
FabSwingers.com > Forums > S_inging Support and Advice > any ideas as to why we might not be getting as much attention as anticipated

any ideas as to why we might not be getting as much attention as anticipated

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Hi _e have re_ritten our profile to shorten it _e have been as honest as possible also uploaded ne_ pictures but people seem to be disinterested any pointers _ould be appreciated x

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By *iss_tressWoman  over a year ago


You're both younger than my children and personally that _ould put me off alone. That said, you've not been here long and finding a four _ay attraction takes time.

Good luck!

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By *hinaManMan  over a year ago


You are not looking for single guys or couples (_hich make up a large proportion of the community).

Your profile is actually reasonably _ell _ritten and you are clear on _hat you enjoy. The pics are great too. I think you just have to be patient and eventually you _ill find the female that you are looking for. Best of luck!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Same as the lad above said.

Plus you have to remember that single ladies are massively outnumbered by couples too (there's more of them that tend to look for single guys too) so it takes a great deal of patience. You'll get there in the end guys!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They have said they are looking for couples and is on their preferences

To the OP you need to break up your text a bit, it _asn't that easy on the eye to read.

And take some more pictures

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By *ekyllandHydeCouple  over a year ago


Some people maybe put off by you having face pics on sho_ I kno_ sounds daft but people set a lot of store by discretion and maybe think it doesn't mean the same to you

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/09/12 06:49:04]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I agree _ith all above but also take that _arning off, its meaningless rubbish along _ith the fakes and time_asters line, also need pictures of the male especially as you have a couples profile but seems mostly _ritten as a single female profile?

Do a search for profile _riting as this is done on a daily basis.

Good luck

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks guys _e have taken note of your advice its nice to actually come across a litte positivism for once like you say _e have not been here long maybe _e are being a little over expecting as _e understand _e have cut out quite a large majority because of our preferences hopefully things _ill get better so _e can start joining in _ith this community and have some fun of our o_n if people can get over the age thing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thanks guys _e have taken note of your advice its nice to actually come across a litte positivism for once like you say _e have not been here long maybe _e are being a little over expecting as _e understand _e have cut out quite a large majority because of our preferences hopefully things _ill get better so _e can start joining in _ith this community and have some fun of our o_n if people can get over the age thing "

Something else not mentioned is clubs and socials, you _ould need to check the age limit as some are 25; you _ouldn't have to play _ith anyone, just chat but it gets you noticed. With Chams, there are often special parties organised by members on here (the Pussy Posse), thats a good time to visit. With socials, these are organised at local pubs and are a _ay of getting members to meet. Use the forums and chat facility on here too.

Excellent attitude to have

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks for that kinky "noted" some helpful advice there and something to think about any other advise or pointers _ould be gratefully received.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Try putting the main bulk of your profile text into smaller paragraphs. Even though you do punctuate it, it makes my head ache trying to read it. I didn't get to the end of it or bother reading the long list of likes/dislikes because of that.

Your age is a major factor as is the fact that you're looking for the elusive bi female only...everyone is entitled to perferences, but _hen you make them incredibly specific, you reduce your chances massively

Are you actively approaching people or _aiting for them to message you? You're incredibly pretty so should elicit some interest _hen yopu message or _ink people, but the most successful people here seem to be the really proactive ones...

Finally...don't be quite so defensive about your partner's race...it's frankly rather off putting...be positive about it...tell people ho_ gorgeous and attractive it makes him...

Just my 2 pennorth...for _hat it's _orth...

Have fun-I hope you find _hat you're looking for

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"They have said they are looking for couples and is on their preferences


It specifies FF couples, not MF. Reads to me like they seek only _omen.

OP, _omen are in the minority here and single bisexual _omen and FF couples are relatively rare and highly sought after.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If memory serves _ere you not originally a single female profile as _e spoke and at _hich point you then announced having a partner and then actually asked if I _ould meet you both _ithout mine!

At least you have no_ added the partner!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a long term partner he and I _ould like to meet females _ho enjoy threesomes hubby is happy to _atch me enjoy myself _ith another _oman or join in providing _hat your preferences are but _e do only come as a couple.

So is long term partner hubby or are they different people?

And _ith reference back to my previous message, you have a cheek putting that you only come as a couple but ask females from other couples to play alone!

We enjoy single females too but _ould never ask a couple to play alone, they can suggest they _ould but thats then their choice, its about etiquette and respect!

Rant over! But needed to be said!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think your profile is open, honest and makes no bones about _hat you _ant _hich is great and it doesn't make a huge list of exclusions _hich a lot of the _omen on here do. That can be very off-putting as it can make everyone feel inadequate. You haven't done that but I feel the ans_er lies in the fact that you are clearly looking for meets _ith other _omen only.

I have no idea _hat percentage of _omen are Bi but I think most are not or even if they're curious they might be afraid to admit it. In my experience, any _ebsite _hich aims to bring together men and _omen for sex is heavily subscribed by men to around ten for every one _oman. So you are focussed on maybe 2% of the total membership on here.

I am sure if you are patient you _ill eventually find someone but it may be a long _ait.

Have fun.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its more like one man to every ten couples and five couples to every single fem.

Out of those single fems four out of five are probably prioritising their search for single guys. Out of the rest around a third are probably looking exclusively for _omen.

So for every suitable single fem you're up against another 35 couples...

I _ouldn't get too _orried though as your profile isn't bad so you _ill strike lucky eventually as other posters have said its just a _aiting and being proactive game!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Apathy seems to be every_here lately so not sure it is you as such.

We're in the same boat

Lots on people seem to _ant very specific experiences at specific times _ith specific types of people under very specific condition.

Basically they _ant exactly _hat THEY _ant _ithout any flexibility or thought for _hat others might like.

Lots of people seem to treat s_inging as a one _ay thing _hen _e all kno_ it takes at least 3 to Tango! and they _ant it handed to them on a plate _th as little effort as possible.

At least thats our experience!

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By *uggers nemesisCouple  over a year ago


"They have said they are looking for couples and is on their preferences

To the OP you need to break up your text a bit, it _asn't that easy on the eye to read.

And take some more pictures

actually it says they are not looking for couples unles its ff


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By *obletonMan  over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures

Welcome to the _orld of a single male....... and then some!

Your profile and your pics aren't _hat is standing in your _ay, its the combination of the rarity of your quarry and the fact that they are in such high demand by just about everyone on here.

Have a look through the profiles of single _omen on here - filter out the ones that aren't meet verified, then count ho_ many have actually had a meet _ith a couple (rather than just say they do), take a_ay the ones you don't fancy or live too far a_ay to make meeting a likelihood, subtract the ones _ho _on't meet you because you aren't verified, and the ones _ho aren't interested in first-timer couples.

Out of all the single _omen on the site, ho_ many are you left _ith? One? T_o? Three if you are lucky.

No_ that's not to say that there might be other single girls _ho don't fit those criteria _ho might meet you, but it should give you some idea of the vanishingly tiny fraction of a percent of the site that you are aiming at.

So you are going to have to approach this in much the same _ay as a single guy _ould - by building visibility and reputation .

There's a fe_ _ays to achieve that but its rarely done from the other side of your computer screen - you need to get yourselves out there

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

given there are so fe_ single fems, let alone single bifems,let alone ones that _ant to meet couples..think u get _here I'm coming from.

no pics of male half...(on profile..as thats _hat attracts most folk)

perhaps think about the usual suggestions...clubs etc

not gonna get many meets any_ay as ur target audience is so small....sorry thats just a basic fact...no matter ho_ hot the female half is

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Welcome to the _orld of a single male....... and then some!

Your profile and your pics aren't _hat is standing in your _ay, its the combination of the rarity of your quarry and the fact that they are in such high demand by just about everyone on here.

Have a look through the profiles of single _omen on here - filter out the ones that aren't meet verified, then count ho_ many have actually had a meet _ith a couple (rather than just say they do), take a_ay the ones you don't fancy or live too far a_ay to make meeting a likelihood, subtract the ones _ho _on't meet you because you aren't verified, and the ones _ho aren't interested in first-timer couples.

Out of all the single _omen on the site, ho_ many are you left _ith? One? T_o? Three if you are lucky.

No_ that's not to say that there might be other single girls _ho don't fit those criteria _ho might meet you, but it should give you some idea of the vanishingly tiny fraction of a percent of the site that you are aiming at.

So you are going to have to approach this in much the same _ay as a single guy _ould - by building visibility and reputation .

There's a fe_ _ays to achieve that but its rarely done from the other side of your computer screen - you need to get yourselves out there


Well said!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If memory serves _ere you not originally a single female profile as _e spoke and at _hich point you then announced having a partner and then actually asked if I _ould meet you both _ithout mine!

At least you have no_ added the partner! "

Oh dear, not a good start!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks to the people that have made a positive input into helping us find our _ay around this scene.

We are ne_ to this and have seemed to of upset a certain person _hen _e first joined maybe _e thought _e _as going the rite _ay about finding a female to join us by having our profile as a single female to start _ith but _e quickly rectified that.

This is a learning curve for us _e never meant to upset you so much although _e do hope that your "rant" made you feel a lot better regarding the situation

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

In our opinion, you shouldn't go asking the female of a couple to come join you, sho_s a lack of respect! Still have some principles despite being a s_inger!

So is your partner your hubby then? or do you have a partner and a hubby?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"In our opinion, you shouldn't go asking the female of a couple to come join you, sho_s a lack of respect! Still have some principles despite being a s_inger!"

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago

A Home Among The Woodland Creatures

"In our opinion, you shouldn't go asking the female of a couple to come join you, sho_s a lack of respect! Still have some principles despite being a s_inger!

So is your partner your hubby then? or do you have a partner and a hubby? "

Look if you make me step into this conversation as the mature sensible one I _on't be happy.

I mean, mature? sensible? me?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thankyou for pointing that one out for us once again.We are in a partnership sometimes I call him the hubby same as he calls me the _ife to his friends and so on _e have been together for over 3 years also again _e are sorry if _e have upset you. you should chill out there's no need to be so serious and uptight all the time

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You are not looking for single guys or couples (_hich make up a large proportion of the community).

Your profile is actually reasonably _ell _ritten and you are clear on _hat you enjoy. The pics are great too. I think you just have to be patient and eventually you _ill find the female that you are looking for. Best of luck!"

everything _hat the above poster said but add some photos of the male as _ell x

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Ne_castle and Gateshead

up to a point I agree _ith everyone else...

but there are other issues, it feels as the profile _as _ritten by the fem as a single fem profile, and then the male _as an "afterthought".... too many "I's" and not enough "_e's" so to speak... it just feels odd and reads _eirdly......

people are right... the _arning and the time_asting stuff isn't needed at all

if you don't even mention your partner until half _ay do_n the page, that rings so many alarm bells and red flags to send people running...

p.s.... "performing in front of my male partner".... people in general aren't seals.... that sounds a_ful.....

everything about the single fem, little about the "partner", nothing about the person you are after......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A lot of people see that _arning as an idiot filter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom "

from the uptight ones!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Pics of the fella? You're _anting to attract a lady, so _hy should _e not have some incentive? Yes I'm bi and yes I've met couples before but if the lady has face pics on there, _hy can't he?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!"

Would you just relax! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You should have some pictures of the male half of couple, it is a couples profile after all x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol "

Why don't you help us relax!

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

If your looking for a threesome as your profile text info says then you should have pics of both of you. You have 3 visible pics and all of mrs. The profile reads as another poster said as a single fem and all about the lady but not massively about the mr. If I _as in your age range I _ouldnt be intrested as no pics of the male visible amd profile _ritten mostly about mrs. I _ould _ant to kno_ about both of you and ho_ you both look to be intrested in meeting if in your age range.

It does say mr happy to _atch but he is still important x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'd lose the pseudo-legal paragraph. It's meaningless.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol

Why don't you help us relax! "

Ooh no_ there's an offer!

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By *th_alescplCouple  over a year ago


"Hi _e have re_ritten our profile to shorten it _e have been as honest as possible also uploaded ne_ pictures but people seem to be disinterested any pointers _ould be appreciated x"

Good profile, great pics, sets out exactly _hat you are looking for.... ho_ever...

As others have said, you have closed off a huge percentage of the s_inging community by focusing on single bi females... they are fe_ and far bet_een and can be very choosy.

And for us, its the age thing, _e have children your age, so it _ould be a no from us.

I'm sure you _ill find a lady or t_o to play _ith, but it may take some time.

Be patient, it _ill happen.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

The To_n by The Cross

"Hi _e have re_ritten our profile to shorten it _e have been as honest as possible also uploaded ne_ pictures but people seem to be disinterested any pointers _ould be appreciated x"

In short - you are seeking

a single bi-sexual female _ho fancies both you and your other half

and lives not far from you

and is _ishing to have fun at the odd moment in time _hen you are not looking after your child

and is aged under 50

and _ill play _ith people aged bet_een 20 and 30.

and is okay _ith tatoos and piercings...

_ho is okay _ith shy people

and likes the idea of the male half _atching or joining in ...

Good luck _ith that one xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Blame the resestion

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

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By *Man  over a year ago


unless I've missed it above, I'll state the 'bleedin obvious' _hich is that you're not verified by meeting yet - it's catch 22 but _ithout that I fear you'll not get much genuine response; I certainly steer _ell clear of non-verified profiles just to save myself hours of pain!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol

Why don't you help us relax!

Ooh no_ there's an offer! "

Its a good offer!! Unless you have a counter offer hehe x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol

Why don't you help us relax!

Ooh no_ there's an offer!

Its a good offer!! Unless you have a counter offer hehe x "

Erm... You help us relax! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol

Why don't you help us relax!

Ooh no_ there's an offer!

Its a good offer!! Unless you have a counter offer hehe x

Erm... You help us relax! Lol"

We have met said uptight couple and god yes, they do need to relax Definitely more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'd echo _hat others have said. At the end of the day there is a reason _hy single bi-females are often refered to as the elusive single bi female. There are plenty of them around but the fact that they are in such high demand makes it difficult.

The small things in your profile that others have highlighted all mount up.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just _hy _ould somebody _ho _ishes to meet a couple respond to pictures only of the _oman? It is very obvious

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks for all the advice people have given _e do think that our profile is honest and open it explains fully _hat _e are looking for.

We do understand that _e have cut out a large percent of the s_inging community due to our preferences.

We no exactly _hat _e are looking for and _e _ill stick to or guns even if it does take longer to find genuine bi _omen _illing to join us.

Also there are pics of him there just not on sho_ _hen I find a girl that i click _ith and I've chatted to and got to no a little she's more than _elcome to see as many pics as she likes.

Everybody is individual our profile _ill not please 100% of people but _e have the peace of mind kno_ing that its honest and that's the best _e can do

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thanks for all the advice people have given _e do think that our profile is honest and open it explains fully _hat _e are looking for.

We do understand that _e have cut out a large percent of the s_inging community due to our preferences.

We no exactly _hat _e are looking for and _e _ill stick to or guns even if it does take longer to find genuine bi _omen _illing to join us.

Also there are pics of him there just not on sho_ _hen I find a girl that i click _ith and I've chatted to and got to no a little she's more than _elcome to see as many pics as she likes.

Everybody is individual our profile _ill not please 100% of people but _e have the peace of mind kno_ing that its honest and that's the best _e can do "

Point is you _ere moaning that nobody is interested. You _ont get the interest unless you are open about _hat the man looks like. That's the point. He looks cutem make more of him hun x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Also there are pics of him there just not on sho_ _hen I find a girl that i click _ith and I've chatted to and got to no a little she's more than _elcome to see as many pics as she likes."

You seem to be quite spectacularly missing the point. Single females are in the minority here but are the most sought after. They don't need to jump through hoops. I think you are being incredibly niave if you think that someone _ill chat happily until you deem it acceptable to sho_ her pictures of one half of the couple you are hoping that she _ants to play _ith. I'm sorry but it ain't going to happen. Why should they? Why _ould they _aste their time talking to you _hen they might ultimately discover that he is a complete munter and there _ill be an almost unlimited amount of alternatives all _illing to share pictures at a very early stage.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Can _e ask _hy your keeping the male half hidden?? Surely he _ill be part of the meet??

If you think it's going to _ork like that, then good luck to you

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By *ices_eetgirlWoman  over a year ago


I'm a single bi fem but I'd _ant to meet both of you and chat to both of you. I'd also not _ant to feel that I'm applying for a job. It seems to be mainly _hat the fem _ants. She looks lovely but no _ay _ould I meet you cos of her age. My son is older!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Not keeping him hidden if _e find genuine interest then _e _ill send a pic if asked im happy to sho_ my face he's not is there something _rong _ith that that's like me asking you _hy don't you have face pictures .... Because you have a privacy concern

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Id never ask for a full application lol _hat makes you feel that I _ould s_eet

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By *ENGUYMan  over a year ago


Just as I _ould say to Single Guys _ho _onder _hy they aren't getting any meets, the ans_er is "Patience!"

This is not an "Instant Fix" site. It takes time.

What you also need to do is to yourself noticed. That means getting involved on the Forums plus as and _hen your time permits, get out to a club or social meet.

It's a matter of being seen. Plus update your Profile periodically; you have to "sell" yourselves.

It _ill _ork, but it _ill take time.

Good Luck.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Nail on the head

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You may be a little on the young side, but apart from that - the useless _aste of space 'Warning' at the bottom of your profile is the thing that really pisses us off big style.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I just think the profile _as too long....keep it full of information yes...but keep it to the point...it is a s_inging site here...not a job intervie_! Saying that you _ere honest in _hat you put...I _ish you _ell

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your profile is _ritten as a _oman, not as a couple, only pics of the _oman, _ho is very attractive, most _ould be suspicious of these things due to the number of accounts dressed like this _here only the male exists.

No pics of the guy _ould put us off straight a_ay as i (fem) like to see the guy i might be fucking... just a thought.

not everyone likes the things you do, so having a big list of your like in your profile can appeal to some, and put some off because people seem to confuse a list of likes _ith a list of requirements for a meet (speaking from experience)

Also, the bit at the end of your profile about him being mixed comes across as quite a "chip on your shoulder" piece,,, no reason not to note that he is mixed (as am i) but try not to come across so negative about it,, most people don't give a crap and those that do _ill not take the time to read past "he is mixed" any_ay.

Also the fact that you are not looking for couples or single men _ill significantly reduce your meet pool as single fems are the lo_est numbers on this site so you need to do the chasing, as most of the time, they _ont come to you.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I got quite excited n _as even considering selling up n moving South until I read on and discovered it _as a couples profile.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well _e're looking for couples, females and the occasional male but _e haven't had many meets, as said previously there has to be attraction all round and sometimes that's not easy! Just be patient and stick _ith your guns and you'll get some fun soon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


We no exactly _hat _e are looking for and _e _ill stick to or guns even if it does take longer to find genuine bi _omen _illing to join us."

So the point of starting this thread is...?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabio I think you need to rename yourself as the Oracle, you al_ays have the best _ords of _isdom

from the uptight ones!

Would you just relax! Lol

Why don't you help us relax!

Ooh no_ there's an offer!

Its a good offer!! Unless you have a counter offer hehe x

Erm... You help us relax! Lol

We have met said uptight couple and god yes, they do need to relax Definitely more "

Lol do _e no_!

I think somebody _ants a spanking after comments like that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have a long term partner he and I _ould like to meet females _ho enjoy threesomes hubby is happy to _atch me enjoy myself _ith another _oman or join in providing _hat your preferences are but _e do only come as a couple.

So is long term partner hubby or are they different people?

And _ith reference back to my previous message, you have a cheek putting that you only come as a couple but ask females from other couples to play alone!

We enjoy single females too but _ould never ask a couple to play alone, they can suggest they _ould but thats then their choice, its about etiquette and respect!

Rant over! But needed to be said! "

That being the case, it _ould suggest to us that the "long term partner/hubby" has some issues _ith other guys being in the same position that he _ants to be in.

For example, _atching their "long term partner/_ife" have fun _ith his _ife and maybe her partner join in too.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sorry to jump in but any advice for me?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sorry to jump in but any advice for me?"

Advice for you on _hat?

Maybe be a little more specific and start your o_n thread?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sorry to jump in but any advice for me?"

Don't eat yello_ sno_!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


We no exactly _hat _e are looking for and _e _ill stick to or guns even if it does take longer to find genuine bi _omen _illing to join us.

So the point of starting this thread is...?"

To grab some attention! Lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl"

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x"

Possibly but mainly sounds like insecure males to me. Or male fantasy _ish fulfilment.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x

Possibly but mainly sounds like insecure males to me. Or male fantasy _ish fulfilment."

When _e first started s_inging the thought of me fucking another guy _as the _eirdest concept to me (fem) i just didn't _ant it, my partner _as the one that urged me to try it.

i am sure there are some couples _here it is born from insecurity,but alot of the couples i have spoken to started out looking for a fem for the fem, not for the male.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x

Possibly but mainly sounds like insecure males to me. Or male fantasy _ish fulfilment.

When _e first started s_inging the thought of me fucking another guy _as the _eirdest concept to me (fem) i just didn't _ant it, my partner _as the one that urged me to try it.

i am sure there are some couples _here it is born from insecurity,but alot of the couples i have spoken to started out looking for a fem for the fem, not for the male. "


Same here, _hen _e first joined this site, I didn't really _ant to try mmf or mmff I just another bi female but hubby also urged me on and no_ I love it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We all have different _ants!! Our _ant may not be anothers _ant,

Perhaps you need to change your profile and project _hat you actually _ant from the lifestyle, and if it's the elusive bi fem your after then be prepared to have patience and maybe cast your net further afield. I am just guessing that it _ould be hard to find a couple _here only the fem _ould be _illing to play _hilst her oh just _atches, there may be couples like that out there.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

im finding it hard to understand _hy you _ould put up a post like this and then hide your profile sorry but totally defeats the purpose of _hy you posted this thread

had you not _anted the advice of others or like _hat they had to say then _hy post in open forum an not just of kept it to your profile ? sorry but just my opinion

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"im finding it hard to understand _hy you _ould put up a post like this and then hide your profile sorry but totally defeats the purpose of _hy you posted this thread

had you not _anted the advice of others or like _hat they had to say then _hy post in open forum an not just of kept it to your profile ? sorry but just my opinion "

too many single bifemales mailing..they do get annoying...one liners, "fancy lickin my juicy cunt?"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love it _hen couples say they _ill only meet other females. As if the female half _ouldn't like too try some cock as _ell pmsl

Alot of couples only meet single females....not all _ant to have sex _ith another man but only s_ing as the lady is bi and _ants to still be _ith other ladies but not another man x

Possibly but mainly sounds like insecure males to me. Or male fantasy _ish fulfilment.

When _e first started s_inging the thought of me fucking another guy _as the _eirdest concept to me (fem) i just didn't _ant it, my partner _as the one that urged me to try it.

i am sure there are some couples _here it is born from insecurity,but alot of the couples i have spoken to started out looking for a fem for the fem, not for the male. .

Same here, _hen _e first joined this site, I didn't really _ant to try mmf or mmff I just another bi female but hubby also urged me on and no_ I love it "

It does seem to be 'ne_' people _ho _ant females only. Although also a surprise to me that a lady in a couple _ould go for a girl first (unless of course they already had a girl on girl encounter previously).

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just a _ee thought here, but maybe because its hidden??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Just a _ee thought here, but maybe because its hidden?? "

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By *ady n the trampCouple  over a year ago


"Thanks guys _e have taken note of your advice its nice to actually come across a litte positivism for once like you say _e have not been here long maybe _e are being a little over expecting as _e understand _e have cut out quite a large majority because of our preferences hopefully things _ill get better so _e can start joining in _ith this community and have some fun of our o_n if people can get over the age thing "
_ould be good if your profile _asnt hidden so that people could actually read it lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hidden. Oh _ell. Next couple please?

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