with my lady, fuck right off no respect for me or us, READ THE PROFILE, Rant over but still simmering lol-no lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Although the Mrs looks quite fit, I wouldn't ask her around as there are grammatical errors within you post!

"you post"

I stand corrected...although it was more a typo than a grammatical error!

I love this guy, he's great, but seriously, if you are going to be a grammar nazi, remember to make sure your posts are perfect. for example, your last post... there is a space after an ellipsis!"

Of course I am fully aware, however I am just taking the piss as that is what forums are for

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ha ha yes think we all know about the 'can't read profiles' brigade indeed I have changed my profile and had a guy tell me that sex with a stranger is better than friends plus I think I have had more random friendship requests in the past couple of weeks than my time on here

On the other side, maybe its those from couples who go and attend meets on their own before their misses attends that confuses them, certainly did me but I do think realistically, you should just block them after you've had some fun, like asking them where does it say on your profile that your misses goes and meets by herself

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We do search for people ourselves, but we still get messages Haha! A lot of guys show respect, and we take the time to reply to every single one, even when we are not interested! So When we are trying to sift through messages and pm's we can't help but get a little annoyed when these handful of "alpha males" message us Haha, plus we like having conversations with

people so we don't want to totally block all males from contacting, i don't believe the few people have the power to ruin our socialising experience overall.

J & S


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Stop it is bloody frustrating when you explain to them that you don't play alone , and if we do it is never outside the house like I am either upstairs and vice versa, and bloody cock pics ive seen all shapes and sizes I live with one what makes your special, and that alpha make thing just bullshit.and I am sick of being asked to have affairs with other men,we do be on here as a couple to spice up our sex lives alittle, which is perfectly healthy and I hate when some people get on and give out and question why we are on here and that we musten be happy with each other, and they can give me what I am missing. Just fuck off if I wanted to be single then I wouldn't be ina relationship just for the sake of it. I truly understand your rant their is minerant oover. Keep swinging happy people "

And you let it get to you . . Because???

I just don't get it? Smile, laugh and move on . . Simple!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Now i know, before you say anything "Well your profile only has pictures of the miss..." and yes, Currently there is only pictures of the miss but that does not suddenly mean that its justifiable to act in such a disrespectful manner! (You will see what I mean if you read on)

So whats the problem?

We are on a site that allows couples to meet with other members of the public to have sexy fun. We get that single females also meet single males.

But when we go on cam, why is it that the majority of people think the guy in the couple would be totally cool with letting his miss go to their house alone? We constantly get messages about guys wanting the female to meet with them like say i'm selling her... Asking If we let the girl out of the house and such.

Basically guys seem to thing that any female despite being in a couple automatically means that she is on here for another guy/the douche messaging us.

Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."

Another is, guys that don't read the profile... I don't even need to explain this.

Finally, If any other couples get this bullshit please comment below... sorry for my french but its the one thing on this website that pisses me off.

If this post offended you... then you are most likely the ones i'm talking about... Respect goes a long way.

For all the others, thanks for reading my rant and feel free to object or discuss it!

J & S



You cant have been on long if there's only one thing pisses you off

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By *FlackoxCouple  over a year ago


"Now i know, before you say anything "Well your profile only has pictures of the miss..." and yes, Currently there is only pictures of the miss but that does not suddenly mean that its justifiable to act in such a disrespectful manner! (You will see what I mean if you read on)

So whats the problem?

We are on a site that allows couples to meet with other members of the public to have sexy fun. We get that single females also meet single males.

But when we go on cam, why is it that the majority of people think the guy in the couple would be totally cool with letting his miss go to their house alone? We constantly get messages about guys wanting the female to meet with them like say i'm selling her... Asking If we let the girl out of the house and such.

Basically guys seem to thing that any female despite being in a couple automatically means that she is on here for another guy/the douche messaging us.

Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."

Another is, guys that don't read the profile... I don't even need to explain this.

Finally, If any other couples get this bullshit please comment below... sorry for my french but its the one thing on this website that pisses me off.

If this post offended you... then you are most likely the ones i'm talking about... Respect goes a long way.

For all the others, thanks for reading my rant and feel free to object or discuss it!

J & S



Very nice subject and we totally agree because its the truth. Some of the couples profiles aswell on this site are more like a single guys profile thinking every couple is into cuckold wtf.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm assuming they want to meet her alone because of the pics of her you have. (only her)? I don't meet couples but if I did I would expect to see the male too.

I don't know you can't please some people.

We block single males, so are immune from this pestering, is it very wide spread???

I'm now tempted to let them email just to get an insight into how crazy some of these people are. Not happy in a relationship, alpha males

these guys must be a real catch...

I get it if you where going in for the fantasy/roleplay of cheating wife, cuckold etc.

But seems to be a little strong for a first contact.


What is wrong with expecting to see pics of both the couple?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We get this a lot too but from couples as well as males !

The only time it irritates us is when we've been chatting a while, swap pics and start yo plan a meet .... then they want to only see me (female) or if its a couple they only want the male half to join us!

I know only having pics of me causes initial problems but once we're all chatting etc. To then start hassling for female alone is a tad annoying

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Op, don't say all men want to meet your missus alone ok I wouldn't do it and yes another single man rant haha

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ive experienced the opposite way about the guy from the couple askin me to play just with him..... Its not what playin with a 'couple' is about...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Now i know, before you say anything "Well your profile only has pictures of the miss..." and yes, Currently there is only pictures of the miss but that does not suddenly mean that its justifiable to act in such a disrespectful manner! (You will see what I mean if you read on)

So whats the problem?

We are on a site that allows couples to meet with other members of the public to have sexy fun. We get that single females also meet single males.

But when we go on cam, why is it that the majority of people think the guy in the couple would be totally cool with letting his miss go to their house alone? We constantly get messages about guys wanting the female to meet with them like say i'm selling her... Asking If we let the girl out of the house and such.

Basically guys seem to thing that any female despite being in a couple automatically means that she is on here for another guy/the douche messaging us.

Another thing we find TOTALLY and UTTERLY disrespectful is when guys message us with messages such as "Ever wanted to meet an alpha male" or "Want a real man?" ... wtf... Dude did you learn your social skills from stifler? :P

Let me put it in a lovely sentence for these guys

"Not many couples come on here for a better man, They come on here to have fun together... with others..."

Another is, guys that don't read the profile... I don't even need to explain this.

Finally, If any other couples get this bullshit please comment below... sorry for my french but its the one thing on this website that pisses me off.

If this post offended you... then you are most likely the ones i'm talking about... Respect goes a long way.

For all the others, thanks for reading my rant and feel free to object or discuss it!

J & S



One thing? There's at least four that pisses you off there!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We get this also.

Because I am a Dom (separate from the couples profile and stated on the profile), some assume that The two ladies are subs.

One single guy suggested putting a collar on suz.

The reply form suz was that 'He was welcome to try ... providing he didn't mind wearing his shredded testicles around his neck!!'

He didn't reply!

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By *imply_SensualMan  over a year ago


"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would. "

By the sounds of it, asking isn't the main problem, its the way the asking is done - assuming they are better than the male half of the couple or can perform better, implies that they think the woman is being satisfied etc. A simple request and accepting that 'No' is an acceptable answer is probably all that most ask for.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We'll said OP. A perfectly sensible and balanced post. I was previously on here with a FB. We got loads of the same...most of the "alpha" males probably couldn't spell the word or know what one was if hit over the head with one. Easy to tell from the time on site (years) and number of meets (zero). But they still never learn....

Shame really as my FB did meet alone...from her single profile only.

It's meat heads like these that give the rest of us (I'll avoid the word genuine as I know the problems that causes) guys a bad name....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Problem with this site is there are too many moaners!

Seriously, it's not like you can't tailor the site to suit your requirements, if you choose not to do that then don't complain about it just because YOU can't be arsed to look for what you want.

Stop moaning and focus your energy on something you do want as opposed to something you don't like.

All this moaning is boring!

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By *orthyorkypairCouple  over a year ago

North Yorkshire

[Removed by poster at 19/06/14 15:56:03]

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By *orthyorkypairCouple  over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"Quite a few females from couples do meet alone so I can't see the problem with asking if the lady would. "

we agree after all a simple "no thanks" is all thats needed and if it leads to abuse block and report - simples!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with this site is there are too many moaners!

Seriously, it's not like you can't tailor the site to suit your requirements, if you choose not to do that then don't complain about it just because YOU can't be arsed to look for what you want.

Stop moaning and focus your energy on something you do want as opposed to something you don't like.

All this moaning is boring! "

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By *oodmessMan  over a year ago


So the one thing wrong with this site is human nature.

You are going to have a hard time trying to tame every single guy that wants to meet, has an idea to meet, or just wants to whack off while typing something dirty.

The one thing wrong with this site is to be found pretty much everywhere and on any site.

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