
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swinging Support and Advice > GP


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Does your GP know you swing? Is it good to tell them or not?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Does your GP know you swing? Is it good to tell them or not?"

Mine does (Pork). He was most impressed that someone of my age is still 'gettin loads'.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

wudnt tell my gp that we swing ,,,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, my dentist doesnt know either

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes ofcourse

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms "

Ditto lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hell no only tell them what's related to the condition I am suffering

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thanks I dont think Ill tell mine then

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just remember whatever you disclose to your GP may be on your records, if you need a GP report for something ie a job or insurance it may well be disclosed in this report. Sometimes better not to say unless it relevant to your medical condition

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Does your GP know you swing? Is it good to tell them or not?"

Yes mine does.. I think its best to be honest...


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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


As medical records are now less exclusively shared between you and your GP, potentially with thousands of people, in all walks of NHS life, as well as non NHS and commercial companies, in time, being able to view them, I largely provide info to my GP on a need to know basis. My sexual health can be cared for elsewhere, and I don't demand total care from my GP.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Does your GP know you swing? Is it good to tell them or not?

Yes mine does.. I think its best to be honest...

Cali "

It would be nice to be honest but I'm afraid I think the posts about "big brother" mentality are probably right.

Having said that I have filled out nhs surveys twice now stating I'm bi, so I've given some info away.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No, my dentist doesnt know either


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Due to issues with my health I prefer that It's my doctor that does most of my sexual health care... To be fair it doesn't bother me if people in the medical profession know I have multiple partners...

As I don't think it is really anything I should have to hide.

It's easier for me to have just the one person that knows stuff... Rather than see a different person each time at the clinic. I also get my std tests done at same time as other tests I have to have regular.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms "

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol"

Because nothing is 100% effective

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

Because nothing is 100% effective "

blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

I think people would be shocked to find out who, and how many individuals and agencies have access to your medical records.....

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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

Because nothing is 100% effective

blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!"

This kinda shocked me a little....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ok only play with ladies and we always use condoms with ladies but get tested regularly as its not 'looking for a problem' its being safe and aware

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Even if you use condoms you can still catch stds through oral sex and using condoms doesn't stop you catching herpes depending on the outbreak. You should still get yourself tested as not everything is 100 percent

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By *empting Devil.Woman  over a year ago


And the gum clinic can offer preventative treatment such as hep jabs.

Many STDs have few or no symptoms - I once impressed my gum clinic by telling them something was different but I couldn't tell them what. Turned out I had chlamydia (caught in a monogamous relationship from someone who had had it and not known for 15 years and then had to go tell his ex she might be infertile!). Women rarely have symptoms with chlamydia.

Get a check up, even if it's just for the free condoms!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As I posted early on this thread, thought I'd come back on as clearly I (Pork) have a very good relationship with my GP who I see regularly for other matters (blood pressure, job-related medicals etc) and I must be one of the lucky ones.

Having said that, many of those who have said they 'couldn't possibly' tell their GP really need to get it in perspective imho: Just my view but your GP will not be surprised, shocked offended or anything else about what you do in your private life and is there to ensure your health is maintained. I know it can be difficult in these days of large surgeries when you have to see the doc who is 'available', but they are all supposed to be trained to the same level, and understanding of 'the human condition' aren't they????

On the GUM clinic subject, I am also VERY lucky as the local hospital to me (only 5 mins up the road) has an excellent STI clinic which offers testing at least as speedy (with the exception of the 1hr HIV test) as a private GUM clinic. Not only that, the staff are only too keen to hear your swinging stories!!!!! Well, they're NHS staff ain't they...... Must be boring for 'em

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By *ENDAROOSCouple  over a year ago

South West London / Surrey

"No, my dentist doesnt know either


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"And the gum clinic can offer preventative treatment such as hep jabs.

Many STDs have few or no symptoms - I once impressed my gum clinic by telling them something was different but I couldn't tell them what. Turned out I had chlamydia (caught in a monogamous relationship from someone who had had it and not known for 15 years and then had to go tell his ex she might be infertile!). Women rarely have symptoms with chlamydia.

Get a check up, even if it's just for the free condoms!"

No thanks, I am an adult and am incredibly responsible. Will leave the gum clinic to others

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My mum is my GP.... Can I tell her????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Get a check up, even if it's just for the free condoms!

No thanks, I am an adult and am incredibly responsible. Will leave the gum clinic to others "

Have you never had a sexual health MOT done at a clinic?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol"

See and people tell us that go bareback at times that we are the risks... Shocked that you can think like that.. I think that you must be joking.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Unfortunately there is a marked rise in STD's etc in those in their middle-age.

They were around in the free and easy seventies before the mass publicity of AIDS.

They come out of marriages where they have had no need for condoms after vasectomies or sterilisation, they think condoms are all that is needed to protect them.

There is a whole new raft of people less informed sexual health wise than the youngsters of today who have been brought up with very open access to sexual health knowledge.

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By *empting Devil.Woman  over a year ago


"And the gum clinic can offer preventative treatment such as hep jabs.

Many STDs have few or no symptoms - I once impressed my gum clinic by telling them something was different but I couldn't tell them what. Turned out I had chlamydia (caught in a monogamous relationship from someone who had had it and not known for 15 years and then had to go tell his ex she might be infertile!). Women rarely have symptoms with chlamydia.

Get a check up, even if it's just for the free condoms!

No thanks, I am an adult and am incredibly responsible. Will leave the gum clinic to others "

Even though condoms are only 905 effective?

And there are diseases that can be transmitted by sticky fingers?

Or by saliva and sweat?

Good luck to you. Even the most responsible person can get hit when crossing the road. It's not all about how responsible you are, its about the people you invite in. And not everyone is responsible (as the many heated bareback threads will tell us).

I am also a responsible person, but part of that is regular check ups and keeping myself informed on the risks that are out there. Simply going to the GUM clinic does not make me Typhoid Mary. In fact, as I have previously mentioned on this thread, the one time I have had an STD it was caught during a monogamous relationship from someone who had never had a check up since he had only ever slept with one other woman. She had had one partner previous to him when she was 15 and had then been infected with chlamydia throughout their relationship. The only reason they found out that the had been exposed was because I went to the clinic because I thought I might be in the early stages of BV (not an STD) so went to the experts for a test.

I feel no shame in telling everyone that I have had an STD and I certainly feel no shame or irresponsibility in being a frequent flyer at my local clinic. I choose not to tell them That I am a swinger, but I don't try to scale down my number of partners so they are capable of putting two and two together (or two and fifteen...).

Is it irresponsible to go for regular dental check ups? Or sight tests? Or even to go for a smear when your Doctor tells you you're due? If you're sexually active, even if it's with one partner you have a responsibility to your own health and well-being to have regular check ups. If you choose not to then that is your right. But many infections which have very few symptoms are far more easily treated early on and some can cause serious health issues if left untreated.

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By *empting Devil.Woman  over a year ago


Oops! first line should have read condoms are 90% effective...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am rarely shocked by comments on here but a swinger or to be fair an adult that thinks because they use condoms they don't need to go get sexual heath checks is genuinely scary...

It should at least be every 6 months.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

See and people tell us that go bareback at times that we are the risks... Shocked that you can think like that.. I think that you must be joking.

Cali "

Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex, and can be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth. Between half and three-quarters of all women who have a chlamydia infection of the cervix (cervicitis) have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected. In men, infection of the urethra (urethritis) is usually symptomatic, causing a white discharge from the penis with or without pain on urinating (dysuria). Occasionally, the condition spreads to the upper genital tract in women (causing pelvic inflammatory disease) or to the epididymis in men (causing epididymitis). If untreated, chlamydial infections can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. for thouse who think condoms are safe and dont need to go to the clinic think again

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By *empting Devil.Woman  over a year ago


"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

See and people tell us that go bareback at times that we are the risks... Shocked that you can think like that.. I think that you must be joking.

Cali Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex, and can be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth. Between half and three-quarters of all women who have a chlamydia infection of the cervix (cervicitis) have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected. In men, infection of the urethra (urethritis) is usually symptomatic, causing a white discharge from the penis with or without pain on urinating (dysuria). Occasionally, the condition spreads to the upper genital tract in women (causing pelvic inflammatory disease) or to the epididymis in men (causing epididymitis). If untreated, chlamydial infections can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. for thouse who think condoms are safe and dont need to go to the clinic think again"

It can also be passed via 'sticky fingers' ie precum on the fingers which then move on to other parts...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am rarely shocked by comments on here but a swinger or to be fair an adult that thinks because they use condoms they don't need to go get sexual heath checks is genuinely scary...

It should at least be every 6 months.

Cali "

Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!"

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ladies, do you ever feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall?

It's seems that those who don't have/need regular check ups clearly are more knowlegeable and genius than the reams and reams of well researched medical information that is available about the fact that many STD's can be caught without actual penetration having taken place.

I've learned a lesson from this thread

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.

Cali "

Please don't patronise me. I said I am adult enough and responsible enough to know that I do not have to go to any clinic. I know the sexual partners I have had and I know what we have got up to - nobody else - that is how I am confident to know I don't need to go. And I am sure the gum clinic would love EVERY single person to visit them on the off chance they might have a problem lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Please don't patronise me. I said I am adult enough and responsible enough to know that I do not have to go to any clinic. I know the sexual partners I have had and I know what we have got up to - nobody else - that is how I am confident to know I don't need to go. And I am sure the gum clinic would love EVERY single person to visit them on the off chance they might have a problem lol"

Yes actually they would... So you know that every partner you have had, and every partner they have had.. was clean..

Believe me not sure if I want to laugh or pity you... You really have a very childish attitude to sexual health and I pity those being in contact with you because your taking a huge risk with yours, theirs and your partners sexual health.

God help you is all I can say.. and I hope you educated yourself soon...


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Please don't patronise me. I said I am adult enough and responsible enough to know that I do not have to go to any clinic. I know the sexual partners I have had and I know what we have got up to - nobody else - that is how I am confident to know I don't need to go. And I am sure the gum clinic would love EVERY single person to visit them on the off chance they might have a problem lol

Yes actually they would... So you know that every partner you have had, and every partner they have had.. was clean..

Believe me not sure if I want to laugh or pity you... You really have a very childish attitude to sexual health and I pity those being in contact with you because your taking a huge risk with yours, theirs and your partners sexual health.

God help you is all I can say.. and I hope you educated yourself soon...

Cali "

When I said don't patronise me I wasn't joking. For the third and last time I am a responsible adult and would know if I needed a check or not. You obviously know that you need to go. Fair enough - personal choice and all that.

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

Because nothing is 100% effective

blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!"

So you know the full sexual history of every guy you meet off here? Even if it is only one or two you still don't know their whole history. Unless you are deflowering young men lol

Your contempt for sexual saftey, not just yours but your husband's, your meets, their future meets is truely shocking and I hope that any potential meets you have read the forums!

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By *s_4_uCouple  over a year ago


Absolute fruit cakes on here it is unreal. Can they truly believe they no everything about there sexual partners?

How do they no they haven't got std some are not visible and do not have symptoms till later on or passed via child birth.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

Because nothing is 100% effective

blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

So you know the full sexual history of every guy you meet off here? Even if it is only one or two you still don't know their whole history. Unless you are deflowering young men lol

Your contempt for sexual saftey, not just yours but your husband's, your meets, their future meets is truely shocking and I hope that any potential meets you have read the forums!"

I said I was a responsible adult and I wasn't lying. Why do you suppose I know that I don't need to go to a clinic? Think about it and think very carefully, but don't ever patronise me. As long as you are doing what you think is the right thing, don't try to persuade anyone else what is right and what is wrong. Everyone is different.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Absolute fruit cakes on here it is unreal. Can they truly believe they no everything about there sexual partners?

How do they no they haven't got std some are not visible and do not have symptoms till later on or passed via child birth. "

I said I was a responsible adult and I wasn't lying. Why do you suppose I know that I don't need to go to a clinic? Think about it and think very carefully, but don't ever patronise me. As long as you are doing what you think is the right thing, don't try to persuade anyone else what is right and what is wrong. Everyone is different.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.

Cali "

seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am rarely shocked by comments on here but a swinger or to be fair an adult that thinks because they use condoms they don't need to go get sexual heath checks is genuinely scary...

It should at least be every 6 months.


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!"

you sound like an immatur irresponsible child. if you are sexually active then you should go. you dont wait til its too late!!!

least lots of people now know who to stay clear of

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ladies, do you ever feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall?

It's seems that those who don't have/need regular check ups clearly are more knowlegeable and genius than the reams and reams of well researched medical information that is available about the fact that many STD's can be caught without actual penetration having taken place.

I've learned a lesson from this thread "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am rarely shocked by comments on here but a swinger or to be fair an adult that thinks because they use condoms they don't need to go get sexual heath checks is genuinely scary...

It should at least be every 6 months.


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

you sound like an immatur irresponsible child. if you are sexually active then you should go. you dont wait til its too late!!!

least lots of people now know who to stay clear of "

you make me laugh, not only do you patronise me but your assumptions are gob smacking. I wouldn't be worried at all about people reading this in the forums, by that time they will already know why I don't go to any clinics lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/"

oh please I have been patronised here by other people's assumptions. Why are you shocked when you still don't know why I don't go to any clinics? You really should get your facts straight first. Your problem not mine.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


When I said don't patronise me I wasn't joking. For the third and last time I am a responsible adult and would know if I needed a check or not. You obviously know that you need to go. Fair enough - personal choice and all that. "

I know I need to go be checked because I have had sex. I would get checked at least yearly even if I was in a one on one relationship.

Its not to do with personal choice, its to do with the health of yourself and others.. If your having sex with people from here then you need to be being checked. If your having ORAL sex, you need checking, if your having sexual contact at all then you need checking.

Its not patronising, its just plain common sense and respect for yourself and others.

And to be honest, I see nothing responsible about what your doing.. and to be fair I think your on the wind up.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/

oh please I have been patronised here by other people's assumptions. Why are you shocked when you still don't know why I don't go to any clinics? You really should get your facts straight first. Your problem not mine."

enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/

oh please I have been patronised here by other people's assumptions. Why are you shocked when you still don't know why I don't go to any clinics? You really should get your facts straight first. Your problem not mine.

enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then? "

Why should I? Make your assumptions and patronise all you like, but don't expect an adult response.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then? "

I was thinking that must be the case..


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


When I said don't patronise me I wasn't joking. For the third and last time I am a responsible adult and would know if I needed a check or not. You obviously know that you need to go. Fair enough - personal choice and all that.

I know I need to go be checked because I have had sex. I would get checked at least yearly even if I was in a one on one relationship.

Its not to do with personal choice, its to do with the health of yourself and others.. If your having sex with people from here then you need to be being checked. If your having ORAL sex, you need checking, if your having sexual contact at all then you need checking.

Its not patronising, its just plain common sense and respect for yourself and others.

And to be honest, I see nothing responsible about what your doing.. and to be fair I think your on the wind up.

Cali "

i even got checked when i hadnt had sex in bout 6months and when single for simple reason as they tell you when they test it could just be too early to show up and they always recommend being retested.

its attitudes like hers that really worry me in this day and age..especially coming from 'a responsible adult' lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..

Cali "

Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


When I said don't patronise me I wasn't joking. For the third and last time I am a responsible adult and would know if I needed a check or not. You obviously know that you need to go. Fair enough - personal choice and all that.

I know I need to go be checked because I have had sex. I would get checked at least yearly even if I was in a one on one relationship.

Its not to do with personal choice, its to do with the health of yourself and others.. If your having sex with people from here then you need to be being checked. If your having ORAL sex, you need checking, if your having sexual contact at all then you need checking.

Its not patronising, its just plain common sense and respect for yourself and others.

And to be honest, I see nothing responsible about what your doing.. and to be fair I think your on the wind up.


i even got checked when i hadnt had sex in bout 6months and when single for simple reason as they tell you when they test it could just be too early to show up and they always recommend being retested.

its attitudes like hers that really worry me in this day and age..especially coming from 'a responsible adult' lol "

Another patronising assumption - this thread is too funny.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!"

its okay I know my halo can't get past my boobs.. and I am by no means an angel and admit that on occasions we have bareback with meets.. I can not see where anyone has been rude,but you really are saying some things that are going to get a reaction.

Your defensive status to be honest says it all... I wonder who your trying to convince that you don't need testing..us or yourself.

But really.. unless you are not having any sexual contact then you do need to seriously re think your views. To be honest I think you think you know best.

I have no idea why you think your above catching things.. but I just hope for you that you havent put yourself and your meets in danger.

Good luck to you but honestly your playing a very very risky game.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/

oh please I have been patronised here by other people's assumptions. Why are you shocked when you still don't know why I don't go to any clinics? You really should get your facts straight first. Your problem not mine.

enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

Why should I? Make your assumptions and patronise all you like, but don't expect an adult response."

well i can only make assumptions unless you correct me....you have veris from 2 guys so am guessing there is a high chance you may have had sexual contact...which leads me to the assumtion that you should have check ups. but hey its your life...but its not just yours your risking tho is it as you could pass on to future meets too.....however altho you say your being a responsible adult i find all of your responses rather childishand definsive...hey thats my opinion

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *Ryan-Man  over a year ago

In Your Bush

She doesn't go because she has a deep routed issue with being recognised. As per the posts about no pictures, no going on cam, lengthy rants about the new gps option on the mobile site etc.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"She doesn't go because she has a deep routed issue with being recognised. As per the posts about no pictures, no going on cam, lengthy rants about the new gps option on the mobile site etc. "

lol whatever and what lengthy rant about the new gps option on the mobile site? Don't think that was me!!!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!"

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am responsible and adult enough to know that I don't need to go !!!

I am sorry but your attitude puts you in a high risk category, even my children know that condoms dont make you safe from stds.. just safer.

You only don't need to go if you never ever have sex.. don't have oral and don't do a thing with anyone else.

I am sure you must be a wind up to be fair.. as not sure anyone can really be that unclued up and meeting strangers for sex.


seriously shocked at her comments she must be being sarcastic :-/

oh please I have been patronised here by other people's assumptions. Why are you shocked when you still don't know why I don't go to any clinics? You really should get your facts straight first. Your problem not mine.

enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

Why should I? Make your assumptions and patronise all you like, but don't expect an adult response.

well i can only make assumptions unless you correct me....you have veris from 2 guys so am guessing there is a high chance you may have had sexual contact...which leads me to the assumtion that you should have check ups. but hey its your life...but its not just yours your risking tho is it as you could pass on to future meets too.....however altho you say your being a responsible adult i find all of your responses rather childishand definsive...hey thats my opinion "

Whatever, you are entitled to an opinion. But please don't make assumptions or patronise. Why would I now justify this thread which has turned into another bun fight with an adult response. Why would I? Think what you like.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion"

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

its okay I know my halo can't get past my boobs.. and I am by no means an angel and admit that on occasions we have bareback with meets.. I can not see where anyone has been rude,but you really are saying some things that are going to get a reaction.

Your defensive status to be honest says it all... I wonder who your trying to convince that you don't need testing..us or yourself.

But really.. unless you are not having any sexual contact then you do need to seriously re think your views. To be honest I think you think you know best.

I have no idea why you think your above catching things.. but I just hope for you that you havent put yourself and your meets in danger.

Good luck to you but honestly your playing a very very risky game.

Cali "

There you go again, assuming you know best - too funny!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol

Because nothing is 100% effective

blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

So you know the full sexual history of every guy you meet off here? Even if it is only one or two you still don't know their whole history. Unless you are deflowering young men lol

Your contempt for sexual saftey, not just yours but your husband's, your meets, their future meets is truely shocking and I hope that any potential meets you have read the forums!

I said I was a responsible adult and I wasn't lying. Why do you suppose I know that I don't need to go to a clinic? Think about it and think very carefully, but don't ever patronise me. As long as you are doing what you think is the right thing, don't try to persuade anyone else what is right and what is wrong. Everyone is different."

you are not being responsible though. there is no way yo know the full sexual history of the people you meet on here uless you put the on a lie detector before shagging them, and even those arent 100% effective either - ask Jezza Kyle lol

i am not being patronizing, i am merely pointing out the holes in your arguement becuase i believe this is a serious subject.

If you dont believe that the GUM clinics want to see more people through their doors to be tested then give your local one a call on monday. you dont have to book an appointment cos we all know thats not your thing, just ask some questions and get the answers staright from the horses mouth

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives."

well apologies if my comments seemed patronising or rude, at first i thought you were joking and being sarstic. Im just trying to understand your view and some of your comments on here attracted the patronising assumtions because of your attitude you have taken. the only reason why someone doesnt need to have check ups is if they have never had any sexual cont what so ever or they cover themselves in rubber with no contact what so ever...which goe back to the virgin reason lol

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


There you go again, assuming you know best - too funny!"

Afraid that clearly on this I know a hell of a lot more than you..

Okay question.. do you get checked somewhere other than the clinics.?? or like myself have regular gynaecology appointments.. because that is the other way to get checked.

As I really can not believe that you are actually serious that you never get tested in anyway. Just perhaps that you don't go to a clinic.


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago



enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives."

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

well apologies if my comments seemed patronising or rude, at first i thought you were joking and being sarstic. Im just trying to understand your view and some of your comments on here attracted the patronising assumtions because of your attitude you have taken. the only reason why someone doesnt need to have check ups is if they have never had any sexual cont what so ever or they cover themselves in rubber with no contact what so ever...which goe back to the virgin reason lol "

whatever, even if I felt like explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives."

oh and btw i have read all of the posts on here and i dont think anyone was being rude. everyone has put their side of their argument across with facts to back it up. you resulted in childish abuse. (perhaps wrong word) eg 'should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!'

i would have thought a lady of your age would be a hell of a lot more responsible tbh.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it "

cudnt have put it better oops i best be careful my halos slipping off my devil horns

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

well apologies if my comments seemed patronising or rude, at first i thought you were joking and being sarstic. Im just trying to understand your view and some of your comments on here attracted the patronising assumtions because of your attitude you have taken. the only reason why someone doesnt need to have check ups is if they have never had any sexual cont what so ever or they cover themselves in rubber with no contact what so ever...which goe back to the virgin reason lol

whatever, even if I felt like explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard"

good for you good day

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

oh and btw i have read all of the posts on here and i dont think anyone was being rude. everyone has put their side of their argument across with facts to back it up. you resulted in childish abuse. (perhaps wrong word) eg 'should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!'

i would have thought a lady of your age would be a hell of a lot more responsible tbh.


I love the patronising assumptions coming every which way!!! Look after your life and I will look after mine (and believe me I do)!!!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard"

I am glad that you find it so funny...

The only thing that I am glad of is that this thread will have highlighted to people that there are people out there with no regard for their own or others sexual health.

I am going to refuse to post on this thread anymore now as to be honest I am to stunned to say much more..

as if your having sexual contact with people you should be being checked.. whether its in a clinic, hospital, doctors or the home testing kits.


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is it possible she is employed in a job which enables her to test herself without going to a clinic per say maybe????

just a thought

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it

cudnt have put it better oops i best be careful my halos slipping off my devil horns "

Oh please give it a rest (here endeth the first lesson and so on) - go and create a new thread or something, patronising assumptions are really the worst kind

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard

I am glad that you find it so funny...

The only thing that I am glad of is that this thread will have highlighted to people that there are people out there with no regard for their own or others sexual health.

I am going to refuse to post on this thread anymore now as to be honest I am to stunned to say much more..

as if your having sexual contact with people you should be being checked.. whether its in a clinic, hospital, doctors or the home testing kits.

Cali "

It's probably better you go now, you have exhausted your lecture

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago



enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it

cudnt have put it better oops i best be careful my halos slipping off my devil horns

Oh please give it a rest (here endeth the first lesson and so on) - go and create a new thread or something, patronising assumptions are really the worst kind"

how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

oh and btw i have read all of the posts on here and i dont think anyone was being rude. everyone has put their side of their argument across with facts to back it up. you resulted in childish abuse. (perhaps wrong word) eg 'should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!'

i would have thought a lady of your age would be a hell of a lot more responsible tbh.

I love the patronising assumptions coming every which way!!! Look after your life and I will look after mine (and believe me I do)!!!"

the only reason why you are not justifying is because you cant. everyone else has backed up their opinions with reasons why and facts...you have just got defensive and i think your childish attitude stinks tbh.

i most certainly will look after myself in the responsible way that i do...ill just make sure from now if i have meets off here they have not had any contact with people like you or anyone that may have as i like to make sure i am not at risk.

its so shocking, i would have thought those on here would be so much more responsible. you learn something new every day. again good bye and have a good day

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it

cudnt have put it better oops i best be careful my halos slipping off my devil horns

Oh please give it a rest (here endeth the first lesson and so on) - go and create a new thread or something, patronising assumptions are really the worst kind

how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one "


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard

I am glad that you find it so funny...

The only thing that I am glad of is that this thread will have highlighted to people that there are people out there with no regard for their own or others sexual health.

I am going to refuse to post on this thread anymore now as to be honest I am to stunned to say much more..

as if your having sexual contact with people you should be being checked.. whether its in a clinic, hospital, doctors or the home testing kits.


It's probably better you go now, you have exhausted your lecture"

such a mature responsibl response from a responsible woman

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

oh and btw i have read all of the posts on here and i dont think anyone was being rude. everyone has put their side of their argument across with facts to back it up. you resulted in childish abuse. (perhaps wrong word) eg 'should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!'

i would have thought a lady of your age would be a hell of a lot more responsible tbh.

I love the patronising assumptions coming every which way!!! Look after your life and I will look after mine (and believe me I do)!!!"

And to think I have a meet in common with this poster. Makes me feel a little sick really, although I have some comfort from my all negative results last week.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

oh and btw i have read all of the posts on here and i dont think anyone was being rude. everyone has put their side of their argument across with facts to back it up. you resulted in childish abuse. (perhaps wrong word) eg 'should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!'

i would have thought a lady of your age would be a hell of a lot more responsible tbh.

I love the patronising assumptions coming every which way!!! Look after your life and I will look after mine (and believe me I do)!!!

And to think I have a meet in common with this poster. Makes me feel a little sick really, although I have some comfort from my all negative results last week."

oh please this is getting unbelievable. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS - look after yourself that's what's important - patronising and embarrassing

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" explaining I wouldn't now - justifying nothing, laughing too hard

I am glad that you find it so funny...

The only thing that I am glad of is that this thread will have highlighted to people that there are people out there with no regard for their own or others sexual health.

I am going to refuse to post on this thread anymore now as to be honest I am to stunned to say much more..

as if your having sexual contact with people you should be being checked.. whether its in a clinic, hospital, doctors or the home testing kits.


It's probably better you go now, you have exhausted your lecture

such a mature responsibl response from a responsible woman "

well it is a lecture - because I say I don't go to clinics everyone assumes I am being irresponsible, it's so pathetic it's laughable

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


enlighten me then?? are you a virgin then?

I was thinking that must be the case..


Think what you like but I won't be justifying this thread with any kind of an explanation. Some people are just plain rude and should be careful their halos aren't about to slip and choke them!!!

i dont think anyone was being rude but some of your comments and ignorant view you have to expect a response. if dont like it dont post in first place. every one is entitled to their opinion

Excuse me you should read all of the thread. I get slaughtered because I don't visit clinics - I think you will find lots have been rude with their patronising attitudes and assuming they know about other people's lives.

you get 'slaughtered' as you put it becuase your posts come across as condescending and dismissive of anyone who chooses to get checked as if its a dirty thing to do. it is attitudes like this that make some people feel ashamed of sexual health.

odd that on a site like this some people take this subject to heart isnt it

cudnt have put it better oops i best be careful my halos slipping off my devil horns

Oh please give it a rest (here endeth the first lesson and so on) - go and create a new thread or something, patronising assumptions are really the worst kind

how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one

lol "

I refuse to argue with you, but there are question marks hanging over some of your statement here.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago



how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one


I refuse to argue with you, but there are question marks hanging over some of your statement here. "

i'm not scared to learn from my mistakes so if you feel i have made any then please, educate me

i dont see this as an arguement, perhaps the fact that you do says more about your frame of mind than mine

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To the original topic..

I think that it doesn't hurt to tell your gp... and some people would be happier to have their regular GP do their intimate care than a stranger at a clinic.. but for others the very fact you dont even have to give your real name at a clinic may appeal.

I don't think it matters where you get your testing done as long as you have them done and a interval that you think is appropriate.


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one


I refuse to argue with you, but there are question marks hanging over some of your statement here.

i'm not scared to learn from my mistakes so if you feel i have made any then please, educate me

i dont see this as an arguement, perhaps the fact that you do says more about your frame of mind than mine "

Oh please, I am sick and tired of people assuming that I am the one with the problem here. It's pathetic. I said I didn't go to clinics. Everyone then jumped on the bandwagon to lecture me on how irresponsible I am - even going so far as mentioning my verifications - it's crazy. It has made me so angry that I now refuse to comment any further. Everybody has assumed the worst and I haven't clarified anything. Please just look after yourselves because I am more than capable of looking after myself and I don't need a bunch of swingers to suggest my life is wrong and there is something wrong with me. It's a joke.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Oh please, I am sick and tired of people assuming that I am the one with the problem here. It's pathetic. I said I didn't go to clinics. Everyone then jumped on the bandwagon to lecture me on how irresponsible "

Okay I was going to refuse to comment any further.. My issue with your post was the comment that you made on this.


why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol"

Now the problem is I have had a few people that have made comments like that.. and in the first instance I thought it was perhaps just a bad joke.. or maybe something to provoke a discussion on the fact that even using condoms doesn't mean your safe.

However, with subsequent posts you made it read as if you do not get tested. To be fair if thats not the case then you only had to say.. that you didnt go to the clinic but did get tested.

I even asked you if like me you had to have tests at another regular appointment.. so this means that your tested on a regular basis.

Peoples problems seems to be that your posts are coming across that you DONT NEED TESTING... and others are trying to say that if your having sexual contact with anyone that you do need testing.

IF you are being tested.. then don't worry about it.. but if not.. I would perhaps read the advice given on this and other sexual health threads and maybe talk to someone you trust.

You can even these days get home tests..


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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago



how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one


I refuse to argue with you, but there are question marks hanging over some of your statement here.

i'm not scared to learn from my mistakes so if you feel i have made any then please, educate me

i dont see this as an arguement, perhaps the fact that you do says more about your frame of mind than mine

Oh please, I am sick and tired of people assuming that I am the one with the problem here. It's pathetic. I said I didn't go to clinics. Everyone then jumped on the bandwagon to lecture me on how irresponsible I am - even going so far as mentioning my verifications - it's crazy. It has made me so angry that I now refuse to comment any further. Everybody has assumed the worst and I haven't clarified anything. Please just look after yourselves because I am more than capable of looking after myself and I don't need a bunch of swingers to suggest my life is wrong and there is something wrong with me. It's a joke."

no this is what happened

i said i got lots of free condoms fromt he clinic and you questioned why i would ned to go if i was usng condoms...indicating that you were uneducated in the fact that condoms do not provide 100% protection.

this is what people were shocked about, that a woman of your age, on a swinging site, could think that just because she used condoms she was safe.

you then started jumping on every comment about it protesting how you were right for not going to the clinic, you knew the people you played with were safe etc

this then madepeople angry because for 'a bunch of swingers' some of us take sexual health, and the education of it, seriously.

i have seen this on a few threads you have taken part in, just because people pic up on some of the things you say, and ask question or pass comment on them you get ultra defensive and complain of being patronised

i have never offered to look after your life and would never expect anyone to look after mine so not really sure why you keep writing that to be honest. Nothing you have said has convinced me to change the way i am and i am guessing nothing i or the other posters on here have done the same to you

thats fine, your perogative and all that, i just hope that the lurkers on here have read the whole thread and are abit more educated on the imprtance of testing both for them and the swinging community as a whole

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


how are they assumtions whe yo have stated that you dont need to go the cinic becuase you know the histpry of people you have slept with

not an assumption....actual words you wrote (and dont forget...they won get deleted now they are i cyber space)

you go start your own thread, i'm having fun on this one


I refuse to argue with you, but there are question marks hanging over some of your statement here.

i'm not scared to learn from my mistakes so if you feel i have made any then please, educate me

i dont see this as an arguement, perhaps the fact that you do says more about your frame of mind than mine

Oh please, I am sick and tired of people assuming that I am the one with the problem here. It's pathetic. I said I didn't go to clinics. Everyone then jumped on the bandwagon to lecture me on how irresponsible I am - even going so far as mentioning my verifications - it's crazy. It has made me so angry that I now refuse to comment any further. Everybody has assumed the worst and I haven't clarified anything. Please just look after yourselves because I am more than capable of looking after myself and I don't need a bunch of swingers to suggest my life is wrong and there is something wrong with me. It's a joke.

no this is what happened

i said i got lots of free condoms fromt he clinic and you questioned why i would ned to go if i was usng condoms...indicating that you were uneducated in the fact that condoms do not provide 100% protection.

this is what people were shocked about, that a woman of your age, on a swinging site, could think that just because she used condoms she was safe.

you then started jumping on every comment about it protesting how you were right for not going to the clinic, you knew the people you played with were safe etc

this then madepeople angry because for 'a bunch of swingers' some of us take sexual health, and the education of it, seriously.

i have seen this on a few threads you have taken part in, just because people pic up on some of the things you say, and ask question or pass comment on them you get ultra defensive and complain of being patronised

i have never offered to look after your life and would never expect anyone to look after mine so not really sure why you keep writing that to be honest. Nothing you have said has convinced me to change the way i am and i am guessing nothing i or the other posters on here have done the same to you

thats fine, your perogative and all that, i just hope that the lurkers on here have read the whole thread and are abit more educated on the imprtance of testing both for them and the swinging community as a whole"

For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


why do you keep sayng i am patronising? i am merely having a discussion. do you think everypone who questions things you say is patronising?

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge."

And you have been asked a few times if you dont get tested at clinics do you get tested.. You obviously LIKE to cause a fuss.. then didnt like how it went.

And you clearly said that why if you used condoms did you need to go to the clinic...

It was that which I picked up on.. and many others.

and as I said..if you get tested somewhere else where is the problem.. but your casual comment about why get tested if you wear condoms needed addressing as last thing this sort of community needs is people thinking that is the truth.


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

And you have been asked a few times if you dont get tested at clinics do you get tested.. You obviously LIKE to cause a fuss.. then didnt like how it went.

And you clearly said that why if you used condoms did you need to go to the clinic...

It was that which I picked up on.. and many others.

and as I said..if you get tested somewhere else where is the problem.. but your casual comment about why get tested if you wear condoms needed addressing as last thing this sort of community needs is people thinking that is the truth.

Cali "

Just goes to show that people shouldn't assume the worst. I will not expand on this, suffice to say I am well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Just goes to show that people shouldn't assume the worst. I will not expand on this, suffice to say I am well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested."

so if your so well educated.. why post the flippant comment about condoms then..



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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


just wanted to say OP - congratulations...this has been one of the most entertaining threads for a while now

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By *ohjaneCouple  over a year ago

south staffs

Don't feed the trolls !!

Jane x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why do you keep sayng i am patronising? i am merely having a discussion. do you think everypone who questions things you say is patronising?"

Well they sure are being patronising insisting on the importance of being tested when I have never once throughout this thread said I don't get tested. I said I don't go to clinics. And as said just now, suffice to say I am very well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Don't feed the trolls !!

Jane x"

ohhh but I like feeding things...

I just thought it worth mentioning that many clubs offer testing days.. I know chams does and the attic In Derby

So no excuses people..


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Just goes to show that people shouldn't assume the worst. I will not expand on this, suffice to say I am well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested.

so if your so well educated.. why post the flippant comment about condoms then..


Cali "

thats because Cali if you go back to the begining of this thread and read all the post we are all for getting one thing there is one condom that gives full protection from STD's and being identified its called a BODY BAG

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"why do you keep sayng i am patronising? i am merely having a discussion. do you think everypone who questions things you say is patronising?

Well they sure are being patronising insisting on the importance of being tested when I have never once throughout this thread said I don't get tested. I said I don't go to clinics. And as said just now, suffice to say I am very well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested. "

i didnt ask why you were saying they were being patronising, i asked why you thought i was.

all i have ever done is try and engage in a dialogue with you but i get accused of things.

you say you are well versed in STD's yet seemed confused as to why people get tested if they use condoms. this is the initial area of confusion.

i dont care if and or where you get tested, it was that one comment that got me

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Goodbye everyone, thank you all for your interesting advice. With me a bit like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs, but glad to see you are all aware of the importance.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why do you keep sayng i am patronising? i am merely having a discussion. do you think everypone who questions things you say is patronising?

Well they sure are being patronising insisting on the importance of being tested when I have never once throughout this thread said I don't get tested. I said I don't go to clinics. And as said just now, suffice to say I am very well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested.

i didnt ask why you were saying they were being patronising, i asked why you thought i was.

all i have ever done is try and engage in a dialogue with you but i get accused of things.

you say you are well versed in STD's yet seemed confused as to why people get tested if they use condoms. this is the initial area of confusion.

i dont care if and or where you get tested, it was that one comment that got me"

It doesn't matter what I think or say here so don't dwell on it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

the main rule we have now and have had since summer last year is if a guy wants to play he has to know the procedure for getting test results from the local GUM clinic if he dont know he dont get to play ever

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By *innamon!Woman  over a year ago

no matter

Dammit i didnt look at the profile quick enough.. spent so long looking at the thread

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

wow i cant even comment no more as cant stop laughing at some certain posts suddenly back tracking. all it would have taken was an explaination of one of the posts. just so people reading understand...as has been said numerous times...if you use condoms well done round of applause...however please still get tested there are still risks!!!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why do you keep sayng i am patronising? i am merely having a discussion. do you think everypone who questions things you say is patronising?

Well they sure are being patronising insisting on the importance of being tested when I have never once throughout this thread said I don't get tested. I said I don't go to clinics. And as said just now, suffice to say I am very well educated in STDs and the importance of being tested.

i didnt ask why you were saying they were being patronising, i asked why you thought i was.

all i have ever done is try and engage in a dialogue with you but i get accused of things.

you say you are well versed in STD's yet seemed confused as to why people get tested if they use condoms. this is the initial area of confusion.

i dont care if and or where you get tested, it was that one comment that got me

It doesn't matter what I think or say here so don't dwell on it."

sorry just gta be said....you make a comment about whats the need to be tested if use condoms, you also make a sweeping comment basically saying that you have no need to be tested or visit a clinic unless you feel the need(i take it that meant if you has symptoms) and then made loads of defensive comments and started swearing and yet have no idea why people are making assumptions about you??!!!

everyone else is just wanting to reducate people with the facts and make sure no one who perhaps wasnt 100% sure on the risks etc are now clearly informed!!!

you made out you didnt get tested end of dnt start crying now people have made assumptions

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge."

Well wouldn't it have been easier in the first place to just say you get tested but not at the GUM clinic, or wouldn't that have had the effect you desired.

Going by other threads I wonder if you just enjoy being controversial and will say anything to that end.

You say you're a responsible adult on one post, yet on another tell us not to expect an adult response from you???

As for your continual use of the word "patronise", when no one is actually patronising you, only indicates that you have little or no idea of the meaning of the word!

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

This is going round in circles now people.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This is going round in circles now people."

Good though innit?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

Well wouldn't it have been easier in the first place to just say you get tested but not at the GUM clinic, or wouldn't that have had the effect you desired.

Going by other threads I wonder if you just enjoy being controversial and will say anything to that end.

You say you're a responsible adult on one post, yet on another tell us not to expect an adult response from you???

As for your continual use of the word "patronise", when no one is actually patronising you, only indicates that you have little or no idea of the meaning of the word! "

hear hear!!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!"

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was. "

this in my opinion is wat is classed as a responsible adults actions

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was. "

Yes visit the clinic if I had a problem test myself to find out if I had one - what is wrong with you people? Do you have to try and read into things that are not there every single time? Does this make you feel better about yourself or something?

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was.

Yes visit the clinic if I had a problem test myself to find out if I had one - what is wrong with you people? Do you have to try and read into things that are not there every single time? Does this make you feel better about yourself or something?"

re-read all the threads paying attention to yours!! if you had made that clear rather than making assumptions and being patronising things wud have been much slimpier

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

Well wouldn't it have been easier in the first place to just say you get tested but not at the GUM clinic, or wouldn't that have had the effect you desired.

Going by other threads I wonder if you just enjoy being controversial and will say anything to that end.

You say you're a responsible adult on one post, yet on another tell us not to expect an adult response from you???

As for your continual use of the word "patronise", when no one is actually patronising you, only indicates that you have little or no idea of the meaning of the word! "

why should I justify anything to you people - you already think you know it all so what's the point? The assumptions started before I even had a chance to explain so I gave up, sat back and watched the comments come flying in. And yes most of them are patronising, insisting that I should get tested and how important it is blah blah blah where all along I never even said I got tested. I don't even know why I am bothering to say anything now, it's a pointless exercise with a bunch of so called know it alls.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was.

Yes visit the clinic if I had a problem test myself to find out if I had one - what is wrong with you people? Do you have to try and read into things that are not there every single time? Does this make you feel better about yourself or something?"

I am not reading things that are not there, my response was based entirely on your very words posted here.

I'm not trying to make myself feel better about anything.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was.

Yes visit the clinic if I had a problem test myself to find out if I had one - what is wrong with you people? Do you have to try and read into things that are not there every single time? Does this make you feel better about yourself or something?

I am not reading things that are not there, my response was based entirely on your very words posted here.

I'm not trying to make myself feel better about anything.


You pointed out a sentence to me that I wrote and said it was patronising. I explained the meaning of that sentence and still you carry on - what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise."

....so is backtracking.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

Well wouldn't it have been easier in the first place to just say you get tested but not at the GUM clinic, or wouldn't that have had the effect you desired.

Going by other threads I wonder if you just enjoy being controversial and will say anything to that end.

You say you're a responsible adult on one post, yet on another tell us not to expect an adult response from you???

As for your continual use of the word "patronise", when no one is actually patronising you, only indicates that you have little or no idea of the meaning of the word!

why should I justify anything to you people - you already think you know it all so what's the point? The assumptions started before I even had a chance to explain so I gave up, sat back and watched the comments come flying in. And yes most of them are patronising, insisting that I should get tested and how important it is blah blah blah where all along I never even said I got tested. I don't even know why I am bothering to say anything now, it's a pointless exercise with a bunch of so called know it alls."

i didnt say i was a know it all im far from it..i was reacting to your comments stating that if sum1 uses condoms they dnt need to be tested, also you made it seem like you dont test at all and that there was something shameful about those who do. as I said before re-read what youve said. your attitude about being tested is completly wrong and you again make it sound like its not important when it is. you say you are a responsible adult but then joke about such an important topic

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking. "

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking. "

who's backtracking? I am explaining, but have no idea why!!! I never once said I never got tested.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was. "

i think everyone who swings should get tested regular, chlamydia shows no symptoms at all so how would you think you have it to make you go get tested for it?

You very well could have cought it and been walking round with it for months not knowing

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" For fucks sake I said I didn't go to clinics, where the fuck have I said throughout this whole thread that I don't get tested? Please take your patronising attitude and throw it off the nearest bridge.

Well wouldn't it have been easier in the first place to just say you get tested but not at the GUM clinic, or wouldn't that have had the effect you desired.

Going by other threads I wonder if you just enjoy being controversial and will say anything to that end.

You say you're a responsible adult on one post, yet on another tell us not to expect an adult response from you???

As for your continual use of the word "patronise", when no one is actually patronising you, only indicates that you have little or no idea of the meaning of the word!

why should I justify anything to you people - you already think you know it all so what's the point? The assumptions started before I even had a chance to explain so I gave up, sat back and watched the comments come flying in. And yes most of them are patronising, insisting that I should get tested and how important it is blah blah blah where all along I never even said I got tested. I don't even know why I am bothering to say anything now, it's a pointless exercise with a bunch of so called know it alls.

i didnt say i was a know it all im far from it..i was reacting to your comments stating that if sum1 uses condoms they dnt need to be tested, also you made it seem like you dont test at all and that there was something shameful about those who do. as I said before re-read what youve said. your attitude about being tested is completly wrong and you again make it sound like its not important when it is. you say you are a responsible adult but then joke about such an important topic "

Goodnight I am too tired to try and explain again. But for the record I do not use clinics, but that does not mean I do not get tested.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking.

who's backtracking? I am explaining, but have no idea why!!! I never once said I never got tested. "

... but you saw no wrong in mocking those who get tested at GUM clinics?

Testing is testing is testing, no matter where or how you get it done.

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By *els_BellsWoman  over a year ago

with the moon n stars somewhere in gtr manc

"Nope but te gum clinic does so lots of free condoms

why visit the gum clinic if you use condoms lol"

whether you go to a gum clinic or a gp, it is entirely up to you in regards to your sexual health.

I think people tried to offer advice to you with regards to the comment I quoted.

I don't feel anyone was trying to 'patronise' you in anyway shape or form, they were just offering advice.

I have found this whole thread very educational, so thank you to all posters stay safe xx

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking.

who's backtracking? I am explaining, but have no idea why!!! I never once said I never got tested. "

how is it everyone can your in the wrong apart from you

you even said you wernt going to reaply anymore but her you are an hour later still trying to justify the fact you claimed you dont need to get tested all i can say is this if we have a guy message us and your on his verifications he wont get a social meet never mind a play meet not now not ever

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

who shuts these threads? It's about time this one was closed - some people need to get a life and will only do that once this is shut for good lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking.

who's backtracking? I am explaining, but have no idea why!!! I never once said I never got tested.

how is it everyone can your in the wrong apart from you

you even said you wernt going to reaply anymore but her you are an hour later still trying to justify the fact you claimed you dont need to get tested all i can say is this if we have a guy message us and your on his verifications he wont get a social meet never mind a play meet not now not ever"

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


blimey I would never dream of visiting a gum clinic unless I thought there was a problem, not to find out if I had one!!!

I think this is the most patronising statement in the whole of this thread ......... it would seem you intended to make all responsible swingers feel bad about getting tested in a clinic?

I go to get tested not when I think there is a problem, not to find out I may have one.

I go to assure myself and others that I have no problems and my sexual health is as good as it ever was.

Yes visit the clinic if I had a problem test myself to find out if I had one - what is wrong with you people? Do you have to try and read into things that are not there every single time? Does this make you feel better about yourself or something?"

So you would only go to a clinic/get tested elsewhere if you felt you may have an STD...not just routine testing? Just trying to clarify what you are saying so as to not make assumptions

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" what is the point of trying to explain anything in these threads. It is a pointless exercise.

....so is backtracking.

who's backtracking? I am explaining, but have no idea why!!! I never once said I never got tested.

how is it everyone can your in the wrong apart from you

you even said you wernt going to reaply anymore but her you are an hour later still trying to justify the fact you claimed you dont need to get tested all i can say is this if we have a guy message us and your on his verifications he wont get a social meet never mind a play meet not now not ever"

oh go and take your do-goody attitude and stuff it where the sun don't shine. And believe you me my meets wouldn't dream of looking at you twice.

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"This is going round in circles now people."

Might be time to shut.

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