We are all so different, just like everyone in the street out there has different preferences. First and foremost we have focused on our gender, and sexual interests have likely taken a much lower priority - but I cant speak for everybody, just myself and of people I Know. Some of us dont complete our planned journey, or may wish to remain somewhat still on it. What is most important for me is to be recognised as female, and treated with dignity and respect - I expect no less for anyone on this planet. What may be helpful is to step and look away from porn. In the real world, we all have our ups and downs, worries about those things that everyone does from time to time, as well as aspirations for love, career etc. I've never been big on labels, I aim to be myself and explore what seems fun- I love sex, which is why I use Fab. I largely prefer to meet and play with partners who view me as female, rather than as an alternative gender though. I think you could find people out there who may be matched, and Id suggest using more specialist contact methods, so that you can communicate what you have to offer as well as what you'd like from a partner. Thats likely better use of one's time than porn - not that there's anything wrong with that. As others have said, get to know us as people and it is a good start. |