Five minutes later we were pulling into the car park at the St David's Hotel, and arguing over parking spaces like any normal married couple.
I finally found a space to my satisfaction and parked up. I offered Sophie my hand as we began to walk towards the entrance, but she shooed it away. "Not now!" she said, as if it was the most inappropriate thing possible. Maybe it was.
We saw the sign for the bar and made our way through to it. Rob was immediately apparent. Alex's plan had cleared its final hurdle then. The buyer had turned up.
He was standing alone by the bar, wearing a black lounge suit and checking his watch. An almost empty glass of lager next to him. I wondered if he'd nervously necked it quickly, or if he'd got there really early. Then I remembered that he'd had to check in and so had probably been here for a while and would almost certainly have already been up to the room.
I mentally kicked myself and quickly revised my list of conditions in my head. There would be no need for the photo of the room number or the daffodil caption.
Rob saw Sophie, and then his face fell briefly as he realised that the man next to her was actually with her.
There were a few empty tables dotted around the edges of the bar, so I told Sophie to go and take a seat at one. She started to question why, but immediately thought better of it and acquiesced to my command.
I walked over to Rob. He looked very uncomfortable. This wasn't what he was expecting.
"Rob?" I asked, thinking it best to check. He nodded and haltingly held his hand out. Is he having a laugh? I thought. When I didn't take the proffered hand he quickly withdrew it.
"I'm..." I just managed to catch myself, "Alice's husband... and minder for the night."
"Oh..." Of course Alex wouldn't have mentioned anything about me tagging along.
"Don't worry," I said, "everything is sweet. But we don't know anything about you, no offence, so I wasn't letting her come alone."
Rob began to understand.
I continued. "If Alice is happy with everything, you two can go and have your fun, while I wait here for her."
He weighed me up. "And you're cool with that?"
I waved my hand, dismissively. "We have an open arrangement. She plays with Alex... the guy you dealt with in the... auction," I tried to sound nonchalant. "And I have my own arrangement with another girl."
"Wow! Sounds like you two have it sorted." Rob was starting to relax. "I'm not sure I could let my missus go with other fellas like, but fair play to you if you're alright with it."
"So you're married Rob?" I wasn't sure if he was speaking hypothetically or not.
"Yeah, but she don't know anything about this." he winked at me.
"OK," it was time to lay my conditions down for Rob as well. "So listen... Rob... there are a few conditions attached to this little scenario tonight. Nothing major, just around keeping Alice safe. OK?"
He frowned, wondering what was coming. Probably as unsure about me as I was of him. "OK..." he said, somewhat uncertainly.
"Number one. When you go and introduce yourself to S... Alice, in a minute, I need your room key. I just want to know what room she is in and that there's nothing funny going on in there, like you haven't got a load of your mates from the rugby club in there."
"I don't play rugby?"
I chose to ignore this. "Secondly, Alice needs to be back downstairs by eleven o'clock."
I could see him working it out. He looked at his watch. "You've got the best part of three hours," I told him. "Although she will want a little time to have a drink and get to know you first."
He nodded. "OK, that's fine. The missus thinks I'm out with the lads, so I can't get home too late anyway."
And then I had a sudden thought. Just in case he had other ideas I said "And thirdly, I presume you have condoms?"
Again he nodded. And rather sensitively said "Yeah, Christ, I can't risk giving anything to me wife."
Brilliant, I thought...
"OK Rob." I held the palm of my hand out. "let me have your room key and you can go and say hello to Alice."
Rob did as I asked, and as I walked towards the lifts I looked back to see Sophie standing to greet him with a warm smile and a peck on the cheek. How accomplished she's becoming at this, I thought to myself.
Rob's room was empty. Spotless. And now that I knew he wasn't planning on staying the night there, I did wonder if he'd actually been there after all.
When I returned to the bar Rob was just putting his phone down and Sophie was thanking him. Rob saw the quizzical look on my face and said that he had just paid the rest of the money to justgiving.
That was quick, I thought. I'd expected Sophie to wait a little longer before deciding if she was going ahead with this, but the thought obviously hadn't entered her mind. She was determined to see it through.
Sophie looked at me. Once again she looked a little flustered and her cheeks flushed red. I wondered what else they'd been discussing before I returned.
"Go and get yourself a drink babe." She smiled sweetly at me. A little too sweetly.
Nevertheless, I went to get a drink, restricting myself to Diet Coke, and wasn't in any particular hurry to get back to the table. I'd seen enough of Rob to know that he was just a guy looking to fuck a woman who would ordinarily be out of his league. And to do so discreetly, without his wife finding out.
So I watched them from the bar until Sophie looked over at me and then back at Rob, before standing and holding her hand out to him.
I watched, with that now familiar hollow feeling in my stomach, as she led him towards the lifts. At the very last second before the door closed she looked up at me and made eye contact. No expression on her face. And then they were gone.
Having just made the same journey myself, it was easy to imagine when they would be entering the room. And, having seen the room, I could easily imagine what it would be like as they entered.
As they kissed. As Sophie took her dress off to reveal the dark red underwear I'd seen her taking from her drawer earlier.
What it would be like as he fumbled with the clasp of her bra, and the look of delight on his face as she revealed her gorgeous breasts.
Would her nipples be hard? Would she be aroused by the situation, or was she simply going through the motions to fulfil her obligations?
I could easily picture what she would look like lying down on the bed, then helping him to remove her panties.
Was he going to go down on her? Something told me that Rob would want something to show for his money as soon as possible. Especially as he was now working to a deadline.
I imagined she would be lying there, legs open and pulled back to accommodate him. I could see the look on her face as he entered her, as he fucked her...
Then it became a bit fuzzier. Doggy was a certainty, as was cowgirl, if I knew Sophie. But when and in what sequence was more guesswork than anything else.
As for the rest, would she lie on her front for him? Or on her side, so he could fuck her like Alex? At what point would she suck his cock. And was he going to cum in her mouth or over her stomach or her tits?
I tried to force myself to stop. But the images kept returning.
Being there, so close to her was far worse than anything I'd expected. It wasn't like her other meets, when she'd been elsewhere and I'd had Victoria to occupy me.
Why had I come? Sophie was fine. Rob was dull and crass, but he wasn't a threat to her. I could have been with Victoria.
But no, the situation had required that I come. The situation created by Alex. Once again he was controlling me, intruding in my life from the other side of the world.
I could imagine him laughing if he knew I was doing this. Delivering the goods on his behalf. Carrying out his dirty work.
I shook my head at myself. This wasn't happening again. If Alex wanted to create these little scenarios then he would need to be see them through himself.
I drained my drink. Dying for something stronger, but knowing that would have to wait until I got home. So I ordered another Coke. And waited.
I'd decided to stay at the bar, from where I had a clear view of the lifts, as well as the stairs and the entrance. If Rob did leave unexpectedly early, I'd know.
But there was no sign of him until, bang on eleven o'clock, they returned. Sophie still expressionless. Rob wearing a satisfied smile.
They started walking towards the entrance. Now that it was done I could see that Rob just wanted to go. But I walked over and intercepted them halfway from the lifts to the entrance.
"Bang on time." I said.
Rob, feeling much more relaxed about the whole situation now, just smiled and, sensitive as ever, said "Yup, I made sure I got my moneys worth..."
And then, to Sophie's horror, said "Best hundred quid I ever spent..."