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A new Fencer joins The Salle D'Armes

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago



On the command of the Umpire, the two fencers jocked forward and back. At first the fencer on the right moved forward, the left giving ground.

Not able to find a route forward, the Right’s momentum hesitated, allowing  Left to take-up the initiative.


A few quick steps forward, Left’s Sabre flashing like an angry snake as she moved from high-line to lowline with the slight flick of a wrist.

Her footwork was exceptional….fencing jacket pristine white….mask new and expensive – Leon Paul, the leading British manufacturer rather than a German, or worse, East European import. In fact, all her equipment was Leon Paul – almost double the price of what her opponent was wearing.


A steady march forward, Left was putting Right under more and more pressure…the Fencing strip was only 14m in length, and Right was down to her last 3 metres….she’d need to do something, or get lucky, to win the point.


Left accelerated, then lunged, Sabre flashing as it reached for Right’s head. She let out a scream as she cut the Sabre down onto Right’s head.

But the attack was telegraphed….whilst her footwork and athleticism was exceptional, Left’ work from the elbow and wrist was uncultured and blunt.


Right raised her arm, her Sabre horizontal above her eyes, and blocked the attack. She had taken over the initiative, as much to her own surprise as anyone else’s.

A few quick steps forward, priority now with her having defended successfully,  and she landed her hit, Sabre cutting Right across the upper hip.


“Halt…….hit Right….Right wins 15-13”


The two Fencers took their masks off….I continued watching, never seeing the Fencer on the Left before, not recognising the name on the back of her metallic jacket.


As she took her mask off, beads of sweat on her brow, Left brushed the dark blonde hair off her face. A disappointed smile exposed the dimples in her slightly freckled cheek. The two girls shook hands, saluted the sparse crowd. Left noticed me in my Ireland Coaching tracksuit, shrugged slightly, and unhooked herself from the piste. I moved forward, my hands quickly unhooking the electrics from her back, her narrow waist inches from my fingers, the warmth of her sweat radiating from her white jacket and breaches:


“I’m DS – let me help you”

“Hi – ugh, so embarrassed – should never have lost that – and with you watching of all people!!”

“Don’t worry about that – but, yeah, you should have won – how do you know who I am?”

“Doesn’t everyone here! You taught my coach, Alex”


Alex had been a pupil of mine 10 years previous. A good friend, a hard working fencer who was more perspiration than talent but who had carved out a decent set of results through sheer determination. He was now teaching in his own image – pluggers who were athletes, but with little guile.

But I had never seen this girl before…..


We walked away from the piste a few yards, the next fencers getting ready for their own semi-final bout.


“I’m over in Ireland just a few weeks….my name is Hilary…..I work for Accenture and have a contract here thanks to the madness”


“yup! Brought my kit over from London and joined Alex’s club – he’s a good coach”

“He is – good guy – listen….your footwork is exceptional….with a bit of refining, extra bladework practice, you’d notch your game up a level – Hey Alex…a new protégée??”


“Hey Boss….yeah, Hilary’s class”

“Was wondering whether she’s like to come up to the Olympic park – train with the rest of the gang – what do you think?”

“Yeah, was going to suggest the same – wanted to see how today went first – great minds, eh, Boss?”

“Well that’s settled, Hilary – Alex will give you the details – Irish team train every Tuesday in the Olympic Village. I’d love to give you some pointers, and the fencers on the team are always looking for fresh sparing partners….”



30mins later, freshly showered and in leggings and hoody, Hilary went up for her bronze medal. Her opponent had lost in the final to another of my students.

I went forward and congratulated my team member, and shook hands with Hilary.


“See you Tuesday…..”







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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The air at the Fencing club was heavy.

75 years of perspiration clung to the wood-panneled walls.

Portraits of previous Maitres hung around the upper reaches of The Salle....my own picture up just two years. At the end the founding Maitre, my own coach's grand-Uncle, Akos, looked down.

"Wrist, wrist, arm, lunge, cheek...Stay...recover, 5, riposte, 6 riposte, 2 riposte, 5 lunge....ok...again"

I was teaching a favourite sseries of atrack and defensive lines.

2 defended the waist, 5 the head...9 in total all done in different sequences to improve the students feel for the sword.

Hilary had arrived into The Salle. I was in my black teaching leathers, heavy for protection and made to stand out against thhe white of the students.

Most of the fencers were in white breaches but wore just a T shirt during lessons.

Hilary was next up.

"Shall i get my protective jacket on and chest protector?"

"Up to you..."

The chest protector was a plastic bra, essentially, whilst the white jacket was super-reinforced to prevent injury. Most students went without whilst doing drills.

Hilary's white T shirt was already soaked with sweat, her blue sports bra obvious.

We went through the drills.

Over the past 4 weeks I'd seen a good level of progression...3 hours , 3 days a week intensive training.

By the end of the 20min lesson Hilary was shattered.

I took off my heavy black mask, sweat running down the side of my face.

"Tournament on Saturday. Result isn't important. What I want to see is you using your new techniques..."

Hilary saluted, smiled, shook hands and took off her glove.

"Looking forward to it...feel great!"

Hilary walked back to her kitbag.

She stood up, removed her T shirt and through it into a bag. Her back and waist glowed with sweat, her breasts supported by the nike sports bra. No one gave her a second look as she headed towards the showers...

However, as I grabbed my water bottle, my eyes fixed on her back, tight arse and athletic legs as she walked into the girls changing room....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *b1976Man  over a year ago

North East

Great story beautiful written. Please continue

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By *ames WhyteMan  over a year ago

Near Manchester Airport


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By *hereswallyMan  over a year ago


Great start

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Saturday morning and my squad were an hour into the 2.5hr drive down to Cork's Mardyke Sports Centre.

In the passenger seat was Chris, my charismaticclub captain and close friend.

In the back of my merc, Hilary and Sophie, my top female student and winner of last month's competition.

Sophie gazed out the window, Starbucks cradled in her hands.

Chris was talking bollox about his latest conquest...a 21yr old Dutch girl who had him in the back of his VW Lupo. Fking hilarious and logistically improbable but nonetheless undoubtedly true.

Hilary was listening to music...she was trully wonderful.

Freckles, inviting lips, dimples on her cheeks when she smiled, 25yr old body in a tight pink T-shirt, grey gym shorts, her legs tucked under her with her flip flops discarded at the well of the car.

We met-up with the rest of the dquad in Cork and Chris led the warm-up as old friends chatted to me. It was a minor competition so I was relaxed and going with the flow.

I got suited-up and gave all the students basic lessons and some encouragement.

The day progressed. Chris won the men's tournament. Hilary and Sophie seeded 1st and 2nd so were in separate semi-finals.

Hilary was drawn against the girl who beat her 4 weeks previous.

She started at an electric pace.

Attack- hit


Forward, stop, feint, attack, bang...a cut to head and 3-0.

So far nothing I had taught her specifically but she was on form.

A hit conceded...

Her opponent rallied and the girks traded points. 8-6 at the break.

"You're rushing. You might win but work on the techniques you've practised...develop the point...feint, then strike. Trap, and then counter"



Then it happened. Hilary looked at me and smiled...

"AAAllez!" Said the Umpire.

Hilary attacked to hip and fell short, her arm exposed.

The opponent snatched her attack and Hilary flicked the Sabre upward, defending the attack. With the girls just 1m apart Hilary cut to head, her Sabre slashing across her opponent's cheek...

"Yeeees!" She screamed. Chris punched my arm and i punched the air.


Hilary saw the fight out, winning 15-10...as she won Hilary lifted her mask, smile from ear to ear, face glowing red.

"That felt amazing!!!"

After I unhooked her Hilary jumped up and hugged me, plastic chest protector pressing into my torso, her sweat wet to the touch

"You're brilliant...it was all you" I said. Grinning, Hilary kissed my cheek and put her Sabre down

The final between Sophie and Hilary was a typical intra-club affair. It was a good if unexciting match.

Sophie won 15-12

"Right...shower....and drinks!!!!"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Walking down the hotel corridor I could hear the excitement from one of the girls' rooms. They had all piled in and it was a flurry of hairdriers, laughing, make-up, towels and vodka.

"Down in 10, DS!!"

I met the lads in the bar.

"Girls will be at least half an hour...pint?"

4 out of a possible 6 medals had come to my "family"...everyone was feeling good.

The 7 girls came into the bar. Hilary was in the middle of the group...slim, wearing a red cocktail dress and her bright eyes shone.


The drinks kept coming.


As one we walked in a wave of laughter down the stairs to the hotel club. Music thumped. The lads headed straight for the bar, the girls to the dance floor.

"Come on, DS.....DS...DS....DS!"

dragged to the dance floor, I was quickly surrounded by the girls giggling and dancing around me.

Sophie, my oldest pupil at 27 and who i had coached some 8 years, put her arms over my shoulders and moved her hips to the music. Two others joined her, flirting and laughing as we danced.

I looked over to Chris, half imploring my captain to restore the gender balance. He laughed and shook his head.

As the girls took it in turns to dance around me, Hilary smiled, sank her drink, and winked....

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By *otonfoxMan  over a year ago


Keep going please

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I followed Hilary to the bar.

Her red midi dress had thin shoulder straps and went down to just above the knee. A simple gold necklace accentuated her neckline and cleavage.

"The bruise doesn't quite match the outfit.."

"Ha! No that beginer I had in the first round wacked me!"


"How about something red as we're in Cork?"

"Do you like Sex on the Beach?"

"I like sex anywhere...! Lol"

As the barman got the drinks ready I saw Emma, the women's captain, dancing with a well fed 50-something yesr old. Chris joined us at the bar.

"Cocktails, gaffer? Wtf?!"

"Ha! What's going on with Emma and the fat lad?"

"Pull a porky" replied Hilary. "First one to pull get free drinks the rest of the night"

"Hope that isn't why you brought me to the bar, Hilary!?"

" ha ha!" Hilary laughed, putting her hand on my forearm. She felt soft, cold from the drink, but clammy also.

The lights flashed twice.

"Closing time"

Emma shouted

"Party in Chris's room!!"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" "

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!.....yyaaaaay! "

"Why do i always get Emma??"

As Alex and Emma snogged, Alex shrug his shoulders and Emma played to the crowd, hands moving over Alex's arse.

"Ok....spin that bottle!!" Shouted Sophie.

Around it span...the room was destroyed...bottles, pringles and girls' shoes littered the floor. I leaned back against the wall, enjoying but keeping a slight distance from my students...though I had known some for years.

"Hilary ....!!! Landed on you!"

"Dare or kiss?"

Hilary squirmed. Her knees were under her body as she reclined on Chris's pillows. A shoulder strap fell down her arm.

"Dare! I hardly know you lot!!"

"Ok" said Emma "spin the bottle and you have to whisper sex noises into their ear.

The bottle span...

....and pointed directly at me...

" yay!!!! Ds...ds....ds....ds"

Hilary got off the bed as everyone burst out laughing.

Walking up to me she ruffled her hair mock-suggestively.

Turning to the crowd she rubbed my chest, gave a roll of her hips, and leant close.

I took her in...this woman who i had been coaching a few weeks and who was stunning.

She whispered in my ear..

"Ooommmmmm ds.....i...i want you....gmmmmnnn...oh....yes....uh....fuck...."

The room went quiet. I felt myself getting hard. Hilary continued whispering.

"Ds.....fuck me....."

With that she span around...the 15 other team members all cheered. Chris high fived Alex...Sophie grabbed the bottle and shouted


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hurrah you're back in style.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" kiss !"

The team groaned

"Chris, you always choose kiss, ...!

"Coz I know what the crowd wants!"

I started the club ten years previous after I retired from competition. Chris was the first lad through the door, 18 and charismatic. There wasn't a girl who didn't fancy him.

10 years later he was captain of the national team, ranked in the top 60 in the workd, and my right hand man.

The bottle span.....Hilary...


Chris siddled up to Hilary, cocksure and confident. Hilary laughed in embarrasment. Eyes closed, they kissed, tongues dancing.

It was fun. It was hot. And I was jealous...!

"Enough..or get a room....!!"


The game continued another round or two. Emma and Sophie kissed. Alex was forced to streak down the corridor.

As the party wound down I dropped my bottle into the bin and left the room.

Hilary followed.....

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By *ugardadcleanerMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *hereswallyMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

a good build up hope it continues

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Which is your room, DS?"


"Oh...I'm 452...."

As we walked down the silent hotel corridor I was acutely aware of Hilary beside me. Red midi dress, stunning body...and the fact that I really liked her. She was clever, mature, independent.

"I've a bit of gin left over from when the girls were getting ready...be a shame to waste it...would you like a nightcap, DS?"

We neared her room

(Was this wrong? I was her coach. That said, whereas I had coached the others from when they were in their late teens, Hilary was 27 and I had only known her a few months. Would it spoil the team dynamic? What would the others think?

I had always kept a slight distance with the team...felt the right thing to do...)

She put the keycard into the lock.

The light flashed green....

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By *hereswallyMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hilary turned to me.

She hesitated, looked at me and bit her lip slightly...

"DS....you have such 'come to bed' eyes...."

She opened the door....


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She's so right about your eyes... Looking forward to the rest.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She was stunning.

I wasn't her coach...i had simply coached her a few weeks.

She was an outsider to our group...not like the others who'd I taught since their late teens.

And...god she was hot...

The weeks of seeing her in gym gear...sports bra....sweat...the closeness of the fencing hall, the olympic gym....watching her kiss Chris...the way she danced....

The only thing stopping me was an instinct it was wrong....

But was it...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think he should stop dithering and get in there...poor girl is waiting.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 29/08/20 08:15:38]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The other option being to not go in and wank furiously for years in frustration!     

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

but what will the next instalment bring...that is what we want to read

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I stepped inside Hilary's room.

A sportsbag lay open with fencing gear strewn around it...mask, sports bra, breeches, plastron.

The dishevelled bed had hairdrier, knickers , hairbrush and a cotton T shirt lying on it.

The blinds were open. In the bathroom make-up kit and creams filled the shelf. Two wet towels lay on the floor.

Next to the TV three glasses had been used to help empty the bottle of Bombay Saphire which sat alongside them.

Hilary kicked-off her shoes.

I stood in front of her.

She swayed her hips then moved her hands over my shoulders, up above my neck and brushed through my hair.

One or two more strokes and she pulled face towards hers. Mouths opened instinctively. Tongues searched for each other.

The kissing got faster. Deep, longing movements as DS and Hilary tasted each other.

I turned Hilary around and slid the zip down her red dress. A black thong and push up bra framed her athletic torso.

I kicked off my shoes and socks then Hilary pushed me onto the bed. I through the hairdrier onto the floor as Hilary unravelled my belt.

Hips went up as she dragged my jeans off.

"You're commando!!" she laughed as i pulled my shirt over my head...

Cock sprung hard as Hilary lowered her body over mine. Slowly she moved her body over me...breasts stroked my chest...moved down my stomach...she kissed my abs then stood up.

Turning so her back was too me, she slid her hands back and unclasped her bra. Playfully she teased before dropping it onto the floor.

I sat on the side of the bed. She backed into me, lap-dancing in her thong over my groin.

Her arse cheeks massaged my cock harder.

I stroked her thighs...then my hands slowly moved between her legs. I cupped her pussy with my right hand and stroked gently...Hilary reacted, dsncing on my hand...i felt her getting wetter.

She sat back and I teased her clit with my fingers.

"Ooohhhhhh...fuck me" she groaned.

I moved the back of her thong to one side and, her back still to me, I entered her from behind.

I looked in the mirror as she began to take me deeper, her hands on my thighs.

I thrust up, glutes clenched, hips rising, my hands on her waist.

Hilary leaned forward, her hands on her shins as I fucked her harder.

Suddenly her whole body shuddered. Hilary screamed with ecstacy.

"I'm cumming..." I warned.

Hilary lifted herself off me and straddled my body. Gripping my cock in one hand she pumped hard.

Two, three strokes then I exploded over the two of us.

"Jesus Christ!"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *hereswallyMan  over a year ago


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