By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Who, if at all anyone, remembers a TV drama set in the north of Scotland back in the eighties? This one singular drama was responsible for, if not the person I am today, then the wanton, exhibitionistic slut I am today.
The drama in question, as I recall, was not the most memorable ITV or the Beeb had ever produced, however, there was one scene that was indelibly etched upon my mind that night. The drama centred around a troubled young girl living in a small rural Scottish community. One night, totally against the run of the story and completely unexpected, the young girl took herself off to her bedroom and dressed herself in a seductive underwear set. Stockings, suspenders etc. She then took herself to the river mouth and stood upon a cliff, bracing herself against the cold wind blowing in off the sea. Soon, a small fishing trawler appeared heading out to sea. There she is again said the guy on the wheel to his companion. Here, he said as he passed the binoculars for a better look. Both took in the seductive sight of this rather attractive but unknown girl.
Slowly, she unbuttoned her overcoat to reveal herself. No dress or top. Once the buttons were undone she was exposed. Oh how she revelled in her exhibitionistic state. Safe in the knowledge she had her audience, an audience that could only see and not touch, she widened her coat. Her hands played over her body as she stood legs apart, the greater they should see her almost naked state. Her breathing increased as her hands toyed with what the men on the trawler most wanted to see ...
I sat transfixed as this scene unfolded. I swallowed hard and consciously. I looked across at my husband. Had he noticed how my breathing had increased, how hard I was swallowing? Clearly I was affected by what I had seen. It had been a long long time since my knickers had been this damp! No, thankfully he continued watching from his chair. I knew my face was flushed, I could feel the tingling throughout my entire body as it responded to this particular scene. From that very moment, that most definitive of moments, I knew there was more to my life to be had from the mundane almost sexless one I currently led.
Without being too specific, at that time, I was married. 28 years old, good career prospects and wanted for little. Married life had long become a routine and one involving little in the way of sex from a loving but inattentive husband. The girl in the drama was about my age. I identified with her on many levels but oh, the one I could not get out from my mind was the scene I have since described. The scene played throughout my working day. I found myself masturbating as I recounted the scene but with myself on the cliff top receiving all the attention. My climax erupting as my audience egged on my performance. I am unsure how many months I carried that scene as my masturbatory fuel. Perhaps 18 months longer even? Eventually, without any planning involved, an opportunity presented itself that to this day I can recall with not only the greatest clarity but amazement that I actually went through with it. Quite early on a Sunday morning I found myself in my car 8 miles from home. I had pulled into a long lay by which ran parallel to the main road. Although I recall this event very clearly, I cannot for the life of me recall why I had pulled off the road? This lay by, which incidentally is still there, is very very long. I have seen many lorries and haulage companies using this lay by over the years, but this morning it was completely empty. It was completely empty save for the elderly gentleman who I passed walking his dog as I drove past. I drove two thirds of the lay bys length and parked up alongside the row of poplar trees which screen the lay by from the road. With no prior thought of doing such a thing, as I watched the elderly man approaching, the thought entered my head of my being in the safety of a locked car and as the very thought entered my mind I began to get the now familiar feeling of the need to release myself. Suddenly, the very same tingling sensations that accompanied my watching the TV drama so long ago, resurfaced. My face was flushed and without reason I reclined my seat and hitched my skirt. Having angled my interior mirror I watched as this man approached ever closer without a care in the world. I fought for my breath as I touched myself and rubbed furiously. Oh the sheer wanton lust of that experience will remain with me forever. Even now, it quickens my pulse as I recollect. Closer and closer he walked towards the rear of my car. I was fast approaching a do I continue or back out now situation. I was in no fit state to drive, I was in this to the end. I swallowed hard as this poor man neared the car. I spread my legs wider, it was so important he was left in no doubt what I was doing. I needed him to see me the way the men on that trawler saw her. I needed to feel what she felt, I too needed an audience and for my part I had to be a wanton filthy slut, capable of giving sexually whatever was required. I had taken the precaution of wearing a pair of sunglasses for some degree of anonymity, however, it never occurred to me he could have taken my number plate, I was so into this moment all reason had left me. Now as he neared the rear of my car, he actively took a step closer the better he would pass nearer. Earlier, I had been concerned he was a little too far to actually see into the car, now though, he was about to see all and everything. My eyes closed as he neared. Why the need to pretend and close my eyes I do not know. All I know is I did. In the darkness with my eyes closed, my heart was thumping madly. Had he seen me? Had he been so shocked he had quickened his pace? I continued rubbing myself furiously and hopefully at the same time foolishly feigning the pretence I thought I was alone. That was my only defence should I be caught.
I rubbed at myself and in my supposed 'lost moment' my other hand reached and felt my breast. Had he seen, what was his reaction all these thoughts and actions, had it really only been two or three seconds? Slowly I opened my eyes. I peered ahead, nothing! Where had he gone? Surely he, my thoughts were broken at the sound of a tapping on the passenger door window. My scenario was complete, I really was taken aback and almost jumped at the sight of this elderly guy crouching down to peer into my car. My mind was fuddled but it was obvious this man was enjoying what he saw. At no point had I removed my hand from between my legs. It had been that quick. Startled though I was, I quickly realised this man was no threat to me in my locked car. His smiley and kindly face presented all I looked for in an audience and as I settled down from my being initially startled, I quickly warmed to my situation. He did not speak but rather beckoned me to continue what I was doing. He kept furtively looking up and down the lay by as if to ensure no one was about to intrude upon this scene before avidly peering back into my car. Oh, did this take me to a new height. I was now doing the very thing I had so often thought about. Tremors coursed through me as he gestured to me to open my legs wider. I need to see more he pleaded as his tongue kept licking his lips. I pulled my panties gusset to the side, the better able he was to see my innermost parts. I was wet beyond belief. Never had I been so turned on that I secreted so much juice. I was in heaven, sheer heaven. He walked around the car to my side and peered in, now so much closer than before. He was as transfixed as I. I had now taken to plunging fingers into myself at his insistence. Now as he scurried back to the passenger side and better cover of my car from the roadside, he did two things which I will never forget and which took me completely over the edge. He pulled out an impressive sized cock and uttered the immortal words show me your cunt. Hearing this, to me, vulgar word, completed my degenerate self. Here I was, showing my most innermost parts to a complete stranger and responding to his orders of showing him my cunt. I was, in my mind, the ultimate degenerate perverted slut. I watched as he rubbed his penis on the passenger window. I watched as he stroked himself to his climax, I watched as his seed sprayed against my window and he watched as my cunt came like never before. Never had I felt so complete. If this is what it took to feel such sensations then so be it I reasoned as my heart slowed to a more normal rate. I had stepped out of my comfort zone and I so enjoyed what I did. I knew I would, it felt so good to be a slut it felt so good not to be me. Oh how I loved being a slut. In my daze I returned the wave of the gentleman who had resumed his elderly gait and left. I looked at my window as his seed was a testament to his ever having been here. It had not been a dream had it? I gave him ample time to walk a distance from my car before hurriedly running to the other side and wiping away his evidence. As I did so, it occurred to me I had never been so close to another man's semen. I used paper tissues to clean the window and in doing so, I purposely allowed my fingers to come into contact with his still warm and fresh seed. Again, with no prior planning, my head swum as my fingers toyed with the stickiness and naughtiness of what I was doing. Simultaneously, that familiar feeling came flooding back to me. I had already climaxed and my thrill complete but here I was in a lay by with another man's seed in my hands and I needed further relief. My groin leant into the passenger door mirror as I ground myself to another orgasm whilst smearing semen in my hand. My wantonness was surely complete. Could I sink any lower than this? Yes, oh yes, many times and I will recount them one day.