
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Taking Sophie Pt10

Taking Sophie Pt10

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago


On we go...

Thanks, as always for the comments and messages, and for the time you all spend reading this.


Links to earlier parts:

Pt 1


Pt 2


Pt 3


Pt 4


Pt 5


Pt 6


Pt 7


Pt 8


Pt 9


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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



Sophie had just taken the first long draught of a very large glass of red wine when I reached the bar.

She turned to look at me. What was that look? Regret? Remorse? Embarrassment?

All of the above?

She must have been dreading this moment. She knew that I was dead set against this meet tonight, but she'd turned a blind eye to my objections, to the risks. And for what? A guy who was probably only on the second rung of the food chain. One above the bottom-feeders.

So she must have feared that I would now be unbearably smug and condescending. That the 'I told you so's would be gushing out of my mouth.

She decided to head me off.

"OK, I know. You don't have to say it. I lied about the amount. And yes, he was a twat. OK, happy now?" She took another long gulp of her drink.

"Come and sit down." I gestured to the table she'd sat at with Rob.

She picked her bag up off the bar and, like a child summoned to the head teacher's office, she shuffled slowly over to the table.

I sat down opposite her and looked her directly in the eyes. "Was it that bad? I asked.

"Yes." She said, clearly not wanting to elaborate.

"The sex or him? Or both?"

She really didn't want to talk about it. "Look, I know you're going to have a go at me, so can we just get it over with please?"

I waited a couple of seconds, studying her face, before I answered. "I don't need to have a go at you do I? You know everything I would say. And you know it would be true."

Her head dropped. "I'm sorry... OK... I am. I know I said no more lies and secrets...but I didn't know until today... this afternoon... how much he'd bid."

I thought she was going to cry.

"I was so embarrassed," she said. "How could I tell you that was all anyone was prepared to pay to sleep with me?" She paused now. "And I thought you'd stop me going when you found out."

"I know why you lied, " I said. "I actually understand. Chances are I'd have done the same thing in your position... In the position Alex put you in."

I could see the surprise on her face. Surprise that she wasn't going to have to listen to me lecturing her about the importance of honesty. Surprise that I understood why she'd lied and wasn't mad at her.

But of course she didn't have any cause to suspect any deliberate manipulation of the alleged auction by Alex.

"I guess he tried his best," she said. "It was a nice idea...and it was pretty erotic, whatever you say... but it can't be easy to organise something like that, especially when you're in China. I suppose he did well to find anyone."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. Poor, gullible Sophie. Alex had played her and she didn't have a clue.

I bet that right then he was getting an update from Rob. Thanking him for laying on such a great night for him. He was probably feeling pretty pleased with himself.

Well at least I could apprise Sophie of the truth. Let's see how she reacted to that. And how pleased Alex was once Sophie had let him know what she thought of his latest adventure for her.

I shook my head. "You don't get it, do you Soph... this is what Alex had planned all along."

I snorted. "Do you honestly think that one hundred pounds is the most Alex could get for you in an auction? Come off it Sophie, knowing Alex he'd probably start the bidding at five times that."

I saw doubt cross her face.

"Sophie," I continued, "Alex deliberately picked Rob for you. Knowing that you wouldn't fancy him..." I held up the key card. "Alex even paid for the room in advance."

I shook my head again and very deliberately said "He set... the whole... thing... up!"

She was trying to work it out. But annoyingly still not believing me. "But... that doesn't prove anything." She said.

I snorted again. "Of course it does... don't you get it? Why would Alex pay for the room? If he was expecting someone to pay a lot of money for you, then they could pay for the hotel too. He knew you were going to get a low roller."

Another thought struck me. "And how could he have known that this would have been a suitable location for the winner of the auction? Unless he was going to choose the 'winner' and make sure they could get here."

The penny was starting to drop. "But... why would he do that?"

I shrugged "I don't know, you'll have to ask him. But if I had to guess, I'd say that he was testing you. To see how far he could push you. How obedient and compliant... and submissive you really were."

I paused. "Or maybe he just got a kick out of it. Seeing how in control he was. That he could make you do this."

I leaned forward and looked at her intently. "You do know that this was all about him... for his benefit... don't you? You do realise that this was never intended to be enjoyable or 'erotic' for you?"

She looked down. Silent. I waited. Finally she looked up. "I passed though."

"What!" I couldn't believe it. Alex had taken the piss out of her and still she thought it was all part of some game.

"I did what my Dom wanted me to do... that's my role, isn't it."

Fuck me. Was she actually getting off on this?

"Is that really how you see it?" I asked her, incredulously. "You're still sticking up for him? A few minutes ago you were dying for a drink because of what he'd made you do."

"I have to," she said, calm now she'd found her role again. "I have to do what I'm told to do."

"And that's it is it? Whatever he asks you to do, you'll do it. And be turned on by it, because you are under his control and you've been ordered to do it."

She looked me in the eyes, unflinchingly. "Yes," she said.

I couldn't believe it. Even by humiliating her, he'd apparently turned her on... according to her.

But only once she realised what he'd done.

Only once I'd explained it to her.

Done his work for him again.

"Right, I said." leaning forward again. "If you like following orders so much, here's another one for you." I held up the key card again. "Take this. You've got ten minutes. I want you back upstairs on that bed, naked, on all fours, waiting."

She looked stunned. And then she said "But... it doesn't work with you... babe... you're not my Dom." She swallowed. "That only works with him."

I narrowed my eyes. "Correction. He's Alice's Dom. Alice isn't here anymore. You're with me now... Sophie...and I think it's high time I fucked my wife."

I extended my arm, pushing the card right up to her. "You can leave the door on the latch", I said. She hesitated, then took it, along with another long drink of her wine, and silently got up and headed back to the lifts.

I sat for a couple of minutes. Going back over the things she'd said. It seemed like Alex's grip on her was vice like. I wondered what else he had in mind for her.

My phone pinged. Sophie, telling me that she was ready, no doubt.

I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a text message from an unknown number. I frowned. Almost certainly spam. I unlocked my phone and opened the message.

'Thanks for playing minder tonight. I knew you wouldn't let me down.' It was signed 'A.'


Had he really expected me to go along with her?

Had he wanted me to?

Was Sophie not the only one being played?

No. I didn't believe it. He'd found out what I'd done. From Rob, just now maybe, or maybe from Sophie. She'd had plenty of opportunities, right from when I left her alone at home to finish getting ready.

And now he was trying to make it seem like it was all part of his plan.

Well I wasn't going to let the smug bastard have it all his own way. 

I typed out a reply.

'No problem. Thanks for the room.'

Let's see what he made of that.

A minute later I got my reply.

'Well done, I'm impressed. How did you work that out?'

It was time to let him know that he wasn't quite as clever as he thought he was. I tapped out my response.

'Elementary, my dear Watson...'

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ring the number, he will be able to tell if the ring tone rings out international or not. Providing evidence to himself if he is in China or the UK still.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its official, Sophie is lost.

How Steve can touch Sophie, never mind fuck her after hearing what's just come out of her mouth, is beyond me. She's certainly not the person he thought he married. I just can't comprehend how he can still love her.

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By *ikingpairCouple  over a year ago


Go Steve.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Enthralling. just can't put this book down. Except you can't turn to the last pages to see how it all ends! I wonder what this cast of characters will be doing when get to Part 99?

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By *an79Man  over a year ago


Is that a bird?

Is that a plane?

No, it seems to be a set of balls growing out of Stevie Boy.

We're a far way off redemption but at least we're in the right direction.

I noticed folk suggesting he get rid of Sophie, which I'm not in disagreement with.

However, in the same advice, they've spoken of him hooking up with Victoria.

Going back to the beginning, this has been Stevie Boy's problem. He hasn't actually done anything for himself. As long as that's the case he's still a puppet.

Remember when Sophie came home and was surprised to see Hannah in her marital bed? Her reaction? Well that was watered down because she knew about Hannah.

So imagine if she now came home and there was someone completely different, someone she didn't have a clue about. I don't think she would be so relaxed.

I see the balls growing, but how big will they get is the question?

Beautiful work OP.

I think I've felt every possible emotion going with this thread.

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By *ex1Man  over a year ago

Beccles on the river

Great storey. I am still convinced Victoria and Alex are in this together. Alex lives not far away, how else would he had know about the the big cock man.

It will be interesting if Steve makes love to Sophie or just fucks her. I think make love and start the re claim.

Readers should read A cuckholds storey and read what Paul and Angela got from David. People might understand what been going through Steve’s mind.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 29/02/20 08:57:36]

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


Agree with comment I think Victoria is in on it all. She was the one who suggested he went with her.

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


Good twist again op, I detest Alex so I'm glad Steve is stepping up a bit

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By *ickymac52Man  over a year ago


"Great storey. I am still convinced Victoria and Alex are in this together. Alex lives not far away, how else would he had know about the the big cock man.

It will be interesting if Steve makes love to Sophie or just fucks her. I think make love and start the re claim.

Readers should read A cuckholds storey and read what Paul and Angela got from David. People might understand what been going through Steve’s mind. "

You are comparing apples and oranges there. Steve has never shown any desire to be a cuck. He has been forced into the situation. He is trying, (and failing to win his wife back).

As far as reclaiming sophie, thats not going to work either. While she says that Alice and sophie are two different people/personalities, I dont think she is actually able to carry it off, hence all the lies and embarrassment.

I also think Steve is deluded if he thinks he can play games with Alex, alex seems to be a nstural at it and has plenty of experience, steve is always playing catchup.He is in a no win situation no matter what he does. Even if sophie gives up alex and the lifestyle, he can never trust her again, she has proven to good at and too willing to lie to his face.

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


I think Victoria has been under Alex control all the time and feeding Steve with information to send in one way

She was probably not available for this evening

Then putting into Steve head to go with Sophie but also saying that she was always available.

Could Alex or others already in the room for round two and Steve just sent her up to them giving Alex a upper hand and his planned this all along

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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


Maybe Steve should leave her there naked and waiting? Or even find someone else to go fuck her?

Excellent writing OP. Really keeping us invested in the characters

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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


Get up to that room and fuck your wife

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By *ifunlover69Man  over a year ago


Every time ... I love it!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think alex is trying to make fools out of all 3 of them and now steve is just starting to kick back he doesnt like it xx

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By *enbobjimMan  over a year ago


She’s still waiting

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By *om6047Man  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Get out now Steve

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Great update

Nice to Steve thinking abit more and taking more control than just going with the flow

He’s becoming less emotional to his feelings of the situation in general over Alice, thinking more straight with a better grip to take more control and fight back

Very interesting turnaround for Alex with Steve taking his own initiative, so is less predictive on how he will react

An unco-operating person could be dangerous to Alex games and just after humiliation for her he must be worried as there’s a fine line he can get through to Sophie to break the hold mmm

How can alex tip the balance?? Will Steve get through to her or will Alex have some more games for Steve to keep him busy, or will he threaten some exposure in the local areas to gain control with both Steve and Sophie

Why has vic been un available for Steve and what’s up with her, is the fact Steve lost her affectionate advances and missing the fact she’s falling for him,

As her affections grow, she wants something

Better for Steve and does not like him being dis respected and walked all over and Steve has been more humiliated than Sophie and she’s Sophie going far beyond anything she did or was prepared to do under ownership.

Maybe it has already damaged her previous relationship and was left to start again with nothing

She does not want this for Steve and not want to see him go through any pain that’s unnecessary for him in the games and lies that’s to come

Great comments from you all, folks

Need the next great update

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Bet your all wanting to read Alice blog

Her feelings and updates from them last couple of meets

Her feeling s and what Alex had arranged

What about and advance post about another meet

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By *arrietv4uTV/TS  over a year ago


LOL, This is the first time I've been in a book club on a swingers site

Brilliant story - keep up the good work

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By *arc5t5Man  over a year ago


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By *1sexypairCouple  over a year ago


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By *overOral0Man  over a year ago

Nr Cheltenham

This story should be published

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



The brief interaction with Alex had riled me and I knew I had to calm down.

I wasn't planning on making love to Sophie. I was going to fuck her. Hard. But I didn't want to have angry sex with her. I didn't want to take it out on her and do something I'd regret.

I looked at the time on my phone. I had around five minutes before I needed to move. Five minutes to forget about Alex and his latest annoying stunt.

I looked around the bar, and the hotel lobby area beyond. There were a few people milling around. By the look of it there was a wedding party going on, and there was a steady stream of guests moving back and forth from the lifts.

There were also a few souls, mainly couples and small groups, who looked as though they had escaped the party noise for a quieter drink in the bar.

One such group, stood by the bar, was a party of four guys, roughly my age, I reckoned. I watched them, all with pints in their hands, enjoying a bit of banter and occasionally laughing out loud.

For a moment I thought about Sophie, supposedly naked and waiting on all fours upstairs. I wondered what she'd think if I walked into the room with those four in tow.

"There you go Sophie. You wanted to be a slut, well go for your life..."

I will admit there was a temptation there. She'd already been whored out to one cock tonight. Why not give her another four? Give her a proper seeing to...

All I could think of was her cunt. Wet and red and gaping after being thoroughly used.

I suspected she would love it. Whether she was Sophie or Alice. Whether it was me providing it or Alex.

I don't know if it was uncertainty about whether I really wanted that for Sophie that prevented me from acting on those thoughts. Or whether it was uncertainty about how those guys would react if I suddenly walked over and offered them my wife.

Either way, I shook my head free of the idea and set off, back to the room Alex had so kindly provided.

When I got there I pushed at the closed door and it swung open. Some lights were on inside, but not the main ceiling light, so the room was quite dimly lit. It already smelt of sex. That musky mixture of sweat, warm pussy, spunk and condoms.

Sophie was exactly where I'd told her to be. Exactly how I'd told her to be. She turned her head to look over her shoulder, trying to check that it was indeed me who'd just walked into the unlocked room. But she wasn't able to twist her head far enough.

"It's me," I said, to reassure her. "No need to turn around." And with that she turned her head back to the front and, lowering it, rested it on her hands.

She knew that I was just going to fuck her and she was ready for me.

She looked amazing. As always. My perfect treasure. But oh, how she'd been despoiled these past few weeks. I thought about how many cocks had now been in her pussy,  which had previously known only mine.

I was starting to lose count. Was it four? Alex, Gerald, the unknown guy in the club and now Rob. No. I'd forgotten about Marcus. It was five. Six if you included Judith's strap-on.

And I'd briefly considered taking it up to ten.

But six was enough. She needed to be reclaimed.

I slipped my shoes off and bent to tug my socks off too. Then I dropped my trousers and trunks, but I left my t-shirt. We weren't about to work our way through a range of positions. In fact Sophie wasn't even going to see me.

I stepped closer to her and reached underneath her, between her legs, and cupped her pussy. It was hot. Fucked. I curled my middle finger up and slipped it inside her. She was still very wet and I added my index finger into her hole.

I slid them in and out of her, causing her to emit a quiet moan. "Looks like you've been well fucked tonight already..." I said. "Even if you haven't been fucked well."

And with that I withdrew my fingers and pushed my cock straight into her, causing her to gasp and cry out with surprise.

"Is this what it felt like?" I asked her. "To have his cock inside you."

She didn't respond. So I thrust firmer against her and repeated the question. "Is it?"

"Yes," she half gasped, half moaned in reply.

"Did he fuck you like this?"

She just nodded her head.

"Did Alex fuck you like this?"

"Yes!" Again she gasped the response.

"And Gerald? Did you take his big fat cock this way?"

"Ah," she cried out, presumably as the memory of the huge cock filling her came flooding back. "Yes!"

I was fucking her hard on each thrust now, but still relatively slowly. I didn't want to bring myself off in her yet.

"And what about Judith and her strap-on? Did she do you doggy?"

"Oh God!" she moaned.

"You like thinking about that do you? How another woman used your cunt like this."

"Ah... Yes!... fuck!" Sophie's head was now buried in the duvet, her hands grabbing it tightly.

"Did you like it when they fucked you?"



"YES!" She almost shouted it.

I placed my middle finger in my mouth and closed my lips around it. It tasted of Sophie, but that's not why I did it. I wanted to wet it.

I pulled it out of my mouth and pushed it into her arse.

Now her head shot up and she jolted with the surprise and the pain.

"And you've had cock in here haven't you" It wasn't a question.

"Ahhh... Yesss!"

"Did you like it? Did you like feeling a hard cock in your arse. Filling it and stretching it?"

"Fuck!... Yes!... I loved iiiit..."

"Whose cock have you had in here?" I was still thrusting hard. Still to a steady, measured rhythm.

"Alex!" It was all she could say.

"Who else?"

"No... body!"

I pulled my cock out of her pussy and pushed it firmly and unceremoniously into my wife's arse for the first time ever.

"Who else?" I repeated the question.

"...You!!" she cried.

"And do you like it now? Do you like having my cock in your arse?" I started to fuck it.

"mmmmnnnnfff... Yeeessss!"

She was panting hard and groaning as I fucked her extra tight hole without lube, just like I had to Victoria, the first time I had her, when I still knew her as Hannah.

Having anal sex with Sophie was surreal. And amazing. I'd wanted it for so long and she'd always said no. But Alex had broken this particular door down and now anal was firmly on her menu.

Her arse felt wonderful, it was so tight around my cock that I knew I wouldn't last long if I kept fucking her like this.

I slowed my pace. And then I leaned forward and grabbed a handful of her hair with my right hand. And pulled.

As I pulled her back she pushed herself up to lessen the tension, and the pain. But she still cried out.

I pulled her back so that she was kneeling upright, her bum  still impaled on my cock. I tightened my grip, causing her to cry out again.

"Is this you now?" I muttered quietly into her right ear. "Is this what you like now?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed, breathless.

"And this?" My left hand moved across her left breast to her nipple and twisted it.

"Ah... Fuck!... Yes!"

I twisted it harder.

She pushed her head back hard, pushing my hand back. "Ahhhhh..." She cried out. In pain and in pleasure.

I released her from both my hands and pushed her. She collapsed forward onto the bed.

I took her hips in my hands and started to fuck her arse again. Still hard, but faster now. I wanted to cum deep in her.

It only took a couple of minutes. I felt myself start to build and suddenly it was rushing over me. I steadied myself against her hips as spurt after spurt of spunk emptied into her.

Sophie moaned in pleasure at the feeling of my cum unloading inside her.

When it was over I pulled out of her and wiped my cock on her bum cheek as she lay there gasping. Her back trembling.

I dressed my lower half and told Sophie that she could clean herself up, even have a shower if she wanted. I would wait in the bar again.

She somewhat meekly said that actually she would like to have a quick shower because the eleven o'clock deadline I'd imposed earlier meant that she hadn't had a chance to shower after Rob had fucked her.

I did toy with the idea of staying overnight at the hotel, but Sophie was working the next day, Saturday, so it would have meant a really early start to get home in time for her to go to work.

The bar was closed when I got back downstairs, but I just wanted somewhere to sit and wait and reflect on the events of the night.

Sophie was twenty minutes having a quick shower and by 1am we were in the car heading home.

The return journey was even quieter than the first. Sophie was tired and closed her eyes. I drove with the radio on low, as something to listen to and keep me awake, more than anything.

When we got home we went straight upstairs. We carried out our usual bedtime routines, and were soon lying in bed, our backs to each other, as normal.

I said goodnight to Sophie and told her that I loved her, like I did every night.

I felt her turning over. "Do you?" She whispered. "Do you still love me?"

"Yes, Sophie. I do." I closed my eyes, dog tired and dying to sleep.

A few seconds later I felt Sophie snuggle up to me, putting her arm around me.

"I did enjoy that," she said. "The things you said to me... the  way you fucked me... that can be how we do it ... if you want to... I'd like you to fuck me like that again."

She held me tighter and buried her head between my shoulders, "But will you promise me you'll still make love to me too?"

She paused for a couple of seconds. "It doesn't matter what things anyone else does... you're the only one who will ever make love to me..."

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Surely not a happy every after ending around the corner? More twists and turns to follow maybe? Fantastic reading, as always.

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By *abrina59TV/TS  over a year ago

moved to cuckold land

Mmmmmmmmm a thaw?

Does Sophie now realise she wants save the marriage

Wonderful again Steve

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By *ickymac52Man  over a year ago


Ah thats lovely until of course Alex gives her new orders, and she starts lying again, or steve is revolted by her next task. Funny though how he hasn't asked her for a health check after all the unprotected sex she has had. Wife or not I wouldnt touch her with a barge pole until I was sure she was safe.

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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


Mmm interesting

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Maybe after Alex just humiliated her she is reflecting on her lifestyle, and with Steve still accepting her she sees she still has the chance to save the marriage and away to keep Steve happy

Steve is now more adventurous with her and they have some new experiences to explore and play together in her eyes,

But the trust and lies and humiliation Steve has been put throughout her journey and relationship will be put to the test when they have a argument in the course of a relationship

Then and only then, that’s when the mud slinging starts, that’s when we really see how well seated the state of the marriage actually is

Especially when there’s a third party having a great input in your wife s life and more importantly still controlling your wife’s sexuality and sexual exploit s, even to the point of treating her as a price of meat, a commodity to be shared around and paid for,

It’s only been a couple of hours since the auction, so the reality of what’s happened has not fully sank in, once your quite and the dust settles and you have more time to reflect, thoughts and feelings and grudges can grow,

Will Alex now change tactics with Steve to pull him inline, and communicate with Sophie differently and ask her not to update website so the less information going around will make it harder for him to spoil his plans

Will he order her to say she carnt communicate with her husband about the meets as it will spoil the overall experience and plan s for her training, so she gets less out of the owned experiences

Ok Alex I’ll do that, I have to obey you

I want you to push my boundaries and have the full experience, bye bye Steve

Then back again to no respect, lies chasing Alex wishes over there marriage and trust being tested to the limit

For this Ownership to work properly within the marriage, Steve to has to get something to out of it on a regular basis ie feelings and trust in Alex and have a close open friendship with him, but most of all he must respect them as a couple and show reassurance and respect

Something sadly missing for this to work

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By *nicatorMan  over a year ago

2 towns over


She paused for a couple of seconds. "It doesn't matter what things anyone else does... you're the only one who will ever make love to me...


Except Alex will continue to pick away at her resolve. First it was her fidelity, then her arse, followed by her sexuality and most recent of all her standards.

Alex plays the perfect bad cop and right now Steve is acting as the good guy. That will be the next target for Alex. He will reward Sophie's hard work with someone nice. Rather than one off meets he can be a regular playmate. Someone she can grow to trust and confide in but ultimately someone who isn't Steve. That way Alex will have complete control over all aspects. As he pushes Sophie's limits she will seek solace with Alex's agent and grow even more distant from Steve.

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By *ignbeardyMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


He will always love you

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa


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By *un Bi couple yorkshireCouple  over a year ago


Twists and turns xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Steve may still love her but we think there is doubt in his mind xx

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By *eajayTV/TS  over a year ago

Tamar Valley

Wonderful plot, it gets better and better. Steve has done the right thing in reclaiming Sophie in the way he did, she’s admitted she loves him and the rest is sex.... she’s even said she liked it rough with him and he’s taken her ass which he’s never done previously!! I think the relationship with Alex will develop further for both Steve and Sophie; Steve will now ( hopefully) assert more influence on Sophie’s meets and Sophie will ( hopefully) be more honest with Steve.... my alarm is set for 0730 for the next instalment, thank you op xxxxx

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *anna ViolaneTV/TS  over a year ago

South East

"Wonderful plot, it gets better and better. Steve has done the right thing in reclaiming Sophie in the way he did, she’s admitted she loves him and the rest is sex.... she’s even said she liked it rough with him and he’s taken her ass which he’s never done previously!! I think the relationship with Alex will develop further for both Steve and Sophie; Steve will now ( hopefully) assert more influence on Sophie’s meets and Sophie will ( hopefully) be more honest with Steve.... my alarm is set for 0730 for the next instalment, thank you op xxxxx"
I agree with Beajay above definitely. This is one of those stories you just so wish were true! its that good OP

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By *antsguy007Man  over a year ago


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By *ongbowmanMan  over a year ago


interesting break point and a welcome softening from her bravo OP keep up the amazing work!!

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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *wFunGuy4YouMan  over a year ago


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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



Sophie's alarm went off early Saturday morning and she somehow managed to drag her knackered ass out of bed.

I remained buried under the bedclothes, doing my best to block out the noise of her morning routine.

Before she headed downstairs, she pulled the duvet back a little and gave me a kiss on the forehead ."Have a good day lazybones," She said, "I'll see you around six. Are we still going to that new Italian?"

With all the furore over her meet the night before, I'd completely forgotten about booking us a table for Saturday night.

I mumbled "yes," hoping that they would still have availability, and made a mental note to check as soon as I got up.

I heard Sophie leaving for work about twenty minutes later, which left me about 40 minutes of my lie in, before my own alarm went off at nine.

I had decided not to waste my day. And I was going to start with a visit to the gym. But now I decided that I was too tired from the night before. I managed to convince myself that exercising in that condition was likely to lead to me injuring myself and, satisfied with that, I sat down instead to a large bowl of granola and a coffee in a giant Sports Direct mug.

I unlocked my phone and looked on Google for the restaurant Sophie wanted to go to. I found it and tapped to visit their website. It was going to be too early to phone them, but I could get their number and check out the menu.

But then I saw that they offered an online table reservation service. I wasn't expecting them to be able to fit us in at such short notice, especially as they would still be enjoying that boom that just-opened restaurants often experience. But I got lucky. They did have a table for two at eight o'clock. That would give Sophie plenty of time to both chill and change when she got home.

So what could I do with the rest of my day? One thought immediately sprang to mind. In fact I think it was there before I even asked myself the question. I wanted to see Victoria. Not for sex. I was on a promise with Sophie and wanted to keep my powder dry. But I did still want to see her.

I messaged her, wondering if she would even be up yet.

'Hi sexy x'

'Just wondered if you fancied lunch?'

'I know you weren't sure about meeting like this, but I think I owe you after Wednesday night. And after your advice yesterday. So I thought maybe I could buy you a combined sorry/thank you present?'

It took her an hour to reply.

'Hiya xx'

'I take it things worked out OK last night then?'

'And yes, lunch would be lovely. And a pressie '

'What are you buying me?'

What was I buying her? The problem is my mind never strayed far from sex where she was concerned. I typed my own reply.

'Yes, last night was good... In the end. I'll explain when I see you.'

'How about some nice lingerie?'

Her reply was swift.

'I think that would be a present for you, not me LOL'

'It's a start though...'

'Look forward to hearing all about it.'

To be fair it probably was a present for me when I thought about it.

'OK, pick you up at 12?'

She sent me a thumbs up in reply, followed by a final message.

'perfect xx'

I finished my breakfast, played around with my phone for a bit, browsing my timeline on twitter and reading a few articles on the BBC News and Guardian apps, and then finally showered and dressed.

I parked up, just down the road from Victoria's parents' house, a couple of minutes before twelve and, astonishingly, she turned up bang on time. I asked her if she was feeling alright, but she didn't pick up on the joke.

She was wearing leggings and a baggy, v-neck t-shirt, which she'd knotted at the front, exposing a little of her midriff. It was all I could do to keep my hands to myself. But I told myself, firmly, that this wasn't a meet for sex.

We ate a little café in one of the outlying areas of the town. Victoria was eager to hear about the events of Friday night. She sat playing with her day collar, the Celtic knot necklace I'd bought her, as she asked me what had happened.

I told her that I had indeed gone with Sophie, as she'd suggested, and Victoria guessed, rightly, that it had gone down like a lead balloon with Sophie when I told her.

She asked how much Sophie had been bought for. I told her about Sophie's lie and how much she had really gone for, and she too understood why Sophie had done what she'd done. And she too said that she would have done the same thing in Sophie's position.

Then I told her my theory about why Sophie had only attracted such a low 'winning' bid. I told her about Rob, and how unsuitable he was for Sophie, and how I found out that Alex had paid for the hotel. And how Sophie had ultimately been turned on by being used by her Dom like that.

"No way!" Victoria said. "So it wasn't really an auction at all?"

"No, I don't think so. It was all just a way for Alex to test Sophie, to see if she would fuck anybody for him."

Victoria frowned. "But why go to all that bother? Why not just send her to this Rob fella?"

"I've thought about that. I think it's because that had more risk of Sophie getting pissed off with him. Possibly so much that she wouldn't do it... If she thought he'd deliberately set her up with this guy, I mean."

She nodded. "Yeah, I suppose. And I suppose the idea that he'd auctioned her off was pretty hot... It was a way of keeping things exciting for her too and showing her that she could be publicly under his control... on the scene, at least."

I hadn't considered that last part. But it made sense.

I hadn't considered what Victoria said next, either.

"So now he probably thinks that he can send her to anyone. I wonder what he'll do next with her?"

I realised that I hadn't thought that far. And that I hadn't been looking at the bigger picture as far as this series of meets was concerned.

Alex had really tested her while he was away, and she'd done everything asked of her. He would be back very soon now and probably itching to do more things with her himself.

He'd probably think she was ready for anything now. Fully compliant and obedient. Ready to be launched properly onto 'The Scene' as his new submissive slut...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Thank heaven for Victoria or Steve would be more useless than he is

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


But it's Victoria telling Steve, not Steve thinking for himself

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If you read into how these 2 are talking about sophie its starting to sound like they now think of her as the submissive slut and the cheep whoar xx on the other side steve does need to ask Victoria what she was up to last night xx

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By *abrina59TV/TS  over a year ago

moved to cuckold land

In a simple chat installment he still manages make us have so many different thoughts about the situation

Just so well written

Not a 'who dunit'

But who will do what lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


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By *antsguy007Man  over a year ago


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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

Yes what was Victoria up to?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What I wonder is why when Steve had this time to pass away this morning why he did not look at her blog? All the stuff she has been up to the last 2 weeks and Steve is not curious enough to read it?

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By *panker78Couple  over a year ago


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By *wansea gangbang clubCouple (MM)  over a year ago


He has to look at the blog now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ongbowmanMan  over a year ago


he wouldnt make a good chess player not looking ahead

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Yes cat got the cream for sure

Tasks completed humiliation and lies to make and carry out Alex wishes, whilst away so we think or told, or just more lies and games to keep the boundaries between Alex and Sophie so to speak, keep his involvement to a minimum of it goes pear shaped more like

You carnt win by playing by Alex rules Steve, need to play your own to win and also look at the big picture of his own personal life

What does he want, where is it heading, who does he really want and why,

That will then shape his game plan to make it happen !!!

Save his marriage or relationship with vic or just put it on the line now

As Sophie has no personal boundaries or morals for her master Steve needs to ask the big question

Is our marriage and relationship more important “Sophie” than your sexual fantasies of pleasing someone else!! Alex

Do you want to live and love share and explore your sexuality together or not

You say you love me “Sophie” Please make your your mind me or him

Our marriage or single life forward from here

I have shown you Sophie I love you by allowing this to get this far and shown commitment to you

It’s your turn to show your love for me

We explore together I’m your owner and have boundaries within our marriage and relationship

Or the alternative is you stick with Alex and I walk away ( that’s if he wants Sophie over vic)

He needs to sort his head and see where vic is in his life too, for both vic and him

Read her blogs Steve for more clues and copy it for the fight of his marriage and safe guard his future for both him and Sophie

Steve missed a big opportunity at the hotel for a receipt that would have given him more information to fight back with at the right time

As well as Alex full name, would of had address phone number s even company name to find more about Alex and his background

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



We finished our lunch then headed off to do some shopping.

First on our list was the lingerie that I'd suggested. She had 'reluctantly' relented and agreed to let me buy her something.

I wasn't thinking about anything erotic, just something classy and sexy. I told her that I wasn't necessarily even thinking about something she could wear with me, just something that she could feel good in, even just to go to work in. So Victoria suggested Marks as the best place to go.

And having said all that, I still had a hard on walking around the lingerie section with her. It was just impossible not to think about her wearing the various sets and how amazing she would look in them.

After walking round for about half an hour, I suspect to tease me with all the possibilities, Victoria eventually decided on a silk push-up balcony bra. It was lilac with a design incorporating pictures of small violets on the cups and a violet lace trim. It was very pretty and she chose a matching set of Brazilian briefs to go with it.

But she'd also lingered over another set, this one a little sexier, and I 'persuaded' her to let me buy that for her too. The set was black, with nude panels embroidered with love hearts. She chose a similar style bra, and this time chose a thong to go with it. She also took the matching suspender belt.

She grinned mischievously as she picked the last item off the rail and said that perhaps she might let me see her in these... if I was lucky.

After that we walked down to the retail park. I'd asked her what she wanted as her other present over lunch; the one that wasn't 'for me'. She'd said that there was a lovely pair of ankle boots in New Look, so I'd said that she could have a pair of those, assuming they had her size.

It was lovely walking around with her, just doing something 'normal', even though the lingerie she'd chosen prevented it from being mundane. It actually felt exciting. Thrilling even. Probably because shopping with a woman for the first time wasn't something I could really ever remember doing. Sophie and I had just sort of grown into it as we'd got older.

Victoria found the boots she wanted and after that we just walked around, browsing for a bit. She bought herself some make up in Boots, refusing to let me pay, laughing and saying that she wasn't looking for a sugar daddy. My credit card heaved a sigh of relief at the news.

I did wonder whether I should hold her hand. I really wanted to, but I wasn't sure if she wanted me to. Whether it might signal a change in our relationship, taking it into different waters.

I was mindful of what she'd said about being with me under these circumstances the day before, and also what she'd said about Sophie not looking for a poly relationship. I might have had room in my life for two lovers, but I didn't think that there was room for two romantic relationships.

Even so it was very hard not to take her hand, because it seemed like the natural thing for me to do.

And because I really wanted to...

After shopping for a while longer, I was dying for a coffee, so we walked over to Starbucks and managed to get a table for two right in the corner.

I thought about what Victoria had said earlier, about what Alex would do next with Sophie. As well as making me realise that Alex might be about to open Sophie up to a lot more meets and new experiences, it had also made me think about what Victoria and I were doing. That maybe it was time for us to broaden our horizons a little.

We'd had a few meets now, either at my house or at the travelodge. But we'd talked about going to clubs together and having meets with others together. We'd started that with Vanessa, but Victoria had made it clear that she wasn't ever going to be monogamous with one cock. So she was possibly starting to wonder when she might be able to play with other guys too.

"I think we should make some plans now," I said. "Instead of just reacting all the time to what Sophie and Alex are doing. I think we should think about what we want to do and plan how and when we are going to do them."

She smiled at me over her coffee cup.

"I was just thinking the same thing," she said, "Did you have anything in mind?"

I didn't really, nothing specific anyway, beyond suggesting that we could visit a club. I thought it would be good to arrange meets together too, but to be honest I wasn't sure how easy that would be. I guessed that we would need to use a website like the one Alex used to arrange meets for Sophie... Alice.

Victoria beamed at the idea of me taking her to a club and told me about a few she'd been to with Alex. She said that she knew the best ones to go to, if I was happy with that, of course.

Naturally I was.

When I mentioned arranging meets outside clubs, she said that the website Alex used was definitely the best option for that, and that it had a section on clubs too. She said that we could set up a profile as a couple, although we couldn't do that until we had some photos to prove that we were real.

"Maybe we could do it the next time we're together?" she said, meaning the next time we fucked. She rubbed my leg with her foot under the table. "When will that be Master?"

I thought about it. I was with Sophie that night and tomorrow, Sunday, was the day I'd declared 'sacred' to our marriage. But beyond that any night was fine.

Then I thought about Alex coming back from China. I didn't know when that was exactly, but the two weeks were up, so it should be any day now. I knew he would want to see Sophie as soon as he could.

I had the same problem as before. I didn't want my time with Victoria to be dictated by Alex and Sophie, but it was so much easier, and nicer, meeting her at mine rather than a hotel.

But I couldn't say to her that I would let her know once I knew what Sophie was doing. So I just thought sod it...

"How about Tuesday? Either at mine or the hotel? I'm not sure where Sophie will be, so we could play that part by ear?"

I thought that was an OK compromise and Victoria didn't seem to mind.

So that was a date. Tuesday night with Victoria, whatever Sophie was doing. Drinks, sex and setting up a couple profile so we could really start to swing...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Mm nice

Now this seems like a nice open swinging relationship that would work and have a great future

For me “Steve” choose a future with Victoria

“The Sophie boat has already sailed!!

Want a meaningful relationship life and future, Vics the one to settle down with, no humiliation there !! No additional person pulling the strings and pulling your relationship apart or making you ! the laughing stock in the local area to everyone that lives around you, more Importantly with your neighbours

What’s next, fuck they neighbours so eveytime you a walk out the door on either side, you know they take your wife and been done without your consent or involvement

That would be another hard ?? pill to swallow especially with king knob Gerald round the corner!!

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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Mm nice

Now this seems like a nice open swinging relationship that would work and have a great future

For me “Steve” choose a future with Victoria

“The Sophie boat has already sailed!!

Want a meaningful relationship life and future, Vics the one to settle down with, no humiliation there !! No additional person pulling the strings and pulling your relationship apart or making you ! the laughing stock in the local area to everyone that lives around you, more Importantly with your neighbours

What’s next, fuck they neighbours so eveytime you a walk out the door on either side, you know they take your wife and been done without your consent or involvement

That would be another hard ?? pill to swallow especially with king knob Gerald round the corner!!"

We think much the same esp as they've just walked round shopping together with steve enjoying being there with Victoria xx sitting planning a COUPLES profile xx

Not be too long before steve cant take any more of sophies lies and humiliation xx

What will the first line of there profile be xx "" we are a couple, very much in love ""

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


"Mm nice

Now this seems like a nice open swinging relationship that would work and have a great future

For me “Steve” choose a future with Victoria

“The Sophie boat has already sailed!!

Want a meaningful relationship life and future, Vics the one to settle down with, no humiliation there !! No additional person pulling the strings and pulling your relationship apart or making you ! the laughing stock in the local area to everyone that lives around you, more Importantly with your neighbours

What’s next, fuck they neighbours so eveytime you a walk out the door on either side, you know they take your wife and been done without your consent or involvement

That would be another hard ?? pill to swallow especially with king knob Gerald round the corner!!"

Well if Steve and Victoria are going to go to clubs there are going to meet Alex there and posably with other subs or Sophie.

But me having mind to work up Sophie I would arrange a party for Sophie with Victoria help how she meet and ones she going to meet with others and arrange a orgy to gangbang for here depending on the number of ladies there.

Steve is the master of Sophie that night and that he can arrange a night for here. Ladies and men. And to get thing off to a start Victoria and Sophie put on a bi show and after a short time get every one to join in.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What's the betting that the weekend is already destroyed. I'm betting Sophie cancels sunday plans as Alex is demanding to see her or she doesnt get of her phone constantly talking to alex therefore ruining the sacred marriage time together. Waiting for alex to control when and if sophie is allowed to fuck her husband.

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


"What's the betting that the weekend is already destroyed. I'm betting Sophie cancels sunday plans as Alex is demanding to see her or she doesnt get of her phone constantly talking to alex therefore ruining the sacred marriage time together. Waiting for alex to control when and if sophie is allowed to fuck her husband. "

Yeah that’s on Alex cards already I ber

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


"What's the betting that the weekend is already destroyed. I'm betting Sophie cancels sunday plans as Alex is demanding to see her or she doesnt get of her phone constantly talking to alex therefore ruining the sacred marriage time together. Waiting for alex to control when and if sophie is allowed to fuck her husband.

Yeah that’s on Alex cards already I ber"

Steve needs to get there first

Alice can be sub to alex, but that Sophie is not Alice with Steve and is sub to Steve could go ferther

Sophie has master Steve and misstres Victoria and sub to them.

This dose need to no that Victoria is no longer sub to alex

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


Going to be a good profile and meets

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This story is briliant. In my opinion Victoria keeps in touch with Alex and fallows his orders. I dont think he did let her go that easy, he likes the power that he has on them.

Anyway like someone sayed Alex will interfere on their sacred sunday and Sophie will keep lying to Steve.

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago



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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


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By *antsguy007Man  over a year ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


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By *leopatra 64Couple  over a year ago


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By *an79Man  over a year ago


Stevie Boy is so Pussy whipped, it's so painful.

So Vic just told him that Alex could basically plan worse stuff for Sophie.


Let's go shopping and get hard ones in M & S. This is not a Pussy Whipped Adolescent, this is an M & S Pussy Whipped Adolescent.

WTF!?! Maybe I'm looking at this scenario in a too simplistic way, but the obvious this to do given the set up, is to ask Vic to expand on that seeing as she's been there before.

Read the bloody blog for crying out loud. Knowledge is power and our Stevie Boy needs every bit of help he can get.

Our Stevie Boy is the biggest joke ever, even his plan to meet Vic is reactive to Alex.

I was premature in an earlier review thinking that he grown a pair. Must've been a couple of pimples

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



I took Victoria and her shopping home after we finished in Starbucks. I tried to get her to promise to wear the new black lingerie set on Tuesday night, but she left me saying that I would just have to wait and see.

It was strange driving home. I'd had a great time with Victoria and I'd hated having to take her home. It didn't feel like the right thing to do somehow. The day was still young and there was so much more we could do.

I felt like I was betraying Sophie thinking like that. I was really excited for the night ahead with her. I just wished it could have been another night.

I knew I was wanting to have my cake and eat it. But so what?

I told myself to snap out of it and put my afternoon with Victoria out of my mind. It had been exciting because it was new, and in many ways a fantasy situation. But Sophie was reality and I was the one who had made a big fuss about us having a date night once a week.

I got home around quarter past four. I put Soccer Saturday on the telly but had nothing to do for a couple of hours until Sophie got in.

Looking for something to do I checked Sophie's blog, but there was still nothing new there. I didn't know why I thought there would be. As of yesterday afternoon, when I'd last checked, she hadn't published anything new since her post about Gerald.

I'd thought she might have written something when she was off on Thursday, following her meet with Marcus and Judith on Wednesday night. But for some reason she hadn't. Or at least she hadn't published it.

And if she hadn't written it on Thursday, then she hadn't had time to write it since.

Whilst it was too soon to expect her to have written anything about last night with Rob,  I thought there was just an outside chance that she did have something about her roleplay threesome written, and had just been sitting on it before posting it at some point today, like over breakfast this morning, or in her lunch hour maybe.

But she hadn't. I wondered why. Did she not want to? Was she being bratty, like Victoria had been when Alex gave her a blog to write? Or had she been told not to? But there was no reason I could think of why Alex would tell her to stop.

I guessed she either hadn't felt like doing it, or couldn't think of how to write it to her satisfaction.

With nothing to read there, I just lounged on the sofa, watching the updates on the football and thinking about Victoria's bum in that black thong.

When Sophie came home I made her a coffee while she took my place on the sofa, and then I sat with her feet in my lap, massaging them while she told me about the wrong delivery she'd had to deal with.

Sophie went upstairs to change first. She was going to take a lot longer than I was, although the effort was always worth it with her.

Finally, at around twenty past seven, I decided that I'd better get changed too, as we had a taxi coming for quarter to eight.

I walked into the bedroom and Sophie was just rolling a stocking up her leg. But what really caught my eye was the flash of movement on her phone screen, beside her on the bed, as it went back to sleep. So it had been on, meaning Sophie was using it and had just put it down. Hurriedly? When she heard me heard me coming upstairs? Quickly pretending instead to just be putting stockings on.

Or was I jumping to the wrong conclusion? Maybe she'd just been messaging Anna to tell her that we were following her advice and going to the new restaurant.

I had to trust her... didn't I...

"Ah, I didn't want you to see that I was wearing these just yet babe." she said. She smiled. "I wanted to surprise you when I was ready."

She was wearing her favourite green underwear and even though she hadn't finished getting her stockings on and clipping the suspenders onto them, she already looked stunning.

Stockings finally in place, she stood up and twirled for me, then stood with her hands on the front of her hips, her right leg bent and on tip toe to make the pose more provocative.

"What do you think?" she asked me.

"You're not wearing any panties." I observed, although I knew it wasn't an oversight on her part.

"Do I need them?" The look she gave me was both innocent and filthy at the same time.

I decided that I was definitely on a promise and guessed that I might not need to wait until we got home for it to be at least partially fulfilled.

But as I took a few steps towards Sophie, to take her in my arms and, yes, doubtless to let my hands wander a little, she held out her own hands to stop me.

"Uh, uh, not now cowboy. You'll have to control yourself." She'd lost the innocent part of the look. "I just want you to be with me all night, knowing that I don't have any knicks on. Knowing that underneath I'm vulnerable and open... And maybe have you wondering if the very short dress I put on was a good idea..."

Once again this was a new Sophie. I didn't think the old version would have done anything like this. Definitely not without asking me what I thought first; If I was OK with it. This Sophie was just going to do it.

Was she that confident that I would be turned on by it? That sure of herself?

If she was, she was right. I was hugely turned on by it. Knowing that her pussy was bare under her dress all night was going to drive me to distraction. And how close was she going to get to revealing herself to anyone else? Deliberately or otherwise.

I would be constantly watching to see what she was doing. Who else might be around to get a hint, or more, of what she'd done.

All the while knowing that I was the one taking her home afterwards and that sweet, tantalising fruit was going to be all mine.

It was like a spell she cast over me. My earlier melancholy was forgotten. I had no thoughts other than taking my wife out for some sexy, flirty fun, and then bringing her home again to fuck her.

I got changed quickly, checked my hair, squirted some smellies on myself and I was done.

Sophie was ready five minutes after me, five minutes before the taxi was due. We sat in the lounge waiting for the sound of a car pulling up outside.

I was excited to see what Sophie was going to do that night, but I also couldn't quite banish the earlier doubts I'd had over what she'd been using her mobile phone for.

Tonight was about us. It was our night. No interventions from Alex. Not even from Victoria. Sophie flirting and teasing and going knickerless was OK, because that was us doing that. Together. Her being in contact with Alex wasn't.

Should I say something and risk spoiling our joint mood? Risk sounding like a condescending idiot?

I had to.

I held up my phone to show her. "Just us tonight, Soph. OK?"

Fortunately, she didn't react badly. "I know babe. Look," she held down the volume button on her handset. "Silent and in my bag, all night." and as she spoke she dropped it into her handbag.

She smiled. "I'm looking forward to this." She smiled at me

"Yeah, it's supposed to be really good. I've heard a few people say good things about it." I replied.

She shot me a mischievous look back. "I'm not talking about the food..."

Then she nodded towards the window. "Taxi's here..."

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Oh dear, is Alex setting up another task for Sophie?

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By *leopatra 64Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Alex is at it again by the looks of it xx favourite green lingerie, no nicks, short dress, how many people has she been told to flash at in the restaurant. Then home for some vanilla booring sex with steve xx you can bet that was her instructions from alex xx

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By *abrina59TV/TS  over a year ago

moved to cuckold land

Yes been told to flash & flirt with others in front of Steve.

And phone not turned off, hmmm expecting more messages from Alex

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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes been told to flash & flirt with others in front of Steve.

And phone not turned off, hmmm expecting more messages from Alex"

Exactly xx she will be nippin loo quite a bit to keep him updated xx blaming the wine gone straight through her xx

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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


Take her out and have a great time

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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

Who might be there

Did Sophie suggest where they went????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Definitely under orders from Alex

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


Oh dear thus sounds like another mission from Alex. I'm Wondering if he is home and going to be at the restaurant with Victoria?

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


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By *antsguy007Man  over a year ago


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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *arc5t5Man  over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Gripping as always - got everyone wondering where it's going next!!


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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


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By *uddleanstrokeMan  over a year ago

Bristol / Crete / Glasgow

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago



Got us all wondering if it’s Alex that suggested to Sophie over venues and told Sophie to pass it off as one of there friends said it was good, as Steve would not go if he thought Alex had any connections with it

It has us all with doubts, if it was real and true that doubts would eventually surface and explode through the betrayal and lies that have taken place

At the back of the mind always doubt!!

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By *ongbowmanMan  over a year ago


I recon its going to go wrong and Alex will 'bump into them' lol!

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



I grabbed my house keys and we headed out. Locking the door behind me, I caught up with Sophie by the taxi and held the rear driver's side door open for her. But she said that she was going to sit on the other side.

Instantly I had an inkling of what she was going to do, although I wasn't sure how far she would take it.

We climbed into the taxi from opposite sides and I wondered if any of the neighbours opposite had been lucky enough to be watching.

The driver confirmed where we going and called the fare in to his control. I'd purposely chosen a different company to the one who usually picked Sophie up for her meets. I didn't really know why. I just wanted tonight to be different from her meet nights.

It wasn't a long drive to the restaurant, ten minutes at most, but we both wanted to have a drink. As we drove off Sophie reached out and held my hand. She continued to hold it for a few minutes, until, as we got into the centre of town, she squeezed it quickly a couple of times and slipped her hand free of mine.

I looked over at her as she opened her legs wider, causing her dress, which was as short as she'd promised, to ride up her thighs.

I carried on talking to the driver about the restaurants around the area, occasionally glancing down at Sophie's lap. I couldn't see anything from the angle I was looking, and I knew that the driver couldn't either. But I also knew that if he raised his head to look down at Sophie, he would see everything she had to show him.

But there was no reason for him to do that, not unless he knew to look, which he didn't. And Sophie knew that too, so he drove the last few minutes with my wife's pussy on display behind him, but oblivious to it.

As we pulled up outside the restaurant Sophie closed her legs and smoothed her dress down, winking at me as she did so. "Can you get the door for me babe?" she asked, sweetly. I paid the fare and exited the taxi before walking round the back of the cab to do what she'd asked.

"Were you having fun?" I asked her as we walked into the restaurant. She simply grinned back at me.

The restaurant was busy and our table was in the centre of the room, a consequence of my last minute booking. I'm sure that suited Sophie's plans perfectly.

I held a chair out for her, but she smiled and said "I'll sit this side."

I turned to look around me. There was another table across from us, and I could see that by sitting there Sophie would be facing a man, a little older than us, who was eating with a woman I presumed to be his wife or girlfriend.

Sophie winked at me again and sat herself down. It was very frustrating because I couldn't see how she was sitting, but I guess from her perspective that was part of the game. Anyone looking at her might think she was doing what she was doing without her husband knowing.

I knew she was doing something though, because after about ten minutes I heard the woman on the other table say "Are you listening?" and the man make some mumbled apology.

Shortly afterwards the woman went to the ladies and Sophie's hand dropped, briefly by her side. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at her. Had she just pulled her the hem of her dress up a little more? I was certain that she had.

I might not have been able to see what Sophie was doing, but the thought of it was all consuming. I was acutely aware of her cunt... naked, wet, open... just a fraction beyond the rim of her dress beneath the table.

I longed for it. And judging by the self-satisfied looks she kept giving me, Sophie knew it.

The other couple left midway through our meal. Sophie looked up and smiled at them both as they left, and the man made an obvious point of saying something about his dessert, how it was 'highly recommended', and I could tell that he'd just felt that he had to say something to Sophie before he left. Probably in the vain hope that she might strike up a conversation.

But she just said that she would remember that and thanked him.

As soon as they'd gone out of earshot I leaned over the table. "What did you do to that poor man?" I asked in a low voice.

"Nothing..." She replied. "He might have glimpsed my stocking top when my dress pulled back a little."

"And?" We both knew that wasn't all.

"He might have seen my stocking top on the inside of my other thigh when my dress rode even higher.

"When you pulled it higher you mean... when she went to the loo."

Sophie flashed her eyes and laughed.

"And?" What else I asked?

"That's all." She said, as if her actions were therefore perfectly within normal boundaries.

And then she lowered her voice and leaned forward herself. "Don't worry... He didn't see my pussy."

"I wasn't worried," I told her, "I just wanted to know how far you'd gone in tormenting the poor guy."

She scoffed. "Poor guy! He couldn't keep his eyes to himself. I could see him looking all the time out of the corner of my eye!"

She smirked at me. "He loved it!" and chuckled again. Then she cocked her head to the side. "So you weren't worried about him seeing it?"

I shrugged. "Honey, bearing in mind the number of guys who have fucked it over the past few weeks, I could hardly get worked up about one more seeing it, could I?"

Now it was her turn to narrow her eyes. This time in thought. She looked at me, weighing me up for a couple of seconds. "Do you fancy going to a bar for a drink after this?" The merest trace of a smile on her lips.

"Do I still get to have you afterwards?" I replied.

"You better had!" She flashed her eyes at me. Then she pushed her chair back, picked her bag off the back of the chair and said "Ladies... If they come to take the dessert order I'll have the lemon sorbet..." And off she went.

They did indeed come for our dessert order while Sophie was in the ladies. In fact I was starting to wonder where she was when she finally returned. The doubts beginning to surface again.

She had her bag, which meant she had her phone, which meant she could be doing anything. And I had no way of knowing.

"Everything OK?" I asked as she sat down again.

"Yeah... They only have one cubicle and there were already two others waiting... They'll have to sort that out!"

It was plausible. I just had a feeling that it wasn't the truth. Not based on anything more, I realised with a jolt, than the fact that I didn't trust her. Not completely. Not the way I should.

Dessert came and went and overall the meal itself had been good. It had just become something of a sideshow.

As we waited for the waiter to bring the card machine over, I asked Sophie which bar she wanted to go to. There was one directly over the road. We'd been to it a few times in the past, so we knew it was OK.

"Does it have stools at the bar?" She asked. "I can't remember."

I said that I was pretty sure that it did, so she said that one would be fine.

We paid for our meals and put our coats back on. As we were leaving I held the door open for Sophie. She walked outside and, as I followed, she spun to face me and said "So do you fancy a little more fun?"

She took my arm and we walked across the road and into the bar. The first thing I saw were the bar stools. Sophie beamed. She scanned the room quickly, no doubt picking her next victim to tease. Then she made a beeline for the bar. She handed me her coat and I placed it on top of mine on one of the empty stools. I was happy to stand.

For her part, Sophie lifted herself up onto a stool. But kept her legs firmly together.

I bought a round of drinks and watched as Sophie very discreetly shuffled forwards on the stool. Just enough so that about a centimetre, no more, of her stocking top was visible. She smiled at me mischievously.

I casually looked towards the other patrons, and saw two or three heads quickly turn away. But there were also a couple more too busy looking at Sophie to notice me.

I marvelled at how easy it was for her to attract attention. And another unwelcome thought swam into my head. If Alex ever wanted to send her out to get picked up, she would have no difficulty in completing the task.

Which triggered yet another unwanted thought. Tasks. I knew Alex was supposed to set Sophie a different task each day, but I hadn't been aware of her doing anything for him since the incident in the bath.

I wasn't counting the four meets she'd had.

Was this sudden display of exhibitionism really for my benefit? Or was it something Alex had told her to do?

Is that what she'd been doing when I walked in on her in the bedroom, confirming to Alex that she understood her orders?

Is that why she'd been so long in the ladies at the restaurant? Was she sending Alex proof that her task was accomplished? Photographic proof.

Why was I thinking like this? I was just being neurotic. Wasn't I?

But I knew why I was thinking like that. Because Alex had done more than take Sophie's body, her sexuality. He'd also taken my faith in her...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *enbobjimMan  over a year ago


Oh dear feel a dampener on the night coming

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By *ex1Man  over a year ago

Beccles on the river

Wow. This is horny, but very sad as I thought that at the end of this book Steve would save Sophie from Alex. You lose trust it’s the end of the marriage.

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


Is she is not acting normal then she is doing another of Alex's tasks on date night. I don't think she is yours anymore Steve. Honestly I'd bin here.

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


I don't think this night is about them from Sophie's side, I think it's her doing the task Alex has set her. Get rid Steve

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Definitely a task for Alex. When Steve finally realises that fact that's the date night ruined

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Being ages in the ladies, its obvious even to a blind man that alex is in control of her xx she is lost to alex xx its time to start thinking about you and Victoria a bit more xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


Well Steve if she keeps on like this on your nighthone out. tell her Victoria moving in she will have to use the spare room. But may join you and Victoria for your pleasure

Will go down like a lead zeppelin but so the marriage if she cannot be open with you

Also back her phone up using a password you no as you will be able to see all text and photos as well of a list of phone numbers she messages and phones

You will get Alex that way

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By *leopatra 64Couple  over a year ago


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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

The seeds of doubt!! You need love, trust and respect in a relationship - without anyone of these, you have nothing! It's always the lies and deceit that get you in the end!

Great update - more!!

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By *abrina59TV/TS  over a year ago

moved to cuckold land

I'm sure all will be revealed tomorrow

But def looks like Alex involved somewhere here

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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By *asey666Man  over a year ago

Dublin 13

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By *ndrea54TV/TS  over a year ago


Woundered how long it would take Steve to figure it out. Sophie had previously said she needed Alex in order to behave like this. Sophie is a good vanilla girl, Steve is out with Alice tonight.

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Yes great update and yes

As I’ve said all along trust respect and honesty needed but once lost with betrayal lies and lack of thoughts for the partner your with, the doubts will keep surfacing when your on your own or waiting for them or something out of the ordinary happen s

Eventually it will take it’s toll even if it’s a normal event like being caught in traffic, once that trust is gone, it’s very hard to recover from

Look forward to hearing what happens

ASAP please !!!

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

You can almost touch the uncertainty in the air

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By *panker78Couple  over a year ago


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By *lirts.R.usCouple  over a year ago


Still got more to cum

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By *ickymac52Man  over a year ago


As I said in an earlier post, he can never trust her again, not even if she promises to cut all contact with alex and only play while steve is present. Not even 20 years from now. Every night she is home late from work, every day she is off and he is working, every time she is on the phone, anytime she mentions a male work colleague, the doubt will always be there, and that doubt will eat away at him. I speak from experience unfortunately.

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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sophie and steve drift further and further apart she grows closer and closer to alex and his friends xx

Steve needs to go for broke and tell victoria how he feels and what he wants from her xx remembering back to his thoughts and feelings for her while they were shopping xx the wanting to hold hands xx

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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


"sophie and steve drift further and further apart she grows closer and closer to alex and his friends xx

Steve needs to go for broke and tell victoria how he feels and what he wants from her xx remembering back to his thoughts and feelings for her while they were shopping xx the wanting to hold hands xx "

Totally with you on this !!!

If Steve not careful, soon he will loose everything!!

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

Not a date night...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not a date night..."

Your right xx not a date night xx an alex task night xx

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By *panker78Couple  over a year ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Was hoping there’s an update before work to get my fix on this great story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Was hoping there’s an update before work to get my fix on this great story "

It's usually after 7

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By *terobs6869 OP   Man  over a year ago



Was I being fair to her? Possibly not. Had she been fair to me? Definitely not.

Although a little voice at the back of my head reminded me of my indiscretions in college. But that was different. Wasn't it?

It was. It was before we were married. And on a different scale to what Sophie had done... was doing. That's what I said to myself.

But even then we'd been committed to each other. And did the nature of the act matter? Was the simple fact of infidelity enough to make all the acts as faithless as each other? Had my fumble with Hannah in a nightclub been as bad as Sophie letting Alex fuck her? Or Paul discipline her? Or Gerald take her with his huge cock?

Did I have a right to claim the moral high ground? Was there a moral high ground here?

But one thing was certain. I'd asked... told... Sophie to keep these nights just for us. If she was on a task for Alex, if she'd used our night out as a front to gratify Alex, then she hadn't simply betrayed me. She'd betrayed our marriage. And in a way I believed to be even worse than when she'd first slept with him.

Because she'd been told how important these nights were to protecting... saving... our marriage and had still violated them.

Or had she? Was I imagining all this? But that was the problem wasn't it. The problem wasn't whether or not she'd done what I suspected she had, the problem was that I'd thought she had. That I didn't trust her.

Sophie was oblivious to this storm raging around inside my head. She was too busy flirting with every guy in the bar. I watched as she took a casual look around the bar herself and then, presumably having identified her audience, she shifted slightly on her stool, so that she was facing the room a little more, and then she let her legs open a little.

I didn't look to see the reaction she was getting. I didn't care. This game was suddenly boring.

I was aware of Sophie adjusting her position again. But I didn't look at her now either. Then she was looking at me, I guess to check if I was enjoying her performance, and must have seen something in the look on my face, because she asked me if I was OK.

"Not really Sophie." I let out a deep sigh. Should I tell her honestly what was wrong?

Not here...

"I don't know, I'm not feeling great. I'm going to go home." I looked her up and down and added. "I don't know what you want to do."

She frowned. Puzzled. "Don't be stupid. What does that mean? I'll come with you won't I..."

I shrugged indifferently. "I just thought you could stay if you wanted to. No need to ruin your night too."

It must have been the way I said it. She knew that she was the problem. And presumed that I was suddenly annoyed at what she was doing.

What she didn't know is that it wasn't what she was doing that had suddenly affected my mood, rather it was why she was doing it.

"Don't be like that," she said. "I thought you were OK with this? That you were enjoying having a little bit of harmless fun? That you thought it was sexy."

It wasn't harmless though, was it. Not to our future together.

And whilst it had been sexy, suddenly it just seemed cheap.

'Not here' I repeated to myself...

"I'm just not feeling great," I told her again. "I'm going to go and get a taxi."

"Fine." She said, lowering herself off the stool. Her face set hard. Nostrils flared. She was fucked off. She made a show of pushing her half-full glass across the counter, to show what a waste that was. She held out her hand for her coat and put it on wordlessly.

The walk to the taxi rank was carried out in silence. As was the ride home. Sophie just looked out of her window the whole way.

It wasn't until we walked into the house that she finally spoke.

"What the fuck was that? Why are you sulking like a baby?!"

"I'm not sulking." I told her.

"Really?" she threw her hands up. "I don't get it. One minute you're fine, the next you're telling me that you're leaving, oh, but I can stay if I want!"

I took a deep breath. "I know Sophie. OK? I know."

She frowned again. "You know what?"

"I know you have been messaging Alex tonight. I know you were doing it when you were getting changed earlier. And I know you were doing it when you went to the ladies in the restaurant..."

Her face lost its anger. Suddenly she looked... guilty.

And I knew I was right.

"Haven't you..." I demanded an answer. I wanted her to tell me.

She stuttered. Unsure of her ground now. Knowing that she had been busted and how bad the consequences could be.

"I..." She started to say something, but couldn't find anything to say. She just looked at me for a couple of seconds. Then she looked down and took a deep breath herself, before looking back at me.

"Yes... he's back... he wants to see me tomorrow... "

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By *attboy107Man  over a year ago

Near Bedford

Game over, the last bastion of trust destroyed

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Steve your marriage is long gone tell her to go to Alex and stay there you move Victoria in great story keep up the good work

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She is obviously more interested in alex than her own husband xx steve should say to her take all of your clothes and go to him and dont bother coming back xx he would have a chance to be happy with Victoria xx

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By *yTreacleMan  over a year ago


Send her to him full of cum.

Tell her as she leaves that it is the goodbye gift to them both.

And when she comes back have all her clothes etc packed for her

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well date night turned sour and she agreed Sunday for Sophie and Steve now she's ready to break that rule send her to him see if he wants to keep her. No Alex will pass her onto someone else.

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By *indapeterCouple  over a year ago


"She is obviously more interested in alex than her own husband xx steve should say to her take all of your clothes and go to him and dont bother coming back xx he would have a chance to be happy with Victoria xx "

Added what happened to being open as you cannot even manage that and keep our night free

Do as above and tell her the locks will be changed before you can return.

? Victoria as she still in with Alex we think

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By *oapysubmarineMan  over a year ago


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By *oukevCouple  over a year ago


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By *rmbtsTV/TS  over a year ago


Great read as per

Yes another boundary broken and trust destroyed again

Carnt keep breaking boundaries and honesty and personal connection for the marriage

Time to draw a line in the sand, walk away with a bit of dignity and try and make a new future with Victoria

Has to be better than a broken marriage with no trust and constant lies

Feeling it’s the end for Steve’s marriage

Collect the evidence and walk away !!

maybe if there is enough evidence take down Alex for his games and destroy his game and circulation of friends and gain a bit of self respect

Let him know the pain he’s caused you, disrupting his life

Looking forward to the next instalment

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By *ex1Man  over a year ago

Beccles on the river

Steve sleep in the spare room tonight. In the morning an ultimatum, me or Alex. As all that Sophie has done, Steve still loves her. If she goes to Alex that’s the end. But expose Alex for what he is a c___.

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By *untimes6969Man  over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

Not quite the date night expected!

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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *panker78Couple  over a year ago


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By *an79Man  over a year ago


As if Stevie Boy is only realising now that this marriage is dead.

For those that say Victoria should take Sophie's place, I ask you to consider something. Stevie Boy is a Pussy (I promise, I'm not being disrespectful to women, as I love Pussy and I cannot lie, but Pussy is wet, soft and designed to be fucked), so how on earth will he be able to handle Victoria when she undoubtedly will get bored of him? She said she's not a one dick type of girl.

Yes, they will start with honesty and respect, which is a much better start that with Sophie, but is Stevie Boy capable of handling this situation long term?

I maintain that Stevie Boy needs to go out there and find his own, away from Alex, away from this set up. Break free and find someone on his level. He's like a small fish trying to swim in the ocean when he's actually designed for a fish bowl.

I'm just saying

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/03/20 12:57:06]

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By *elshmailMan  over a year ago


So much for date night. Alex now controls here completely

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


I'd have to call it a day, she's made it clear that she's not interested in saving the marriage

Great read op, I look forward to my morning reads

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yep time for Steve to move on, Sophie has continued to lie and disregard Steve at each turn.

I think Alex has taken Sophie and there is no going back from here.

But would be good if Steve was able to take Alex down a peg or two, before Steve calls time on the marriage

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By *un Bi couple yorkshireCouple  over a year ago


Her clothes would be on the doorstep in bin liners and the locks changed , good riddance xxx

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By *lumbercoupleCouple  over a year ago

Vera Playa

How to get back at Alex ....

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By *lowersandcarsCouple  over a year ago


Am loving the comment almost as much as the story!

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By *ickymac52Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 06/03/20 16:58:15]

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By *ickymac52Man  over a year ago


I have to say I have a lot of sympathy with the character of steve. He married his childhood sweetheart and thought he knew her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I am sure if she had have come to him and suggested trying to spice up their sex lives in some way he would have jumped at the chance. But she did not give him a choice. Instead she cheated on him, almost without a second thought. And with no guilt, or care about how it would affect him. He has caught her out, lying to him almost every time she opens her mouth. She and Alex have lied to and manipulated him at will. Steve is completely out of his depth. He is in a game he never wanted to play, with at least two people who dont care how he feels. He is struggling to save his marriage in spite of all this, probably naively.

He at times is trying to see how much of this is his fault, an understandable reaction, and yes he does bear some responsibility for their marriage becoming stale, but that is something most of us have endured. That however is no excuse for sophies behaviour.

I think, in Sophies defence, she has been lured into an exciting lifestyle and is so caught up in it that she cannot see the damage she is doing to her marriage. Like a child with a new toy, she is totally enamoured with all that Alex can offer her, oblivious to the dangers the rest of us can see. Probably quite a bit of immaturity there given that she is still only in her twenties. But she is going to pay a heavy price for her actions. Steve will never be able to trust anything she says or does again and that will eat away at their relationship until there is nothing left. And this is without whatever Alex has planned for her in the future.

I dont think Steve can really hurt Alex, he is just way out of his league in this game and is playing catchup at every turn. He should just cut his loses, tell sophie it is over and leave her. Hopefully at some point in the future he can have a relationship that has a bit more trust involved.

A gripping story , but every time I read more I just get fucking angry at the way someones feelings are been treated.

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